Hotshot: APR 09 - APR 11



  • vudu3 wrote:
    I ran into someone who was sporting a level 171 Human Torch with a level 1 mStorm and a level 1 Venom. Why???

    Is there any point in this besides trolling people who jump head first into a battle with what they think is a seed team? Is a buffed Human Torch even strong enough to carry his team all by himself? With his low HP I would imagine he'll still lose quite a few fights.

    From fighting Battle Angel's 122nd level Torch - yes, he can carry a team all by himself.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    vudu3 wrote:
    I ran into someone who was sporting a level 171 Human Torch with a level 1 mStorm and a level 1 Venom. Why???

    Is there any point in this besides trolling people who jump head first into a battle with what they think is a seed team? Is a buffed Human Torch even strong enough to carry his team all by himself? With his low HP I would imagine he'll still lose quite a few fights.

    From fighting Battle Angel's 122nd level Torch - yes, he can carry a team all by himself.

    It could have also been a failed attempt to tank...IE the person mistakenly left in their high level HT instead of switching it out for the loaner when he threw in the tank team. It happens sometimes.

  • I have a question someone might be able to help me with.

    I'm considering leveling Human Torch for the Heroic Mode event, however if I do, what will people see in the Hotshot event? My old low level HT, or the new and improved model? I'm thinking mainly about retaliations here and queues I may already be loaded into prior to the upgrade.
  • BIGTOE wrote:
    I have a question someone might be able to help me with.

    I'm considering leveling Human Torch for the Heroic Mode event, however if I do, what will people see in the Hotshot event? My old low level HT, or the new and improved model? I'm thinking mainly about retaliations here and queues I may already be loaded into prior to the upgrade.

    For retaliations, they should see whatever team you beat them with.
    For the rest of the queue, whatever the last team you won a match with.
  • BIGTOE wrote:
    I have a question someone might be able to help me with.

    I'm considering leveling Human Torch for the Heroic Mode event, however if I do, what will people see in the Hotshot event? My old low level HT, or the new and improved model? I'm thinking mainly about retaliations here and queues I may already be loaded into prior to the upgrade.

    How many covers do you have? The event itself buffs Torch substantially. The number of covers you have will be the only thing that changes his utility in the event.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghast wrote:
    BIGTOE wrote:
    I have a question someone might be able to help me with.

    I'm considering leveling Human Torch for the Heroic Mode event, however if I do, what will people see in the Hotshot event? My old low level HT, or the new and improved model? I'm thinking mainly about retaliations here and queues I may already be loaded into prior to the upgrade.

    How many covers do you have? The event itself buffs Torch substantially. The number of covers you have will be the only thing that changes his utility in the event.

    Covers boost his damage significantly: level 2 red gives a whopping 40% increase in damage, for instance. The levels gained from the extra covers wont matter, but the ability damage will.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    People who are in more competitive brackets: are there actually enough high point people out there for a push to 1100 to be possible?
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    Spoit wrote:
    People who are in more competitive brackets: are there actually enough high point people out there for a push to 1100 to be possible?
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spoit wrote:
    People who are in more competitive brackets: are there actually enough high point people out there for a push to 1100 to be possible?

    Once you get into the 900 range theres a lot of grinding 5-10 point nodes to get to 1100 from my experience.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spoit wrote:
    People who are in more competitive brackets: are there actually enough high point people out there for a push to 1100 to be possible?
    Right now - yes.
    But that'll change pretty soon once people reach 1100 and start shielding out.
    Except the usual S.H.I.E.L.D suspects who _never_ shield icon_razz.gif
  • I just missed top 50 in the last PvE, but I drew a black HT, so now he is 1/1/1. I'm very happy! I am VERY tempted to buy covers for him, but I really shouldn't because I can't really justify putting all that money into one character.

    This has definitely been one of my best draws outside of X-Force and the time I needed Daredevil for his PvP.
  • According to my very basic math, I reckon a level 141 Human Torch will do around 15000 damage with his red in his buffed state. That's pretty impressive, and probably the only way to deal with the super charged villains. I've been sitting on a hoard of ISO and HP for a while now, and I'm extremely tempted to upgrade Torch! However, I don't think he would be one of my primary characters outside of this event, so I probably shouldn't... However i really want to! But I shouldn't...
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    BIGTOE wrote:
    According to my very basic math, I reckon a level 141 Human Torch will do around 15000 damage with his red in his buffed state. That's pretty impressive, and probably the only way to deal with the super charged villains. I've been sitting on a hoard of ISO and HP for a while now, and I'm extremely tempted to upgrade Torch! However, I don't think he would be one of my primary characters outside of this event, so I probably shouldn't... However i really want to! But I shouldn't...
    Yeah, If I dump all my HP, I can upgrade 3 times, which should bring him to like a level 60ish capacity, but then I wouldn't have any left when lazy daken comes. (and you know, incidental stuff like shields)
  • I'm so frustrated that Torch's green power isn't yellow! If it was, he could be a great companion for many other characters, but instead he is a direct conflict, and with such a low cost on his green ability, on defense you can forget about the AI using anything but his green, no matter who else you field. It's a damn shame....
  • My torch is at 105 unbuffed with the buff he moves up to 195 and is just under 4000 damage with red.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    This tournament has been a learning experience for me... I've probably lost as many as I have won and am only around 200.

    For anyone that doesn't know, his Black power spawns Attack tiles in a set pattern (a circle/octagon in the center of the board). So if any of those are environment tiles or special tiles, they won't create Attack tiles. Until I looked that up, I was wondering why I was only getting 4 out of 8 the few times I used that power.

    Started using the freebie HT in the tournament instead of mine, so I only have one event killing my actual roster character instead of two. My own Torch is only 1 each of the non-alliance covers, so the leveling difference is minimal and sub-1000 health is way too low to keep alive.
  • ZeiramMR wrote:
    This tournament has been a learning experience for me... I've probably lost as many as I have won and am only around 200.

    For anyone that doesn't know, his Black power spawns Attack tiles in a set pattern (a circle/octagon in the center of the board). So if any of those are environment tiles or special tiles, they won't create Attack tiles. Until I looked that up, I was wondering why I was only getting 4 out of 8 the few times I used that power.

    Yeah I noticed that too. I was running HT with Patch and Punisher and those two already create a crowded center as it is
  • Unknown
    edited April 2014
    I left for work in #2 or 3 at like 700 points this morning. Overnight defensive wins and losses mostly evened out, so I only lost 30 points - I'm really just pushing for the Red Rags (my final cover for him), preferably 100 HP, and as much ISO as I can grab, so I probably won't shield. I'll probably mainly just retaliate at this point, which is all I did this morning - it should keep my score high enough for what I want, especially with a relatively low-demand set of top prizes.
  • Scores are insanely high on this tourney, with the top 50 all above 540 and numerous people in the top 10 in the 900-1000 range within my bracket.

    The last time I saw people regularly scoring this high was in the first Black Panther tourney.
  • Yay, got my 1100.

    And my apologies, clintman. You were the only one, along with one other guy, who were worth any points on my queue at 1000+. I had to hit you a few times.