D3 Prioritization Thread

Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
Hey gang,
1st, I am not trying to pick on D3, but rather have the community help them prioritize some of the issues that, when resolved, will make the game more enjoyable.
Please vote for your top choice above, but also feel free to provide your own order of priority for D3 to focus their attention.
My ranks:
1. A Cheating - Often documented and recently confirmed by d3.
2. C Unfair Ranking System in Events - Tie goes to the first to complete, advantaging certain time zones, cheaters, or players using low level PWs
3. E No Deck Slots - Forcing players to continually re-calibrate decks, often for concurrent events
4. F Content - Boring or redundant content with little focus on shaking up events to create more fun and challenging gameplay
5. H Imbalanced Cards - Dominate cards such as Deploy, Olivia, Exert Influence, etc cause little variety in deck construction and hamper the enjoy ability of deck innovation
6. G No PvP - Not even the ability to play against your own, or your coalition mates decks
7. D Freezes, Lag, and Bugs - No ability to continue or reset a match after crash
8. I No Card Trading System - Impossible to get certain cards without getting lucky, or do anything meaningful with your 5th Mind's Dillation
9. B Poor Drop Rates - And seemingly getting worse with Kaladesh
My rationale, I don't freeze often so not a big priority. Cheating will completely ruin the game very quickly. Already lost some top tier players who refuse to engage in an unfair game. The ranking system would really help fix a lot of the other problems, including cheating in events to a certain degree. No deck slots, redundant content, and imbalanced cards are big deals to me as well, and would help alleviate problems with drop rates or the lack of a trading system.
to get certain cards without getting lucky, or do anything meaningful with your 5th Mind's Dillation
1st, I am not trying to pick on D3, but rather have the community help them prioritize some of the issues that, when resolved, will make the game more enjoyable.
Please vote for your top choice above, but also feel free to provide your own order of priority for D3 to focus their attention.
My ranks:
1. A Cheating - Often documented and recently confirmed by d3.
2. C Unfair Ranking System in Events - Tie goes to the first to complete, advantaging certain time zones, cheaters, or players using low level PWs
3. E No Deck Slots - Forcing players to continually re-calibrate decks, often for concurrent events
4. F Content - Boring or redundant content with little focus on shaking up events to create more fun and challenging gameplay
5. H Imbalanced Cards - Dominate cards such as Deploy, Olivia, Exert Influence, etc cause little variety in deck construction and hamper the enjoy ability of deck innovation
6. G No PvP - Not even the ability to play against your own, or your coalition mates decks
7. D Freezes, Lag, and Bugs - No ability to continue or reset a match after crash
8. I No Card Trading System - Impossible to get certain cards without getting lucky, or do anything meaningful with your 5th Mind's Dillation
9. B Poor Drop Rates - And seemingly getting worse with Kaladesh
My rationale, I don't freeze often so not a big priority. Cheating will completely ruin the game very quickly. Already lost some top tier players who refuse to engage in an unfair game. The ranking system would really help fix a lot of the other problems, including cheating in events to a certain degree. No deck slots, redundant content, and imbalanced cards are big deals to me as well, and would help alleviate problems with drop rates or the lack of a trading system.
to get certain cards without getting lucky, or do anything meaningful with your 5th Mind's Dillation
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My rankings:
A. Cheating - Often documented and recently confirmed by mods.
C. Unfair Ranking System in Events - Tie goes to the first to complete, advantaging certain time zones, cheaters, or players using low level PWs
B. Poor Drop Rates - And seemingly getting worse with Kaladesh
E. No Deck Slots - Forcing players to continually re-calibrate decks, often for concurrent events
D. Freezes, Lag, and Bugs - No ability to continue or reset a match after crash
F. Content - Boring or redundant content with little focus on shaking up events to create more fun and challenging gameplay
H. Imbalanced Cards - Dominate cards such as Deploy, Olivia, Exert Influence, etc cause little variety in deck construction and hamper the enjoy ability of deck innovation
I. No Card Trading System - Impossible to get certain cards without getting lucky, or do anything meaningful with your 5th Mind's Dillation
G. No PvP - Not even the ability to play against your own, or your coalition mates decks0 -
4.A (this one would be number one if most of the others didn't have a blatantly easy fix)
6.F (dear God QB is boring, and where's shadows/Kaladesh story?)
People not getting rewards from events/slow response times from support could have been in this poll too.0 -
My ranking:
1:freezes, lag and bugs - no ability to reset a match after a crash. My rationale for this being first over cheating is that it simply makes me not want to play much and be anything near competitive. Just reverting the game to UI and UX of 2-3 months ago would fix this problem.
2:cheating. It's gonna kill the game eventually, simple as that.
3:unfair ranking system in events. They seriously need to just fix the problem here outright, as simply making harder objectives with the hope of dispelling tiebreakers is going to destroy the casual community.
4: drop rates. I mean come on how long have we been asking, begging, praying and holing that drop rates will get better, seriously, getting a big box should feel rewarding more than half the time, if only for the casual audience, if a casual player opens a big box and gets nothing but the guarrenteed rare how is the casual player going to feel? It's far harder for casuals to make progression and 600 is a fair amount, shouldn't people feel rewarded for gathering that much of the premium currency? Rant over.0 -
My top 5 ranking, not necessarily in order:
1) Bugs, Freezes, and Crashes: I can try to work around everything else, but a crash in the middle of a match (especially an event match) means that I lose out on a lot.
2) Poor drop rates: Great if you have the money to just buy the great, imbalanced mythics when they are released. Not so good for everyone else.
3) Cheating: self-explanatory
4) Imbalanced cards: trying to do halfway decent in an event only to have Olivia and that stupid battle-pig come out same turn is basically just insta-lose.
5) Unfair ranking system in events: And the additional, complicating factor of grief decks in these events. It's great to try not to kill more than two creatures, but when the AI casts Crush of Tentacles and kills three of its own creatures, I'm basically screwed.0 -
Why isn't matchmaking included here? Playing the same person over and over is boring and it gives well organized coalitions a heads up because they track decks. This increases ties.0
bken1234 wrote:Why isn't matchmaking included here. Playing the same person over and over is boring and it gives well organized coalitions a heads up because they track decks. This increase ties.
Thumbs up, but not sure it is as big of a deal as some of these others.0 -
A. Cheating - Often documented and recently confirmed by mods.
D. Freezes, Lag, and Bugs - No ability to continue or reset a match after crash
B. Poor Drop Rates - And seemingly getting worse with Kaladesh
G. No PvP - Not even the ability to play against your own, or your coalition mates decks
C. Unfair Ranking System in Events - Tie goes to the first to complete, advantaging certain time zones, cheaters, or players using low level PWs
F. Content - Boring or redundant content with little focus on shaking up events to create more fun and challenging gameplay
E. No Deck Slots - Forcing players to continually re-calibrate decks, often for concurrent events
H. Imbalanced Cards - Dominate cards such as Deploy, Olivia etc cause little variety in deck construction and hamper the enjoy ability of deck innovation
I. I actually dont want card trading to be introduced because it will instantly be abused and will probably be the final nail in the coffin. There should be some alternate way to acquire individual cards.
Would also like to see match making fixed.
PS: On an unrelated side note i would like to say that it is not kinda fair to compare Exert with olivia and Deploy (roll your eyes, alright). Those cards win you the game almost as soon as they are played. Deploy is an auto include in the current meta to put high mana giants on the field which then win you the game in 2 or such turns after being deployed. Olivia basically turns any creature in a mini version of herself with powerful abilities.
Exert is quite powerful but its also only as good as the opponent being faced. All those games you think you lost because of exert was probably because it was you who played a very powerful card yourself... when it stole your stack of octopi or olivia or deso twin or drowner. I see it as a removal with an added benefit worthy of a mythic. And most of the time you can only play it once... because of it requiring an empty creature slot.0 -
This thread is going to gain some attention, so I'll take the opportunity to shill span_argonan's Google document here.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... g/viewform
There's no point in complaining about drop rates if no ones willing to help actually prove it.
So the next time you open a booster or box, please take 2 minutes of your time to help him get more data.0 -
Items D & A drive away players. They take top priority.0
A. Cheating (absolutely needs to be curtailed) the whole game is being compromised in QB as well as Events.
C. Unfair Ranking System in events. (Admittedly this can probably be lower, since it doesn't affect a great portion of people but since exclusive mythics will be at stake it's high on my list)
H. Wow does Kaladesh suck. It's really taken out a lot of incentive to do well. Kaladesh needs a buff to be interesting. You're too scared of power creep that any of the somewhat interesting cards have been nerfed before they were even interesting. I know SOI introduced a lot of supposedly "OP" cards and broken game play but it was fun to find those out and when you nerfed them, everyone understood they needed to be nerfed, but at least they were still playable after. IE Torrential Gearhulk was supposed to bring back 2 full spells and now it just brings back 2 spells for 24 mana. How about bringing back the spell with some mana rather than no mana at all.
F. Content - the various events are great for different game play and using different cards, but some of the objectives are too similar. 2 events have play 2 werewolves, 1 don't lose more than 2 creatures, the other don't summon more than 2 creatures. Yea the objectives are too similar when you need to speed play (to rank decently) and you have to pause and think, what objective is this one?
E. Deck slots - love the various events, but having events run into each other and then changing them for each event sucks.
B. Drop Rates - I've gotten 2 BB in a row where all I got was the single guaranteed Rare. That wasn't fun.
PVP would be fun but seems so far off. The lagging and freezes would also be pretty high up as well, probably second, but they don't occur for me.0 -
Ohboy wrote:There's no point in complaining about drop rates if no ones willing to help actually prove it.
Sir, your argument here is based on a fallacy! While it's true that the numerical value of the drop rates themselves may be zoned in upon by means of the collection of data, the idea that they are in some way 'low' may not be validated by such means... a low drop rate is an entirely subjective measure. Consider, if you will, a drop rate of 0%, which no-one complained about... if there were no complaints, how could it be said to be low? And yet, mathematically, it could be no lower!
Dissatisfaction within the player base may never be proved or disproved by objective means... the subjective experience of each and every player is the only measure that counts! And by crikey, there do seem to be an awful lot of players complaining all the time, don't there? Is the answer to use maths to silence their cretinous mewling?? No! I would argue the way forwards is to try to satisfy more of them by addressing some of their concerns!0 -
All these things are important.
Also, I reckon that every last one of them is more important than Emrakul's Corruption being left running for 31 days, which was a problem that was instantly recognised by the community manager and fixed by the dev team.
Does anyone agree with me here?0 -
Fighting cheating should always be the top priority.
We usually complain about the bads, but I gotta say that lately matchmaking has been much better, we still face the likes of Kilpher, Killwind, Mersicide, etc., but I've seen many new names finally, too.0 -
DuskPaladin wrote:Fighting cheating should always be the top priority.
We usually complain about the bads, but I gotta say that lately matchmaking has been much better, we still face the likes of Kilpher, Killwind, Mersicide, etc., but I've seen many new names finally, too.
I wonder if the release of the new set pushed more people into Platinum, giving a better range of possible opponents.0 -
I think cheating erodes the legitimacy of the whole game, and is the top priority to fix.buscemi wrote:Ohboy wrote:There's no point in complaining about drop rates if no ones willing to help actually prove it.
Sir, your argument here is based on a fallacy! While it's true that the numerical value of the drop rates themselves may be zoned in upon by means of the collection of data, the idea that they are in some way 'low' may not be validated by such means... a low drop rate is an entirely subjective measure. Consider, if you will, a drop rate of 0%, which no-one complained about... if there were no complaints, how could it be said to be low? And yet, mathematically, it could be no lower!
Dissatisfaction within the player base may never be proved or disproved by objective means... the subjective experience of each and every player is the only measure that counts! And by crikey, there do seem to be an awful lot of players complaining all the time, don't there? Is the answer to use maths to silence their cretinous mewling?? No! I would argue the way forwards is to try to satisfy more of them by addressing some of their concerns!
If you are implying that a system in which individual bad luck can have such a big impact on the most unlucky may warrant some changes regardless of the actual drop rate, then I also agree with that.
But to simply say "increase the drop rate" may be missing the mark, since under such as solution, some individuals may still have extremely bad luck, and any given drop rate may therefore still be too low according to the Buscemi metric.0 -
Here's my List
1. C ranking I make quite a lot of perfect scores in the latest events but never ever had top price. I'm lucky if I can hold on to a second price and be in the top 25. Why is this game time Based? The crucial node time for me is 10am and I will never make that... I have a job... also the difference between price pool 1 and 2 is way to big.
2.A cheating destroys qb
3 E decks playing 3 events and constantly changing your decks is frustrating, also plz make the planes walker select page with tiles, it takes 2 minutes going from ArlInn to sorin
4 h power balance . To be honest all my decks look quite the same. I experiment a lot tried energies and fabricate but you always fall back on the same cards
5 d freezes and bugs there will always be bugs in a game like this. It's annoying but I learned to live with it. Freezes are really rare for me atm, good job on that develops
6 g pvp that would be a sweet addition to the game!
For droprate , I say that we get so many crystals in all these events that I don't really mind, I got soi set complete except some purchase mytics. You don't have to get all the cards .0 -
1. Making money
2. Making more money
/thread0 -
Considering I just lost another event battle due to the Fetch card lag bug, I'm going to reassert my desire to have bugs fixed first. Can't even get to the top spots to worry about ranking if I lose matches because of game errors.0
Hi Everyone. Thanks for participating in this poll and helping prioritize the community's main concerns. While I actually do the same thing myself each week, it certainly helps to have that information centralized like this.
I've taken this thread and included it in my report for the developers. Thanks!0
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