New Year - New 4* Captain Marvel!



  • BigRussian
    BigRussian Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    Alfje17 wrote:
    BigRussian wrote:
    We are also working on our process to [ensure] more general testing is getting done

    Yep, looks like a lot of testing went into R117 icon_twisted.gif

    For them to announce THAT and then release a really broken patch - just laughable! icon_lol.gif
  • royalflush95
    royalflush95 Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    When someone in my alliance chat said a Captain Marvel is coming, I thought right away in Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel, but truth is it's only another variant of a character we have in two tiers already. Silly me.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    So another CM and it ISN'T Captain Mar-vel....the original nemesis of Thanos....not sure what they were thinking? And another Iron Man??? Please no.....

    Maybe they were thinking "Hmm, no-one outside of hardcore comic nerds knows who Mar-Vell is. And even amongst those, few actually care about the character. We're probably better off using the most recent incarnation. The one that's popular and sells comics."
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    So another CM and it ISN'T Captain Mar-vel....the original nemesis of Thanos....not sure what they were thinking? And another Iron Man??? Please no.....

    Maybe they were thinking "Hmm, no-one outside of hardcore comic nerds knows who Mar-Vell is. And even amongst those, few actually care about the character. We're probably better off using the most recent incarnation. The one that's popular and sells comics."

    Captain Carter doesn't even have a book, isn't even a real character. Howard the Duck sells well? Has War Machine ever had his own book? Moon Knight, cancelled. Wonder how the new Blade comic is....
    There are bios for every character in mpq, I'm willing to bet good money there are characters non hard core comic people didn't know and decided to read up on in there bio.
    Devil Dino isn't exactly a mega star, yet it's the center piece of there anniversary.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    A new Captain Marvel? But not Mar-Vell, Monica Rambeau, or Genis-Vell? And we're probably going to be getting Rerere and/or Iron Doom?

  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    When someone in my alliance chat said a Captain Marvel is coming, I thought right away in Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel, but truth is it's only another variant of a character we have in two tiers already. Silly me.

    Sorry, royal, but he's still dead, not currently on Mickey's promotional schedule.


    (But hey we sorta got Death, that's close, right?)
    Well, back when Professor X was originally released, he was already dead in the comics, and has remained dead since. So I think the devs do have a certain level of freedom of whom they can put in the game, as long as they can work around the schedule of the promotional characters that they are forced to release. Either way I don't think the original Captain Marvel is popular enough for them to consider anyway.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    So another CM and it ISN'T Captain Mar-vel....the original nemesis of Thanos....not sure what they were thinking? And another Iron Man??? Please no.....

    Maybe they were thinking "Hmm, no-one outside of hardcore comic nerds knows who Mar-Vell is. And even amongst those, few actually care about the character. We're probably better off using the most recent incarnation. The one that's popular and sells comics."

    Captain Carter doesn't even have a book, isn't even a real character. Howard the Duck sells well? Has War Machine ever had his own book? Moon Knight, cancelled. Wonder how the new Blade comic is....
    There are bios for every character in mpq, I'm willing to bet good money there are characters non hard core comic people didn't know and decided to read up on in there bio.
    Devil Dino isn't exactly a mega star, yet it's the center piece of there anniversary.

    While I'm sure you aren't really asking, but... Howard the Duck doesn't sell particularly well, War Machine has had his own book a few times, the current Moon Knight is still going as far as I know, and there is no new Blade comic (they announced one, but it has since been canceled). That said, Carol's Captain Marvel's series has never sold well and been relaunched several times in the last few years. Smart money says it's only still going because she's going to have a movie about her and I'd bet that upcoming movie is the only reason people know who she is anyways, because she was (and largely still is) a mildly popular character at best. The only thing she did of note was have Rogue steal her powers. At least until Civil War 2. So now she's also starred in the worst event Marvel has ever done.
  • StarScream
    StarScream Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    They say Captain Marvel is going to be the main force in bringing Thanos down when the time comes in the movie. Bull. They blew it with Adam Warlock. Could have easily introduced him. Might still in Guardians 2 but still.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    STOPTHIS wrote:
    While I'm sure you aren't really asking, but... Howard the Duck doesn't sell particularly well, War Machine has had his own book a few times, the current Moon Knight is still going as far as I know, and there is no new Blade comic (they announced one, but it has since been canceled). That said, Carol's Captain Marvel's series has never sold well and been relaunched several times in the last few years. Smart money says it's only still going because she's going to have a movie about her and I'd bet that upcoming movie is the only reason people know who she is anyways, because she was (and largely still is) a mildly popular character at best. The only thing she did of note was have Rogue steal her powers. At least until Civil War 2. So now she's also starred in the worst event Marvel has ever done.
    Maybe for non-comics readers, but DeConnick's version of Danvers has been a poster character for feminist comic readers in the last few years. That has gotten her some attention online at least a year before the movie announcement. Heck, all my female friends at the local shop like the character, though admittedly that is only an isolated data point. (Personally, I really don't care about the character one way or the other, largely due to some poor writing in my first exposures prior to the volumes where Kelly Sue took over.)

    As for another variant? It is clearly easier on the developers to make a variant instead of a brand-new character. 1) I would expect that their licensing process to originally use a character would cover variants as well. 2) They get to reuse art assets, both tile symbols (which are a limiter most people wouldn't consider) and sometimes modifying the existing artwork and shapes (the various Logans, for example). 3) They can use some similarities in creating powers. I don't mind variants when they make sense to me, but some of them are too much of a stretch for me.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    Every time my 80-year-old father hears something about the Captain Marvel movie, he asks if they're going to still have him shout "Shazam!" to turn into a superhero.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    ZeiramMR wrote:
    Maybe for non-comics readers, but DeConnick's version of Danvers has been a poster character for feminist comic readers in the last few years. That has gotten her some attention online at least a year before the movie announcement. Heck, all my female friends at the local shop like the character, though admittedly that is only an isolated data point. (Personally, I really don't care about the character one way or the other, largely due to some poor writing in my first exposures prior to the volumes where Kelly Sue took over.)

    To be clearer, I meant to non-comic fans with that statement. There are plenty of people who would call themselves Marvel fans, but only care for the movies and shows and never read the comics. If you regularly go into a comic shop, I'd assume you know who Carol is, but I'd also assume you also probably know who Mar-Vell is too.
    As for another variant? It is clearly easier on the developers to make a variant instead of a brand-new character. 1) I would expect that their licensing process to originally use a character would cover variants as well. 2) They get to reuse art assets, both tile symbols (which are a limiter most people wouldn't consider) and sometimes modifying the existing artwork and shapes (the various Logans, for example). 3) They can use some similarities in creating powers. I don't mind variants when they make sense to me, but some of them are too much of a stretch for me.

    I'm not on the anti-variant bandwagon as much as some here, but there just isn't enough of a difference in look or character from the Captain Marvel we already have in the game. I assume 90-95% of who gets in the game is set by Marvel. Dr. Strange movie, Dr. Strange in the game. Thanos has a new series out, Thanos is in the game. Carol has a new relaunch, new Carol in the game. There are some outliers like Agent Venom and Rulk getting in long past their series' ending, but for all I know they're in cartoons.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    StarScream wrote:
    They say Captain Marvel is going to be the main force in bringing Thanos down when the time comes in the movie. Bull. They blew it with Adam Warlock. Could have easily introduced him. Might still in Guardians 2 but still.

    Hold me.

    If they don't bring Adam into the MCU with GotG2 I swear I'm gonna type loudly ALL OVER THE INTERNET.
  • Mechahamster
    Mechahamster Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Meanwhile, in a Westchester Mansion..

  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    STOPTHIS wrote:
    So another CM and it ISN'T Captain Mar-vel....the original nemesis of Thanos....not sure what they were thinking? And another Iron Man??? Please no.....

    Maybe they were thinking "Hmm, no-one outside of hardcore comic nerds knows who Mar-Vell is. And even amongst those, few actually care about the character. We're probably better off using the most recent incarnation. The one that's popular and sells comics."

    Captain Carter doesn't even have a book, isn't even a real character. Howard the Duck sells well? Has War Machine ever had his own book? Moon Knight, cancelled. Wonder how the new Blade comic is....
    There are bios for every character in mpq, I'm willing to bet good money there are characters non hard core comic people didn't know and decided to read up on in there bio.
    Devil Dino isn't exactly a mega star, yet it's the center piece of there anniversary.

    While I'm sure you aren't really asking, but... Howard the Duck doesn't sell particularly well, War Machine has had his own book a few times, the current Moon Knight is still going as far as I know, and there is no new Blade comic (they announced one, but it has since been canceled). That said, Carol's Captain Marvel's series has never sold well and been relaunched several times in the last few years. Smart money says it's only still going because she's going to have a movie about her and I'd bet that upcoming movie is the only reason people know who she is anyways, because she was (and largely still is) a mildly popular character at best. The only thing she did of note was have Rogue steal her powers. At least until Civil War 2. So now she's also starred in the worst event Marvel has ever done.

    His point about characters needing to be super popular and about selling comics just doesn't jive with many of the new released characters. To say a character like Mar-Vell isn't popular enough and wouldn't move books for marvel and that's why he's not in the game is not the case as there are plenty of characters in game that are not overly popular and don't sell well.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Obviously the Iron Man they're talking about developing is Riri. Tiresome, but at least it isn't a variant of a character who is already in the tier. That would be sad.

    As far as CM goes, it's whatever. There are characters I would much rather see but I don't see anything wrong with putting her in. At least her haircut looks less like a mullet than it did a couple years ago. They could be gearing up for a recontextualized version of Civil War, which I'd be all for if only to get another alliance event.

    The Ultimates is a terrible book that Marvel should feel bad about making, though. It's a thinly veiled attempt to fill the niche let by the FF, which is only empty because of spite. And it's also full of really lame nobody characters with tedious, self-righteous stories and no imagination.
  • Philly484
    Philly484 Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    I'm def not a fan of variants. As much as I like Carol in comics and other media sources and games, I don't see why they feel the need to consistently add a variant when players are showing a strong distaste for them. Adding the 5* and a 3* version like Strange and Thanos is a good idea, but to keep adding a character over and over makes the game a little more lack luster to a certain degree. We can probably already expect a 5* Thor in the works as he would round out the MCU Avengers with 5* versions, excluding Hawkeye, so that I can anticipate. Basically the only variant of another character already in game I would like to see is Psylocke with her "Red Dawn" powers, but other than that them hinting at yet another Iron Man doesn't make me anymore excited either as we already have enough of that champ as well.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    At least it's not another Wolverine
    I'd rather see another X-23 (Original/Classic) or Adam Warlock (perfect choice for next 5-Star after Thanos)
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    Philly484 wrote:
    I'm def not a fan of variants. As much as I like Carol in comics and other media sources and games, I don't see why they feel the need to consistently add a variant when players are showing a strong distaste for them.

    Except the “strong distaste” is really only voiced here on the forums, which is just small yet vocal minority in the scheme of their overall data. They keep releasing the big characters over and over again because that’s what vast majority of casual players come to play (but don’t bother going online to talk about it): the characters they see in the MCU movies. Add into the mix the fact that every alliance goes hardcore on a new character release event, no matter what the character is, and the overall numbers tell the devs that variants do drive plyers (and therefore dollars).

    I’d love to see more of the classic X-men too**, or the weirdos of the Marvel comic universe too, but right now the big Avengers characters are always going to keep showing up because they’re the ones drawing people to Marvel related games.

    **Except Gambit. Because Gambit is always terrible. Always. icon_e_wink.gif
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tatercat wrote:
    Philly484 wrote:
    I'm def not a fan of variants. As much as I like Carol in comics and other media sources and games, I don't see why they feel the need to consistently add a variant when players are showing a strong distaste for them.

    Except the “strong distaste” is really only voiced here on the forums, which is just small yet vocal minority in the scheme of their overall data. They keep releasing the big characters over and over again because that’s what vast majority of casual players come to play (but don’t bother going online to talk about it): the characters they see in the MCU movies. Add into the mix the fact that every alliance goes hardcore on a new character release event, no matter what the character is, and the overall numbers tell the devs that variants do drive plyers (and therefore dollars).

    I’d love to see more of the classic X-men too**, or the weirdos of the Marvel comic universe too, but right now the big Avengers characters are always going to keep showing up because they’re the ones drawing people to Marvel related games.

    **Except Gambit. Because Gambit is always terrible. Always. icon_e_wink.gif

    But, even though her movies are coming, she hasn't actually been in one yet. So, a third variant of her still makes little sense in the context of MCU fans, especially since we have no Red Skull, Jessica Jones, Agent Coulson, etc, that have been in movies, Netflix, or TV.
  • Pope Belligerent
    Pope Belligerent Posts: 94 Match Maker
    firethorne wrote:
    Tatercat wrote:
    Philly484 wrote:
    I'm def not a fan of variants. As much as I like Carol in comics and other media sources and games, I don't see why they feel the need to consistently add a variant when players are showing a strong distaste for them.

    Except the “strong distaste” is really only voiced here on the forums, which is just small yet vocal minority in the scheme of their overall data. They keep releasing the big characters over and over again because that’s what vast majority of casual players come to play (but don’t bother going online to talk about it): the characters they see in the MCU movies. Add into the mix the fact that every alliance goes hardcore on a new character release event, no matter what the character is, and the overall numbers tell the devs that variants do drive plyers (and therefore dollars).

    I’d love to see more of the classic X-men too**, or the weirdos of the Marvel comic universe too, but right now the big Avengers characters are always going to keep showing up because they’re the ones drawing people to Marvel related games.

    **Except Gambit. Because Gambit is always terrible. Always. icon_e_wink.gif

    But, even though her movies are coming, she hasn't actually been in one yet. So, a third variant of her still makes little sense in the context of MCU fans, especially since we have no Red Skull, Jessica Jones, Agent Coulson, etc, that have been in movies, Netflix, or TV.

    But putting aside the MCU, Carol was the centerpiece of the recent Civil War 2 line-wide event and is launching her new solo series this month, which is supposed to move her to the moral center of the Marvel Universe, the spot that Captain America held until some recent revelations. It's not always about the movies.

    Carol is one of my favorite Marvel characters, and has been since the 80s when she was Binary and punching the universe with the Starjammers. That said, it's a little disappointing to get a third variation of her instead of a new character. I will absolutely roster and champ her, but I will be pining for Longshot or Kitty Pryde the whole time.

    Also, correct: Gambit is always terrible.