Hubris @ 9/10

edited April 2014 in MPQ Alliances
With one hour left we are just a few spots out of the top 100 to get a Patch Wolverine cover in God of Thunder. We need one more active player who has a few hundred points in God of Thunder event to join. Open alliance, first come first serve.


  • I just joined, I have ~600 points at the moment so I figured it'd be a good fit.

    edit: and it says we're now at #97, so Patches for everybody! Hooray
  • Nice! I'm shielded at 707, so I'm not goin anywhere. Would be nice to add a few more points just to be safe...
  • So I think we missed Patch by 1 spot...
  • Pretty sure we did as well. I watched us at 100 with no health packs and only 2 mins left. Even buying health packs i wouldnt have been able to get the match in time with only 2 mins. Watched it tick away and waited on rewards. Brutal.

    One guy must have been upset, he left. So on one hand we are down a man. On the bright side we are well into the top 250 in the Simulator, one more guy and it should push us well into the top 100's.

    Need another active player.
  • I'm interested if you still have an opening. Currently top 75 in simulator, routinely top 50 in tourneys.
  • I flipped it to Private. Im assuming your name in game is Scarf as well, but if not just let me know your MPQ handle and i will let you in. Spot saved for you, welcome to the grind!
  • Appreciate it, thanks.
  • Make sure you filter for "Show private alliances"
  • Welcome and glad to have you!

    I would like to focus on maxing covers. I think its best for the alliance. Since nothing above spot 250 nets us more than some ISO and hero points, I'd like to make a run at the top 100 in "Unholy Outlaw" and score everyone a Black Panther cover. Got a few wins now, but im out of health pack and will be going to bed soon. Ill wake in about 7 hours and start grinding it hard though.

    We only needed one more spot in the last event, lets make sure we are on the right side of the line on this one!
  • Hello there, can i join your alliance? Just started two months ago but I'm playing almost everyday. Currently maxing my 2-star heroes, i also have some 3-star as well.
  • Rockmaw wrote:
    Welcome and glad to have you!

    I would like to focus on maxing covers. I think its best for the alliance. Since nothing above spot 250 nets us more than some ISO and hero points, I'd like to make a run at the top 100 in "Unholy Outlaw" and score everyone a Black Panther cover. Got a few wins now, but im out of health pack and will be going to bed soon. Ill wake in about 7 hours and start grinding it hard though.

    We only needed one more spot in the last event, lets make sure we are on the right side of the line on this one!

    Doing my Hood run now.

    On a side note, I'm finding this round of the Simulator to be much easier. It really helps to have maxed Modern Storm and Ares for a nice Thorned Rose into Onslaught combo.
  • Got a few early points in the hood event and then put up the tank team so i don't end up in total mmr hell. Gonna make a big run and should add at least 500 points to the team total tomorrow.
  • Hey guys. As you might have seen, im the **** that left the alliance. However, before you judge me let me just say that me leaving you was because of a tired father, a nagging kid and poor judgement from my part. Lets just say i lost alot of hp and gained some covers because "but dad, that character looks cool" aswell.

    I would however like to rejoin you guys and i promise to keep the phone away from small things with itchy fingers.
    If you knew me you would know that i dont pick up and leave.
    Also, as a sign of im sorry, if you let me rejoin and promote me ill gladly open up another slot.

    For my current score. Im above 900 in the outlaw tournament and should end up top 20 in my pve main bracket and most likely win or close to it my 2 pve subbrackets.

    Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Sorry for the slow response. Opened up the wallet and a slot for you. Flipped the alliance to private.

    Only a few hours until we get a blue captain. Let me know if you still want the slot.
  • Also everyone lets gear up for this hulk event. With the 11th slot open hopefully we stop getting just outside of the top 100 and push right into it. With the PvE events closing it will allow us to focus on the PvP action. Hulk may not be the greatest on offense, but if you toss him in on your last game and use him as a defensive character he is almost a soft shield. Not too many people want to go up against a guy with that much health and can whittle their team away.

    Lets score them for the alliance!
  • I don't know if there is a one hour cooldown to join a new alliance, but if so, me and my buddy might be interested in joining after the current event. If there isn't a cooldown we'd join immediately. I'd be fine buying the 12 spot so my friend can join too. We are situated in a similar situation to most of your alliance's rosters.

    I have 3 lvl 85 2*characters (Ares, Storm, and Magneto) and 4 3* characters at 6 covers each. I'm at 228,134 pts for simulator but I'm trying for the 3 OBW covers. I have been able finish in the top 10 for certain pvp events when shielded with around 600-700+ points.

    My friend has 1 lvl 85 Thor and a couple on the cusp of being maxed out and has 1 or 2 covers of almost all of the 3*. He is at 234,457 pts in the simulator and counting.
  • Im fine with that. Be aware the cost of buying the spot is the slot # x 100 hero points. so buying a slot at 12 would be 1,200 etc. I think the problem is on WHEN we can open a slot.

    To anyone in Hubris I'm hurting a bit on expanding the guild. Ive dumped almost 5,600 hero points and just opened that slot for Xormar. The wallet is getting slim, and ive got my wedding to save for in November. If anyone is able and wiling to expand the guild im more than happy to make you a commander. Getting this guy in would net us 2 more players, and we would be that much closer to 20.
  • Killer Rabbit:

    Ideally this happens:

    Xormar responds, and gets the #11 spot, buys # 12.

    You take #12, and buy #13 for your buddy.

    Thats the ideal situation. If Xormar doesnt respond in a day or so youll just take #11 and buy #12. We will get you and your friend in after the Simulator event, but before any rewards are given we are just going to need some time to flesh out exactly how.

    Thanks for your interest, this guild is advance quickly. Cant wait to start taking a run at Shield, 5 Deadly Venoms, and Django Unbuffed!
  • Alright. I joined the guild again just waiting to be accepted. As soon as i get promoted i will spring for a new spot as promised.

    Happy to be back icon_e_wink.gif
  • In and promted, with about 3 mins to spare with the event haha. Nice timing.

    Killer Rabbit,

    When Xormar buys his slot, let me know your in game handle and we will get you into Hubris when we can.