Emrakul's Corruption is not fun at all



  • majestyk5
    majestyk5 Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    cut down half of the objective requirements and put enraged mode in, obviously your customers are enraged
  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    Just split it into 3 24h events one for each node and run the timer like the halloween. Have small ranking prizes for leaderboard of each day, then a bigger prize for combined score.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please stop making us play it.
  • motrax
    Emrakul's Corruption: now with ENRAGED! And by that, I mean the playerbase is ENRAGED!

    Please, for the love of Sarkahn, Kiora, and Jace.... don't make back-to-back events the same. Give us a different event!

  • Ethyde
    Ethyde Posts: 31
    Please stop making us play it.
  • rob443
    rob443 Posts: 97
    Please stop making us play it
  • Pestilence
    Pestilence Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    No more! Please no more. Take it away! Get it out of our sight, please.
  • jeremii
    I absolutely LOVE this event! It is by far the best EVER! Please continue on with this event forever, so I will be the only one playing this game and get all the free mythics I want.
  • Irgy
    Irgy Posts: 148 Tile Toppler
    Volrak wrote:
    It's not a situation that seems logical, but it's what we seem to have: a significant portion of the forum-engaged playerbase would feel happier about the game if the event wasn't happening. The devs' choice to give out additional crystals/cards as event rewards appears to be actually increasing dissatisfaction, because of the nature of the event.

    Although this seems a clear failure to satisfy the top 1%, I'm not convinced the same applies to the global playerbase. (Of course, it's not a great situation to be in regardless.)

    The part you describe as "illogical" is a result of the coalition system. If we all played solo, we could just say "ok, I don't like this event and it offers me nothing, so I just won't play it". People might still prefer a different event, but they wouldn't be so angry about it.

    With coalitions, you can't just decide to opt out of an event. You need to either co-ordinate the whole group of 20 to opt-out (and even then they would fall behind in the overall leader board), or somehow organise to temporarily leave and be temporarily replaced or something. Which is a hassle, as demonstrated by the fact that most people appear to still find it easier just to suck it up and play the event.

    So people aren't just being offered something they don't want, as you describe it, but being forced into something which either way they don't want to do (whether it's play the event or organise a replacement etc.).

    I think people who aren't in a competitive coalition don't have this problem so much, so I think you're right about it being less of a big deal for the average player, but I expect the painfulness of the event is fairly global even still.
  • Martin
    Martin Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Irgy wrote:
    If we all played solo, we could just say "ok, I don't like this event and it offers me nothing, so I just won't play it". People might still prefer a different event, but they wouldn't be so angry about it.

    I'm not sure I like that choice, between doing something I hate, and just not doing anything at all. It sounds kinda like being forced to vote for either Hillary or Trump. Can't I vote for Bernie instead?

    I like this game! I want to play it! Is it too much to ask that it presents me with some mode that I enjoy playing?
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Martin wrote:
    Irgy wrote:
    If we all played solo, we could just say "ok, I don't like this event and it offers me nothing, so I just won't play it". People might still prefer a different event, but they wouldn't be so angry about it.

    I'm not sure I like that choice, between doing something I hate, and just not doing anything at all. It sounds kinda like being forced to vote for either Hillary or Trump. Can't I vote for Bernie instead?

    I like this game! I want to play it! Is it too much to ask that it presents me with some mode that I enjoy playing?

    If we're going to pretend rewards aren't why people are so worked up over the event, quick battles is another mode you can try.
  • fox1342
    fox1342 Posts: 174 Tile Toppler
    "make" = LOL.

    You really really really don't have to get every ribbon in every event that's available. If you choose to do so, don't complain about you deciding to do so.

    I enjoy it as an event, no worse than the others.
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor
    fox1342 wrote:
    "make" = LOL.

    You really really really don't have to get every ribbon in every event that's available. If you choose to do so, don't complain about you deciding to do so.

    I enjoy it as an event, no worse than the others.

    I already tried this suggestion, which was met with noxious fumes being spewed in my direction and borderline personal attacks.

    The fact that the "Optional" part of objectives are being treated as "Mandatory" is a clear indication as to the degenerate gaming habits of some of the players. While I agree that the objectives don't synergize very well, the fact that they are not mutually exclusive has given the tryhards open grounds to dominate the leaderboard. Anyone competing for those top spots are now racing the tryhards and it is disgusting them.

    I enjoyed this event, because I didn't stress out about objectives. Since I'm guaranteed to not win anyways due to the event start time and node refresh mechanics, I don't suffer what seems to be the only drudgery of this event: obtaining all objectives.

    I think they need to scale back the requirements, 4 wolves/vampires + 6 eldrazi. Try it out, see what happens. If it's still drudgery, adjust the numbers. But you can't just delete this event after it's already been implemented, that would be a complete waste of resources.
  • Alexx40in
    Alexx40in Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    Please stop making us play it.
  • jimilinho_
    Steeme wrote:
    fox1342 wrote:
    "make" = LOL.

    You really really really don't have to get every ribbon in every event that's available. If you choose to do so, don't complain about you deciding to do so.

    I enjoy it as an event, no worse than the others.

    I already tried this suggestion, which was met with noxious fumes being spewed in my direction and borderline personal attacks.

    The fact that the "Optional" part of objectives are being treated as "Mandatory" is a clear indication as to the degenerate gaming habits of some of the players. While I agree that the objectives don't synergize very well, the fact that they are not mutually exclusive has given the tryhards open grounds to dominate the leaderboard. Anyone competing for those top spots are now racing the tryhards and it is disgusting them.

    I enjoyed this event, because I didn't stress out about objectives. Since I'm guaranteed to not win anyways due to the event start time and node refresh mechanics, I don't suffer what seems to be the only drudgery of this event: obtaining all objectives.

    I think they need to scale back the requirements, 4 wolves/vampires + 6 eldrazi. Try it out, see what happens. If it's still drudgery, adjust the numbers. But you can't just delete this event after it's already been implemented, that would be a complete waste of resources.

    They can easily delete the event. They've had several, far more interesting and enjoyable events whicg they've binned off without hesitation. The Pve events were great and not too time sensitive either. The zombie event was far better than this and they used that only once.

    We still want to play this game, we still want to be part of an active coalition and we still want it to be a challenge.

    Its just this level of repetition is what the majority of us don't want to see. ( And I can safely say majority, just look at the polls run on this event or the chat on slack).
  • ShivaFang
    IDK why you are all having trouble with the secondary objectives. There are many Eldrazi that summon tokens that count towards your score.

    I don't think the intent is to get BOTH objectives - aim for one or the other. I always get the Eldrazi objective when playing Blue or Green (although I prefer to use Koth in the Red/Green slot because he is just so powerful and finishes games quickly)
  • jimilinho_
    ShivaFang wrote:
    IDK why you are all having trouble with the secondary objectives. There are many Eldrazi that summon tokens that count towards your score.

    I don't think the intent is to get BOTH objectives - aim for one or the other. I always get the Eldrazi objective when playing Blue or Green (although I prefer to use Koth in the Red/Green slot because he is just so powerful and finishes games quickly)

    Again, the issue is about having interesting secondaries, rather than having to stall out in order to complete these mundane ones.

    We just want things to be more fun.
  • jackvett
    jackvett Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    Steeme wrote:
    I already tried this suggestion, which was met with noxious fumes being spewed in my direction and borderline personal attacks.

    The fact that the "Optional" part of objectives are being treated as "Mandatory" is a clear indication as to the degenerate gaming habits of some of the players.
    I'm not in a coalition because I can't meet those demands. The freedom to play the game for personal enjoyment completely trumps all the pain and suffering the rest of you are voluntarily enduring.

    You didn't suggest anything. You said "I have no experience being in a coalition but I feel justified telling you all how to act/feel." And you wonder why you got resistance?

    To those of you pussyfooting around the core points here:
    1. If you don't do both secondary objectives for >95% of your games you will probably not make top 100, certainly not top 50. I don't care if you thought they were hard or easy, they were mandatory to get competition rewards.
    2. Because meaningful rewards are tied to competition there is no alternative to these events for F2P players. QB hardly counts unless you are a child without responsibilities. A child can log on 18hrs/day; an adult will lose their job or family.
    3. The difficulty of the event is completely arbitrary, because it separates winning from being successful. It's why a game that takes 30 minutes to win feels amazing and vindicating, but a game that takes 30 minutes to complete feels like a chore. Having objectives that were actual objectives instead of "flavor victories" would be a huge step forward.
    4. 48-hour node events are freaking exhausting. The 24-hour halloween event was a perfect balance; at the 48-hour mark you are letting the game set your schedule and dictate your life. This led me, and I suspect others, to resent the game and those responsible.

    These four points are why I'm not buying Emrakul, and will continue to hold my money. Until a responsible party that doesn't just moderate these forums can tell me why I should believe in their ability to stage a fun event in this game, I'm treading water waiting to see if I jump ship or not.

    e: added "meaningful" to #2
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShivaFang wrote:
    IDK why you are all having trouble with the secondary objectives. There are many Eldrazi that summon tokens that count towards your score.

    I don't think the intent is to get BOTH objectives - aim for one or the other. I always get the Eldrazi objective when playing Blue or Green (although I prefer to use Koth in the Red/Green slot because he is just so powerful and finishes games quickly)

    If you want the rewards, the intent is most definitely to get both objectives.

    That being said, I punted on eldrazi almost completely this last one, as well as two games I didn't have time to play, and enough players were boycotting/half playing/not playing that I still wound up in the 50's. That, however, is uncommon.
  • MrMoustache
    MrMoustache Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I enjoy playing Emrakul's Corruption. It's the same as every other event for me: try to play it enough to get the various rewards as I play. If I finish the list of rewards, great! If I don't, oh well, I still had fun playing. I don't understand how you manage to take 30 minutes to play a single game; all of my decks that I use in the event finish games in 5 minutes or so, occasionally 10 minutes against an annoying control deck.

    If you aren't having fun playing a game, then why keep playing it?