Your MPQ current goals thread (NO NEGATIVITY)

Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
edited December 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi all,

I love lurking the forums and seeing other people's thoughts on the game but I do have some gripes with certain posts (the main one being 5* RNG).

So therefore I wanted to create a positive thread where people can post as frequently or as little as they like with their current MPQ goals. Whatever goals you want from the smallest to the largest.

For example after champing my Doctor Strange 3* my new short term goal is 2* farm Miss Marvel until I earn that Peggy cover from Captain Marvel.

My mid range goal is champing my X23

Finally my long term goal is to finishing champing all three stars and getting my four stars to a point where they all can win their crash.

Look forward to seeing everyone's goals. Oh and keep it positive you all (even you passive aggressive posters)


  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    My goal is to win two OML yellows so that I can champion him. It's been many months and nothing.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good idea Azoth. I can share a quick story.

    I was close to burn out because of endless grind and bad RNG luck (still no 5* usable after over 2 years of playing). So I have decided to set goals: champion all 3*, create a 2* farm, limit PvE to max progression (even on new release events, who cares for one cover of a new 4*). Long term goal: champion as many 4* as you want. Overall goal - play the game when you enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it - put the phone down (or mouse) and do something else.

    This happened couple of months ago. Since then - I have all the 3* championed. Well - all but one so championing Strange is my short term goal. I cycle my 2* farm as they come. It's slow but gives good feeling. And I have 11 championed 4*. And I enjoy playing the game again. I did not stress out when I have missed a PvE or couple of PvP events just recently. No biggy. I don't stress if I don't hit 900 points in PvP - who cares. If I am desperate for the cover I will make sure to hit it.

    1. Immediate goal: find iso to champion X-23 and Quake as the covers expire.
    2. Short term: max and champion Strange.
    3. Mid term: max and champion Peggy, Punisher Max and Thing (when the covers come).
    4. Long term: get a 5* to operational level (Strange is close at 4-2-3 as I have put over 700 CP into his vault and probably 20 LT pulls. I will level him to ~330 and park there to avoid bad MMR and scaling issues).
    5. Overall goal: have fun with the game.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Short term goal: Champion Ragnarok, Squirrel Girl, and Vision as they all have 13 covers and covers waiting to be claimed.

    Mid term goal: Finish covering and then champion Bullseye and Dr. Strange (they would be the final 2 3* unless they keep adding more 3*s icon_rolleyes.gif ) Then champion the 8 2* I don't have championed right now for the farm (skipping bagman).

    Long term goal: Once all or most of the above is done start opening my hoards. Currently have 100+ STs, nearly 100 ETs, 30ish HTs, 10 LTs, and ~400 CP. I'll start opening until I get a 4* or several 4* to start building a 4* roster. icon_e_surprised.gif
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    continue to work on champing 3 stars
    try to get a 4 star champ (Nova leads the way with 11 Covers, besides Devil Dino who has full coverage)
  • MadScientist
    MadScientist Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    Champion 3 star.pngdrstrange_icon.png so that I have all 3 star.png characters championed (again).
    Develop my 4 star.png characters so that they may win their Crash.
    Champion a second 4 star.png character.
    Recruit 5 star.pngdrstrange_icon.png
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    I've got a lot of 4* rostered now, so there's really nothing to do but keep working for CP and hoping some of them get enough covers to be usable (especially in 4* DDQ). In the meanwhile, I shoot for high enough placement in PvE subs to get HP so I can get some spare slots to start farming 2*. I've got a spare 2* Magneto and Bullseye championed and about 50 - 60 2* covers in queue that I rotate through for essentials, but it would be nice to have space to champion some more, since I'm discarding 3 - 4 covers daily.
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    Primary goal, over the next 2-3 months (optimistically) is to build up enough HP so that I am able to roster the rest of the available characters, excluding most 1*s. As it stands, that means 31 characters, which will probably look more like 37-40 by the time I approach the finish line.

    Once that's complete, it'll be time to break into my LTs and CP.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    I'm in a situation where I am cover maxing 4* characters faster than I am earning ISO. My goal is to get all of the 4* characters championed that I want to champion so I can go back and champion a few 3* characters who never made the cut.

    My other goal is to get a yellow cover for my OML but at a 1.875% chance to get him and a 0.625% chance to get a yellow cover specifically I'm not sure when if ever that happens.
  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    To champion Peggy the beast Carter.
    Just need one yellow cover.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    My current goal is saving my ISO to start leveling my 10-11 cover 5stars, as there are no more 4s left I deem worthy of leveling anymore.
    My short-term goal however is championing Kate instead. icon_lol.gif
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    First would be rostering all current 3* and 4* characters. First Beast, as I have three covers waiting; then Gwenpool, who I could get today if I wanted to from Simulator; and lastly Blade, who is actually missing.
    Then I want to build a 2* farm. I already went from one rotating slot to three and now I have five 2*s, all championed, giving me rewards.
    After that it's championing all my characters. Among the 3*s I already have 30 champs, but among 4*s I have no fully covered characters, as I just keep all my CP (almost 1000 now) for later.
    I guess after that I can start collecting 5*s.
  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    I just finished champing OML and have Phoenix champed. I guess I'll keep cycling my 2* farm, collect ISO, champ 4*s and 3* Strange as I get covers. The long term goal would be to get another 5* covered, but that depends on my luck with LTs.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    I am currently in the middle of 5 star transition...although RNG has not been kind. I'm using it as an opportunity to strengthen my 4 stars, I have 20 champed. So I hoard legendary tokens until I can afford (the ISO) to champ the next one I pull. I'm not negative at this point since I've soft capped my 5s to remain in the 4star MMR. This approach gives me 2 buffed 4s weekly. But ultimately I hope to get the remaining 3-4 covers on SS, OML, and Banner and champ 2 at-once.
  • Cdubb1975
    Cdubb1975 Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    I have hoarded 2200 cp and am going to continue hoarding until the next 5* release (hopefully it has it's own store) and then whale the **** out of it!

    *note - really hoping for Thanos
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Since the Anniversary, I've champed eight 4* and I want to continue down that path, but (correct) covers are coming in slow. Deadpool and Miles are at 12. Pun and Quake at 11. It's rough, but I'm hopeful. I'm still sitting on about 2 million iso, so whenever the covers come in I'm good.

    Shorter term though, I'm just focusing on farming 2* and (hopefully) completing and then champing Strange.
  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Cdubb1975 wrote:
    I have hoarded 2200 cp and am going to continue hoarding until the next 5* release (hopefully it has it's own store) and then whale the **** out of it!

    *note - really hoping for Thanos

    Is Thanos incoming?, please tell all.
    Btw Why didn't you whale the **** out of 5* drstrange_icon.png
    Isn't he your idea of a good 5*?
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Main goal: Champ a fourth (and maybe even fifth) 5

    I was planning to go full LLs and try to champ BBolt before he goes to classic (and get some Strange covers in the process), but after my latest streak of bad luck with LLs I don't know if I should change my mind and concentrate on GG and IM46.

    So doubts, doubts and more doubts.

    Secondary goal: Get IMHB, Cyclops, Rhulk to 315+ level

    I want to level as much as possible my already more leveled 4s. If I am not mistaken, when I get them to 315-320 when buffed they will reach 410 level or so, and become usable again in PvE and after a few more levels in PvP too.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    My current status.

    11 champed 4*
    All 3* but strange champed.

    My goals

    Save enough iso to champ 4-5 more 4*
    Hoard tokens to have a mass opening.
    Champ who the rng gods decree.

    I am not sure if I will open classic or latest with cp. I have Phoenix, Surfer and im46 between 7-8 covers. But odds so diluted I am more than a little concerned I won't cover them at all..advice appreciated.
  • Cdubb1975
    Cdubb1975 Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Cdubb1975 wrote:
    I have hoarded 2200 cp and am going to continue hoarding until the next 5* release (hopefully it has it's own store) and then whale the **** out of it!

    *note - really hoping for Thanos

    Is Thanos incoming?, please tell all.
    Btw Why didn't you whale the **** out of 5* drstrange_icon.png
    Isn't he your idea of a good 5*?

    I think Strange is a very good 5*, especially for pve. I never really got into Strange growing up and he's not a character I have a whole lot of interest in. Silly reason, I know, but I really enjoy playing the characters in game that I enjoyed growing up.

    Next 5* may be someone I like even less, if so then I guess I will continue hoarding.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you want to know my goals, here they are:

    1) Finish my recently created 2* farm - I'll be champing Moonstone tomorrow, then selling Ares to champ Bullseye and restart Ares. The only one left is Ms Marvel and the 2* farm should then be self sustaining. The rewards in HP, CP, HT and 3* covers is worth it.

    2) I've finished champing my fully covered 3*s, but I've recently decided to roster all 3*s, which means I have 11 more to go, but they are on the slow track. Only 3K ISO/day.

    3) Leveling up my 4*s is the name of the game now, which I think is true for most people. It takes a ton of ISO to do this, so it is a long term plan. Some people like to save up their ISO and champ 1 character every 2 weeks (if you have the covers), but I've always had the mindset to level up my characters evenly. I've learned that having a diverse roster is better than having a few big hitters. The most important reason to level up all 4*s to a decent level (like 140+) is to win their periodic Crash of Titans and get the LT. It also helps in the tough PvE battles that require that 4* character. Champing 4*s is definitely helpful in PvP in order to discourage people from attacking you. So, my current plan is to slowly level up all 4*s, instead of saving for 1 character at a time. Plus, it gives me the satisfaction I need in daily progression to keep playing.

    4) 5* covers are being accumulated, but no ISO is given to them, especially when I here about all the scaling problems in PvE when you have 5*s. Eventually, they'll be leveled up, but not now.