Boss Rush Round completion [Poll]



  • grewhorio
    grewhorio Posts: 92 Match Maker
    I got to round 5-6 or so with cmags, KK and 3storm to get into AP generation wonderland but got very frustrated. I swapped out 4clops and got through 8.

    Just gotta keep farming Green/Purple make match 5s hope for some 4clops yellow give more green. His blue and red you line them up to generate more pink and green.

    Still lost 60% of matches against phoenix first, second or third move from her but when you get on the roll then you can get through all 3 waves without them making a move. I used up most of my stockpile of +2 all boosts though.
  • finished r7 and i am done. dont need yellow peggy since she is champed icon_cool.gif
  • cardoor
    cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    just finished round 8 and could care less where I finish in alliance rank so I am definitely done
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Vhailorx wrote:
    So, let's see.. there's a nearly 40-page inferno of complaints and anger towards Demiurge at the extreme difficulty, poor structure, and deplorable communications around Boss Rush.

    Meanwhile, and despite all that, 65% of players answering in this poll have completed round 6 or higher.

    Stockholm Syndrome. What a lovely thing if you're a Demiurge developer.

    Now see what would happen if they put Mr. Fantastic covers in rounds 6-8 instead of the single more desired 4* in the game right now.

    Demi knew what they were doing when put peggy as the prize for this event.
    Have to agree with this. I know I was thinking of dropping it altogether mid round 6 - around the time the devs response was posted, I think - just as a "feedback" they requested. But in the end, my desire for Peggy mixed with a bit of morbid curiosity, sheer stubbornness and plain old MPQ masochism kicked in and overpowered common sense...

    Anyway, I used Rulk(5 red)/Storm/Cyclops mostly, for round 8. Won once with Kamala/XFW/Cyclops and once with Kamala/Storm/Cyclops. All in all, I think I had 6/15 win rate. Round started at level 449 for me, don't know if it went up through refreshes, but if it did, it wasn't noticeable. First 2 - 3 moves, it either starts the engine or it's over.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Finished Round 8. At my level of scaling, figuring out the right team for a given wave could get me through with enough wins or attrition damage... until I got to round 8. That was the only one where I resorted to a Winfinite-style team (Hulk/MoStorm/KK) suggested on the forums because Phoenix was too unpredictable.

    At Round 8, the Boss Wave is level 432 for my roster.
  • Saeva
    Saeva Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    So, let's see.. there's a nearly 40-page inferno of complaints and anger towards Demiurge at the extreme difficulty, poor structure, and deplorable communications around Boss Rush. Meanwhile, and despite all that, 65% of players answering in this poll have completed round 6 or higher. Stockholm Syndrome. What a lovely thing if you're a Demiurge developer.
    Melodramatic but depressingly... I cannot believe --

    Wait, no, that's not true. Gamers, man. I will never have the mentality necessary to be a "real" gamer precisely because of this. The event is ridiculous so I stopped playing. There'll be other opportunities to get Peggy covers -- this week there's, in fact, two, if you need both blues (and I do, though it'll put me at 5 blue). And now I worry -- even given the forum users aren't going to be the casual play user that probably, numbers wise, makes up most of the player base -- that the analytics are going to say 'People played. Success!' even when most of the people who played had 60% enjoyment or less (going off the other thread poll).

    If you don't enjoy something, vote against it by not playing.
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    I'm more than a little surprised to be in the top half of this distribution, having made it through rank 7. F'in Phoenix though. Round 8 was like running head first into a wall, where I couldn't even get more than a power or two off before she'd wipe my team out.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I came 123k short of completing round 8.

    I'm really frustrated with the event because I wasn't always even given a chance to actually do the boss waves. When Phoenix kills your entire team on her first turn in round 8 more than a handful of times, it really grinds your gears. And for reference, my Phoenix was level 538.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    DuckyV wrote:
    I came 123k short of completing round 8.

    I got you beat. I'm short by 1349.

    2nd to last attempt I got 1-shot.

    Last attempt: Hulkfinite chain broke at the very end of PHX, she killed me with 9000 health left. I think I screwed up not unloading Smash, dunno if the extra damage would've been enough or if I'd have been short a couple hundred.

  • Figure15
    Figure15 Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    Wasn't pleasant and actually spent 100hp on rainbow boosts for the first time, but finished with 40min to go.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Voted rd 7 because that's where I'm at and will be surprised to finish 8...only need 7.5 successful clears and I have 20-22 attempts left ... but will update if I pull it off.

    EDIT to add: 1 refresh to go, and I still need 230K pts. It's a crapshoot at this point.

    Well ... nope. But listen to this.

    4th attempt in the final refresh, I had a winner going. Running Rulk, Mohawk, 4clops, had Phoenix 75% dead, had 21 green AP, 14 pink AP, similar amounts of yellow, red, and blue. The board was clear of TU tiles. I was set to charge up, finish Phoenix off, and move on to the much more forgiving Surfer.

    This was an almost certain win.

    And then ... I ACCIDENTALLY CLICKED RULK GREEN* icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

    That is one helluva tiny feline.

    I was set up to fire mohawk green 3 times and be loaded for bear, instead, I could now only fire it once, and burning up the pink with Rulk.

    Collected 23K that attempt, left 67K on the table.

    Last 2 attempts were the usual, Phoenix instakills.

    I finished 63K short. icon_neutral.gif


    * If mobile players are wondering how that could possibly happen, all I can say is you gotta try the Steam interface. It's really easy to do.

    That sucks.

    I wasn't close enough for my loss to make a difference, but my second to last match i went in with winfinite, and for once i had a good board. My first turn gave me 15 purple ap. Jackpot! I can finally beat round 8 at least once.

    But somehow i was still in 'collect purple' mode so i carefully and precisely took my time lining up 3 match5s thinking i was making purple tiles. So poof, i cast and create a lovely useless board of mixed purple and green. My team wiped 3 turns later. (My last try went even faster, she wiped my full team on round 2 before making her move. The tilespawn and cascades were enough).

    Glad it's over now, even if i missed the yellow cover.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ended 78k from the finish line. The allegations of scoring irregularities are making me wonder if I should have beaten it but got screwed out of points.
  • Markot
    Markot Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Used at least 2k hp for boosts and health packs and finished 135k short of points to end of round 8. At least I got 25cp progression.

    I really wanted Peggy's yellow so I tried hard and I had no success. This event wasn't fun, its poor frustration to see my team dead in first or second move of Phoenix when rng generates her 5 reds into match5 or when there is above 9 red, she removes them and this causes a deadly cascade possibly with one or more match5. And thats only her passive, then she continues her move with active powers to finish my badly injured team.

    Overall, I had 28 figths versus round 8 bosses, 25 times I was killed by Phoenix and 3 times I had beaten all 3 bosses.

    Just for comparison: I finished 1st in previous pve - Venom Bomb, from last Civil War I got all personal as well as team rewards for both sides.
    Now in Boss Rush without reaching the final goal I was 8th personally in top4 alliance. In normal pve it would be absolutely not possible to have top4 alliance where only 6 people reached all progression rewards. And only 9 managed it from top1 alliance, 7 from top2 and 5 from top3 alliance. This is crazy.
  • AlexxKats
    AlexxKats Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Round 7 Completed, Round 8 left 100k towards peggy last cover. Could have done it, but i decided i wanted to do other stuff during that hell of a drag of an event.
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    I finished Round 6 with a 3* roster (I got my first 4* Champ during the anniversary, and it wasn't on the boost list).

    Mohawk Storm, Kamala Khan, Ragnarok.

    Use the Purple/Blue stockpile at +2, so two Blue or Purple matches is enough to create Green or make Green charge tiles.

    Pretty simple to Winfinite with.

    Problem being that on round 7, match damage killed me waaaay too fast.
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor
    I gave up by choice after beating round 7, as I thankfully didn't need the Peggy yellow from round 8. (Whether or not I could've beaten round 8 in the time remaining is unknown, though)
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Finished Round 7 with six minutes to spare. Out of every attempt on that round only one was a full victory with Galactus going down - my team was Cho/Kingpin/IM40.

    Since I could barely scrape past Banner on Round 7 I don't think I could have completed Round 8 without completely ignoring PVP, which is a nonstarter for me.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    I completed round 7 and ended up half through round eight.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cleared 5, did 1 hit on 6 then waited for my 8 hour refresh. During that waiting period the Development team gave us the finger so I stopped playing. Likely could have smashed my head against the wall to get through level 7 but the cover I wanted was at level 8, so i saved myself the headache and did not contribute to the metrics that would tell D3 that what they did was "ok" because people will play it regardless.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I made it through 4. Without no viable "infinite" team I couldn't touch the bosses in 5. Just got straight-up murdered the first time (Goblin was at max health when my last hero dropped), so I stopped. Didn't touch it at all on Sunday.