Class of 2016 only for the vets



  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Maybe, just maybe, 3rd Anniversary PVPs are meant for the people who have stuck with the game for 3 years?

    I've been playing for 3 years and don't have any of the featured characters max covered or levelled. In fact, I've barely got any of them with more three covers.

    I'm assuming what you really mean is that the anniversary is for hardcore vet players, and not those of us who refuse - or don't have the time - to grind to top 10 in PVE, or shield-hop in PVP, or who aren't a member of a competitive alliance?
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Maybe, just maybe, 3rd Anniversary PVPs are meant for the people who have stuck with the game for 3 years?

    I've been playing for 3 years and don't have any of the featured characters max covered or levelled. In fact, I've barely got any of them with more three covers.

    I'm assuming what you really mean is that the anniversary is for hardcore vet players, and not those of us who refuse - or don't have the time - to grind to top 10 in PVE, or shield-hop in PVP, or who aren't a member of a competitive alliance?

    If you don't have the time to grind top 10 in PVE, shield-hopping in PVP is actually the most efficient use of time in order to advance upward in this game (except DDQ of course).
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think I have five or six of these characters champed.

    Three of those were maxed within the last two weeks.

    I'd argue Class of 2016 is only for the Whales.

    I'd also argue that not having many characters covered/maxed within a year is pretty ridiculous. 4*'s should have been everywhere 3*'s were in 2015, so folks COULD max them in 2016. And 5*'s shouldn't be RNG only, long ago they should have been rewarded in progressions.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Maybe, just maybe, 3rd Anniversary PVPs are meant for the people who have stuck with the game for 3 years?

    I've been playing for 3 years and don't have any of the featured characters max covered or levelled. In fact, I've barely got any of them with more three covers.

    I'm assuming what you really mean is that the anniversary is for hardcore vet players, and not those of us who refuse - or don't have the time - to grind to top 10 in PVE, or shield-hop in PVP, or who aren't a member of a competitive alliance?

    "pfft, I'm not like all those silly, hardcore people that studied and paid attention to class and did homework, but I DID make act of presence most days. I don't see why those people should be getting graduation certificates and not I!"
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    I think I have five or six of these characters champed.

    Three of those were maxed within the last two weeks.

    I'd argue Class of 2016 is only for the Whales.

    But 5-6 of those are plenty! I have only 3 and I'm sure that I'll manage. (up until the point where I'm only seeing champed 5*s but that's another story)
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Actually...on a somewhat minor note, why does the token screen for the anniversary PvP feature all old 3*s from ages ago?
    And why do the tokens not offer bonus drop rates on any of the boosted characters?
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm assuming what you really mean is that the anniversary is for hardcore vet players, and not those of us who refuse - or don't have the time - to grind to top 10 in PVE, or shield-hop in PVP, or who aren't a member of a competitive alliance?

    "Refusing" to play = "refusing" to progress. If you rather play casually then expect casual results. Silly to gripe about anything else.

    You should be able to progress without an epic time-commitment. Up until SCLs I literally had no way to actively control my transition into 4* land other than grinding and shield-hopping. If it's silly to gripe about that then hey, stick me in some clown shoes and paint my nose red.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    "pfft, I'm not like all those silly, hardcore people that studied and paid attention to class and did homework, but I DID make act of presence most days. I don't see why those people should be getting graduation certificates and not I!"

    Terrible analogy.
  • MarkersMake
    MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Calnexin wrote:
    TLCstormz wrote:
    ALL PvP is only for vets. lol

    Are you new here?

    Non-vets still have the 4k 10-pack. That's reasonably achievable with a 3* roster.

    Anniversary... maybe not. The competition is brutal.
    As a 3* player with only half a dozen recently champed 3*s, and a motley assortment of one or two covered 4* characters, I'll second this. The PVP 10-pack is one of the main ways for me to improve my roster right now, and this one is looking pretty dicey right now.

    Normal seasons:
    - 10 PVP + Sim
    - 10-pack at 4000

    Short Season (XXXII):
    - 4 PVP + Sim
    - 10-pack at 1600

    Anniversary (XXXIII):
    - 4 PVP + Sim
    - 10-pack at 3000

    Season XXXII was great, since the 10-pack was at 1600. Even with Sim rewards maxing out at 800, hitting 1600 was comparable in difficulty to 4000 in a regular season, and it only took 10 days to get it. Putting the Anniversary 10-pack at 3000 increases the difficulty substantially though. I've got just shy of 1700 points right now (~400 in Best Friends, ~450 in RRRAAWWRRR, and 825 in Sim), and with 2 events to go it looks like I'm going to have to milk Sim for another 900-1000 points to even have a chance at breaking 3000.

    I got my 10-pack last season and I'll probably get it next season, so I really can't complain too much. But this is a really nice vault, and as much as I'm enjoying the 4 Ares covers I've pulled from it so far, I'd love to get a few more cracks at some of the juicier rewards.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    "pfft, I'm not like all those silly, hardcore people that studied and paid attention to class and did homework, but I DID make act of presence most days. I don't see why those people should be getting graduation certificates and not I!"

    Terrible analogy.

    Do you want me to make a music analogy? A sports one? In every human endeavour, they who put the most effort (or, realistically speaking, the most money/influence) go further in their field, reaping more rewards/recognition which allows them to go even further, and so on. I'm not saying that MPQ's progression path is perfect (though it's been consistently improving this year), but you complaint is entirely aimed at not having progressed as much as the people who put more effort in the game than you.

    If you consider that whatever amount of efffort has left you with an average of 3 covers in your 4*s should have netted you almost end-game progression instead... what should the "hardcore" players get, then?
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    They should have a 1-time vault with 3 covers, one of each color, for every 2016 character.

    The class of 2016 should celebrate the characters... "The hardcore players have had them all year, but now we want everyone to have a chance to play with them with at least one level in each power"
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Do you want me to make a music analogy? A sports one?

    Dude, you're on the internet talking about something video game related.

    It needs to be a car analogy =)
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Do you want me to make a music analogy? A sports one? In every human endeavour, they who put the most effort (or, realistically speaking, the most money/influence) go further in their field, reaping more rewards/recognition which allows them to go even further, and so on. I'm not saying that MPQ's progression path is perfect (though it's been consistently improving this year), but you complaint is entirely aimed at not having progressed as much as the people who put more effort in the game than you.

    Consistently improving? You mean the addition of one new feature, SCLs? Your definition of consistent must be different to mine.
    If you consider that whatever amount of efffort has left you with an average of 3 covers in your 4*s should have netted you almost end-game progression instead... what should the "hardcore" players get, then?

    I don't recall saying that I expected to be where the hardcore are after playing immensely less than them. My initial gripe was that this particular anniversary "celebration" is incredibly divisive and not everyone can enjoy it at the same level, which is what this sort of event should be about.

    If they want to do something that rewards the hardcore, then run a special event just for them. I would LOVE to not have to compete with people whose rosters are massively more powerful and developed than mine. As a point of reference, the guy at the top of my Anniversary bracket is the King of whales.

    How the **** is that fair in the slightest?
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Every single anniversary pvp has been for whales + the upper crust (4 star champ players)

    Best friends?
    OML and Phoenix ideally.

    A once a year character + 2 of your best, which usually is 4 stars.

    Class of 2016?

    Notice a trend?

    3K isn't nearly as reasonable as the 1700 was.

    i have a creeping suspicion they just left the old one on. last shortened pvp season had a 1700 10 pack
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2016
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    "pfft, I'm not like all those silly, hardcore people that studied and paid attention to class and did homework, but I DID make act of presence most days. I don't see why those people should be getting graduation certificates and not I!"

    Terrible analogy.

    Do you want me to make a music analogy? A sports one? In every human endeavour, they who put the most effort (or, realistically speaking, the most money/influence) go further in their field, reaping more rewards/recognition which allows them to go even further, and so on. I'm not saying that MPQ's progression path is perfect (though it's been consistently improving this year), but you complaint is entirely aimed at not having progressed as much as the people who put more effort in the game than you.

    If you consider that whatever amount of efffort has left you with an average of 3 covers in your 4*s should have netted you almost end-game progression instead... what should the "hardcore" players get, then?

    Can you give me detail into how a player can go from 1 star to all the 4's and 5's in a year besides throwing money at the game?

    I've been in this game a year and a half now and no amount of EFFORT outside of money would make getting any of these chars max leveled feasible. icon_rolleyes.gif

    Nearly all the time the "effort" you speak of is money.

    The rest of it time.

    Every bit of "effort" required in pvp is roster related

    There is no direct tier to 4 stars.

    The effort you speak of has shifted.

    When someone was reaching in a legendary for 1 of 20 4 stars it was VERY different then sticking their hands in for 1 of 40.

    At this point it's not discussion if you can't see past your own singular view here
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Do you want me to make a music analogy? A sports one? In every human endeavour, they who put the most effort (or, realistically speaking, the most money/influence) go further in their field, reaping more rewards/recognition which allows them to go even further, and so on. I'm not saying that MPQ's progression path is perfect (though it's been consistently improving this year), but you complaint is entirely aimed at not having progressed as much as the people who put more effort in the game than you.

    Consistently improving? You mean the addition of one new feature, SCLs? Your definition of consistent must be different to mine.

    Championing, increased odds of 4*s in packs, addition of 4*s to PVE placement, smattering of CP everywhere, increased payout for selling max-champions, SCLs, adjusted PVP progression reward ladder... Just off my head all positive changes towards player progression this year alone, I'm sure I'm missing a couple things.
    If you consider that whatever amount of efffort has left you with an average of 3 covers in your 4*s should have netted you almost end-game progression instead... what should the "hardcore" players get, then?

    I don't recall saying that I expected to be where the hardcore are after playing immensely less than them. My initial gripe was that this particular anniversary "celebration" is incredibly divisive and not everyone can enjoy it at the same level, which is what this sort of event should be about.

    If they want to do something that rewards the hardcore, then run a special event just for them. I would LOVE to not have to compete with people whose rosters are massively more powerful and developed than mine. As a point of reference, the guy at the top of my Anniversary bracket is the King of whales.

    How the tinykitty is that fair in the slightest?

    But I argue... how is it an event that's meant to mark MPQ's rather remarkable longevity (for a mobile game) should not be meant for the veterans that have played hard through its history? I get that it's disappointing that there are no SCLs in these events to help people compete against people in their level, but I don't see why Anniversary, out of all times should be the casual player festival that you want it to be. Just check out its heralding character, Devil Dino: A terrible character that is great only this season when he's buffed beyond his maximum levels and that you could only have collected in the previous years.
    GurlBYE wrote:
    Can you give me detail into how a player can go from 1 star to all the 4's and 5's in a year besides throwing money at the game?

    It's probably not possible. I'm criticising Clyde because he's raising this complaint after having been around the full 3 years.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think rewards would be a great way to reward players that have been here for years.

    I think competitions tilted in players who have been here longers favor (like just about every single event in game) is the exact wrong way to do an anniversary and ideally bring new players attention to the game
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    GurlBYE wrote:
    I think rewards would be a great way to reward players that have been here for years.

    I think competitions tilted in players who have been here longers favor (like just about every single event in game) is the exact wrong way to do an anniversary and ideally bring new players attention to the game

    I can agree with this. Keeping SCLs on for this season would have helped that and sadly we're not privy to the reasons why they were disabled. And as I said before, this event definitely should have had a reward suitable for the veterans it seems to be aimed to.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    It's probably not possible. I'm criticising Clyde because he's raising this complaint after having been around the full 3 years.

    It's a complaint I've been making on here for as long as I can remember actually icon_razz.gif

    But hey, all good. I'll keep playing in my own way and edging slowly towards maxing the characters I care about.

    Just airing my frustration in the only place I can, my significant other certainly doesn't care icon_e_wink.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    It's probably not possible. I'm criticising Clyde because he's raising this complaint after having been around the full 3 years.

    It's a complaint I've been making on here for as long as I can remember actually icon_razz.gif

    But hey, all good. I'll keep playing in my own way and edging slowly towards maxing the characters I care about.

    Just airing my frustration in the only place I can, my significant other certainly doesn't care icon_e_wink.gif

    All good. For the record, I didn't mean to say that playing more casually is a bad thing, just that by design you may expect progression to be slower, but I'm sure you know this. Best of luck.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    After playing the event a little, it's more like Simulator with no one boosted. Ok I see a few boosted characters, mostly Red Hulk, but I climbed to 500+ easily using a couple unboosted champed 4's against mostly champed 3's.

    BFF was a pain, but Class of 2016 isn't bad at all.