How could someone attack me 3x in a row?



  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    tiomono wrote:
    cyineedsn wrote:
    tiomono wrote:
    So you are saying my float point is 250 to 300 points with 3 champed 3 stars? When I am ranked about 70.

    I still don't understand how I am a target for rosters 100+ levels above the best I can field. And no I do not count my 5 stars as worth putting out in pvp. With my roster I can take out 1 to 5 cover 5 stars with ease. So when they look juicy to me with boosted 3 stars I know the 4 and 5 star people view them as seed teams.

    Think of the float point as a .... target that rises during the course of the event. This event just started for example, so the float point where you are either invisible/not worth points to those big hitters is pretty low. By tomorrow/friday your float point should be much higher.

    You don't get to ever truly become invisible from heavy hitters for the whole event, of it. A system where you were completely invisible to higher rosters would lead to a whole pandoras box of soft-capped rosters and probably other exploits I can't think of

    OK so the higher rosters that say all they see is rosters stronger than their own are lying/exaggerating?

    There has been some very good advice in this discussion, and apparently some very misleading statements.

    I think I am just going to accept that for now I can hit max prog and place in top 100 for story. And hit about 500 and top 200 for vs for now. With the time and effort I am able to give the game. Which is fine. Just a bit frustrating.
    Read this: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=45391

    Also stop saying you are seeing rosters 100+ levels above you. You aren't. You have 5*s that you chose to roster and choose not to use, and you are seeing teams with comparable levels.

    What kind of proof do you need for 100+ lvl opponents? I'm talking about non-boosted levels. My highest character is 167. Will screenshot of featured character +2x 250 lvl 5* be enough? Or maybe it doesn't count?
    Anyway, when I get home, I'll happily show ss of my roster and my average opponents.
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    Thanks for all this. I'm still wondering about the small clusters of opponents I continue to find in my queue when I reach 800 or so in PVP. I gather this has to do with my MMR. But surely there are more than 5 or 6 players with approximately my MMR? Why then does it cycle through those same opponents---and in different PVPs? Why doesn't the game allow me to cycle through *all* the players active in a PVP with my ~MMR? Does this have to do with shielding?

    I know that I could get active on Line; when I was in a top alliance last year I tried this. But the discussions there move very fast, with a lot of in-jokes punctuating coordinating discussions. That's fun, no problem, but it was hard for me to get the rhythm of when to drop into slices, who to queue, etc. So I'm not averse to using Line to coordinate my runs to 1k---just 1k!---but I'd have to find a more efficient way of doing it.

    And so really I'd just like to understand better how to play, with my roster, in order to hit 1k more reliably, preferably without too much or any out-of-game coordination. My roster isn't top notch but it isn't terrible, with almost 3 years of daily play, and a bit of cash spent on it.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jexman wrote:
    Thanks for all this. I'm still wondering about the small clusters of opponents I continue to find in my queue when I reach 800 or so in PVP. I gather this has to do with my MMR. But surely there are more than 5 or 6 players with approximately my MMR? Why then does it cycle through those same opponents---and in different PVPs? Why doesn't the game allow me to cycle through *all* the players active in a PVP with my ~MMR? Does this have to do with shielding?

    I know that I could get active on Line; when I was in a top alliance last year I tried this. But the discussions there move very fast, with a lot of in-jokes punctuating coordinating discussions. That's fun, no problem, but it was hard for me to get the rhythm of when to drop into slices, who to queue, etc. So I'm not averse to using Line to coordinate my runs to 1k---just 1k!---but I'd have to find a more efficient way of doing it.

    And so really I'd just like to understand better how to play, with my roster, in order to hit 1k more reliably, preferably without too much or any out-of-game coordination. My roster isn't top notch but it isn't terrible, with almost 3 years of daily play, and a bit of cash spent on it.
    For some reason the MMR sometimes gets hiccups when you are just below certain threshholds. It's no fun having to queue up the same opponents all the time, but if you do a fight and manage to get past that magic threshhold you may get a brand new queue.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jexman wrote:
    Thanks for all this. I'm still wondering about the small clusters of opponents I continue to find in my queue when I reach 800 or so in PVP. I gather this has to do with my MMR. But surely there are more than 5 or 6 players with approximately my MMR? Why then does it cycle through those same opponents---and in different PVPs? Why doesn't the game allow me to cycle through *all* the players active in a PVP with my ~MMR? Does this have to do with shielding?

    I know that I could get active on Line; when I was in a top alliance last year I tried this. But the discussions there move very fast, with a lot of in-jokes punctuating coordinating discussions. That's fun, no problem, but it was hard for me to get the rhythm of when to drop into slices, who to queue, etc. So I'm not averse to using Line to coordinate my runs to 1k---just 1k!---but I'd have to find a more efficient way of doing it.

    And so really I'd just like to understand better how to play, with my roster, in order to hit 1k more reliably, preferably without too much or any out-of-game coordination. My roster isn't top notch but it isn't terrible, with almost 3 years of daily play, and a bit of cash spent on it.
    Your problem is your leveled Surfer and leveled Phoenix, without a good 4* crew to back them up.
    Those two 345s are totally useless for PVP but raise the level of your opponents.
    It's ok to level OML, he helps, but you shouldn't have leveled the other two.

    What's done is done, though.

    You really need to focus on getting other 4*s championed, top tier 4*s at that.
    Sadly, the really good 4*s are undercovered for you - Iceman, HB, JG, Rulk, Punisher, Peggy.

    So not a lot you can do except hope to pull more OML and/or good 4*s.
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    Thanks, yes, I leveled the 5 stars as soon as I got them because it seemed like the tile damage alone would help a lot. I didn't realize how much of an impact they'd have on my MMR.

    But yes, it's done now. My good 4 stars are undercovered and I'm trying to figure out how best to improve them (without whaling). 1k progressions in PVP let me pinpoint the reward, as opposed to legendaries where my 4 star gains are too spread out.

    My goal is to see what future I have in this game with this roster, since I'm clearly outclassed by my MMR. I'm happy to spend time grinding but whether that any hope in PVP is what I'm trying to figure out. It seems like the answer might be "no".
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jexman wrote:
    Thanks, yes, I leveled the 5 stars as soon as I got them because it seemed like the tile damage alone would help a lot. I didn't realize how much of an impact they'd have on my MMR.

    But yes, it's done now. My good 4 stars are undercovered and I'm trying to figure out how best to improve them (without whaling). 1k progressions in PVP let me pinpoint the reward, as opposed to legendaries where my 4 star gains are too spread out.

    My goal is to see what future I have in this game with this roster, since I'm clearly outclassed by my MMR. I'm happy to spend time grinding but whether that any hope in PVP is what I'm trying to figure out. It seems like the answer might be "no".
    I Think things will get better when you get more good fourstars maxed. When you can run two maxed and boosted fourstars you should be able to take on moderately leveled fivestars without much difficulty.
  • Kjeldbjerg
    Kjeldbjerg Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    Kjeldbjerg wrote:
    Whine whine whine...

    F2P here, hit 1.3k every event and yet my life doesn't revolve around mpq.

    When a new pvp event starts, I play when I have time and get to my float point, which is around 600 for me. This usually takes 30 min or so, which can be spread out.

    Then, when I have another 30 min dedicated, I push hard from 600 to around 1k. Put up a 3 hr or 8 hr shield. In that period, i queue 4 big targets and then I need 10 min for my final hop to 1.3k.

    All done with 1 shield, 2 at most, no money spent , little more than an hour invested over a 3 day period and no families neglected.

    And the same principle applies to whichever progression is your target. Get to your float point, let your hp recharge, and then hit fast until you reach your goal.
    Here's a bit of perspective from the bottom of the hill.

    Obviously this is different worlds here, as my highest score EVER in a (non-newb bracket) PvP is 620. I'm still in the 2-3* transition; 4 champed 2*s, a half-dozen usable (10+ covers) 3*s, and a few 1-3 cover 4*s that are handy for essential nodes in PvE and not much else, so my float point is 250ish. And I am realistic about what I should expect to do at this point - I really am.

    But here's the thing - I *can't* spend HP on shields. At all. Not one or two shields per event, but zero.

    I still need every one I can scrounge for roster spots, and (aside from PvE) when you can only reliably earn 25 HP per PvP event (the 25 HP at 575 is a rarity for me, and I've never earned the 50 at 725), you simply can't afford to shield unless you are willing to just throw away covers. The last time I was in a newb bracket I managed to finish t25 for 3 Patch covers (which was a big deal for me). Since then it's a rarity that I manage to finish t100, which means usually no extra HP and no 3* cover.

    So shielding is completely out for me, unless I am willing to pay to play.

    What I am left with instead is the standard join/play/float approach (I've tried joining slices early, late, with 1 day left, with 2 hours left, etc, with no real difference in outcome), and then push as hard as I can for the final 90 or so minutes of the event. I have to skip almost every team with even a one-cover 5* because I just can't afford the match damage. And I have to keep playing constantly to make any net progress, since the champed 3* and mid-4* rosters start queuing me up by the time I hit 400ish points. So I end up basically bobbing up and down between 450 and 550 for the last 20 minutes, hoping I have timed my health pack supply properly.

    As a result, I can't actually get to the HP rewards that make shielding to get the HP rewards worthwhile. And I can't reliably climb high enough to even see the cupcakes that make shielding viable. And if I ever do, I simply can't hit fast enough with my roster to take out more than 1 without taking a net loss - my roster is just too juicy at this point for anyone to pass up at that point level.

    I know the answer is to just keep slogging (4k season rewards, PvE, DDQ, etc) until I can hit the 575 and 725 rewards and get past this phase, but it is a bit frustrating at times to see advice that "anyone can do what I do if they are willing to put in the time and effort", and to know that it is simply not true. There are strategies that are simply not possible to use until you have reached certain milestones.

    On the topic of cupcakes:

    I was lucky enough to have a couple of my better covered 3*s boosted in one of the recent events, so I hit the mid-500s , and I saw one of the fabled cupcakes (and there was much rejoicing!) But I waited (because I Read The Forums!), and I fought 1 more match (because That's What You Do)! And I got hit 3 times and my targets were all red and when I skipped them the cupcake was NOT underneath them (and there was much sadness).

    But I kept fighting! And I saw another cupcake! And this time I said screw etiquette, and I immediately clicked Fight! And I apparently got hit while I was using healthpacks (yes, in that 5 second window before I clicked Fight again), and the cupcake team was ninja-replaced somehow and I ended up fighting the guy that had just smacked me instead (and there was much sadness again).

    So, yeah. I will pre-emptively apologize to any of the lovely bakers out there. I love everything you do, but I am afraid that cupcake etiquette is simply not possible to observe with my roster. It's pointless to queue up cupcakes from my float point, and when I'm in *my* upper range, I can't wait 10 minutes, 5 minutes, or even 1 fight without losing the cupcake entirely. So my options are to either piss off a baker and face retribution (as per the OP), or wait and lose out on hitting cupcakes entirely. Neither option is good, and both end up hurting my ability to get over the 575/725 barrier.

    Is there something obvious I'm missing that would let me keep those cupcakes in my queue? Or is it just Working As Intended (tm)? (and how does Kjeldbjerg queue up 4 targets??)

    TL;DR - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOB WHINING!!!!! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    No player with a 4/5* roster started with one, most of us have already endured the slog you are facing now. It was probably easier 1 year ago with fewer 4*. But the strategy doesn't become any less valid, there is a tiered progression in this game, only avoided by spending.

    You need to work your progression to 3* through ddq and pve, and once you have 2-3 3* champs, you can aim for 800+ in pvp. Your best bet right now is joining a dead slice (2) late and grind, so you can get good placement with a 500ish score.

    And the q'ing of 4 targets requires #'s (and Line)
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Out of curiosity, I tried what is suggested in this thread: joining Hot Shot event in the 4th time slice. I can confirm that my experience is not better than joining in the 1st or 2nd slot (that I'm accustomed to). I can climb to 575, but then mauled down to 300. It is even harder to maintain position at 500 as I find even greater number of Rhulk. Thankfully, though, no one targeted me over and over.

    So there goes a myth of "join in the 4th slot".

    On another note, I found what I dreaded: the same easy players (with roster roughly equal to or below mine) showed over and over in my queue. I hit each of them once, but hardened myself not to hit them again. So the game does provide an opportunity to target and bleed someone dry by presenting them chained and shackled.

    Is this a part of the game mechanic? Or part of the game that is broken? Why? Because the pool of players joining PVP is sooo small there are literally not enough bodies?

    Could this be alleviated by, say, using dummies or seeds? Say, there are always 1000 bodies in the pool. The dummies are replaced by real players as they enter the time slice. The dummies are of course tiered: from push overs to deadly, and can be modeled on real players' rosters and their logical choice for a particular event. The points available for hitting dummies, is of course tiny: 10 to 15 maybe; and there is a chance that dummies can retaliate (which would be AI vs AI) in which shield comes into play. The point is to avoid seeing the same person over and over in a queue, and to provide more balanced play for everyone.

    I know the idea is dumb. But as I can think of a way to change the system, there must be a myriad of them in the wild. It's up to the devs to balance between the need for profit and the need to give enjoyable experience for the players.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Out of curiosity, I tried what is suggested in this thread: joining Hot Shot event in the 4th time slice. I can confirm that my experience is not better than joining in the 1st or 2nd slot (that I'm accustomed to). I can climb to 575, but then mauled down to 300. It is even harder to maintain position at 500 as I find even greater number of Rhulk. Thankfully, though, no one targeted me over and over.

    So there goes a myth of "join in the 4th slot".

    On another note, I found what I dreaded: the same easy players (with roster roughly equal to or below mine) showed over and over in my queue. I hit each of them once, but hardened myself not to hit them again. So the game does provide an opportunity to target and bleed someone dry by presenting them chained and shackled.

    Is this a part of the game mechanic? Or part of the game that is broken? Why? Because the pool of players joining PVP is sooo small there are literally not enough bodies?

    Could this be alleviated by, say, using dummies or seeds? Say, there are always 1000 bodies in the pool. The dummies are replaced by real players as they enter the time slice. The dummies are of course tiered: from push overs to deadly, and can be modeled on real players' rosters and their logical choice for a particular event. The points available for hitting dummies, is of course tiny: 10 to 15 maybe; and there is a chance that dummies can retaliate (which would be AI vs AI) in which shield comes into play. The point is to avoid seeing the same person over and over in a queue, and to provide more balanced play for everyone.

    I know the idea is dumb. But as I can think of a way to change the system, there must be a myriad of them in the wild. It's up to the devs to balance between the need for profit and the need to give enjoyable experience for the players.
    There's still almost two Days to go Before slice 4 of Hot Shot ends. The closer you get to the event end, the higher everyone's score will be since Points accumulate over time. You could simply have climbed too high too soon.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Quebbster wrote:
    Out of curiosity, I tried what is suggested in this thread: joining Hot Shot event in the 4th time slice. I can confirm that my experience is not better than joining in the 1st or 2nd slot (that I'm accustomed to). I can climb to 575, but then mauled down to 300. It is even harder to maintain position at 500 as I find even greater number of Rhulk. Thankfully, though, no one targeted me over and over.

    So there goes a myth of "join in the 4th slot".

    On another note, I found what I dreaded: the same easy players (with roster roughly equal to or below mine) showed over and over in my queue. I hit each of them once, but hardened myself not to hit them again. So the game does provide an opportunity to target and bleed someone dry by presenting them chained and shackled.

    Is this a part of the game mechanic? Or part of the game that is broken? Why? Because the pool of players joining PVP is sooo small there are literally not enough bodies?

    Could this be alleviated by, say, using dummies or seeds? Say, there are always 1000 bodies in the pool. The dummies are replaced by real players as they enter the time slice. The dummies are of course tiered: from push overs to deadly, and can be modeled on real players' rosters and their logical choice for a particular event. The points available for hitting dummies, is of course tiny: 10 to 15 maybe; and there is a chance that dummies can retaliate (which would be AI vs AI) in which shield comes into play. The point is to avoid seeing the same person over and over in a queue, and to provide more balanced play for everyone.

    I know the idea is dumb. But as I can think of a way to change the system, there must be a myriad of them in the wild. It's up to the devs to balance between the need for profit and the need to give enjoyable experience for the players.
    There's still almost two Days to go Before slice 4 of Hot Shot ends. The closer you get to the event end, the higher everyone's score will be since Points accumulate over time. You could simply have climbed too high too soon.

    Like Icarus.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    madsalad wrote:
    Like Icarus.
    But Kiddicarus climbs very late in s1...

  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Ah, yes. Predictable. Another no-no for my paltry 3* roster. Don't climb too high.

    But let's suppose I make my climb in the last 2 hours of the time slice. When every 4* is making their climb also. Would I be able to climb to 725, or even 575?

    I have tried climbing up only in the last 2 hours. For each game I win, I lost 2 or 3. Getting to 300 is a miracle. "Climb in the last 2 hours" is a myth.

    And I did a calculation on shielding. In order to shield hop, I must use the 8 hours shield, worth 150 HP. I cannot see how I could shield hop by using the 3h shield because the cooldown is 8h. Each event only gives 100 HP in total. How could I shield without spending RL money?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ah, yes. Predictable. Another no-no for my paltry 3* roster. Don't climb too high.
    Don't climb too high too early.
    But let's suppose I make my climb in the last 2 hours of the time slice.
    You should not. Most people will be shielded, only people climbing are rosters that will eat you alive.

    Climb at the 4.5 hr mark, climb for 90 minutes or however far your HP last, shield out right after the 3 hr mark with a 3hr shield.

    It takes practice to get PVP timing right with a smaller roster, you're in the learning process now. It'll take a while to figure it out.
  • Kjeldbjerg
    Kjeldbjerg Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    Ah, yes. Predictable. Another no-no for my paltry 3* roster. Don't climb too high.

    But let's suppose I make my climb in the last 2 hours of the time slice. When every 4* is making their climb also. Would I be able to climb to 725, or even 575?

    I have tried climbing up only in the last 2 hours. For each game I win, I lost 2 or 3. Getting to 300 is a miracle. "Climb in the last 2 hours" is a myth.

    And I did a calculation on shielding. In order to shield hop, I must use the 8 hours shield, worth 150 HP. I cannot see how I could shield hop by using the 3h shield because the cooldown is 8h. Each event only gives 100 HP in total. How could I shield without spending RL money?

    100 HP individual to 725 pts plus 50 HP if you're in a t250 alliance. 150 HP each event.

    I think you still haven't grasped shield hopping, since you don't think you can use the 3hr shield.

    And everything is not a myth, just because you can't get it to work after 1 try
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    Huatimus wrote:
    chamber44 wrote:
    Kjeldbjerg wrote:

    Then, when I have another 30 min dedicated, I push hard from 600 to around 1k. Put up a 3 hr or 8 hr shield. In that period, i queue 4 big targets and then I need 10 min for my final hop to 1.3k.

    how do you queue 4 targets?

    If I'm not mistaken, the last node which you Q has a good chance to cache the same target, so you clear the last node first and skip up to 6 times in that node to see if your target is cached in that node.
    He said big targets. How likely is that target to shield when you fight it the 4th time? What about attacks on you while you are playing? You'd have to play during a pretty quiet time or have really strong 5* characters that the majority of players do not have.

    Also if you are going from 1000-1300 pts. You would climb about 225-275 pts, would you still have the same queue? I guess if you coordinate, this would work more consistently, otherwise it's not guaranteed to work.
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Ah, yes. Predictable. Another no-no for my paltry 3* roster. Don't climb too high.

    But let's suppose I make my climb in the last 2 hours of the time slice. When every 4* is making their climb also. Would I be able to climb to 725, or even 575?

    I have tried climbing up only in the last 2 hours. For each game I win, I lost 2 or 3. Getting to 300 is a miracle. "Climb in the last 2 hours" is a myth.

    And I did a calculation on shielding. In order to shield hop, I must use the 8 hours shield, worth 150 HP. I cannot see how I could shield hop by using the 3h shield because the cooldown is 8h. Each event only gives 100 HP in total. How could I shield without spending RL money?

    Try stay around 400 by the event says ~1 day left till the end. (Yon don't need to shield, but keep hitting when you have time during the first and a half day to keep your points around 400.) Then, push to 725 at around that point. I can reach 725 regularly in s1, s3, and s4 with a team of 2 champed 3* + the featured. (I can't play s2 or s5 due time real-life time constraint). Sometime, if I have to rely on the loaner, it will be hard and get hit a lot and sometime won't make 725 but 650 is still doable. If I have a decent covered or even champed one, I can even push higher. S4 indeed lets me push higher and easier than the other two. You don't have to join the even right when it begins. You can join later, say, 36 hours to the end. Start you first push to float at ~400. Pause. Push to 725 or higher if you want. If hitting 725-800 is your goal, then that's it. Note that, this is a tip for hitting progression not placement. Hitting a placement is another story. Hope this helps icon_e_smile.gif
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    dsds wrote:
    He said big targets. How likely is that target to shield when you fight it the 4th time?

    While shielded you pick a node (Ill call it A), skip on it until you find a high point target (cc or not, doesnt matter). Move on to the B node, do the same. You now have TWO nodes that have high value targets. Go to your third node (C). Skip until you find a good target. DO NOTHING ELSE. Do NOT close the game. When you are ready to hop, hit that C node FIRST. After that match, check that C node and skip a few times. That third target you had will often (though not always) be cached behind that node as the game provides you with 6-8 queued teams at a time. If you are feeling lucky, check the C node a few more times. Especially if it only took one or two skips to get back to that third opponent from your cache. Then hit your A and B nodes.

    You now have hit four high point targets. Heck, on a couple occasions Ive managed to triple a target from my cache so you might even have 5. Or you could have had a fourth opponent in that C cache and can hit them too for more fun.

    Of course, all that goes a LOT faster when the high point targets are cupcakes. But that is a different discussion as it doesnt really have much bearing on whether you can queue multiple high point targets.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    dsds wrote:
    I love how people like to blurt out the word strategy as if they are talking to people without a life outside of marvel puzzle quest. Let me ask you a question. How do you use strategy that clearly requires to devote most of your life to this. Play at night, play at a certain slice, shield at a certain time and hop. Is that what is required from a simple mobile game? Do you people not have a job or family to take care of?

    Clearly for a mobile game, the pvp system is broken.

    You clearly havent answered a question you should be asking of yourself. Am I casual or competitive, or where in between? You sound casual, yet are upset you cant place while not being willing to do the things necessary. Personally, Im closer to competitive but still lack the desire to do what is necessary to actually compete. Im usually T50 because I wont use more than 2 shields (Im F2P) and while I use Line, I wont devote extensive time to monitoring it to figure out when high point targets are hopping. I use it to chat with my alliance mates (we have two sister alliances, plus the in game chat is borked), plus shield check any cupcakes I come across out of appreciation for the risk they are taking. Ive accepted the level at which I can compete based on my self imposed limitations.

    As for job/family....I have a wife and three kids, plus a tech job and a small (4ac) farm/garden. Maybe its not all perfect (my garden has weeds and the lawn only gets mowed once a month) but its not woefully neglected at the expense of MPQ.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    dsds wrote:
    He said big targets. How likely is that target to shield when you fight it the 4th time?
    It's 100% likely because he is checking to make sure his target is shielded before he attacks it. Not because he is nice, or due to some preconceived "etiquette", but because hitting him unshielded and taking his points means that he is going to be worth less the 2nd time around, potentially causing him to not make his 1300 pt target.

    When you hit shielded targets you still get points, but they lose none. This is the fastest way to add points to the slice - something that helps everyone. When you skip you load several players into your queue at once - often the same players multiple times. So shielded opponents can still show up in your queue from your cache after just a handful of skips.
    dsds wrote:
    What about attacks on you while you are playing? You'd have to play during a pretty quiet time or have really strong 5* characters that the majority of players do not have.
    Or hitting cupcakes that can be beaten quickly - faster than someone will be able to beat your a-team. Typically a 3/4* team can easily beat 3 cupcakes in the time it takes a similar 3/4* team to beat them.
    dsds wrote:
    Also if you are going from 1000-1300 pts. You would climb about 225-275 pts, would you still have the same queue? I guess if you coordinate, this would work more consistently, otherwise it's not guaranteed to work.
    What? Yes. Once you queue a target it stays until you fight it, skip it, or someone hits you (can't happen if you are shielded). This is what shield hopping is. You shield, then while shielded you skip targets until you find those juicy 70+ pt cupcakes. This is obviously much easier and cheaper if you are coordinating, but not at all required. Once you have 3 cupcakes queued up and all your targets are shielded you break your shield and hit all 3, then go back to each node and skip until you find one again and hit it a second time. Usually you will have at least one that you can double, sometimes more, and sometimes you can even get triples if you are lucky. After 4 fights you shield, check the leaderboard, and if you still haven't hit your goal you start the process over. A 300 pt hop is a little ambitious, but usually you can count on 200 pts if you put in the time to find those big targets.
  • MarkersMake
    MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Kjeldbjerg wrote:
    100 HP individual to 725 pts plus 50 HP if you're in a t250 alliance. 150 HP each event.

    I think you still haven't grasped shield hopping, since you don't think you can use the 3hr shield.

    And everything is not a myth, just because you can't get it to work after 1 try
    He's saying he can't shield "hop", not that he can't use the 3hr shield. Because a hop implies the use of a second shield.

    If he uses 2 shields, that's 225hp per event, which is a best case (t250 alliance, actually reaches 725 on his hop) *loss* of 75 hp per event. If he's not in a t250 alliance, it's a loss of 125 per event, (and god help him if he gets unlucky during his hop and doesn't manage to hit 725).

    It's not that the strategy is hard to understand, it's simply not usable for him yet. This is what is frustrating about advice that is presented like this. It presumes that the problem is with the player ("it's simple - I can do it, why can't you?") when it's just not possible (or at least not sustainable) until your roster can support it.