How did you spend your ISO influx?



  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brought OML to 435, champed XFW, Venom, and Cho, still 200k to spend.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Malcrof wrote:
    Brought OML to 435, champed XFW, Venom, and Cho, still 200k to spend.
    I think you have a typo there. Says you champed Cho...
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    I level maxed literally every character in my roster that wasn't a 5* or Elektra.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Look at my roster in my signature. Everything there that isn't capped is now on it's current cap. Yes, I even leveled Invisible Woman. Yes, I have some ISO left.
  • catcusvader
    catcusvader Posts: 93 Match Maker
    I was working on icon_starlord.png lvl 255 then just champ'd him cuz I had a cover sitting in my stash

    still have 802030 iso8big.png left to save for later I guess.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Malcrof wrote:
    Brought OML to 435, champed XFW, Venom, and Cho, still 200k to spend.
    I think you have a typo there. Says you champed Cho...

    Man has a mancrush on Cho. Like Captain Kirk, he always chases the green ones.... icon_lol.gif
    For as terrible as he is, he does do well in some 1v1 against an underleveled Beast, or...... that's the only example I can think of really.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Championed all remaining 3*s, which for me consisted of Quicksilver, Sentry, and Rags. Then I championed OBW for the second time, replacing one I sold off a while back after MaxChamp.

    Finally, I moved a lot of 4*s up to a Titan viability range level of 180. That included Miles, Flaptain, Carnage, Antman, and Cyclops.

    That leaves me with around 200k remaining in my pool. The question is what to do with it. My options are:
    •Champ 4* Thor
    •ReChamp a few 2*s
    •Save it for Hulkbuster, who I'll be able to champ after getting one more cover, which should arrive soon since I'm 2 away from the one from Iron Fist championing rewards.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    firethorne wrote:
    Titan viability range level of 180.
    This makes me sad. That's a lot of ISO to burn on some of the lower tier 4*s for one fight every what - 6 months? Especially considering most of them can be won with level 120 toons. icon_cry.gif
  • Ezrius
    Ezrius Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    Nothing yet. I've increased my threshhold for championing 3*s, I guess, but I still want to make sure I have the iso banked when my key 3*s are fully covered. Champing Gamora doesn't really seem helpful if it means I won't have the iso to champ Luke Cage or IM40 once I finally cover them, for example. I'll probably spend some to rechamp some 2*s I'm rebuilding once I get the covers, but I'm a little ways from completing that side-project.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    1) max and champ LTHor
    2) max and champ GR (Blade's at 182 - ready to produce covers)
    3) Level IMHB to his current max
    4) put my last 3* (Sentry) at curent max. Still needs 1 cover and 13 levels after that.
    5) shore up the 2* farm, mostly max-current awaiting covers.
    6) A few levels to OML.

    That injection was like a drug. Overnight I've got 2 4* champs and sufficiently caught up on 3* that now all of my non-2*-cycling Iso goes to 4* or 5* of choice. And those little XP denominations doled out in the events feed the addiction.

    D3 has designed a pretty satisfying system. It's enough to keep players like me hooked in, and possibly still interested in contributing cash to the game. For the moment, I'm hooked.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    I blew it all on standard tokens.

    Kidding. Champed Colossus, leveled 4* Jean and Thing to their current max levels. Threw some ISO at other characters, still have about 100K in the bank.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Piro_plock wrote:
    HxiiiK wrote:
    Quite frankly, why would you use it on a farm? Except for the hp and cp, you lose ISO on farms, so the best way to use a jackpot is to spend it all on things you can use, such as champ those max covered 4/3*s you've been wanting to
    Farms give you fixed 3* covers and, from now on, also XP. If anything, the new feature increased their value.

    I concur. 2* champ farming was a judgement call before - trade off some Iso for other rewards. Now you get XP for every level. I was already starting the farm for the HP/CP, now I get XP as well. Someone might have the gumption to quantitate it, but my gut feeling right now is that 2* farming is beneficial.
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    I maxed and champed LadyThor...then held on to my ISO. Until this AM when I got a Heroic token in Daily Supply and promptly pulled a Fury cover. So I champed/maxed him. Pulled another black Banner with the LT from Fury.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't decided yet. I have two accounts, one android and one pc. ...
    As nice as this was it also made me a little sad as for the first time I figured out how much iso I need and wow, not even considered going into 4*'s and beyond it is going to be a very long road for a casual player like me.

    I think having two accounts omits you from the "casual" category.

    Why split your focus? Pick a platform and stick with it. Unless you're hitting 1300 PvP and grinding every PvE node to one on both accounts, there's no reason to maintain that. One account is hard enough to progress in.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    Haven't spent it yet! I just wait for covers to drop and then when someone is max covered +1 waiting, I champ them using iso and waiting again... Or opening a few heroic tokens or LT or use CP, but it will be a total waste if I now use it all to something instantly.

    Well used some of it to champ Wolverine 2* and next one will be 3* Deadpool
  • Shemhazi
    Shemhazi Posts: 28
    I spent about 20k buying standard cover packs, out of which I got nothing I can use at the moment, so I haven't spent any of the rest of it (Got enough for rank 21 to put me at just over 120k), so I'm sitting on about 106k. All of my rostered characters are at their current available max levels, so don't have any leveling or champing to do.

    I do have have 10 covers for 7 different 3*s in queue, and 15 covers for 4 different 2*s, so I'm hoping my budget this month will allow me to buy enough HP for 11 roster slots. Then I'll be able to use some of my ISO-8 leveling these that aren't currently rostered.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Champed my last four 3* characters (She-Hulk, Blade, Ragnorak and Squirrel Girl) and also 2* Storm and Wolverine (rechamped after sale and rebuild).
  • ThatOneRed
    ThatOneRed Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Started off at level 54. Used the resulting iso8.png to:
    -Champion icon_gamora.png
    -Champion 4* Thoress with the cover I got from my legendary.
    -Champion icon_sentry.png as I had stopped putting anything into him after the nerf.
    -Champion 2* icon_wolverine.pngicon_daken.pngicon_blackwidow.png .
    -Now very close to championing icon_loki.png . Which only leaves icon_hood.png for my 3* land.

    I am glad they released this swell of ISO, as I was contemplating uninstalling. The numerous changes, nerfs, & new characters always left me with iso8.png remorse. This at least allows me to level things out a bit.
  • Swish
    Swish Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I started at a level 65, and have every 3* championed. I'm currently working on champing my 4*'s and have made a lot of progress this far. I also decided to start cycling all the 2*'s, so I have them all rostered & building them up. With the influx of ISO, I managed to finish maxing Red Hulk, took X-23 from 111 to 270, champed & used the cover I just got from my taco vault, then was also able to bring my 2* wolvie to 94 (from 15)... and... I champed my Bagman (16 to 94, just because I could).
  • Shemhazi
    Shemhazi Posts: 28
    Today was payday, so I was able to roster all of the characters I had queued, including a Black Bolt cover I got from my VIP Legendary Token. After following up with all of the leveling available after using all my covers, I still have 64k ISO-8 waiting for another cover to come up.