Known Issue: Game Crashing



  • Talus9952
    Talus9952 Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    R106 has brought me 2 crashes so far. I never crashed before R106.
  • metuck12
    metuck12 Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Same problem here. Hadn't even made a move yet. Was just studying the board and wham. Now all my characters are injured without a fight.

  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    The last week, crashes have gotten notably worse for me. (iphone 6 user.)

    Before, the worst I had to deal with was the game crashing while trying to open it. It would just bounce back to the home screen, I'd try again, it might take 2 or 3 tries, and then it would finally be open. A little annoying, but no damage done.

    Four times this week, I've gotten dumped mid-match. One time it was mid-animation, another I was just looking at the screen contemplating a move and got bounced to the home screen. Three health packs gone, each time.

    I'm not in four-alarm mode yet, but you can only regenerate so many health packs a day. If this reaches a three-crashes-equals-nine-health-packs-a-day level, that's enough to wreck a PVE event, and at which point continuing to play becomes pointless for me. So I'm very curious to see if this gets better or worse.
  • Talus9952
    Talus9952 Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    And another crash last night. That's 3 since R106 came out, no crashes before R106.
  • Thorin radd
    Thorin radd Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Game keeps reseting. R106 Sucked
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm averaging one a day for the past few days. Extremely frustrating.
  • EmSkee
    EmSkee Posts: 15
    I just bought VIP for the first time and within 15 - 30 minutes of the purchase, the MPQ app crashed on me for the first time.

    I also updated my IOS to 9.2 yesterday but have been playing MPQ for several hours without any crashes. However, I do notice that some graphics take much longer to load since updating to IOS 9.2. Sometimes after winning a match, I will see a blue background without any graphics for 5-10 seconds before the graphics finally appear. This never happened to me before I updated my iPhone 6's IOS to 9.2. It is not a wifi/connectivity issue as I am playing in the same area of my home as before.

    The first crash was during a match. Since that crash I have not been able to successfully open the app without it crashing first. If this continues much longer I will be asking for a refund on the VIP and coin purchases that I've made in the last 24-48 hours.
  • rb8888
    rb8888 Posts: 5
    I'm on iOS using an iPhone 6 Plus. Most of the time, the crashes happen while the game is loading, so I'll see the Hulk and then it'll crash and I'll have to manually start the game again. This happens about 30% of the time. But just now, the game crashed during "Trouble in Paradise".

    As with others in this thread, I agree that this shouldn't addressed in the next major release as the consequences of a mid-game crash is too severe for someone who's trying to rank. And considering everything you need to pay for in this game and the limited rewards that are given out, ranking is too important. If the devs are going to wait until the next major release, they better plan on compensating players too.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    I played before with my samsung galaxy s4 and it crashed more frequently than now when using Lenovo tab to play. Crashed only twice during two months. I have also noted that it usually crashes when making too hasty moves ie you start making your move when it's still AI's turn. I hope that helps somewhat?
  • Crashed after updating 107, start of the match just like in 106. Lol to be horrible at my job and still be employed... if only.
  • MyroIII
    MyroIII Posts: 4
    6th crash. Android. This is ridiculous. Who do we message for compensation health packs?
  • MyroIII
    MyroIII Posts: 4
    At my 10th crash. I'm on a Samsung Note 4. I don't get any game play in. The match loads, tiles drop, game crashes. I take hits across all my teams health. Can we get a dev update?
  • auralgami
    auralgami Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    The game had not crashed during a match for me before, but it just did now. iPhone 5s here

    More than half the match on the Daken Simulator essential, and well on my way to winning, then *boom*.

    Reload the game and the team has significant damage and of course I have to do the battle over again.

    The grind is bad enough; this just makes it worse.
  • Hyposphere6234
    Hyposphere6234 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    Three crashes today and one yesterday, Samsung S6 user.