**** Kate Bishop (Hawkeye) ****

Cthulhu ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 410 Site Admin
edited March 2017 in Character Details
Kate Bishop (Hawkeye) icon_katebishop.png
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 13995 Tile Damage: 12/13/83/65/11/74/4.5x
    Ruthless Precision 12 bluetile.png AP
    Kate doesn’t futz around. Deals 1213 damage and creates a 3-turn Countdown tile. While this tile is on the board, enemies cannot gain health.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 1698 Damage. Level 3: Deals 2183 damage. Level 4: Deals 3154 damage and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile that prevents enemies from healing. Level 5: Deals 5095 damage and creates a 5-turn Countdown tile that prevents enemies from healing.
    Max Level
      Level 3: Deals 4253 damage and creates a 3-turn Countdown tile that prevents enemies from healing. Level 4: Deals 6144 damage and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile that prevents enemies from healing. Level 5: Deals 9925 damage and creates a 5-turn Countdown tile that prevents enemies from healing.

    Looking for Trouble - 8 blacktile.png AP
    Hawkeyes’s got the skills to handle any situation she gets herself into… well, almost any situation. Deals 1287 damage and creates a 3-turn Black Countdown tile that deals 815 damage to Kate Bishop.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 1880 damage Level 3: Deals 2194 damage. Level 4: Deals 2843 damage and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile that will deal 815 damage to Kate Bishop. Level 5: Deals 3833 damage and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile that will deal 463 damage to Kate Bishop.
    Max Level
      Level 3: Deals 4276 damage and creates a 3-turn Countdown tile that will deal 1588 damage to Kate Bishop. Level 4: Deals 5539 damage and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile that will deal 1588 damage to Kate Bishop. Level 5: Deals 7470 damage and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile that will deal 902 damage to Kate Bishop.

    Because… Boomerangs - 10 purpletile.png AP
    Boomerang arrow, it comes back to you in the end. Boomerang. Respect it. Creates 3 strength 44 Red Strike tiles and a 3-turn Purple Countdown tile that removes up to 3 friendly strike tiles and deals 1230 damage.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Creates strength 56 tiles and a Countdown tile that deals 1807 damage. Level 3: Creates strength 65 Strike tiles and a Countdown tile that deals 2409 damage. Level 4: Creates 4 strength 75 tiles and a 2-turn Purple Countdown tile that removes up to 3 friendly Strike tiles and deals 2687 damage. Level 5: Creates 5 strength 93 Strike tiles and a 2-turn Purple Countdown tile that removes up to 3 friendly Strike tiles and deals 3929 damage.
    Max Level
      Level 3: Creates 3 strength 127 Red Strike tiles and a 3-turn Purple Countdown tile that removes up to 3 friendly Strike tiles and deals 4691 damage. Level 4: Creates 4 strength 145 Strike tiles and a 2-turn Purple Countdown tile that removes up to 3 friendly Strike tiles and deals 5232 damage. Level 5: Creates 5 strength 181 Strike tiles and a 2-turn Purple Countdown tile that removes up to 3 friendly Strike tiles and deals 7650 damage.


    • elwhiteninja
      elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
      Cthulhu wrote:
      Pre-release ability precis:
        Damage 12 AP - Deal damage and create a special tile, while the tile is on board enemies cannot gain health.
        that looks interesting
      • mega ghost
        mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
        Cthulhu wrote:
        Pre-release ability precis:
          Damage 12 AP - Deal damage and create a special tile, while the tile is on board enemies cannot gain health.
          that looks interesting

          Yeah, is it a countdown tile? Or a new tile that previously did not exist. I was assuming this was Nightcrawler based on the clue (and alternate language clues), but I'd really have to think on how these abilities match the character.

          Maybe it it was my second guess, of Uncanny X-Force Psylocke? But the clues don't seem to match. If I have to take a wild guess at another character, based on the clues in each language, it would be a 4-star Blade. Which leads me to believe Marvel are about to announce a Blade Netflix series.
        • elwhiteninja
          elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
          apocalypse would make sense or Mr. sinister
        • mega ghost
          mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
          apocalypse would make sense or Mr. sinister

          Apocalypse would be a 5-star, or a boss. How would Mr. Sinister fit in with the clues? Which are:

          "Look sharp!" and:
          DTStump wrote:
          Khaoz77 wrote:
          In the spanish notes it reads as "A pair of knives..."

          If it helps the experts...

          I found this interesting and went to check the French version: "no time to lose". Now I'm puzzled.

          Very interesting. In the German version: "eyes open!", which I suppose is just the literal way to translate "Look Sharp" (most of the German translations tend to miss the puns / references, e.g. "Thick as Thieves" = "Dumb Thieves").
          The Italian one says "In guardia", that is "en garde" in French and "On (your) guard" in English.
          ..and it has nothing in common with the other translation icon_lol.gif
        • Tilesmasher
          Tilesmasher Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
          "Look sharp" almost telling someone to have a sharp eye, like a hawks eye.

          The colors match Hawkeye too.
        • mega ghost
          mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
          "Look sharp" almost telling someone to have a sharp eye, like a hawks eye.

          The colors match Hawkeye too.

          Agreed, but the other language clues don't seem to fit him. I'm also wondering if Valkyrie could be a possibility, as she could match these clues and abilities, plus she's just been in the news.
        • Ludaa
          Ludaa Posts: 542
          mega ghost wrote:
          "Look sharp" almost telling someone to have a sharp eye, like a hawks eye.

          The colors match Hawkeye too.

          Agreed, but the other language clues don't seem to fit him. I'm also wondering if Valkyrie could be a possibility, as she could match these clues and abilities, plus she's just been in the news.

          Alright, so Valkyrie is a female/lady...and a hawk is a hawk...I think I know who it is.

          Rutger Hauer/Mathew Broderick combo!

        • zodiac339
          zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
          Cthulhu wrote:
          Pre-release ability precis:
            Damage 12 AP - Deal damage and create a special tile, while the tile is on board enemies cannot gain health.

            Damage/Special Tile - 8 AP - Deal damage and create a countdown tile that when expired will damage this hero.

            Damage 10 AP - Creates special tiles and removes friendly strike tiles.
            The first thing that comes to mind is Omega Red. Oh, wait. No. Nooooo. Carbonadium nerfs healing factors. Deadpool has Carbonadium swords, but we have a 4-star of him. Omega Red has Carbonadium tentacles. But there's another character known for using something that nerfs healing...
            Daken. Who became Horseman of Death. And X-Men Apocalypse in theaters. This is post-Heat, where Daken literally has no healing factor anymore, and none of these powers lists the ability to heal. The Muramasa Blade was bonded to his claws, and it stops healing factors (though that was supposed to be removed prior to the Horseman thing). And he's known for removing strike tiles already.
          • We_are_Venom
            We_are_Venom Posts: 308 Mover and Shaker
            My guess is cable
          • ruinedcause
            ruinedcause Posts: 97
            Cthulhu wrote:
            Pre-release ability precis:
              Damage 12 AP - Deal damage and create a special tile, while the tile is on board enemies cannot gain health.

              Is this for passive health gain abilities as well? This would be a great counter for Kamala Khan, Patch, OML if so.
            • 20three
              20three Posts: 371
              Fan-Service Psylocke
            • Ariesrisen74
              Ariesrisen74 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
              I bet angel or archangel!
            • fmftint
              fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
              Can Demiurge make a new character that doesn't use purple?
            • hodayathink
              hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
              fmftint wrote:
              Can Demiurge make a new character that doesn't use purple?

              You mean like the most recent character they've released (War Machine)?
            • fnedude
              fnedude Posts: 393 Mover and Shaker
              So does anyone think D3 will do the "new format PvP" for this event, or stick with the old-tried and true?

              They have to bite the bullet sometime and offer a new character with the "new and improved format", right?

            • Blahahah
              Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
              Cthulhu wrote:

              Damage/Special Tile - 8 AP - Deal damage and create a countdown tile that when expired will damage this hero.

              Why did this have to be black? Drax almost had a use for once icon_e_sad.gif
            • Hoho69
              Hoho69 Posts: 48
              Bleehhh, I think this new character is a 4 star bagman..abilities seem to have little use.
            • MarcusGraves
              MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
              Hoho69 wrote:
              Bleehhh, I think this new character is a 4 star bagman..abilities seem to have little use.

              Info is very bare bones to judge yet, this batch is really just for people to play "guess the character".
            • nwahs086
              nwahs086 Posts: 90 Match Maker
              I wonder if that blueflag.png ability is to counter OML.
            • Pongie
              Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
              zodiac339 wrote:
              The first thing that comes to mind is Omega Red. Oh, wait. No. Nooooo. Carbonadium nerfs healing factors. Deadpool has Carbonadium swords, but we have a 4-star of him. Omega Red has Carbonadium tentacles. But there's another character known for using something that nerfs healing...

              Been reading up on carbonadium and another that is mentioned is moon knight
