Retribution Alliance Chat
I posted in the in game chat that I'd be at Comicon for 4 days. All my time was centered around that so I didn't play much at all and none on Sunday since that was the last day and I wanted to absorb it all before I had to wait another year for its return.
I've since resumed playing. I'm not burnt out just been taking it easy to avoid burnout.0 -
Still playing though not going to fight for anything over 900 in PvP unless that's absolutely required for top 10
Not feeling burned out in the slightest yet ^_^0 -
Hey guys,
Thanks for the post Colog. It's good for us to keep accountable to the team.
I know that I was really struggling with PVP. My mmr was constantly pitting me against teams that had 212s against my 60s (with my two 141). I've been spreading out my iso to get my boosted characters into the 100 range and that's been helping a lot. I also think I should have taken a break for a few days because work was getting insane and I was still trying to play and it just ended up in a halfhearted effort. Also, I ran out of HP boosting one of my characters and couldn't spend on shields (which is really tough).
At any rate, I'm really excited about Season 3 and kicking a bit more ****. I've got a few really key covers so I'm working towards slowly rounding out my team with ISO. I'll probably grab another 20,000 HP this month but I still can't justify buying ISO. It's so damned expensive. In fact, any tips around farming ISO are welcome. I'll be at a wedding in the US later this month which'll mean reduced play in a few weeks but other than that I'm on board in a big way.
At any rate, I've been accumulating some ISO (~80K) and I'm not sure who to push up next so any advice is welcome.
Thanks guys0 -
Definitely do not put one more ISO into Daredevil who is ****.
Since after this PvP you should have maxed Hood, I would put ISO into him to get him into ~4.000 HP range, since otherwise he dies too fast. However when he is at that ~4.000 he sometimes makes miracles when used on defense (and you could also pair him up with obw/LT or Mag/LT) - another OKish option would be to level lazy cap - who although slow, is a great and hard hitter once he gets going + he's awesome at PvE0 -
Great work on our Season 2 Finish!
Season 2 was a bit more competitive than Season 1 I think. I know I played it a little casual this time and paid for it during the last push. I did hit my goal of 10,000 but it took a bit more HP shield hopping than I would have liked.
I think all in all we did a good job.
A huge congrats to our top scorers: Morgh, Colog, and Thunderhead! You guys rocked this Season.
We now look forward to Season 3. I know some of you are excited to keep going strong and some are not.
We have one person that will be leaving our alliance so now is a good time to take a moment and figure things out before we are knee deep in the Season.
As an alliance we want to continue to place top 100 in all events. As a good personal Season 3 goal, everyone should try for 10,000. I know it seems like a lot but considering you can get 2000 or so from shield training and there will be 12 PVP events. This should be a good goal to reach for. Now we are not saying you MUST get 10,000 or else. We are not asking you to drop $500 bucks on the game. We are simply saying that we don't just want our top scorers to carry us over the finish line. We are a team and we need to play like a team. Everyone doing their share as much as they are able.
Let me just throw this out there, this works for me and might help someone. PVP is a pain sometimes and the only way to really come out on top is to spend HP on shields. There just isn't any way to get around it. You want the covers you have to pay. So what I have done and seems to work ok is to spend a total of 300 HP per PVP event. I play casually until there is a little over 12 hours left, then I grind out a lot of matches. Then I use a 75 HP shield. wait 3 hours, rinse and repeat. Shield hopping all the way to top 20, top 10 or whatever. I get covers for a fraction of what it would cost to buy a cover. So if you spend 20 bucks to get the 2900 HP deal, you could basically use that for the entire season and do well. I'm NOT saying you HAVE TO DO THIS. I am saying if you want to what I do, it works.
So if anyone is burned out, doesn't want to continue the PVP grind and wants out, now is the time.
We already have 1 leaving us and would rather just make all the changes early on so as avoid the mid season scramble. If you just need a Season break, we can replace you and if there is a spot open next Season and you want to come back, you are more than welcome to come back.
I have a feeling Season 3 may be a little more competitive and we need to be shooting for some solid scores. If you need vacation time or a break here and there, that's one thing and we can all pick up the slack but if you just don't have the energy for this next season, its better to speak up now so the entire alliance doesn't suffer by one person leaving mid or later in the season.
Thank you guys! You make this a great alliance and I am proud to be in it with you.0 -
Hello all! I'm sorry to see someone go, whoever it is...take care. It's been a great run. I also know Lord Will is gonna find us a good replacement.
As far as Season 3 goes, I wanted to lend a little insight as far as how I played Season 2, because I was able to hit 10,000 while shielding only once or twice during the whole season!
Basically during Season 1 I ended up with something like 15000 points, I shield hopped like crazy, every tourney I finished with better than 1000 points, usually 1100, a few I hit 1300+. I ended up #7 in a very competitive bracket.
Needless to say it burned me out pretty bad, and with the MMR the way it is now, it's just too arduous for me to grind through all those 212/141/141 teams...I'm sure you know the feeling. The fact I pulled only a single needed cover out of 40 heroics also set the tone Actually that isn't too bad, because there honestly isn't very many covers I need at this point.
For Season 2 I adopted a different strategy. I would only shield if I needed the 3* covers, so that meant the first two Lazy Daken tournaments, and one additional one later on (I think Hood). I was running low on HP, and I refuse to buy anymore unless it goes on sale (personal grudge at this point), so I decided I would restock my HP stores.
During Season 2 my usual strategy was to play to 300, get the special token and take a few hits.....log on again and play to 600....take a few hits....and then log on again and play to 900. Once I hit 900 and got my HP, I stopped, and would *not* shield. Then the zombies would come out en masse, and I would usually end up dropping 200-300 points, with a final score of 600ish, and that was normally good enough for top 50. I wouldn't even bother retaliating unless it was someone hitting me multiple times, in which case I would return the favor.
Using this method, I was still able to achieve 10,000 points for the heroic pack, I didn't burn any HP, and I was making net +100 HP per PvP event, sometimes +150. Much less stress, you don't have to constantly be on the game, especially during the last 3 hours, and you can still finish with decent rewards.
This method helped me deal with burnout, I hope it helps you if you are feeling the same way. It's cathartic when you know longer care about personal ranking0 -
Thanks for the insight, Mizake.
You touched on something I've been struggling with and that's the fact that I'm almost fully covered now (save for a couple of those hard to get characters). So, it's really hard for me to find the motivation to push for 2 hours, especially during summertime, to get a reward I don't need.
I don't know how some of you do it (or have done it for months now).
So, I'm just hanging around to see what's around the corner for this game. Alliances and Seasons have helped extend the excitement for me, but that won't last forever. If the game is just going to keep being this kind of 'cover treadmill', this might be my last season as a serious player.0 -
I feel pretty annoyed and disappointed with people who got a big fat 0 in the last PvP... I mean - it was for a new cover, you could not have until you literally threw money at the game and yet without a word 3 people did not even get a few hundred points - just thanks to a mad last minute push we stayed within top 100 and ended at 90... which actually is pretty bad... Why the sudden lack of communication? ****?
I also feel a bit disappointed that people who are leaving, did not say so here in the forums - the messages in the ingame chat sometimes get lost and unless you happen to kill the game process and reload the game at the right moment, you might miss such good-byes (if there were any)
And just to end my today's whining - I feel a bit disappointed that if things go like this, Will/Colog are going to have to kick people instead of them leaving on their own and freeing up spots for fresh blood ;<
TL;DR = I am a bit annoyed and disappointed with some of us and pretty happy with the rest ^_^0 -
Thanks Morgh for your post and I agree.
We have given people the option to step down if they no longer want to play as much or are leaving the game. We have an open door policy that if you leave (at least on good terms) and there is room next season and you want to jump back on the MPQ treadmill, great! We are happy to have you back if we have spots open.
I know a few in our alliance are just done with things for now, Fanzhuozi and GT-47LM are the two that are stepping down. If there is anyone else that feels like they need a break or whatever, please say your goodbyes and step down. I am in the process of getting us replacements and would rather just do it now than mid season or later in the season. You know how Seasons work, you know what it takes. If you don't want to do it, then don't. No harm no foul.
We hate to lose anyone since we have all come together nicely but this game can be demanding and we all have real life responsibilities. I have enjoyed our alliance a LOT and hopefully we will remain one of the top alliances if we pull together and move forward. We are not forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to do, and I don't want anyone feeling guilty if they do want to step down. I would rather people step down then just let the whole alliance down.
We had people post 0 scores for a new cover. I don't understand this. Please decide what you want to do and let us know. But if you decide to stay, please put up some points and help out. putting up some points in 2 and half days is plenty of time and not asking for much.0 -
And remember that below 500 points you lose really small amounts if people attack you, so it's absolutely doable to just get ~400-500 and end with such a score without shielding - and such a score + people who get anywhere from 1000 to 1200 = good, firm and reliable standing which is especially important now that the alliance bracket rewards have been adjusted (more ISO to level your stuff is never a bad thing ^_^)0 -
Thunderhead, are You aiming at winning our bracket in Webslinger? I see You already have 5 Blue IW, so if You don't mind I'll try to jump over You.0
Neat, we have a thread!
So, I'm the new guy, you've probably noticed me whining and cursing about my own personal MMR Hell.
I was born to a Swiss father and a French/Slovak/German mother and am currently living in Vienna (Austria). Yeah, your typical European, I suppose. I'm an employee of the justice system. In my spare time I train martial arts (Jun Fan Kung Fu/Jeet Kune Do and Filipino Kali, my trainers are licenced under Dan Inosanto), currently working on my own instructor licence, and I play drums in a band. If I had the time, I'd do agility with our dog (Staffordshire bullterrier); I'm a dog lover altogether (it runs in the family, my brother rescued two cats and three pit bulls from the local shelter - I have to tell you, the male and the large female make lovely neck rests - and took in another four homeless cats found wandering the streets).
My user name was chosen after this guy here: I very much hope to eventually see him in a movie adaption (we will not speak of the abomination that was the Stallone adaption here!), and preferably portrayed by Karl Urban as well.
Back to getting some work done in the Webslinger event.0 -
welcome Rico! Glad to have you aboard.0
Thanks! You guys kick furry cat butt!
Gah the server keeps committing suicide on me! I guess I'll leave slaughtering seed teams for later on.0 -
Only my second PvE run, and yet nearly up to 10K already... rubbery much?
Has anyone of you used Baghead yet?
But what I was actually gonna say: Sorry for slacking these last few days, I've been a bit "temporarily challenged". My brother came for a visit (he works in the US), and I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. Also, DD is giving me trouble, I don't want to level mine beyond what I've already fed him (I mean, he is kinda fun to play, but way too unreliable for tournaments for my taste), but seem to have shot my MMR again, so I'm mostly fighting 2 against 3 right now. Gonna catch the start of the next PvP to lower it again, your method worked great.0 -
Guys we can not keep having PvP events where almost half of the team decides to take it off. Especially without saying something. The lack of participation is getting to be a bad habit.
Let me reiterate what we need to be a consistent top 100 alliance:
Every member needs to score 600+ in every pvp. That is the minimum to do that. This is a team that used to do that easily with no need to say that.
Lately way too many are doing way too little.
I think they are not being honest with themselves and the team. I think you are tired of the game, don't like the healing changes, don't like the level changes, all of the above. If that is true speak up and leave instead of dragging us down with your inactivity.
Honestly any other excuse doesn't fly. There is enough HP within progression to finance a shield. Rico and Rager score 800 with a much less impressive roster than those who have been slacking. Those guys care.
After three months of the rewards of being a top 100 alliance this team should be hitting its stride and moving upwards not downwards.
I hate that I have to tell team members they have to score 600 when they used to want to score 600. Each one of you needs to ask yourself if you still want to do that because I don't want to have to keep posting this every two weeks when we fell outside of top 100 again.0 -
Hey guys,
I thought about what Colognoisseur said these past 12 hours in chat and think it's in the team's best interest for me to step to the side. My season 3 output has been pretty anemic (so I'll be easy to replace) and it won't be getting any better with the 4th of July weekend coming up and my plans for a 2 week beach vacation starting July 10th.
It's been too hard for me as an Ipad-only user to find the time to keep pace. Also, it's harder for me to find the motivation to grind out 800 points in PvP when I don't need/want the rewards. Much respect to those that can do it.
Thanks to LordWill for allowing me to come along for the ride. Much ISO/HP was earned in my time with Retribution and that was due to everyone's effort along the way.
I'll still be on the forums and playing casually, so try not to smack me too hard in PvP.
Good luck.0 -
Thanks Colog. I try. Kinda ashamed of 625 only this last one. And then Karma has been screwing me over with my Punisher start, should have reached 300 way before I did. Hell, I should be approaching 400 already, and instead I squandered plenty of points thanks to an incredibly lucky AI
Shame to see you go, Toxic. I don't think I'll smack you at all.0 -
I just wanted to say a few things as well.
I know a lot of you are busy with Summer stuff and some of the changes to the game are sometimes less than spectacular. And simply put, to place well in any event takes time. You can't just play for 10 minutes and get top scores. It's especially unrewarding if you don't need the covers.
However if the top scorers are using up their iso and hp on buffs and shields to help everyone out even though they don't need the covers and want us to be top 100 for Season 3, we all need to pitch in and make sure we are Top 100 every time.
So if you are wanting out, then we understand. The easiest way to do this is to say your goodbyes and drop from the alliance. (I hate kicking people)
Toxic, we had a good run and you will be missed. If things change in your life and you feel like you want to come back, the door is always open. That goes for anyone.
Let's get some fire back into us. I don't want to simply squeak by every time.0 -
We seem to be looking rather good in the current PvP.0
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