**** Drax (The Destroyer) ****



  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Purple would be grossly overpowered if you could cast it without ending the turn. You'd just save the Purple AP until you had Another Power ready to go, then do a double whammy.
    ...does anyone know for sure if activating a turn-ending Power through Fastball Special still ends the turn? I Think it would, but I can't quite remember...
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    Der_Lex wrote:

    Um. icon_e_smile.gif
    Ah I misread that as "entry level ends the turn for that power"
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    You know what, I'd completely forgotten about it but...

    Man, looking at it, Drax would combo really REALLY well with Ant Man.
    Drax can go 5/3/5 and Ant Man can also go 5/3/5. Ant Man makes some Ants! Ants! Ants! tiles for Drax to eat, and while Ant Man has great whittling power, Drax can provide that huge chunk of damage up front to really speed things along.
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Blahahah wrote:
    As a question:
    If he has his purpleflag.png countdown tile placed, and Kingpin uses his Black ability on it, does Drax trigger first, negating Kingpin's extra damage? Does Kingpin destroy it first, preventing Drax from following up? Do both of them activate? Do neither of them activate?
    I would guess that only Kingpin's damage is dealt. You have to activate the power first, and after it's off the passives can be executed. If the countdown had been removed by Kingpin there is no trigger for Drax purple damage.
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Can i make a request: pleaseeee replace Gamora with Drax for Starlord's DDQ

    1) both share two colours. And you no longer have to worry about Gamora stunning you (green) or an instant wincon (black)

    2) Drax's purple is useless in a 1v1. Plus it ends the turn. The only benefit of it is to boost his black, and you can easily overwrite it with Pete's purple

    3) by the time Drax gets 8 Red AP (or more if Pete has everyone with him), he should have done enough damage to bring you below 90% health

    All in all, Pete would have a much easier time against Drax than Gamora

    ...oh wait. Are they gonna make Starlord Drax's opponent instead? icon_eek.gif
    I don't think they gonna make this fight easier.

    And in fact DDQ 1:1 with Drax will be terrible no matter what opponent he will get :/
  • SpecOps
    SpecOps Posts: 31
    Blahahah wrote:
    You know what, I'd completely forgotten about it but...

    Man, looking at it, Drax would combo really REALLY well with Ant Man.
    Drax can go 5/3/5 and Ant Man can also go 5/3/5. Ant Man makes some Ants! Ants! Ants! tiles for Drax to eat, and while Ant Man has great whittling power, Drax can provide that huge chunk of damage up front to really speed things along.

    I had the very same idea, yes Antman's yellow ability could help draw out the full damage potential of Drax's The Destroyer move. But at the same time, an slight drawback would be that, since Antman's yellow ability only targets red tiles on the broad. Which could be hurtful at times, when your only able the generate red from the board itself. Both of Antman's Blue and Yellow ability's could be helpful, from the standpoint of helping Drax's get off his Purple ability faster due to the (arguable) low ap required to use them. Both of these moves would also help Drax's Black power produce the extra damage from the CD tiles. With Antman's Blue ability (with atleast 3 covers) producing a one 5 turn CD tile and his yellow being able to produce 5 CD tiles with a 3 turn limited set on each one. The only overlapping color would be Purple power between the two characters. Making the pairing, quite visible at first glance without seeing the pairing work in live action.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,763 Chairperson of the Boards
    SpecOps wrote:

    I had the very same idea, yes Antman's yellow ability could help draw out the full damage potential of Drax's The Destroyer move. But at the same time, an slight drawback would be that, since Antman's yellow ability only targets red tiles on the broad. Which could be hurtful at times, when your only able the generate red from the board itself. Both of Antman's Blue and Yellow ability's could be helpful, from the standpoint of helping Drax's get off his Purple ability faster due to the (arguable) low ap required to use them. Both of these moves would also help Drax's Black power produce the extra damage from the CD tiles. With Antman's Blue ability (with atleast 3 covers) producing a one 5 turn CD tile and his yellow being able to produce 5 CD tiles with a 3 turn limited set on each one. The only overlapping color would be Purple power between the two characters. Making the pairing, quite visible at first glance without seeing the pairing work in live action.
    Here is one benefit of using Ant man and it is the fact that Drax removes the CD but leaves the red tile to match for Drax red. If he destroyed the tile DP would be better to double dip but that would be broken.
    Also I don't see KP as a good pair because for 12 black KP does more damage then Drax and only destroys 2 CD compared to 3.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    Does his purple trigger if Drax uses an ability or does it have to be a teammate?

    Also, no one's mentioned Loki yet for a good partner for Drax--lots of CD tiles you probably don't mind losing for an extra 1,700 to 2,200 damage each.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    vudu3 wrote:
    Does his purple trigger if Drax uses an ability or does it have to be a teammate?

    Also, no one's mentioned Loki yet for a good partner for Drax--lots of CD tiles you probably don't mind losing for an extra 1,700 to 2,200 damage each.

    But I want that AP!

    ap steal is typically better than a little extra damage. Especially in the current meta where characters routinely have 20k health or more. (then again, loki has been far to squishy to use regularly ever since the healthshift last year. So it's kind of a moot point anyway).
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not digging the colors they chose, basically makes him not very useable with XFDP or KP. That leaves Ant-Man as a CD generator for 4*'s...
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Melevorn wrote:
    [soapbox rant]

    The power creep on display here is astonishing.

    All three of Drax's powers have in the vicinity of 1000 damage / AP at max. Remember when HB was (arguably) over-powered at around 650 damage / AP?

    Punisher MAX's blackflag.png is at a similar power level, but at least his greenflag.png and blueflag.png are sane.

    There is nothing at all compelling about Drax - his colour combination is the same as 4Pool (who's a decent character) and Elektra (who's not), his powers are not novel (KP does great blackflag.png damage at a much cheaper AP cost by burning countdowns), the only reason D3 are counting on people to throw money at champing/maxxing Drax are his ridiculously high damage numbers (for a 4*).

    When a game goes this far down the power creep curve it's a very bad sign for its longevity. If they upgraded, ohhh, everyone else (XFW, Fury, GoT, etc) to the same power level (plus fixed Mr F, Chulk, etc), that would be OK. Hands up who thinks that D3 will do that...?

    [/soapbox rant]
    I didn't really see it as power creep, because I don't view the damage / AP like you do. Sure, black costs 12 AP and does about 13k damage, so I can see how you would say it's 1000/AP... But you have to HAVE cd tiles to do the damage, and that costs AP. So it's more along the lines of 600-700 per AP when you add in the AP needed to cast KP yellow, AM yellow, XFDP purple, etc. And it's ONLY that high in those select situations. With Loki, sure, it can be higher, but that's a single pair.

    To me power creep isn't "here's a new guy who is below average by himself, and above average with 3-5 specific teammates." In fact, it's a good way to add characters and make them interesting... They can be great, but they require you to build a synergistic team.

    To me... It's kinda the opposite of creep.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    TAH and MrF both create countdowns. Just sayin...
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    TAH and MrF both create countdowns. Just sayin...

    Would you ever use Turd Hulk? Dont think so. MrF only creates 1 tile, also, it happens to be blackflag.png so you'd need to save 22 AP for not even max dmg.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cthulhu wrote:
    Every level ends the turn for that power.

    I can understand the reasoning for not wanting people to fire a power after this one, but wouldn't it be better if instead of ending the turn it merely locked out your other powers until the next turn.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crowl wrote:

    I can understand the reasoning for not wanting people to fire a power after this one, but wouldn't it be better if instead of ending the turn it merely locked out your other powers until the next turn.

    that might be a more sensible mechanic, but it would probably be a much harder task in terms of coding. There is no other power that 'locks out other abilities' so they would have to code that effect and then troubleshoot it. Ending the turn is a well established mechanic that probably be added to a new ability without much trouble.
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    vudu3 wrote:
    Does his purple trigger if Drax uses an ability or does it have to be a teammate?
    I'm thinking only a teammate. I expect the coding is like a passive... "If this countdown tile is on the board and an ally fires a power, then trigger damage and remove countdown." So it would act like other teammate-power-activated passives in the game, like Kamala Khan's yellow, but only when the countdown tile is out.

    David or Cthulhu, if you could confirm, that'd be great.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    TAH and MrF both create countdowns. Just sayin...
    True, but not multiple CDs. I don't think he's useful at all with someone who doesn't put at least 3 CDs out.

    I guess GG is another, if you have him. But you have black & purple overlap, so again, not ideal.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Also, this would be a TOTALLY different story if it worked on opponent CD tiles. Would also fit into the "revenge" theme.
  • SpecOps
    SpecOps Posts: 31
    edited April 2016
    In the "Piecing Together Marvel Puzzle Quest: Drax", article on Marvel.com. They mentioned that 3 potential partners for Drax could be Starlord, Kingpin, Cyclops & XFDP. Basically saying that Starlord, would likely be his best option for a partner. I can somewhat see that connection with the two characters, but the creation of Drax isn't much fix for the Starlord character itself, IMO. An pairing with Kingpin and XFDP, does make sense but the three characters share atleast 2 colors with Drax and XFDP sharing all colors. The Cyclops partnership, is a tad bit more interesting, because the Cyclops' Uncanny Strategist, a 5 ap yellow ability. Gaining 5 yellow ap isn't really hard to do. Cyclops is also allowed to place down multiple CDs with this move, it only cost 5 yellow ap per CD tile. Cyclops' Blue could help generate red for the team as well. Red is the only overlapping color, and both characters offer solid option for that color.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2016
    SpecOps wrote:
    In the "Piecing Together Marvel Puzzle Quest: Drax", article on Marvel.com. They mentioned that 3 potential partners for Drax could be Starlord, Kingpin, Cyclops & XFDP. Basically saying that Starlord, would likely be his best option for a partner. I can somewhat see that connection with the two characters, but the creation of Drax isn't much fix for the Starlord character itself, IMO. An pairing with Kingpin and XFDP, does make sense but the three characters share atleast 2 colors with Drax and XFDP sharing all colors. The Cyclops partnership, is a tad bit more interesting, because the Cyclops' Uncanny Strategist, a 5 ap yellow ability. Gaining 5 yellow ap isn't really hard to do. Cyclops is also allowed to place down multiple CDs with this move, it only cost 5 yellow ap per CD tile. Cyclops' Blue could help generate red for the team as well. Red is the only overlapping color, and both characters offer solid option for that color.

    The problem with drax's black is that there are very few player abilities that generate throwaway countdown tiles., and fewer still that make multiple countdowns all at once.

    Switch is an obvious choice since her CDs are free, but she will never generate more than one tile, so drax will never get the full damage.
    3* Falcon is another choice, but he will also never generate more than one tile.

    A couple of 4*s generate disposable CDs: Xpool and Kingpin. But they both have a lot of color overlap with Drax. Star-lord also has three powers that make countdown tiles, but if you use those countdowns to fuel drax, then you lose the use of the countdowns, and the purple and red CDs do more damage on their own than they add to drax's black. Maybe the best idea is to use star-lord's yellow, wait till it had 1 turn left, and then fire drax's black. But that's a fairly weak justification for using a weak character like star-lord. Antman isn't a bad choice, even though they will compete for purple, and they remaining powers don't synergize terribly well.

    Loki was mentioned earlier in the thread, and he is perhaps the easiest way to generate lots of countdowns without spending any ap. But since ap theft is such a powerful ability, it's arguably better to let the tiles resolve than to turn them into 6k damage.

    I'm coming around on drax as a mid-tier/weak 4*s. the damage numbers are impressive at first glance, but they contingencies necessary to maximize him are actually pretty hard to achieve.


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