Discussion - Patch Preview: R41

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Providing a place for discussion about the recently posted patch preview for R41 here.


  • Well, that's unfortunate icon_e_sad.gif

    I'm looking forward to the upcoming UI changes and future event types, though.
  • I for one am happy with these changes. Definitely a step in the right direction, but i'm not so sure how the price increases are going to sit with people who spend money on the game.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    ZzzWolph wrote:
    I'm looking forward to the upcoming UI changes and future event types, though.
    So am I... So am I. Playing around with the ability firing on dev, I want it out NAO for Live, but the client code just won't support it quite yet. Needs a little more baking. icon_e_sad.gif
  • IceIX wrote:
    So am I... So am I. Playing around with the ability firing on dev, I want it out NAO for Live, but the client code just won't support it quite yet. Needs a little more baking. icon_e_sad.gif

    What's the ETA looking like for this? Will episode 2 accompany this patch?
  • this somewhat attempts at the next set of repeatables, us not being able to skip a bad board initially. somehwat strange fix
  • ApocryphicV
    ApocryphicV Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    Like the increase in Health packs, don't like the increased cost. Also I've been using level ups to heal so I'm sad to see that gone as well.

    Happy Daken's Purple ability has been made better since he needed it.

    Looking forward to it never-less.
  • Seems to favor players that can play all day versus some of us who can only play once or twice a day,
  • Toxicadam wrote:
    Seems to favor players that can play all day versus some of us who can only play once or twice a day,

    I don't know about that, but if what you say it's true, then it's better. I would rather like that they focus on the long term players rather than people who aren't as serious/hardly get on the game. Everything is for the better though.
  • Just because you have access to the game all day, doesn't mean you are more or less serious about the game. I play on an IPad and can only play in the early morning and late at night. Have other responsibilities to tend to.
  • Elleby
    Elleby Posts: 64 Match Maker
    Isn't the Daken change on live already? Both my iPhone and my Android show Daken's Pheremone Rage with this change, and have for a few days now.
  • Toxicadam wrote:
    Just because you have access to the game all day, doesn't mean you are more or less serious about the game. I play on an IPad and can only play in the early morning and late at night. Have other responsibilities to tend to.

    Having access to it all day vs playing all day is different. I was referring to the people who hardly play, but I never agreed with what you said is true. It still appeases to all the players on every level of the game.
  • the only way it affects casuals is that you no longer have to game iso to level to heal, instead of leveling just naturally. lots of us were saving iso and not capping our characters for the end of tournament pushes, etc., so its a quality of life change altho it nerfs the healing. but now that you have 5 heals and heals come every half hour instead of hour and a half, ur net healing should increase.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    forgrim wrote:
    the only way it affects casuals is that you no longer have to game iso to level to heal, instead of leveling just naturally. lots of us were saving iso and not capping our characters for the end of tournament pushes, etc., so its a quality of life change altho it nerfs the healing. but now that you have 5 heals and heals come every half hour instead of hour and a half, ur net healing should increase.
    Pretty much exactly it. From our data, this *should* net out to about the same playtime or maybe more (as you could pop a 6th Pack after using 5) compared to currently where you run out of your 4 and you're stuck waiting an average of 50-60 minutes. We're also expecting team variety to go up a little as players will use other heroes instead of gaming Iso as current.
  • uuddlrlr
    uuddlrlr Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Also I've been using level ups to heal so I'm sad to see that gone as well.
    This. Due to this, I actually was happier with my non-maxed Iron Man, than a maxed one, LOL.

    Guess it was too good to stay that way...
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    ZzzWolph wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    So am I... So am I. Playing around with the ability firing on dev, I want it out NAO for Live, but the client code just won't support it quite yet. Needs a little more baking. icon_e_sad.gif
    What's the ETA looking like for this? Will episode 2 accompany this patch?
    ETA for that change would be <InTheory>R42</InTheory>. I can't say that for sure till R42 is pushing out for submission of course, since things could always change. ETA for R41 is "When first party says it's ready". It'll have support for Episode 2, but I don't believe our plans are to release that right away. It's also got some improvements to Lightning Rounds as well, which went pretty darned well. We can still run Lightning Rounds with R40, but we can't really change them up as easily. There are other event support items in there that I can't talk about yet. icon_e_smile.gif
  • uuddlrlr
    uuddlrlr Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Ability maximums are now listed for each character in the Ability Screen for each character
    Is it a maximum of 13 skill levels for all characters? I know one-star characters have that limit, but don't know about higher-starred characters.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    uuddlrlr wrote:
    Ability maximums are now listed for each character in the Ability Screen for each character
    Is it a maximum of 13 skill levels for all characters? I know one-star characters have that limit, but don't know about higher-starred characters.
    Correct. 13 for all characters regardless of rarity.
  • Is there a followup to the prologue PvE missions or is it all featured events where we compete with each other from here on? Would not mind relaxing with non timer based missions again. Especially since I am falling behind and am concerned that this game will become too much pay to win.

    Also, would like you guys to give some thought to the difficulty of opening up new slots for covers. I've pretty much exclusively used my gold for slots but at 200 a slot it is getting expensive and with new covers coming out space is tight. Perhaps a new reward might be a token to open up a new slot.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    greggray24 wrote:
    Is there a followup to the prologue PvE missions or is it all featured events where we compete with each other from here on? Would not mind relaxing with non timer based missions again. Especially since I am falling behind and am concerned that this game will become too much pay to win.

    Also, would like you guys to give some thought to the difficulty of opening up new slots for covers. I've pretty much exclusively used my gold for slots but at 200 a slot it is getting expensive and with new covers coming out space is tight. Perhaps a new reward might be a token to open up a new slot.
    The first followup was Unstable Iso-8 which just ended. That was the first Episode of the story post Prologue. For the time being, we'll be continuing the story with these time based events. That doesn't preclude us from permanently adding to the story down the road, but for now, that's how it's being done.

    We're constantly monitoring where people are spending their currency so that we can tweak things if they're too tight or loose for players. Cover Slots are one of many of those things. The thing to remember about Cover Slots is that they're "Durables", meaning that you buy them once and you forever have that asset. From what you're saying, you're right with most of our player base in your methodology. As with the above, that doesn't preclude any changes down the line. I've said it before elsewhere, but that's one of the nice things about a Live game. We can always change things if they're just not working.
  • Like the health pack changes so far.

    As for the ability maximum, wished there was some word if skill respec is possible icon_neutral.gif