Any Cheats For Marvel Puzzle Quest Please???



  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 343 Mover and Shaker
    I think the sandbox is a great solution.

    Except, I think they should put all the cheaters in the same sandbox where they face each other all the time. You can throw in some other random people to fill out the numbers.

    But I think it would be fitting if the cheaters had to fight against all the other cheaters in EVERY PvP and PvE event.
  • Unknown
    I'll say this, for as much grief we give mpq for focusing more on profit than players, this is one area they really come through for us as players. From our view point, they are cheating. However, in reality, they are actually stealing by getting iso and HP without paying for it. The best business solution for their bottomline is to terminate those accounts. The somewhat bette solution for players is sandbox cheaters.
  • Unknown
    As much as I was annoyed by cheaters when I played this game regularly, I can't be annoyed too much by them as long as they're properly sandboxed. On a suggestion, I was looking around for an editor to use on a dud account so I could update my roster tools. IceIX said they're looking into whether they can get the stats data in a human readable format, but there's been silence since then and if it's going to take a few months (if at all), then finding a cheat editor to use on a dud account may still be the best bet to update all that stats data for everyone.
  • Unknown
    Well I'll say this, I spent some money on this game and have decided quite firmly I won't be spending any more. Also if I get sandboxed, then I won't be getting the way of other people so if I decide to cheat I won't be costing the company money or other people prizes so my conscience is clear. In fact I wouldn't consider it at all if this was not the case.

    For me however, since I won't be detrimental to anyone else either way, it is really a question of how can I enjoy the game most. It comes down to the cost of roster spots. I have a lot of time off in the summer so I just recently started playing. I did a pve event and finished every mission twice a day and ended in 10th place. As a note, I believe this is the last place where you win HP. I'm just fine with the cards I got for that but I have to scrape and push and worry about generating enough HP to buy enough roster spots to the point where the game is a chore and not fun. I look up things on the forums and here that you need to spend every single HP you get on roster spots, and even doing that I can see not keeping up with characters. Give me infinite roster spots and let me spend the little HP I do get on fun things like buying packs or even upgrading a power directly and my enjoyment increases dramatically. I really just want to collect covers more than I want to play the game and it requires too much constant attention to be able to do that as casually as I would like.

    So I'm still considering cheating just so that I can do exactly that. Its getting down to either cheat with a clean conscience or stop playing all together. Again I wouldn't consider it except that I know it won't interfere with anyone else. As a side note, they seem to want people to play with diverse rosters. Controversial as it is, I like the true healing change because it makes people play with lots of different heroes if they want to play for an extended period rather than just the same 3 all the time. But of course in order to do this you need space. If I ever take the plunge I'll probably come on here publicly make the statement just so that they know to sandbox me. I should look up how to report people and just report myself. I really don't mind being sandboxed at all as long as that is indeed the only repercussion.
  • Unknown
    Well, I did it. I skipped two nights of play for other aspects of life and when I came back I had fallen out of the top 50 on an event I had been digging into for the last four days. So that was it. I cheated and got myself 3 free roster spots (and a random 2* red captain america as part of the process). So they can sandbox away and I'll be happy about. If they end up banning me or something, that's fine I doubt I would have stuck with it too much longer anyway.

    I've made all of these posts because the OP wanted to know why people would cheat and I think its pretty clear in my case. Maybe the developers could take a way a lesson from this as well. I don't expect that they will but maybe.

    PS I also contacted the publisher and sent them a reference to this forum thread so hopefully they are aware of my actions.
  • noobprime
    noobprime Posts: 403
    Microtom wrote:
    If anyone want it, I have a bot that earns about 7000 iso per hour and is undetectable. I stopped playing a while ago and don't use it anymore.
    PC masterrace indeed!
  • Unknown
    Microtom wrote:
    If anyone want it, I have a bot that earns about 7000 iso per hour and is undetectable. I stopped playing a while ago and don't use it anymore.
    It's amazing that you've admitted to botting several times and still you were never sandboxed. Demiurge Anti-Cheat #1
  • Unknown
    gobstopper wrote:
    Microtom wrote:
    If anyone want it, I have a bot that earns about 7000 iso per hour and is undetectable. I stopped playing a while ago and don't use it anymore.
    It's amazing that you've admitted to botting several times and still you were never sandboxed. Demiurge Anti-Cheat #1

    You think that's what's amazing? I told them several times there was an easy way to reset tokens and get any heroes. Tracking botters is an impossible task, it's understandable that they can't do anything about it. However, a bug this big should have been fixed as a priority. It's still not fixed.

    When a new hero was released, the event tokens used to give a 15% chance to get the featured hero. So, you'd reset your token about 10 times and get one. If you didn't have a token, you could spend 200 hp and it was a great price for a featured hero. It took 5 minutes and you had it.

    Now, when a new hero is released, the chances to get the featured hero is 2.4 percent. So you could spend an hour resetting your tokens and not get one. I believe they made this change to discourage people from resetting their tokens and get the latest hero quickly. So, instead of fixing their game, they punished everyone.
  • Frailezim
    Frailezim Posts: 68
    So am I correct in saying that this reset exploit is still working??
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