PVE Scaling Testing - Enemy Of The State (03/17/16)



  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 393 Mover and Shaker
    What's affecting me here (overall) is that since ALL of the battles are higher, that means they take more time to complete (like the 6x wave Survival node just took me 20+ min. to complete w/ FThor+3* Bulls+Hood).

    Since I can only play ~3 hrs a night after work, that means I run out of time, to get points.

    If they were lower level, I could grind more. But for instance the next time I hit the 6xWave node, it'll probably take ~25min.

    I've be reliably getting the LT reward for the PvE events, but not this time, I've run out of time to grind.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Phumade wrote:
    I sorta disagree with this point.
    The basis of your disagreement is that the optimal strategy was so difficult, few were inclined to actually do it. But the fact remains, 6-7 hours consecutive play IS the optimal strategy. And you can be sure that if this were a new character event, a lot more people WOULD be doing it. Your observation that you could deviate from optimal and not lose much ground had more to do with the lack of strong incentive for people to do it.

    I think real life considerations are always part of the calculation. Robots don't play this game, real people do. As the adage goes, I don't have to hit optimal to win an event. I just have to be more optimal than everyone else in my bracket. Every change has a learning curve and the game doesn't care if i get to the theoretical maximum.

    I'm fairly confident that this will be the new format for PVE. Yes, I'm sure the developers will make some tweaks to adjust the scaling and time commitment and I'll have to retweak my strategies in response. But my premise still stands.

    As an event format mature, players will optimize their strategies and the scores will begin to approach theoretical maximums. And the gaps between scores dramatically tighten as a result.

    Major changes to the format break existing strategies and dramatic gaps begin to open up in the leaderboard. These gaps are what allow players to distinguish themselves and their ranks. Good players distinguish themselves by adapting their strategies and rosters quicker than mediocre players.

    These are all great things for the competitive PVE players and alliances.

    Edit: As I browse the top 10 alliance leaderboard, it is still dominated by Groot, aXe, and Italia with all three alliance families putting two teams each in the top 10. Many familiar names in all six of those teams. This format change barely affected competitive pve.
  • TaoSpoons
    TaoSpoons Posts: 50
    So I came back to the game awhile back and have been playing consistently. I have mixed feelings about this PvE format.

    On the one hand, the delayed clearing without point loss is nice and I enjoy the flexibility. On the other hand, I'm in the position of only needing 4-star covers which are only guaranteed with Top 10 placement. The workload required to place Top 10 is much higher under the proposed structure than it is under the current structure. From my perspective, it's more than I'm willing to commit to. I could continue to play PvE and if I did I'd be explicitly playing for ISO and progression rewards. The problem with that plan is those are useless without covers, which long-term I wouldn't really be obtaining.

    Since the main goal of the game is to continue to collect heroes and powers, I'm pretty sure that would finally kill my interest.

    So there's my feedback.
  • pabasa130
    pabasa130 Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Final thoughts after winning first place with 290k points...

    While people are critical of the theoretical optimal scoring, in reality all I needed to do was hit all the nodes 6 times at any point in the day, and spend the last 3 hours grinding down the nodes for placement. All I needed to do was just be better than 2nd place. Did not hit all the nodes down to 20. I hit all the low scoring nodes once to get the 7th reward and focused on the wave nodes.

    Granted there were a lot of factors in play:
      vets probably didn't play much because of x force rewards People in general were more burnt out from the intensive playing This is not a new character release so competition is lower

    But I think this test does have some merits. It does however need some tweaks.

    I'd like to suggest to start the point timer reset at 3 clears, so that you maintain the current method of 8 clears for high points instead of 11.

    And for the love of God no one wants smoothing of difficulty. Everyone loves pushover nodes. Why can't the devs understand this? They upped the difficulty of DDQ and now they want to up the difficulty of easy nodes on story. We already have 6 nodes that scale in difficulty. Please don't touch the 3 easy ones. It's the only time I can use my undercovered 5*s!
  • You don't have to make mission progressively difficult - they became more difficult just because our characters are taking damage.
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    I really loved the test pve. The play when you want, the difficulty, basically all of it except the low iso rewards. After 3 clears getting nothing was bad. Good job I really noticed how much I liked it when it went back to the old style
  • Elesid
    Elesid Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    It's my time to respond))
    First of all I'd like to thank the game designers for trying to make gameplay more interesting.

    Below are my thoughts and ideas regarding the new pve approach
    1) I loved the idea of no time dependance - this is definitely a step in right direction
    2) Challenge - the idea is great, make pve more of a challenge in terms of game than challenge in real life (you have to sleep less to meet 8hr marks etc.)

    1) Definitely, too hard to play for those who don't have killer combinations with buffed characters. It wasn't a problem for me, but many people suffered and couldn't participate almost at all. Even for proper rosters it was a challenge - you can see that a few people got the 25 cp reward. I barely got it myself.
    2) Count downs at the end (after 6 hits) destroy the idea of no time dependence when you try to get to top10. Generally speaking now guys with phoenix oml teams seem to be in a great advantage (before such teams it was possible to get to the tops and buff your progression even at low levels)
    3) ISO remuneration is considerably low. During the lightning rounds it's very unlikely someone will pay much effort to pve since it's hard and you get almost nothing especially for nods which were easy before

    1) Reduce the dependency from roster level in pve: I think it would be a good idea to split people into brackets based on their roster. Probably reconsider the bracket size and rewards (rewards change aligned with bracket size reduction).
    2) Make pve be a game challenge, not a challenge of steel ****: remove everything essential from the rewards for top places, which is new 4* characters and introduce them through galactus/altron/gauntlet etc.
    3) Improve time efforts/iso benefit balance via either increase of nod rewards or introduction of ally progression rewards. This would also reduce merc activity and stabilize ally personnel

    These are my basic thoughts, hope you find it useful. Many thanks again for all your work and the game development performed so far. Though I still hate you for only one green goblin cover and no other 5* for two months:D
  • Xzasxz
    Xzasxz Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I posted this several times and repeat once more: lees grind for the progression rewards!!!
    And another thing. About scaling, but this time I want to write something about scaling subs. After Hell's Kitchen I had ca 110k points and was pretty sure I'm gonna miss 25 CP reward. Yet I was in top 50 and really wanted all 3 icon_thor.png covers, so decided to go for it and grind the last sub. You know what? That was by far the easiest sub of the entire event.
    I did ca 50k points, cleared most of high reward (incl. waves) nodes 7+ times. I used some strange team compositions, like buffed underleveled (104) 2/5/3 Beast, 3/5/3 lvl 106 Falcon and lvl 124 5/3/5 Moonstone against waves - worked surprisingly well, winning with ease. At the end I had full 10 health packs stock. In the meantime I was using only FREE healthpacks. Secured final rank 34 with all the rewards I cared about (had no hope for XF covers).
    Coming to the point. How it is made, that within 7 days long event, 1/3 of total points earned the very last day in the EASIEST sub? We are talking about difficulty scaling within the nodes, but IMO the whole scaling requires rework. Difficulty level depends not only on enemies level, but on their teams compositions also. And I had bigger problems with star.pngstar.pngicon_wolverine.png at level ca 150 feeded 4 free redtile.png each turn than some other teams at level 200+. Within the sub each sub should be normally harder that previous one, with higher reward. Did not seen this.
    I suppose, that during the event difficulty should increase with each sub, although not necesserily so. But the reward should in general follow difficulty level. It was not. And I would strongly appreciate more even reards distribution daily basis. Each day more, but not that much, 1/3 points earned last day of 7.
    I hope You'll find these suggestions usefull
  • hesjingixen
    hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    I didn't get to test this as I've been without internet for an extended period of time. I'll just say that I like the change to the format of the PvE, assuming the scaling portion works correctly.
  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    First off, Enemy of the State was perhaps the worst choice to try this on. Every other pve makes sense as far as how many points you need in each sub to get max progression. Take the total progression, divide by how many days. If you're shoet by a couple thousand the first day, no concern, you can make it up on the last day.

    For EOTS, the last 2 days have sooooo much more points that it's really difficult to judge based off of day 1 or 2 how on track you are. So you base it off of what you know, 3 clears per node plus a little grinding gets you enough to top progression.

    Throw that idea out the window and noone can easily tell anymore and it's just guesswork. This was the first pve in awhile that I actually tried for and missed top progression, mostly because I couldn't judge it.

    That being said, I liked the concept. Hit each node when and how often you want and the points will come. If it had been explained how many clears per node would get you to max, I would probably have liked it.

    It seems like any way you change it though, is foing to favor those who soft cap their rosters, and those who don't have any other responsibilities in their life. Unless you take out the placement rewards altogether.

    I propose an entirely non competetive pve environment, where you can choose that instead of a time slice. Put the placement rewards into the progression rewards, but do it in a way that will still limit who will reach them.

    For example, say for the last pve only 10% of players reached 175k, that would seem to be a good place to put the top 100 or even the top 50 scores. If only 1% reached 200k, then put the 4* cover at that point. Keep it so about the same amount of players get the prizes.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    CNash wrote:
    OJSP wrote:
    Kjempen wrote:
    "Just for playing in the event, you will get three extra Enemy of the State tokens."

    - Did anybody receive this reward?
    Slice 4 is not even finished yet. We need to wait until slice 5 is finished.

    But wait, once slice 5 closes, the vault resets on every token pull...!

    I was p*ssed to find that out this morning. got a vault token from my alliance reward, but the vault reset. so much for all that HP i spent each day on the daily deals. got another captain marvel. i imagine it will be the same for the 3 extra tokens we get for participation.

  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got the final EotS alliance Thor cover, but have not received my 3 bonus tokens, nor the 10cp.

    Anyone receive the bonuses yet?
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I actually enjoyed this event. I was able to play stress free without worrying about not being able to do my clear first thing in the morning when the normal 8 hour timer hits (at the same time I start work). I could wait until break, and then play as many nodes as I can during lunch. No pressure.

    The scaling for me was actually pretty decent. It could be scaled back a bit or keep a couple of the trivials to be actually trivial, but overall, for my roster I think the scaling was right where it should be for the tougher nodes.

    I knew I wasn't going to have enough time to get the top progression the way it was increased, so that was a bummer, so that made it easier for me to be even more relaxed, though it removed a real purpose for playing other than to give you test results.

    I did skip Hell's Kitchen completely.

    I typically did a full clear, then ground for CP, then came back periodically as time allowed during the day or night.

    The last sub was the only sub where I played every node until the timers kicked in. Even then personally the scaling topped off at level 288 for me, which seems about right. My highest characters are 1 level 250 4*, and 4 very scantily covered 5* at level 255 each. After that my roster is level 200 and lower.

    I hit around 90K and was still in top 100 individual placement (74 i believe) but that may have been due to people not playing because of forum hype.

    If you drop the scaling a bit lower, and figure out how to stop people from feeling the need to grind (most logical conclusion is remove placement rankings), then you have something here. The problem is, if you keep placement, then if you put any kind of timer on the refresh... people will somehow decide you are instructing them to be optimal and that you are "making" them grind. If you remove the timer and keep placement, then people will have nothing to "make" them rest from playing and you will have people who feel "required" to grind non-stop for top 10.

    Personally I think this change is better for 99% of the population in principle, but needs some more tweaking. Since this forum seems to have a lot of the top 10 placement people in it, you will see a lot of the complaints that are very true to this group... insane playing schedule. Their complaints are valid, but only applicable to that Very Small Population.

    I enjoyed this event. It helped that Enemy of the State is my favorite event, especially loving the survival nodes, no sarcasm... I really do enjoy them, even when they frustrate me. I enjoyed them properly scaled to me, despite no rewards... which did suck about it.

    I was actually disappointed when I started Venom Bomb and after the first clear saw the 8 hour timer and knowing that I would not be able to play when I wanted without impacting my score. And I hate Venom Bomb, curse those symbiotes!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jvreal: am i misreading your post, or did you say you enjoyed this event more because you knew you wouldn't get top placement, and so didn't feel any pressure?!

    So the fact that the new format made it harder for you to achieve useful rewards made the event better?! That doesn't make any sense to me at all. The amount of playtime you describe would have put you close to the final prog in the old pve system. You weren't all that close in the new system.

    Sure, you didn't feel pressured to play on a set schedule. But you actually got less out of the same amount of play. I.e. the good things about this new system are about subjective psychology. The underlying changes are bad for players and just require much more grinding for the same outcome.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    I think real life considerations are always part of the calculation. Robots don't play this game, real people do.
    Real people who play like robots...
    Phumade wrote:
    Edit: As I browse the top 10 alliance leaderboard, it is still dominated by Groot, aXe, and Italia with all three alliance families putting two teams each in the top 10. Many familiar names in all six of those teams. This format change barely affected competitive pve.
    You do understand that these alliances merc people in to maintain their high ranks, right?

    Speaking for my own alliance only, we have many t5 PvE players who had absolutely zero interest in competing in this event. If you're going to keep "competitive" PvE, it'd be foolish to switch to a format that most competitive PvE players despise so much that they barely play it.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    I actually enjoyed this event. I was able to play stress free without worrying about not being able to do my clear first thing in the morning when the normal 8 hour timer hits (at the same time I start work). I could wait until break, and then play as many nodes as I can during lunch. No pressure.

    I hit around 90K and was still in top 100 individual placement
    This is perfect... you're the "casual player who feels timer pressure even though there's no reason to", that was being discussed yesterday. So you're the perfect person to answer the question, if you're shooting for t100, why do you care about the timer? In a normal PvE, you can "play as many nodes as you can" whenever, and still get your t100.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    JVReal wrote:
    I actually enjoyed this event. I was able to play stress free without worrying about not being able to do my clear first thing in the morning when the normal 8 hour timer hits (at the same time I start work). I could wait until break, and then play as many nodes as I can during lunch. No pressure.

    I hit around 90K and was still in top 100 individual placement
    This is perfect... you're the "casual player who feels timer pressure even though there's no reason to", that was being discussed yesterday. So you're the perfect person to answer the question, if you're shooting for t100, why do you care about the timer? In a normal PvE, you can "play as many nodes as you can" whenever, and still get your t100.
    Because I am also going for progression when it isn't out of reach. I also want my play time to provide me the most points possible every time that I do play. Why would I want less points for playing the same match? Because I don't want top 10? I have goals that are easier to reach when my nodes aren't devalued by a timer. With limited play time, each time I play I want max points. It's pretty simple.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Jvreal: am i misreading your post, or did you say you enjoyed this event more because you knew you wouldn't get top placement, and so didn't feel any pressure?!

    So the fact that the new format made it harder for you to achieve useful rewards made the event better?! That doesn't make any sense to me at all. The amount of playtime you describe would have put you close to the final prog in the old pve system. You weren't all that close in the new system.

    Sure, you didn't feel pressured to play on a set schedule. But you actually got less out of the same amount of play. I.e. the good things about this new system are about subjective psychology. The underlying changes are bad for players and just require much more grinding for the same outcome.
    It wasn't the format that made it more difficult. It was developer choice in how high they set the max progression. It was a test. They set it higher in error, so I didn't bust my butt trying to achieve it. I just happened to have more time to play on the last day of the event and actually had time to clear it that many times and enjoyed it and received full points for my time and received the progression gifts for each level of progression that I did achieve. I don't feel penalized for having a 2 hour block to play instead of several 30 minute blocks. It may not be the developers that are the ones out of touch with the player base after all...
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    JVReal wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Jvreal: am i misreading your post, or did you say you enjoyed this event more because you knew you wouldn't get top placement, and so didn't feel any pressure?!

    So the fact that the new format made it harder for you to achieve useful rewards made the event better?! That doesn't make any sense to me at all. The amount of playtime you describe would have put you close to the final prog in the old pve system. You weren't all that close in the new system.

    Sure, you didn't feel pressured to play on a set schedule. But you actually got less out of the same amount of play. I.e. the good things about this new system are about subjective psychology. The underlying changes are bad for players and just require much more grinding for the same outcome.
    It wasn't the format that made it more difficult. It was developer choice in how high they set the max progression. It was a test. They set it higher in error, so I didn't bust my butt trying to achieve it. I just happened to have more time to play on the last day of the event and actually had time to clear it that many times and enjoyed it and received full points for my time and received the progression gifts for each level of progression that I did achieve. I don't feel penalized for having a 2 hour block to play instead of several 30 minute blocks. It may not be the developers that are the ones out of touch with the player base after all...

    Technically the format is what made it more difficult, as the increased points pushed the progression past what people were willing to do with the old system.
    From another thread:
    Unfortunately, the new PVE scoring made the old strategy of 3 clears with a few extra hits no longer valid.
    The LT progression is typically between 45-55% of the max possible score (not accounting for grinding 20 point nodes endlessly).
    The max score would be defined as optimal play if matches were instantaneous.

    In terms of full clears and 24 hour subs,
    Old System:
    Clears at 0, 8 and 16 hours: 3 x full clear
    Grind to 1: (6/6 + 5/6 + 4/6 + 3/6 + 2/6 + 1/6) = 21/6 = 3.5 x full clear
    Max points: 6.5 x full clear

    New System:
    6 full clears at start: 6 x full points
    Grind to 20: (5+4+3+2+1)/5 = 15/5 = 3 x full clear
    Max points: 9 x full clear

    So theoretically, with the new system you need 4-5 clears, which is unreasonable.

    EotS full clear values
    Sub 1: 2771
    Sub 2: 5113
    Sub 3: 5616
    Sub 4: 4080
    Sub 5: 6863
    Sub 6: 8910
    Total: 33353

    4 clears is 133412.
    5 is 166765.

    With the old system, if you were only going for progression, you could either hit the nodes 3 times on the 8 hour schedule or hit the nodes 4 times whenever you felt like it and be on track to hit the LT. With the new system, you are required to hit them 4-5 times.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    Because I am also going for progression when it isn't out of reach.
    Again, as discussed yesterday, you can do 3-4 clears per sub at any time, and get the progression. This new format made you do 5. Even under a best case scenario where we assume the devs screwed up and didn't mean to set it that high, they still aren't going to set it at a level that requires less than 3 clears per sub. In other words, no difference. Given the way you say you want to play, timer-stress is illusory.