Your latest fun team combination



  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been on an internet break for a while, so this is a bit late, but I had a great time in Jubilee's PvP with her, Profe$$or X, and 5torm. It might actually be even better with her not boosted, so that her passive triggers more often. With Storm around, you hit the threshold of Charged tiles for it to affect her teammates pretty quickly, and Roman Candle makes a better green outlet than Storm's, while helping charge up Storm's black.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2020
    Okay, this is not a terribly competitive team, even for all 3*’s, but Squirrel Girl, Hawk-Guy and The Hood (all 3/5/5) has been pretty fun in Ghost Rider’s PVE.  AP generation all around, countdowns galore and the usual bag-o-tricks.  It’s slow, but fairly sustainable once it gets going, particularly on wave nodes.  

    Edit: forgot to mention this, but Hood should be on the right so he tanks nothing unless he’s a higher level then one of the others.
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don’t know how effective they might be against higher level opponents, but, OML with Domino and C&D is a fun time. 

    No special strategy needed, they kind of work it all out on their own. Save extra yellow before firing black obviously...but otherwise I left a few matches completely unscathed.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dazzler is awesome if you're not stuck facing over-leveled opponents. If she had a jump-in-front herself she'd be excellent. i like her with Valkyrie as well, if you align them correctly Valkyrie will drop strikes when she takes damage so that Dazzler'll do the stun without need 4ocket out. Won't do a 1:1 strike removal for you unfortunately though.
  • Jormagund
    Jormagund Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    Following on from discussion in the rebalance thread moved my 3 star Atlantis support from Chavez to Juggs.  I only play SCL8 PVE but with a boosted Rocket and a Guardian matches were lasting 3 moves tops.
    Scarily broken and sort of brainless but amazing to have matches that quick when I'm fairly new in four star land.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,576 Chairperson of the Boards
    I forgot Dazzler is boosted. I have been looking to champ another 4* as I have a pile of iso lying around, maybe she would make a good candidate. I have to admit I have limited knowledge of her, think I may have only ever played her in her Crash.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,975 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jormagund said:
    Following on from discussion in the rebalance thread moved my 3 star Atlantis support from Chavez to Juggs.  I only play SCL8 PVE but with a boosted Rocket and a Guardian matches were lasting 3 moves tops.
    Scarily broken and sort of brainless but amazing to have matches that quick when I'm fairly new in four star land.
    I hate to tell you, but putting a “more power dmg” Support on Juggs doesn’t help him at all. They seem to have done something weird with his coding. You mostly want to use Supports that help him tank, or maybe fortify since you are using Rocket with him all the time. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:
    I forgot Dazzler is boosted. I have been looking to champ another 4* as I have a pile of iso lying around, maybe she would make a good candidate. I have to admit I have limited knowledge of her, think I may have only ever played her in her Crash.

    She's good. I don't play her often, but when I do, I usually have fun. Her actives are kind of expensive, tho (especially to get the most from them), and she needs someone who can generate friendly Specials super quickly for her passive to matter soon enough. It leaves a pretty narrow set of teams where she really shines.
  • Jormagund
    Jormagund Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    bluewolf said:
    Jormagund said:
    Following on from discussion in the rebalance thread moved my 3 star Atlantis support from Chavez to Juggs.  I only play SCL8 PVE but with a boosted Rocket and a Guardian matches were lasting 3 moves tops.
    Scarily broken and sort of brainless but amazing to have matches that quick when I'm fairly new in four star land.
    I hate to tell you, but putting a “more power dmg” Support on Juggs doesn’t help him at all. They seem to have done something weird with his coding. You mostly want to use Supports that help him tank, or maybe fortify since you are using Rocket with him all the time. 
    Yeah, just realized after testing in Deadpool's Daily.  All the boost was due to Rocket being boosted.  Guess it's the same reason it isn't boosted by Okoye.  Moving Atlantis back to Chavez and will have to experiment with my other supports to find something useful.

  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Playing around in strange pvp: I was running Bag-Man w/Strange- uhm wow that snarky remark on his Blue CD is brutal! I had 2*Torch in there for full color compliment. 
    I climbed up 5 wins(non seed) before a Namor TU AoE wiped my wings out. :D Once I rack up some retals I will upgrade torch- it’s got some fun spidey and friends flavor and I just picture pete zinging the good dr’s dryquips over johny’s tinykitty-talking risky moves- in the end Dr. Strange haz the spellz to save the day! 

    I have really been enjoying 4orch! He is actually making Emma get some use! I am still searching for that 3rd- But right now 1*spidey is great! He has 3 cheap powers gives you a decent blue outlet for rainbow(probably use his red over 4orch’s at 3 covers and once emma gets her purps going you can drop Strategy Crits and the chaos won’t affect your fortified repeaters. The strikes get big enough that spideys low dam gets respectable.
    see also above mention of Nova, Magik for great pairings- he is definitely overshadowed by juggs in 2019 but a very good character.

    For future: didn’t have much time and it wasn’t fully functional during the pVp but 4Sl +Northstar have some possible potential to be AP positive once you get his blue streak down in cost and pick up Blu/Bla as well. Will have to revisit when I get better coverage than the loaner. Also Magik/ 4Panther(BRB)/ Northstar has some spamming shield matching potential. I think we will see him pop up on silly teams even though general consensus is low atm.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,048 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2020
    Not really a “latest” fun team as it’s an old combo, but more and more I’ve been enjoying the Daredevil and Black Suit pairing against Gritty. It’s much slower and less of a threat on defense than Thorkoye (thus opening me up for easy retals) But I really find it fun letting enemy Kitty boost strikes to high heavens and then flipping them on her. With Grocket boosted right now I’ve been enjoying this pair a ton. It’s a different strategy trying to protect those enemy strikes while chasing those three purple matches needed to turn the tide in your favor. Pretty sustainable with Daredevil’s healing and just an overall fun team. 

    Gambit/Storm and Goblin/Iceman probably still top my list for favorite fun duos at the moment though. 
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    It’s a different strategy trying to protect those enemy strikes while chasing those three purple matches needed to turn the tide in your favor. Pretty sustainable with Daredevil’s healing and just an overall fun team.    
    Man, that really reminds me of the old 4 waves of 3 characters, each, format of TBE in DDQ.  "Must keep that last Maggia Muscle alive and producing strike tiles for me to steal..."

    Regardless, sounds like fun.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beta Ray Bill 1/1/3 (Vibranium Ore Support lvl 100
    5* Captain Marvel 5/5/3 (Chewie Support lvl 100)
    Invisible Woman 4/4/5

    BRB and CM go great together despite sharing green. Lots of green and blue and even yellow passive AP gain by matching shields, destroying strikes, and CMs CD tile. Being equipped with those specific supports, you get a 30% chance at putting an attack tile on the field with a match and if you make a match 4, you get a free shield tile. These are great for CM’s Event Horizon to wipe the field for decent damage and cause chaos. These two can team with almost any special tile maker. But one I feel is hella underrated is Invisible Woman. 

    See..... Invisible Woman is criminally underrated. Her powers are criminally underrated. Do you know if you bubble Kitty’s Circuit Breaker repeater that IT WONT COME BACK? Same with Medusa’s Entanglement CD. And Switch’s Arcane Incantation CD. IW can bubble pretty much any enemy special tile for 8 blue AP. And at 4, put 2 strikes on the field. Also..... did you know that if your character is stunned and you put them invisible, it WIPES OUT THE STUN? That’s right. They’re not stunned anymore. So when BRB/CM gets stunned, just pop IW’s yellow power for 7 AP and they become invisible and unstunned. And you get 2 shield tiles to boot. 

    These things all meld VERY WELL for your defense with CM and BRB. Oh no! My BRB CD tile is about to get wiped out by Kitty’s repeater! Nope. Pop those Force Bubbles. Oh ****! A super lucky cascade by Iceman put my CM on stunlock for about 7 turns. Pop that yellow power and CM can go to work again. 

    And because IW is making strike tiles/shield tiles with her powers, that just adds to the things that can be matched/destroyed and add more AP for the team. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I ran Okoye/Loki/Drax for almost all of God of Lies. Make a few Team-Up matches, leave the AI some match-4s, win.
  • Falconfreak
    Falconfreak Posts: 121 Tile Toppler
    In my attempts to try and make the meh level of 4* actually fun here's a challenge for experienced team builders:

    What 4* team would Thing be more than meh on? It seems you really need to trick the AI to attack someone else on the team in order to trigger his yellow power. His red and green powers aren't that great. Is there a way to maximize him?
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Professor X again proved amazing in Mystique's PvP. Infiltrate plus Signal Boost is brutal. I went back and forth between Okoye and Storm as the third, but more often Storm, since I ran into a bunch of blue/purple heavy boards that made it hard to keep Okoye in front.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Current 3* cap event. 

    5* banner, bishop.

    Use bishop blue to fuel cap stun. That gives you protects for bishop to convert to blue. Once cap has left 2 protects that's 2 extra blue to keep cap stunning. Meanwhile if banner fires his black you simply overwrite the enemy attacks with caps abilities. Quite a bit of fun.
  • steakleather
    steakleather Posts: 121 Tile Toppler
    Professor X again proved amazing in Mystique's PvP. Infiltrate plus Signal Boost is brutal. I went back and forth between Okoye and Storm as the third, but more often Storm, since I ran into a bunch of blue/purple heavy boards that made it hard to keep Okoye in front.
    I used him with halfThor. It was pretty great. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Professor X again proved amazing in Mystique's PvP. Infiltrate plus Signal Boost is brutal. I went back and forth between Okoye and Storm as the third, but more often Storm, since I ran into a bunch of blue/purple heavy boards that made it hard to keep Okoye in front.
    I used him with halfThor. It was pretty great. 

    Unfortunately, for me, "halfThor" refers to the fact that I only have him half covered, but I've gone up against him and the Prof, and they def work well together.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ran 5*Storm and 4* Fist in the early stages of the Cap event - really good fun with him boosted and dishing out 47k punches. Plenty gong on to accelerate black collection as well