Your latest fun team combination



  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm loving Jessica and Valkyrie together. I don't have a usable Nico yet but I've been putting Cloak & Dagger with them. C&D are either making black for Jessica or making attack tiles to go with all of Jessica's and Valkyrie's strikes.

    But the main draw is Valkyrie making red for JJ.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    I'm loving Jessica and Valkyrie together. I don't have a usable Nico yet but I've been putting Cloak & Dagger with them. C&D are either making black for Jessica or making attack tiles to go with all of Jessica's and Valkyrie's strikes.

    But the main draw is Valkyrie making red for JJ.

    I really like Nico, right now I'm just trying some oddball teams to break up the norms that I use. I try to make everyone on my roster work in some capacity. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been using 50% DD5/Nico/4ocket some, on the topic of Nico. Even a 5/1/0 DD5 at level 315 is putting out comprable strikes (275) to my 4ocket+GoT (285). Assuming he doesn't heal too quickly, that team really goes to work after a couple rounds.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did someone say oddball Nico teams?  With both 3* Blade & 3* Falcon boosted for Civil War, I've liked Falcon/Blade/Nico for tile shenanigans.  Covers all colors, except red which you want on the board anyway.  Creates strike, attack and shield tiles and even has stun, Redwing board control & AP theft to boot.  Just make sure Nico is to the right, so that she buffs strike tiles after Blade makes them.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nico/Carnage/Kraven is kind of a weird fun team as well. just make sure there's always 1 less enemy attack tile for Nico to go to work on.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Dormammu said:
    I'm loving Jessica and Valkyrie together. I don't have a usable Nico yet but I've been putting Cloak & Dagger with them. C&D are either making black for Jessica or making attack tiles to go with all of Jessica's and Valkyrie's strikes.

    But the main draw is Valkyrie making red for JJ.
    A fun 3rd team member for JJ/Valkyrie is Blade. You have to make sure you have Valkyrie before Blade so her passive goes down before his does. But if Blade's bloodthirst hits Val's target, 4 AP right at the start of the turn. I can't count the number of times I've had Val put down her bounty, Blade hits the target, then matched red with one of JJ traps tiles. You'll soon have enough red to keep Blade hitting AND defenestrate fools with JJ.

    It's also a killer team in a boss fight. Especially, if you're going team Cap right now.

  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    So many of these teams these days are 5-star/4-star/4-star. It's a nice change up from everyone coming in and raving about the 4-star flavor of the month, but I'm gonna need some time before I get there. Suppose it's to be expected to when the new 4s are much harder to cover than they used to be. Someday!

    In either case, I've been having fun with C&D/D4nny/Bl4de against Boss Iron Man. Although there's some overlap, it still works out as a rainbow team somehow. If you can keep the boss away from red long enough for Bl4de to get some strikes out, then D4nny starts fortifying and adding more with his blue, while also being a battery for green. C&D generates black for D4nny's massive nuke, while also putting out some attack tiles for all those strikes to buff. You can use their AOE if Tony manages to get some bots out on you, and if you manage to feed blade enough red for Bloodlust, he'll of course either chip away at Tony or deal with his pesky bots that like to interfere. 
  • Tensuun
    Tensuun Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I've tried a bunch of silly teams against Boss Iron Man in Round 7, usually winning with just one character standing. The team that's performed best (and typically won without taking significant damage) so far, was:

    Iron Fist (Immortal Weapon) 5/5/3
    Luke Cage (Power Man) 5/3/5
    The Punisher (MAX) 5/5/3

    This works pretty well because the colors I want to deny Iron Man (yellow, then blue, then red) are also colors that are immediately useful to me. Fist's perma-fist means Cage's yellow always leaves at least two fortified tiles on the board (the fist, and then the bonus Protect tile I get from having a Fist on my team), and the damage from that adds up pretty fast, especially if I've also been able to use one of my blue or green powers at some point.

    If I get a lot of purple, I can spam it until purple starts dealing damage. Or, if I get a lot of other colors, I can use Puni's green+black combo, spam strike tiles with Fist, or OHKO a fool with Cage's red.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,303 Chairperson of the Boards
    This has already probably been stated earlier in this thread but under leveled/max covered Valkyrie at 5 Bounty + Cloak & Dagger + whoever. Just make sure that whoever has the highest AP has a good damage dealing power.  Keeping her at level 70 means her bounty fires almost every round with high level characters.  Cloak & Dagger getting a few attack tiles out almost guarantees that her bounty fires every round and if they are your highest character, you get 4 yellow AP per round so you can fire off their Light Knives ability every other round.  It is useless in PvP of course (using an under leveled character) but in PvE where you can easily tank for her, it is a beast team.

    I just found my PvE Gambit replacement :D 
  • Gold_Dragon
    Gold_Dragon Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    4* Black Panther 5/3/5
    Nico 5/3/5
    Lockjaw 5/4/4 or 5/5/3

    its pretty self explanatory. Make a lot of specials, buff them, and don’t match them. If the opponent does, Lockjaw bites them. 
  • nordhofsweden
    nordhofsweden Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    My 5* Spider-Men are horribly undercovered so I used 3* Spidey in the latest Spider-Man-node (vs lvl 446 2* Cap, 4* Star-Lord and Thoress).

    Alongside Spidey I had 5* Hawkeye and Coulson and since I didn't want Star-Lord helping Thoress destroying me I stunned Star-Lord over and over and Hawkeye/Coulson got me more and more blue ap so I could stunlock the entire opposing team.
    That really brought back a lot of good memories from yesteryear :smile:
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    My 5* Spider-Men are horribly undercovered so I used 3* Spidey in the latest Spider-Man-node (vs lvl 446 2* Cap, 4* Star-Lord and Thoress).

    Alongside Spidey I had 5* Hawkeye and Coulson and since I didn't want Star-Lord helping Thoress destroying me I stunned Star-Lord over and over and Hawkeye/Coulson got me more and more blue ap so I could stunlock the entire opposing team.
    That really brought back a lot of good memories from yesteryear :smile:

    I played one of those essential nodes with his 3* version paired with Okoye & 5* DD. It was only towards the end of the fight that I realized Spidey's blue was :chef's kiss: in that pairing.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2018
    Vulture/Coulson/5* Octopus turned out to be a fairly reliable way to trigger Cunning Scheme. Get vulture in the air, use that green to triple tap the countdown, use Coulson's passive (carefully) to drop the number on the countdown, then use his purple to place the match at the right time. It wasn't foolproof, or especially quick, but I was able to beat the 3rd clear of the 4th node in ghost's Growth Industry (3* cap lvl 350, 3* Thor lvl 350, 3* Hulk lvl 350) that way. The biggest problem I had was my 1/0/2 Octopus was tanking a lot of colors with vulture in the air, but his health was relatively low. I was also experimenting with Vulture/Shuri as the wingmen, because Shuri's AP discount works on all 3 phases of Cunning Scheme, but I was left without the tile-moving capability in the end which really makes it hard to do.
  • Ionlymatch5s
    Ionlymatch5s Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    I've been using Dark Phoenix,  JJ and America Chavez for fun in pve,  it's been ridiculous in the 4 wave pve events in growth industry. 

    Once I have the red strikes out I just match and hoard AP,  between JJs blue and Chavez doing her passives it's hard to even tell where all the damage comes from,  but there's a lot of it! 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    jtsings said:
    4th node in ghost's Growth Industry (3* cap lvl 350, 3* Thor lvl 350, 3* Hulk lvl 350
      My hilarious way of doing this node was level 255 (2/1/3) 5* Thor, C4rol 5/3/5, and Rogue 5/3/5.  Get 5 green and apply Gloves Off to Hulk, damage him and then watch him totally dismantle his own team with C4ol's Energy Manipulation.  You'll take a little bit of damage especially Rogue but you can basically sit back and watch hulk "smash" his whole team into oblivion :) .
    I'm now on the Wave Node for the final one, and I'm running a new gimmick team: Medusa/Ghost 4ider/Shuri. Here is the gimmick: Get out Shuri's red. Get out Ghost Rider's red. Chase Entanglement around the board. I'm trying to find out of Shuri's AP discount stacks with Ghost Rider's green so that it goes from costing 12 ap to 3 ap lol. I'll report back when i get it to work, my GR is 3/5/5 lvl 152 so his health is...not appropriate for this node.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    update: you can't get rider's green down below 6AP, but the discount works until you hit it.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    Nico, Grocket and ME Hulk. With the tiles on the board to start, Nico begins her powers quickly, adding more damage to the attack tiles. ME Hulk matches generate additional AP, and Green, Purple and Yellows become powerful slams against the enemy team. If Nico takes damage, it also gives you a chance to fire off some of her other powers. Works best against minions or teams with only one matchmaker. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Try Nico/4ocket/Shuri - get those special tiles fortified, make 4ocket's Pack cheap enough to use, let it start spamming attacks for Nico to work on
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,040 Chairperson of the Boards
    As I said in another thread, I used 36 4* and a smattering 3s and 5s to single push to 2,000 in sim. This was probably my favorite team:

    - 5* Thor (5 green, only level 255)
    - 4* Widow
    - Peggy Carter

    - Thor fuels Peggy red and Widow yellow. 
    - Widow yellow lowers all AP costs. 
    - Peggy’s (now cheaper) blue triggers Widow’s passive AP drain.
    - Whatever is left standing (if anything) has no AP left when they’re unstunned.