Your latest fun team combination



  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Theghouse said:
    Just champed Silk . Her team up with SM2029 and a power booster cleaned house on all level SCL 10 nodes. 
    When you say power booster, I imagine you meant Okoye?  I haven't champed Silk yet to try, but Apoc would tank yellow and black and is not a hero which would massively slow down the 2099s passive web tile creation and damage, and that would also limit how much Silk's passive damage goes off.
    Correct, currently Okoye is the only decent power booster that won’t tank them . 
    It's ok if Okoye tanks with SM2099, since his power activates when a Hero matches blue, black, or yellow.  Since Apoc is not a Hero, when he makes the match, SM2099's power won't trigger.
  • Theghouse
    Theghouse Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    Theghouse said:
    Just champed Silk . Her team up with SM2029 and a power booster cleaned house on all level SCL 10 nodes. 
    When you say power booster, I imagine you meant Okoye?  I haven't champed Silk yet to try, but Apoc would tank yellow and black and is not a hero which would massively slow down the 2099s passive web tile creation and damage, and that would also limit how much Silk's passive damage goes off.
    Correct, currently Okoye is the only decent power booster that won’t tank them . 
    It's ok if Okoye tanks with SM2099, since his power activates when a Hero matches blue, black, or yellow.  Since Apoc is not a Hero, when he makes the match, SM2099's power won't trigger.
    That was exactly my thought.
  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 192 Tile Toppler
    I've been playing a fun new anti-special tile team in SCL 9 Shield Simulator- 
    Throg 5/5/3
    Medusa 5/4/4
    Lockjaw 5/4/4
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    I've recently started using this team:
    Captain M4rvel (5/3/5)
    Rogue (5/4/4)
    Lok3 -or- W4sp
    CM's damage & AP generation works nicely with Rogue's damage & AP generation. Lok3 (or W4sp) provide additional AP gain. Their countdown tiles also trigger CM's special tile boost.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's always fun to find good company for M4rvel. I use 3* Beast and Coulson. Easy special tile generation and plenty of countdowns.
  • MadScientist
    MadScientist Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    For the 5e node of Sub 1 in DPvsMPQ (Mockingbird, Luke Cage, Iron Fist) I used

    5* Doctor Doom
    5* Yelena Belova
    4* Peggy Carter

    With all the AP drain/destruction going on the enemy team never used any power. Most match damage was nullified by Doom's healing. It was rather slow in CL10 but given that this is one of the nastier 5e nodes I was suprosed how well it worked.
  • Jacknife
    Jacknife Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Okoye 5 1 2, Sabretooth 5 3 5, Morbius 5 2 3 .... wow nice combos and too short challanges even against champ 5*
  • Srheer0
    Srheer0 Posts: 510 Critical Contributor
    If you aren't in 5star land, using MeH (main event hulk), C4rol and Switch has always been a favourite of mine. They all synnergise well with eachother, all can use countdowns, and black, yellow, pink turn into damage, ap generation, or board shuffle.  

    Pr5fX, Wanda and other will be a fun team to use. 

    Morbius, Polaris and c4rnage or c5rnage is also effective. You almost always have an enemy special tile ready to match. And when the board is flooded, you can use c4rnage green to make a big explosion and lots of bonus damage.  

    BRB Kitty and Wanda will be extremely annoying to face. It reminds me of gam4ra, r4g and peggy. You don't know which one to attack first, and if they get a small amount of blue AP it makes the match that much harder to win.
  • hipUK
    hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Really happy I champed Silk!

    4* all:
    - Silk
    - Spiderman 2099
    - Miles Morales

    As long as you can hit blacks and blues, instant damage every turn, as well as healing most turns!
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    hipUK said:
    Really happy I champed Silk!

    4* all:
    - Silk
    - Spiderman 2099
    - Miles Morales

    As long as you can hit blacks and blues, instant damage every turn, as well as healing most turns!
    Do you have Spider-Gwen champed? It would be interesting to see if there is an improvement with her over Miles, though perhaps Miles is a better web-spammer.
  • hipUK
    hipUK Posts: 75 Match Maker
    hipUK said:
    Really happy I champed Silk!

    4* all:
    - Silk
    - Spiderman 2099
    - Miles Morales

    As long as you can hit blacks and blues, instant damage every turn, as well as healing most turns!
    Do you have Spider-Gwen champed? It would be interesting to see if there is an improvement with her over Miles, though perhaps Miles is a better web-spammer.
    No I don't! I've been wanting to for a long, long time (classic spiders trio they are), but she keeps getting preempted by PVE needs. I'm hoping I can champ her next, we'll see...
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like Miles for passive Purple/Yellow/Red AP gain on web tile matches myself, but Gwen has that great stun
  • Tanglefoot
    Tanglefoot Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    In the heart of 3* land, been having fun with all 3* - Deadpool for his 4100 damage to the enemy TEAM with pink, and cheap wicked red (like up to 3400 damage for 6 red? Oy Gevalt!)  Scarlett Witch to help generate pink for Deadpool, and her green, which can be surprisingly effective with a little luck, then add Luke Cage to cover yellow and black or Grocket to cover better green and blue. The feeling when you can drop your second or third whale in a match is pretty cool...
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used boosted Carbage/Lockjaw/Throg on that Fi5k/Hood/Thug challenge node in SCL10 for the first 2 clears, but it fell off by clear 3. A lot of damage avoidance and passive hilarity even if it’s not that fast.
  • talleman
    talleman Posts: 445 Mover and Shaker
    Are you in 5* land and bored playing the same team over and over?

    Try this team, it is fun and pretty strong when you get it rolling.



    BRB puts defensive tiles on the board, match them and Polaris will flood the board with them.

    Keep matching them, if they are blue or Purple go for them first. BRB will get you extra blue AP.

    Fire Polaris blue or DD purple to stun the most annoying enemy.

    Keep attacking the stunned enemy and DD will do extra damage to them.

    Repeat this and fire BRB green when possible.

    Try it out and let me know what you think. :)
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    thank you to whoever suggested 5* Thanos, onslaught and apoc - this team took me from 1000 to 2000 in simulator in no time
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2021
    I ran a couple matches in simulator with Heimdall/Hawkeye (5*)/XFDP. It’s a little fiddly because you have to manage what tiles you fortify with Heimdall after it gets moving, but so far it’s the best passive battery scenario for Heimdall I’ve put together. You can choose if you prefer his red to Hawkeye’s based on the fortification situation, or use XFDP’s if he accidentally takes a hit. As long as the other team hasn't got a hulk in play, you should be able to come out ahead with this one. Basically every hit will net you some 1turn CDs that will resolve for +3 blue/red, so you should be comfortably able to fire off Heimdall any way you want. and even at baby champ levels, after you fortify enough things his red is doing ~40k damage per swipe at potentially 3ap cost. And don't forget the trick of fortifying all the tiles in a match-3 you're after so you get double the AP from it.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    ammenell said:
    thank you to whoever suggested 5* Thanos, onslaught and apoc - this team took me from 1000 to 2000 in simulator in no time
    If you go in with +2 to red/yellow (+4 is even better if you have the +1 to all boost to spare) and target whoever is squishiest, this team can move pretty fast. I generally target iHulk or whichever 4* is on the team, and so long as it's not some kind of Apocalypse + Mutant opponent, that's pretty much game over in short order. Getting an opponent Hulk in the deah-spiral of eatining boosted Court Deaths is awesome. Only drawback is that it's pretty healthpack hungry after 2-3 battles if any of them go sideways on you.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't used that team yet because my Onslaught is still in bad shape. I wonder which takes place first: iHulk resurrecting from the dead, causing him to be stunned following his resurrection, or Thanos stunning all enemies, excluding IHulk?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2021
    It depends on how he dies. If it's the court death that kills him, it won't fire off again and he'll come back awake. But if you kill Hulk with a power or match damage, he'll be reborn then Court Death will fire off, and he'll be stunned. If you have Shared Strength in play and your own Onslaught is still alive, it will recieve the boost and do ~20k damage, so odds are good that hulk will die from it again and come back alive and avoid the stun. But that's not the hugest deal on this team since everyone has a pretty burly health supply.

    You could try this team with any other mutant, i feel like Profe$$or X would probably be fine in place of Onslaught but his health is really low. The function of that team member is the Mutant keyword, a large health pool, and ideally some early match bonus damage. But it could be that Colossus or Sighclops are appropriate, mine just aren't great yet since I've been holding tight for Yellowjacket to drop out.

    It's also possible OML would be ok here - since he would have a bit of healing longevity. His strikes ought to add a bit of damage to Court Death assuming you've fired a power at some point. But a lot of those older 5* X-Men have really low health and powers that are mid-to-late match cost. Cable has good health still, but his powers are expensive. Havok similarly isn't doing anything novel, and Gambit is both low-heal and is going to prevent Apocalypse from going to work on red.

    5Witch and Sinister would probably be cool if they had the Mutant keyword, but neither does.