CareBearStare Alliance Thread
adamLmpq wrote:
I did have a look through your game history. Not many hours logged and not many games playedMy real life game shelf looks a bit like your steam shelf.
FRESH CUT PvP: My mission statement is to hit this tournament hard as I just maxed my Psylocke and now I want to wreck some fools. 3rd slot on the team is tricky for me. Maybe Loki, Falcon, OBW or BP. Hard pick.0 -
DD, DD, DD....
They went and did it! They for real did it!
Spidey nerf is coming down, today, right NOW!
On a happy note, where should I throw my ISO away?
I am thinking I have enough ISO left over to get bagman from 55 to 80 maybe 85...
Or I can level a 3*.... but it's BagMan... Someone help me choose, before I do something stupid, like max BagMan...0 -
Tonzil wrote:DD, DD, DD....
They went and did it! They for real did it!
Spidey nerf is coming down, today, right NOW!
On a happy note, where should I throw my ISO away?
I am thinking I have enough ISO left over to get bagman from 55 to 80 maybe 85...
Or I can level a 3*.... but it's BagMan... Someone help me choose, before I do something stupid, like max BagMan...
Original Black Widow. She's glass, but she steals and heals. At least at a higher level, she won't die right away. Depending on your C.Mags, she might tank blue and purple though. I know we hate seeing so many OBWs in PVP, but they made us do it. THEY MADE US DO IT!
I'm thinking about my A-Team... I can max out (or nearly max out) Punisher, Psylocke, L.Thor, Patch, and C.Mags. I'm going to try Psylocke, L.Thor and OBW for the Psylocke tournament. Rainbow team. See how it goes.
I know that C.Mags and Patch are supposed to the fastest kill, but I'm just not doing it right... cause it ain't fast for me.
P.S. I used Spidey non-stop for the last 2 days in PVP. Non-stop. Non-stop.
Non-stop.0 -
I just got mopped up... hard in PvE. Took Spidey (new) on a test run. It's bad... real bad.
If your using Spidey, bring Mags for the Blue generation... 5 AP for every stun from Spidey. That means no more stun locking, and once you start hitting ridiculous scaling, game over...
I don't like it and I am not happy. This is stupid and ridiculous. 5 AP for a single caracter 1 turn stun... Everyone is going to bring out the OBW now... Like there wasn't enough of her out there already...
I think this Nerf just pushed me over the edge... if not over, very close to the line...0 -
Well, it's been a pleasure playing with all of you. Thanks DD for the Season 1 roster list. Immortalizing me in the CareBearStare history book. I believe m4saia and vbr deserve to be on the Season 0 unofficial roster. I'll drop by the forums, just won't be seeing me in-game. Indeed, we are the greatest alliance there is, and even though I am not on the roster, I am still a care bear deep inside. So what if Scarfighters edged us out by 50 ranks, just BARELY squeaking a victory by us? We are still superior
As for Season 2, I know I'm not on the roster but my voice has kept DD sane (yes, he would be even less sane were it not for me!) so I will say this: Deep down we are all collectors and we absolutely must collect that available Fury cover. We absolutely have to spend a roster slot on this collector's item. Going into Season 2, atleast 90% of the roster will have that collector's trophy sitting in their roster. We have that trophy, we don't need another. Noone will be heartbroken if the team misses that second cover (except maybe the two new members...)Ben Grimm wrote:One way I look at it (and I posted it somewhere else): we got ourselves Nick Fury. If there's an essential node, we can do it. Having two covers isn't that much better than having one cover; I've got IW and XF at 6 and 7 covers respectively and they're still borderline useless.
I was about to remark that it's not the difference between one and two covers. It's the difference between five and ten covers... But then I realized none of us are slobofixes and we don't max our 4*s right away
As for me, it's back to maining Pokemon. If there's one thing I don't like about MPQ (and this is the main thing that got me, it's not this seasons thing), it's how time sensitive the game is. I need to play at certain times, so it's kinda weird planning days around event ends. I played Pokemon, Starcraft, even chess games where I'm hyper stressed, sweating bullets and all in a long sustained effort, but all of the intensity is contained within the game. When the game's over, I sigh a sigh of relief and relax. MPQ is like... I'm stressing when I'm not playing the game, so even though I might not be spending all these hours playing the game, I'm spending so much time stressing over it. Playing games that aren't time sensitive should free me up to play the pile of games I need to play like Etrian Odyssey 4, Arkham Origins, Deux Ex:HR... and I have my eye on this Marvel Heroes game (uh oh... I'm fleeing at the first sign of stress)
I know it's easy to be negative and blame the developers for burning us out and breaking us apart, but that is not the case at all! It is BECAUSE of this great game that we are all assembled. The game isn't breaking us apart, it brought us together!
And with that said
on steam, please add me!0 -
So the season 1 rewards are making their way out, and with my top 100 I got 5 heroic tokens. Let's look at how this played out shall we?
1st - Red Moonstone. Already maxed out, trash...
2nd - Blue Hawkeye. And the 2* train rolls on....
3rd - Bag Man (nobody cares what color) - Woohoo!!! Another worthless bagman!!!! Yeah! Keep it coming baby!!!
4rd - Black Moonstone. Well, at least it wasn't another red one, right?
5th - Red Patches. Finally! I actually got something that wasn't a 2* or worse. Not exactly tops on my list but considering the garbage I've gotten out of the past 15-20 tokens I'll take it.
Good thing that patches came around on the last token, otherwise my cell phone was going to have an unfortunate accident.0 -
I left too soon, got personal rewards but they didn't give out alliance rewards. This is probably a glitch, I can't imagine this being intentional. Not that it matters
I missed top 50. I was at 44 last night when I went to bed and ended up 58. I'm happy for all the people that pushed past me to get the 10 pack
My tokens look eerily similar to RWTD. I got:
1) Moonstone Purple
2) Bagman Purple
3) 2* Daken Black
4) 2* Wolvie Yellow
5) Patch Green0 -
I only earned 5 Heroic Tokens, no 10pack, but here's what I got:
1 - Loki (3)
2 - OBW (2)
3 - Cpt. America (3)
4 - Cpt. America (2)
5 - The Hood (3)
Nothing that was useful to me but I suppose 3 out of 5 being three stars is better than average luck so I can't really complain.0 -
purinxa wrote:So what if Scarfighters edged us out by 50 ranks, just BARELY squeaking a victory by us? We are still superior
CareBears, it was a close call! We had to do our very best back there to keep you guys away. Whenever we blinked, you rocketed right past us! That's why Frite can never get enough sleep; he's our BearWatcher.
Purinxa, it's a shame that you're leaving! We just found out about this CareBear playground, and now you're already taking the ball away. Don't go.
CareBearStare! Stare! Stare!, for one last time! May you leave in a blaze of glory.0 -
Individual rewards are in! I clawed my way to a 10-pack…
2* cap yellow
MNMags blue
Ares red
2* Thor yellow
2* wolv green (I will use this to finish a long-standing respec)
2* taken black
MNMags purple
Ares yellow
2* Thor green
Bagman yellow
Sooo, continuing my streak of terrible, no good luck, I got all 2*, none of which are really any use. I'll apply the green wolvie but I never use the character since I was slow in getting his covers when I was at the 2* stage and never got a chance to level him before moving on to other things.
*sigh*0 -
Well kids, as promised, i hanged out until season 1 end. I loved being in the alliance, really, and DD, thanks for making me your back up as your co-commander, i really appreciate the honour.
I'still hang around here in the forum, can i keep my carebear signature? the punisher carebear really grew in me
I know its not okay for me to ask, that i should be offered it, but maybe i can be an honorary bear, right?
So, whats in the horizon for me?
Two games: Goat Simulator and Southpark the Stick of truth.
I recommend them both.
Good luck you all! I'll be rooting for you from here in the forum!
Stare! Stare stare stare!
(fedlex20 on steam)0 -
fedlex20 wrote:Well kids, as promised, i hanged out until season 1 end. I loved being in the alliance, really, and DD, thanks for making me your back up as your co-commander, i really appreciate the honour.
I'still hang around here in the forum, can i keep my carebear signature? the punisher carebear really grew in me
I know its not okay for me to ask, that i should be offered it, but maybe i can be an honorary bear, right?
So, whats in the horizon for me?
Two games: Goat Simulator and Southpark the Stick of truth.
I recommend them both.
Good luck you all! I'll be rooting for you from here in the forum!
Stare! Stare stare stare!
(fedlex20 on steam)
Farewell co-commander. You are, and will always be a Care Bear. If you ever decide to rejoin this beautiful mess, a space will be waiting for you. Even if I have to kick out you-know-who.
Thank you for being a big part of our team. The rest of us will stare on.0 -
Unwrapping par-tay...
#1 **Wolvie Yellow
#2 **OBW Blue
#3 **BagMan Purple - wouldn't be complete without at least one.
#4 **OBW Blue - should I build a spare OBW?
#5 **Ares Yellow
#6 ***Hulk Red
#7 **Bullseye Purple
#8 ***Psylocke Blue
#9 ***Hulk Red - soooo many gold covers...
#10 **Storm Blue
#11 **Moonstone Black
#12 **Daken Purple
#13 **Bagman Blue - ahh, I can relax now
#14 **OBW Black - I really should build a spare OBW
#15 ****IW Green - It's gold and it's THROBBING - I can use this! Inasmuch Invisible Woman is usable
#16 ***Patch Yellow - more gold!
#17 ***Human Torch Green - Wow!
#18 **M.Hawkeye Blue
#19 **MN.Mags Blue
#20 **Storm Green
Honestly, I can't complain. Only IW and HT are needed as I have a lot of covered heroes already... but it was a nice pull. My luck will probably change next time, but not bad overall.0 -
@DecoyDuck: As our leader it was only fair that you got the best rewards from your 10-packs. Congrats.
All these people leaving the game and forums so publicly. Makes you question whether you still like the game or if you're just trapped in the hamster wheel. The one satisfaction I have is knowing that at least I didn't spend vasts amount of money on the game.0 -
I don't check forums for almost a day and lots of stuff to reply to now -lol-. Where to start...
@fedlex20 and Purinxa: happy retirement from this game ^^, you 2 will be missed but I'm glad you 2 will still visit our forums.
@DecoyDuck: thankyou for that motivational speech fearless leader ^^ and congrats on getting a 20 pack and all the nice cards you got from your 20 pack ^^
@adam: your a lucky bastard getting 3 golds out of your 5 pack! -lol-. But I'm happy for you man ^^, I'm sure you could use all those cards.
I only got a 5 pack myself also, my 3rd card opened was a 3* Psylocke(Red) which I can't complain cause that was the last card I wanted to max my Psylocke, everything else was 2*'s not worth mentioning.0 -
As for season 2... I agree with what all of you have said. No need to try and get another Nick Fury, all we need is 1 to do essential nodes that require him. This will give everyone a chance to take a break and play more for fun. I'm sure everyone will still want to reach 5000 season points though to get their free 10 pack ^^. Yesterday 24 hours before the end of season 1 was fun yet stressful for me cause of too many events to play! -lol-. There was PVE subs, Rag pvp, The simulator, and Lightning rounds all going on at the same time -lol-. Its hard juggling so many events at one time and I was playing all 4 of them the last 24 hours -haha-. After a goodnights sleep I feel relaxed and refreshed, it will be nice to take it easy now for a while. I can juggle 2 events without getting stressed so with that being said I still plan on playing pvp alot cause that what I enjoy playing and I will also play pve to try to help keep us at top 100 in both if possible.
As for pvp I agree with you guys and gals on trying to keep top 100 on just the major ones most of us still need. Like this one thats giving out Lazy Daken covers right now, or any other one in the future that will be giving out some of the newer covers alot of us still need. I think some of us hardcore players that like pvp to begin with can still get 1000 points or higher in pvp and if the rest of us can average 500-800 we should still make top 100. Bottom line I think for now we can still get top 100 in most pvp and pve events pretty easy without stressing ourselves out while just having fun. No need to get top 50 or higher unless theres something alot of us really want from it.
Have a good day all ^^ and great job everyone on season1! Woot! we all have a Nick Fury we will never use now!0
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