Beginner Mistakes



  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still do the boost one. Did my last shield hop using the +2 all AP boost and did my first 2 fights of seed teams in the last lightning round using the same boost! You'd think that after the first seed team I'd switch out, but nope, you'd be wrong.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Using hero points for anything other than roster slots. The covers will come in eventually, if you plan on playing the game for any prolonged period of time you're better off approaching it as a marathon not a sprint. I can't count how many 3* covers i threw away pre-champion era because I was more concerned with covering the ones I already had. Little did I know I would be seeing plenty of those covers in due time.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Bossblack wrote:
    Putting hard earned money into this game, yet I continue to have the urge to do so. Need self control.

    I locked in-app purchases on my iPhone, gave the phone to my friend and he made up the password. So if I'm ever desperate to buy something again, I can explain it to him what I'm wanting to buy, he will unlock the phone for me, I will buy that one thing, he will lock the in-app purchases again. I have no self-control and I wasn't getting value for money out of my purchases, so I cut them off. No more instant purchase reward.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pouring a ton of ISO into Moonstone because I wanted to make an all-female team of OBW, CStorm and Moonstone.

    Yes. Really.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind wrote:
    mpqr7 wrote:
    * Finishing a tough battle with lots of expensive boosts, then immediately doing a very easy battle... still using the boosts that you no longer need

    I still do this on the regular.

    I'm worst. When I do this I forget and repeat the mistakes 3-4 times in a row
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Looking at Ares and OBW cards and thinking "I have no idea who these people are so there's no way I'm going to use them" and then selling them like it was going out of fashion.
  • Akatosh
    Akatosh Posts: 51 Match Maker
    During my 2* transition, when my highest leveled characters were IM 35 and Juggs. I missed out on a lot of events because I used to look yellow starter nodes with the level 100 characters and think " Don't have the roster for this", and skip the whole event entirely, not realizing that those were "loaner" nodes.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Akatosh wrote:
    During my 2* transition, when my highest leveled characters were IM 35 and Juggs. I missed out on a lot of events because I used to look yellow starter nodes with the level 100 characters and think " Don't have the roster for this", and skip the whole event entirely, not realizing that those were "loaner" nodes.
    also, about that same level when I had level 30ish guys - stepping into a versus event - either LR or normal PVP - seeing the level 70 featured and saying, man, I'm just not there yet. not realizing you got a loaner feature character. I could have played so many more lightning rounds with the loaner tanking for me and gotten more iso and cover drops. once I realized that the transition happened pretty fast.
  • prancerosner
    prancerosner Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Sold all my fully-leveled 2* characters months before Deadpool daily quests, and long before championing.
    Now that I will never catch up on ISO (and since I've always had more HP than I need) this still hurts a little every time I log in.

    Years ago, spent over 100K ISO to gamble for 3* covers, 500 points at a time. This one doesn't bother me too much; at the time, 3* covers were fairly hard to come by.

    It's still hard to know when to shield in a Versus event. I'll always be a noob in that respect.
  • levelling Bag-Man

    spending ISO on 1* tokens
  • MrCroaker64
    MrCroaker64 Posts: 70 Match Maker
    Hoarding Health Packs. I don't know if the auto-generate feature wasn't active when I started about 2 years ago or not, but I just recently figured out that if you drop below 10 Health Packs they regenerate. I can't imagine how many events I stopped on because I did not want to "waste" health packs. Now I will use half a dozen to do a clear and when I go back for my next sweep I have 10 again. Just like magic. icon_lol.gif

  • LambadaDave
    LambadaDave Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    I don't regret all of the ISO spent on the starter tokens, it was a fun way to get 3* and even a few very rare 4* from some extra ISO. PLUS: it was like gambling, simply addictive.

    I do regret staying too long in my first PVE alliance. It was being commanded by the weakest performers out of the 20 members. As in, barely even hitting one full clear per PVE sub, while those at the top grinded to keep us afloat in the rankings. I stayed a few events longer than I should have.

    I'm happy to be with a great bunch of folks, now.

    A personal shoutout to all of you great commanders that lead by example! It did help me appreciate those of you that somehow manage to both play and lead.
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    • Spending iso8.png on a standard token pack.
    • Purchasing a 40 pack just because the draw rate was higher for the new star.pngstar.pngstar.png
  • VA5
    VA5 Posts: 66
    Forgetting after battles in PVP to reboot your players health points, opps I'm starting a battle with a player one hit away from dying.

    Wasting shields, especially 3 hr ones. Recently got stuck in purgatory in 1200-1300 land. Every time I would have passed 1300 for progression reward was slapped back to 1200.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Choosing Doc Oc instead of Blade in the team select screen. Why are they sharing sunglasses, anyway?
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Back when I first started I always thought the powers that cost more are the best, the more the better. Which made me prioritise im35 blue over red (i remember having blue at 5) until i realised MUCH later i could look at skill descriptions for damage done.

    And another one i still do on a pretty regular basis. I have a potential match 5, i swipe the tile beside the one i want. Damn my fat fingers, i never remember to click on the tile instead of swiping it
  • For the first month or so, I thought the entire game was just the Prologue.

    Then one fateful day I started poking around...
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    pheregas wrote:
    5) Buying standard tokens with #4 (THE SHAME)

    I've probably spent 600k iso on standard tokens. None that I've bought with real money, of course. I probably got 20 3* covers or more out of that that I could use so I don't really regret it.

    Needless to say since the championing feature I have never had more than 2000 iso at a time so this is no longer even an option...
  • DC1972
    DC1972 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Almost 600 days in and starting to go casual/retire but have to admit I've done every single one of the mistakes listed by everyone, and yes I still forget to remove boosts.


    Raising my XFW and GSBW as soon as I could to around 160 when everyone else was at 94 and killing my MMR.

    Not joining battle chats in Line earlier. Made 1000 and 1300 in PVP a cake walk.

    Not realizing that the goons CD tile flashes when the goon is selected and trying to figure out whose CD tile it was when there are two of the same goons.

    Not reading the descriptions of all of the powers completely. Didn't realize why everyone made such a big fuss about Charlie's Angels.

    Hopping in the last few minutes of PVP after having baked three CCs earlier and taking a - 352.

    Not joining my current alliance earlier. Best bunch of guys/gals out there.
  • huktonfonix
    huktonfonix Posts: 214 Tile Toppler
    IM35 just got a whole bunch of unnecessary boosts in the 1* node of DDQ. D'oh. I would wager that 90% of the time I use boosts, I waste them on the next fight as well.

    I definitely made a whole bunch of mistakes as far as which 2* characters to roster and level early on. I'm well into my 3* transition and still don't have 2* Mags or Daken, and rostered and leveled Thor long after my other 2*s were maxed and champed, because I didn't have roster space and got Captain Marvel, Captain America, and Torch first.

    I also sold a fully-covered level 30 OBW because I read some old forum posts about her being nerfed (true healing), before realizing how critical she still is. I have her back and championed now, but I definitely missed out on a lot of early progression trying to beat difficult nodes without her.

    I sold a single-covered Luke Cage (red) to create roster space for some **** new 4* I got that is probably still sitting at one cover. I have not seen another Luke Cage since.

    I opened my first two legendary tokens, with a 2* roster, and got Phoenix and Surfer. Rostered them, played for a couple days, and then accepted that they were 4000 ISO and sadly sold them to make the game playable again. The next week, tests for new matchmaking/scaling algorithms were announced.

    I also read some dire warnings early on about the etiquette of double tapping opponents in PVP, and thus skipped a bunch of seed teams thinking they were real players I'd already hit once.