Vaults in Story Events



  • Vhailorx wrote:

    Side note: Demiurge, can you please fix the problem where post-event vaults are actively worse because they reset after every pull?

    That might be a good thing for some, in case their vault gets IW, Starlord, and TAHulk.

    Don't change it.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    GREAT change. People have been asking for some of the randomness to be removed... And now it's gone. You know exactly what you get if you buy 2 40-packs, and have a much better idea than before if you buy less than the ful 80.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, now i need more HP if i am going to be getting 100hp daily deals for the next thousand days..
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    If this is going to be the thing going forward, one thing you guys need to do is stop making so that the vault is over the second that the last slice finishes. Because that means the token I get for the last day's sub-node doesn't actually go to the vault that I've been using for the whole event. An hour or two seems like it would be enough to let us actually receive our tokens and cash them in.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    In other words, if the three 4*s happen to be three I don't need, this is a big step backward.

    No, it is a big step forward regardless.

    The RNG was going to lump you with those 4 stars anyway when you made a token pull if you were lucky enough to get a 4 star. So absolutely no change on that front.

    But as people have pointed out, waiting for the post event vault(s) will give you a complete new random selection of 4 stars, so you have more control over what you are likely to pull.
    To put it another way, it wasn't enough to have progression tied to random token pulls, so now you're adding an extra layer of randomness... we have to be lucky enough to have an opportunity to be lucky enough to draw something useful.

    No, there isn't an extra layer of randomness - you get to see what your options are up front and decide which vault to pull from. At worst pulling from the post event vaults is exactly as random as the token pulls were before.

    To put it another way, as you like to keep saying, they are giving you an extra layer of control over the randomness. You can even choose to buy a 10 or 40 pack on a particularly attractive vault rather than just dealing with the pure randomness of 40 token pulls when you buy.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    I suppose I'm an outlier here. I see this as a neutral move, more than anything.

    You know exactly what's up for grabs and what you're likely to pull.

    This could make 7 day events a little more important worth it. You could clear a nice chunk of the vault with 7 daily rankings tokens (and additional 7 if you're in a top 50 alliance) + 2 progression tokens and that's not counting something like Enemy of the State, which would have even more tokens from waves.

    A huge 4* bottleneck. My current Hulk vault has icon_nickfury.pngblueflag.png, icon_invisiblewoman.pngyellowflag.png, and icon_venom.pngyellowflag.png. I have every 4*, but only 4 powers completely covered and 2 of those are in my vault. Kind of kills that little bit of excitement when opening a token. Sure, this isn't going to be every vault, but another line of randomness.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    People who don't like this need to go look up the "Monty Hall problem". No, it's not identical, but it's a good example how additional information about what can be drawn from a set, coupled with a choice about what set to draw from, is a beneficial thing.

    Or put another way: If you vault has 3 bad 4*s that you don't want, just save the tokens. Don't buy a 40 pack unless the covers in there are desirable.

    Knowing that your draws are going to be bad and being able to save your tokens as a result is better than discovering that your draws were bad through opening your tokens.

    Now, the devs just need to make a legendary vault so I can actually pull a 5*.
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Love vaults for events. This is great news. I preferred the 50hp daily that we saw before, but I guess 100 isn't that bad.

    Keep up the good work D3!!
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Raffoon wrote:
    People who don't like this need to go look up the "Monty Hall problem". No, it's not identical, but it's a good example how additional information about what can be drawn from a set, coupled with a choice about what set to draw from, is a beneficial thing.
    I don't like it because this is like Monty telling me the three doors contain a goat, a donkey and trash dumpster. If he offers me the chance to choose from those 3 doors, or from another 3 doors that could contain anything in the world, the additional information is telling me that choosing from the known set is the worst option.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    simonsez wrote:
    I don't like it because this is like Monty telling me the three doors contain a goat, a donkey and trash dumpster. If he offers me the chance to choose from those 3 doors, or from another 3 doors that could contain anything in the world, the additional information is telling me that choosing from the known set is the worst option

    Either way, the knowledge that the items available in the vault are bad is an advantage to you.

    So either:
    -Wait until after the event and open the doors when they can be reset as often as you'd like. (As an extra bonus, you still get to see what the possibilities are going to be for each draw)
    -Wait until the event is run again with a new set of non-resetting doors.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Raffoon wrote:
    -Wait until after the event and open the doors when they can be reset as often as you'd like.
    How do you reset without drawing?
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pulling 2* rewards from a vault or pulling 2* rewards from a random unknown list, doesn't make much difference to me.
  • The main drawback to this is that there is no guaranteed Legendary Token for buying a 40-pack draw.

    Also, if this is the way it's going to be, the HP price needs to be restructured with more options. Because a $100 would buy you two 40-pack draws on the daily deals, whereas $50 wouldn't even buy you one? There's something inherently messed up about that.
  • simonsez wrote:
    Raffoon wrote:
    -Wait until after the event and open the doors when they can be reset as often as you'd like.
    How do you reset without drawing?

    I can't confirm it either way, but I believe you get one reset after the event ends automatically. (Or at least, I'd think it would.)

    I should check my stockpiled PVP Matchmaking ones to see if they reset whenever I load up the game or whatever.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    simonsez wrote:
    Raffoon wrote:
    -Wait until after the event and open the doors when they can be reset as often as you'd like.
    How do you reset without drawing?
    Is this a trick question?

    You can reset by pressing the reset button or you can wait until the event is over and then the vault resets every time you look at it (you can verify this by looking at the taco vault that isn't on). Unless there's something hidden in the question that I don't understand, I'm absolutely flabbergasted that this is news for you.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can reset by pressing the reset button or you can wait until the event is over and then the vault resets every time you look at it (you can verify this by looking at the taco vault that isn't on). Unless there's something hidden in the question that I don't understand, I'm absolutely flabbergasted that this is news for you.
    I know you can reset it by paying HP, and I'm absolutely flabbergasted anyone would ever consider doing this. And I don't see the contents of vaults change just by looking at them.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    simonsez wrote:
    I don't see the contents of vaults change just by looking at them.
    You mean the vaults that aren't active? Like Sweet Taco Vault currently? It doesn't change if you look at it, switch to a different token (Savory Taco Vault) and then back? I suggest you file a bug report immediately, then.
  • rastafari7
    rastafari7 Posts: 75 Match Maker
    I think it sucks.
    The normal tokens had a chance of getting any 4*, now we only get a chance at 3 4*.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Count me among those who like this change. I much prefer pulling from vaults.

    I think some of the people posting here have made very good arguments in favor of the vaults and come up with decent solutions to those complaining about the situation. Thank you.
  • laughingMAN
    laughingMAN Posts: 65 Match Maker
    As some people have already said, if you wait until the event is over then you get to draw from a "post-event" vault. Unlike an ordinary vault, the post-event vault resets after every draw (so basically you draw 1/80 every single pull). You can reset a post-event vault for free as many times as you like simply by looking at it, exiting, looking at it again, ad nauseum. Additionally, the odds of pulling any individual prize out of one of these vaults (including the 5* token and 4* prizes) is 1.25%, which is much better than the usual 0.2% from an ordinary event token. You can see this behavior in the DDQ sweet vault on a savory week and vice versa.

    So basically, there is absolutely no downside to this change unless you are impatient and feel the need to pull your tokens during the event.