Regarding Deadpool's Daily Quests* Updated (02/19/16)
Yea, that seems fair enough. I'm still on board with adding the 1 CP reward for clearing the whole thing. That's not going to break the bank in any way, shape or form, and it's a nice bonus for the more difficult setup, because no matter how you slice it, with these fellows in the mix, it IS more difficult.0
tanis3303 wrote:Yea, that seems fair enough. I'm still on board with adding the 1 CP reward for clearing the whole thing. That's not going to break the bank in any way, shape or form, and it's a nice bonus for the more difficult setup, because no matter how you slice it, with these fellows in the mix, it IS more difficult.
Yeah, I think the 1 CP at 14999 points would be the appropriate olive branch to extend. The changes sound like they will be an improvement over the past week, but still more challenging than way it had been for a year+. This is still more of a challenge for people who are trying to transition to 3*s, and still doesn't help the people suited to these challenges transition beyond 3*.
A 4* cover every 20 days at this point is not asking too much. That doesn't even yield two fully covered characters per year given perfect draws and no unneeded dupes, well under the pace of new characters getting released.0 -
firethorne wrote:tanis3303 wrote:Yea, that seems fair enough. I'm still on board with adding the 1 CP reward for clearing the whole thing. That's not going to break the bank in any way, shape or form, and it's a nice bonus for the more difficult setup, because no matter how you slice it, with these fellows in the mix, it IS more difficult.
Yeah, I think the 1 CP at 14999 points would be the appropriate olive branch to extend. The changes sound like they will be an improvement over the past week, but still more challenging than way it had been for a year+. This is still more of a challenge for people who are trying to transition to 3*s, and still doesn't help the people suited to these challenges transition beyond 3*.
A 4* cover every 20 days at this point is not asking too much. That doesn't even yield two fully covered characters per year given perfect draws and no unneeded dupes, well under the pace of new characters getting released.
More challenging isn't a bad thing. It know some people were happy with the "so easy you can do it in your sleep" that it was before, but as long as it's reasonably beatable with a 70+ 2* roster then it's still easily manageable, just with more variety and a dash of added difficulty.
Speaking of which, does "Ultron can't show up in the first 3 waves of Big Enchilada" mean just Ultron himself, or Ultron and any of his sentries? I still think even the sentries shouldn't be able to show up in the first wave (but should be fair game for any wave after).0 -
Still not a fan of the change, though at least they are attempting to alleviate overly difficult permutations. Including the newer tougher goons is still increasing difficulty for no improvement in reward. It's just now arbitrarily more of a pain to accomplish. Does this mean we should get more reward for completing it now? Maybe. It still doesn't address the reasons why it was made harder in the first place. Apparently it wasn't broke, so they had to "fix it." This game man, this game just doesn't make sense sometimes.0
Ryudoz wrote:Still not a fan of the change, though at least they are attempting to alleviate overly difficult permutations. Including the newer tougher goons is still increasing difficulty for no improvement in reward. It's just now arbitrarily more of a pain to accomplish. Does this mean we should get more reward for completing it now? Maybe. It still doesn't address the reasons why it was made harder in the first place. Apparently it wasn't broke, so they had to "fix it." This game man, this game just doesn't make sense sometimes.
I stand by it wasn't intended to make it harder, but to put more variety in it with a good amount of the new stuff added.
But the tougher goons will still "feel" harder even when they're not. Like, even if they were all level 15, they'd still "feel" harder even when wiped out pretty quickly.0 -
JCTthe3rd81 wrote:One solution would be to add an infinite wave of random bad guys, (goons, symbiotes, S.H.I.E.L.D troops, H.A.M.M.E.R. guys, ultron fighters, flyers, gunners.). The 1st wave starts at base level, and each wave scales up. The waves just keep coming non stop until all of your characters are dead. Or make it 20 waves long where the last wave suddenly has 5 or 6 level 300+ characters, (Heroes or Villians, or both mixed together). This way everyone could play, regardless of roster strength. Weaker rosters wouldn't be able to finish probably, but they could still get some good rewards.
And set the rewards something like;
Beat wave 3 - - - 1k iso
Beat wave 6 - - - 2500 iso
Beat wave 9 - - - 2500 iso, + standard token
Beat wave 12 - - - 4k iso
Beat wave 15 - - - 4500 iso + heroic token
Beat wave 18 - - - 6k iso + 50 HP
Beat wave 20 - - - 6k iso + 50 HP + 5 CP
note. Finishing all 20 waves does not get you all reward teirs. Finishing the 20th wave gets you 6k iso, 50 HP, 5 CP only.
That, IMO, would be a great addition to the DDQ. Especially if it was not locked after completion. We wouldn't get rewards for playinh it over, but it would still be fun. Endless waves of enemies. Wave after wave after wave after wave until death. That would be awesome.
The biggest problem I see with a mega-wave approach is that players would determine the optimal team and run that constantly. If you can make a team that avoids damage after they get rolling, having 4 rounds or 20 won't be a big difference. This means the variety/excitement would fade quickly, especially for veteran players.
What I do think would be interesting is a variation on your idea. Provide an event with a progression ladder like you suggest (maybe over 5 days, aligned with the DDQ calendar). You can play as many times as you want with one caveat: you never get to reuse a character during the event. I think this would be a great change:
1. It rewards players for using their whole roster (including that new release you have with one cover).
2. It inspires creativity. Sure you can run winfinite once, but maybe you'll win more matches pairing the characters off with others?
3. The battles could be distinct instead of in a wave. That way you can really play at your leisure instead of having to put aside an hour for a potential 20 wave grind. Plus, the cost of losing a match is the last progression step, not all the future steps, so it hurts, but not too bad.
4. Veteran players could get more/higher rewards by virtue of having more roster spots. This helps address the fact new and old players should be earning iso at different rates due to their different needs.
I would love to see something like this. Even if most matches are easy, there would always be some challenging ones as you try new combinations with the less covered/levelled characters.0 -
Good, was just trying to find a good spot to bring up that Ultron and his Sentries get way out of hand for being in a "wave" scenario. I don't think they should appear at all outside of the Ultron event since they can do far more than a normal thug. They can create defense tiles, attack tiles, strike tiles, shuffle the board, heal themselves AND then move after all that is done, collecting AP that they never spend.
The Deadpool Daily isn't a place to be adding pointless difficulty, it's the only non-competitive play for people who just enjoy playing your game and want to spend thirty minutes to an an hour doing so with minimal stress, time commitment, and still feel like they are being rewarded. Honestly, instead of trying to change DDQ, you should be trying to find other alternatives of non-competitive, low commitment and rewarding game modes. Maybe one that is more about earning large amounts of ISO daily with no cover rewards.
Frankly, after DDQ came out I have had zero interest in ever doing another PVE event because I'd rather play the game on my terms instead of your timers. Now I just join them last minute if I'm ever around at that time and cheese a free cover and some iso. I don't find the competitive stuff fun or rewarding in the least.
PS: Where's Moon Knight.0 -
Thank you for revisiting the change made to DDQ. This is my first post and all I signed up to say was "I used to only play DDQ and now I don't play at all."
In the past I have played the game in more capacity but limited personal time and roster have dwindled my play for right now down to just DDQ every day in order to build up my 3*s.
I'm not sure who was calling for this change but DDQ used to be a good place for low rosters to level up. I'm guessing that the only people who benefit from the change aready have maxed 3*s so they don't really need DDQ anyway.
My suggestion would be to create a new event that gives the thrills and challenge the vets want. But it is not a good idea to make it harder for newbies to level up. On the contrary, as the game expands, it is better to give newer players a FASTER opportunity to level so that they can catch up. That is generally how mmos work. As a person with limited time and roster - beating your head against the wall with constant board changes, fists, and swords being thrown at you - zero fun. And you can't even predict what you're up against..
Thanks0 -
The sooner this kicks in, the better, please.
Today's DDQ had a nasty start, with Ultron sentries racking up AP in round 1, then Maggia in round 2 spamming countdowns since they had ridiculous AP counts. Then Teen Jean in wave 3. Seriously?
And then, bizarrely, wave 4 was nothing but 2*.
Took me two tries to clear it, admittedly because I lost track of a Don's Trap tile and it insta-killed Steve. Oh well.0 -
optimus2861 wrote:The sooner this kicks in, the better, please.
Today's DDQ had a nasty start, with Ultron sentries racking up AP in round 1, then Maggia in round 2 spamming countdowns since they had ridiculous AP counts. Then Teen Jean in wave 3. Seriously?
And then, bizarrely, wave 4 was nothing but 2*.
Took me two tries to clear it, admittedly because I lost track of a Don's Trap tile and it insta-killed Steve. Oh well.
...that was WAY easier then like the normal TBE what the heckle.
Like, Goons spamming CDs is way better then next wave heroes spamming abilities from Ultron APs, and then with ONLY Teen Jean, at a pretty low level, made using any abilities saved up from the last wave (which is what you should do with Survival nodes anyways) so you can eliminate her quickly and just be stuck with two goons.
And then, the last wave, normally the one with the strongest enemies, has 2* Cap.
It was a pretty easy day.0 -
optimus2861 wrote:Today's DDQ had a nasty start, with Ultron sentries racking up AP in round 1, then Maggia in round 2 spamming countdowns since they had ridiculous AP counts. Then Teen Jean in wave 3. Seriously?
Today's was much, much worse.
Cage going first means that ridiculous protect tile stretches out the match until you can steamroll over its damage reduction. Then the match folds over into Ultron goons, which means its time to spend AP and use lots and lots of abilities on Wave 3, because otherwise that all-30 enemy AP is going to make mince-meat out of you. And ofcourse you have to have enough left to finish off the fourth wave as well.
And what a fourth wave it was: DP 3* + DP 4*. Fun times! Only way to beat that without getting rear-ended is to either stun or use area powers. And with all the AP left over from the Ultron goons on wave 2, setting up stuns and carefully picking off the last wave is not happening.
Max black AP + Black Panther and left-over red with Punisher's kill-shot is pretty much the only cure I had on my roster that could help survive that last round on today's Big Enchilada...
All of this would've been so much more survivable if atleast the blasted Ultron goons would not interfere and top-off the enemy AP gauges at 30 each.
Ultron goons have their place, and it's not in DDQ. Lowering their presence isn't going to cut it unless it's lowered in such a way that no wave whatsoever may ever contain more than 1.0 -
is it weird that I liked having Cage in wave 1?
Like, that protect tile means more chances to gather AP for the later actually dangerous waves.
And on Wave 3 you prob. got the AP to take care of Thing quickly so then you just got another Goon node that'll make sure you're well topped off to take on the Double DP.
Dis be simple stuff.0 -
Yeah, yesterday was a freakin' cakewalk compared to today. My champion Steve, Cyc, KK handled it, but I feel real pity for 2* rosters facing a challenge like that. I used to beat BE every day using OBW, CStorm, and Thor while I was in the early stages of building my 3* teams. I don't see how they'd stand a chance at today's ridiculousness.0
I did it - like always - with 2*OBW + 2*Storm + 2*Magneto
Was very fun, not too easy but hardly impossibly hard. Something like old DDQ with team above but seriously underleveled. (Now they are all slightly above 100)
I also see it easily doable with other good 2* teams like Thor+OBW+Storm, or Cap. America.
I like randomness, after 3 months of playing DDQ was getting stale.
tl;dr: Stop whining.0 -
agree with above - was getting stale,
I actually have to look at the oppos now in the last node - before was always the same - build up AP rounds 1 & 3 nuke rounds 2 & 4
I can still do it with the same team though ( Panther, Falcon & Lcap - Lv 168, 182 & 188 respectively)0 -
Speaking of waves... The game has an indicator telling us how many enemies are left in the wave... What about an indicator reminding us what wave we're on...0
I tried Sunday to use a different team, SW, 3*Bullseye, IF... so when I got to wave 4... I have strike tiles out and an attack tile... and I was kicking myself for having picked this team when I saw both DP's... i only had 1 clean hit at XFDP. After that, if I hit XFDP, I set off DP, if I hit DP, I set off XFDP twice. fortunately for me, there were relatively few black tiles on the board and the ones that were there were matchable so I hit regular DP and matched away the CD tiles, then he was lower than XFDP, and I finished off XFDP. To have a self destruct option for your strike tiles would be cool... lol.0
JVReal wrote:I tried Sunday to use a different team, SW, 3*Bullseye, IF... so when I got to wave 4... I have strike tiles out and an attack tile... and I was kicking myself for having picked this team when I saw both DP's... i only had 1 clean hit at XFDP. After that, if I hit XFDP, I set off DP, if I hit DP, I set off XFDP twice. fortunately for me, there were relatively few black tiles on the board and the ones that were there were matchable so I hit regular DP and matched away the CD tiles, then he was lower than XFDP, and I finished off XFDP. To have a self destruct option for your strike tiles would be cool... lol.
Oof. That's brutal.
I'm imagining it being like, "Attack XDeadpool. Deadpool Life of the Party's and protects XDeadpool for a heal. But, because you hit DP, XDeadpool drops an XEnforcer tile."
Is that what happened because that does sound pretty brutal.0 -
I ended up going at it with OBW, 2Thor and Moonstone. By the end of the first wave, I had 4 copies of Cage's Protect Tile working for me, instead of the other way around. With OBW spamming the healing, I ended up surviving quite well with a 2* roster barely into champion levels (108's).
Since the update to the DDQ, I've started opening Enchilada by sending in my lowest three 40 level one cover 3*s just to find out what the first wave is. They wipe pretty quick, and then I can figure out my best team to at least handle Wave 1. After that, it's thinking and being smart with whatever you get handed, board or opponents.0 -
Arg, I see the update - not fun. I dont want easier.
I want harder, but more iso. Add a 5th node and make it hard enough such that newbies don't win, but vets can use it to harvest more iso if they so choose.
This is one easy place to provide additional iso, i cannot understand why it is not being done. Are people buying so much iso as to justify keeping a tight lid on it?0
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