Regarding Deadpool's Daily Quests* Updated (02/19/16)



  • _Ryu_
    _Ryu_ Posts: 149
    waywreth wrote:
    I like a challenge, but simply harder with no greater reward isn't fun.

    Same here, true words.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like the increased challenge and variety! I do think parts of it should be easier for n00bs. And I would love for it to provide more rewards, especially ISO. ~5000 iso is obviously great, but it doesn't go that far in championing a 4* (which requires around 350,000+ ISO, so over 70 DDQs).

    I've been playing for 570 days, so it would be nice to earn more iso and prizes than someone just starting out.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I fund it odd this was advertised as "completely random". I mean, if it was, how could it come up with three symbiotes in a node, or three HAMMER guys, or three SHIELD guys? Unless it picks a theme and then chooses three random opponents within that theme *shrug*.

    I think the randomised idea was good in theory, but it maked the difficulty chart go all over the place. The other day the 3* node was three doombots and I took them down in about 4 turns. Sometimes the final survival node is nothing but monions, and sometimes it's got something nasty on the first fight.

    I think a more focussed and designed approach would be good. I do agree that we needed more types of fights but maybe full randomness wasn't the way to go?
    I didn't have a problem, personally, but then my 3* roster is complete...I can't really see the perspective of the 3* transitioner any more =/
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Easy way to tell if DDQ is manageable for transitioning players: they can beat it with a team of lv94 2*. Because that's how i started, with Thor/OBW/Daken

    With regards to the Ultron Sentries, i don't mind having them because it provides an extra challenge. But please, don't make more than one wave of three Ultron Sentries per Big Enchilada. And give us some breathing space between Ultron Sentries and moveable characters. Imagine being decimated by the Sentries, seeing them rack up AP, and then the next wave consists of characters like CMags and Teen Jean

    I have no issues beating it with 2* Thor, Marvel, OBW.. did it on my wife's account past 2 days.. Just takes a little more thought, and 1 good aoe team up.
  • Phaentom
    Phaentom Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    One solution would be to add an infinite wave of random bad guys, (goons, symbiotes, S.H.I.E.L.D troops, H.A.M.M.E.R. guys, ultron fighters, flyers, gunners.). The 1st wave starts at base level, and each wave scales up. The waves just keep coming non stop until all of your characters are dead. Or make it 20 waves long where the last wave suddenly has 5 or 6 level 300+ characters, (Heroes or Villians, or both mixed together). This way everyone could play, regardless of roster strength. Weaker rosters wouldn't be able to finish probably, but they could still get some good rewards.

    And set the rewards something like;
    Beat wave 3 - - - 1k iso
    Beat wave 6 - - - 2500 iso
    Beat wave 9 - - - 2500 iso, + standard token
    Beat wave 12 - - - 4k iso
    Beat wave 15 - - - 4500 iso + heroic token
    Beat wave 18 - - - 6k iso + 50 HP
    Beat wave 20 - - - 6k iso + 50 HP + 5 CP

    note. Finishing all 20 waves does not get you all reward teirs. Finishing the 20th wave gets you 6k iso, 50 HP, 5 CP only.

    That, IMO, would be a great addition to the DDQ. Especially if it was not locked after completion. We wouldn't get rewards for playinh it over, but it would still be fun. Endless waves of enemies. Wave after wave after wave after wave until death. That would be awesome.


    This is an awesome idea!
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since I'm into the 4* transition I don't mind the increased challenge -- all it means is that I use my B team instead of C-listers -- but I can definitely see how it's a problem for the people who need DDQ more than I do. I just hope that whatever fix Demiurge decides on doesn't kill the event's newfound variety, because that was a very welcome change.
  • Philly484
    Philly484 Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    For me I personally liked the change but I am a player who has a 4, 5 and 3 roster to be good at. I like the Devs listened but now their will be backlash from those who enjoyed the change. Me I'm like different challenge yay! It let me experiment. I think the only thing that needed to change was the rewards. Too many 2* draws. I don't think they should just cater to the whiners and trolls who will complain about any change implemented in the game, because you just can't satisfy some people no matter how much good stuff you throw their way. What they need to do with DDQ is have clash of Titans everyday and just vary the reward from LT, to 5-10cp, Health packs, or various rewards. That would be a change I would welcome whole heartedly.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    One solution would be to add an infinite wave of random bad guys, (goons, symbiotes, S.H.I.E.L.D troops, H.A.M.M.E.R. guys, ultron fighters, flyers, gunners.). The 1st wave starts at base level, and each wave scales up. The waves just keep coming non stop until all of your characters are dead. Or make it 20 waves long where the last wave suddenly has 5 or 6 level 300+ characters, (Heroes or Villians, or both mixed together). This way everyone could play, regardless of roster strength. Weaker rosters wouldn't be able to finish probably, but they could still get some good rewards.

    And set the rewards something like;
    Beat wave 3 - - - 1k iso
    Beat wave 6 - - - 2500 iso
    Beat wave 9 - - - 2500 iso, + standard token
    Beat wave 12 - - - 4k iso
    Beat wave 15 - - - 4500 iso + heroic token
    Beat wave 18 - - - 6k iso + 50 HP
    Beat wave 20 - - - 6k iso + 50 HP + 5 CP

    note. Finishing all 20 waves does not get you all reward teirs. Finishing the 20th wave gets you 6k iso, 50 HP, 5 CP only.

    That, IMO, would be a great addition to the DDQ. Especially if it was not locked after completion. We wouldn't get rewards for playinh it over, but it would still be fun. Endless waves of enemies. Wave after wave after wave after wave until death. That would be awesome.


    This was what a lot of people thought "Survival" nodes would be like when they were first announced. There was a lot of disappointment when Enemy of the State dropped and we all found out what the actual mechanics would be.
  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Love the 20 wave/added rewards node idea! I doubt it should be an endless wave, though, because with certain teams, once you've gathered enough AP, you won't die, so then you're stuck in there until you...

    retreat? do you still get the rewards?

    kill yourself? Is that even possible? I guess just match team ups or your weak color while you take enough hits to kill what might be a full health team?

    But 20 waves? Yes please!
  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    I like new ddq!

    Just an extra data point.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    20 waves? Sounds like a personal challenge of how long I can keep winfinite going before it falls apart.

    But honestly?

    DDQ needs two daily 4* nodes in addition to what it already offers. Much like the required 3* node unlocks the Enchilada and rewards you the required cover on a rotating basis, the 4* nodes would aid in the transition from 3 to 4. With no more 3*s being released, this addition would do for our 4* rosters what DDQ originally did for our 3* rosters. And while there may be duplicates/unusable covers, it would at least pump an extra 1k iso into my bank account (much like the non-champed 3*s do now with 500 iso) which would further aid in leveling the unending stream of new 4* characters.

    With this addition, there could be a new iso reward tier. The first one would be rewarded after the original 15,000 tacos at 2,000 iso. There could then be an additional reward at 25,000 tacos for 3,000 iso, for an overall reward of 5,000 iso per day. (I think it important to not make the 4* nodes worth too many points so that it is still required to play all nodes to get the max prize).

    You could still do the 4* challenges that still unlock a Legendary Token every 5 days.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd like the Big Enchilada as it's currently set up, as a separate 5th daily node, and throw in another wave or two with another Iso Stash for completing it. Put The Original Big Enchilada back to the way it is. Leave the rest randomized.

    Or like a previous poster suggested, lots of waves and rewards based on how far you got... but as a SEPARATE, ADDITIONAL node.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    halirin wrote:
    I like new ddq!

    Just an extra data point.

    Additional datapoint:

    I'd stopped playing ddq (and everything else) on N00b for a while, but since the change, I"ve been trying out the Big Enchilada with N00b's 2*s (level 94, unchampioned) and my tinykitty account's 3*s just for the heck of it.

    They remain quite manageable if you have a good grasp of the Highly Synergistic Combos in 2-3* land. Next attempts will be with Somewhat Suspect Combos. Won't be a real test though because of the random enemies... really wish ddq nodes wouldn't lock so I could try different teams on the same enemies.
  • Taiyed311
    Taiyed311 Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    One thing I have not seen mentioned...

    I have a simple solution to 4* cover progression.

    first of all taking out the option to simply buy up the covers for a new character and max them out within a week of release has been really refreshing, thank you for taking out that huge pay to win exploit. but there is still a major problem of the rich keep getting richer.

    the best way to keep getting 4* covers is to win the pvp events. the best way to win the pvp events is to have a strong 4* roster. the snake that eats it's own tail. so what if, just once a week, nothing drastic, the DDQ final mission reward was a 4*?

    you can even make it something like the sunday ddq reward ONLY IF you have completed all DDQ final missions for the week. awarding one 4* a week to people who play every day is not game breaking. if I am way off base please let me know. i'm always open to constructive criticism. thanks.
  • I do kinda want to want to get "more" data on this since the difficulty is variable. Sometimes easier, sometime harder. And I'm wondering if the sometimes easier ones would make people earlier in the 2* transition get more covers, since the Not Yet 2*ers I know can't clear TBE as it was before.
    But if you only have a few 3* covers, and on the rare date you GET a chance at TBE, missing out on it because it's harder would be kiiiinda lame.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the most part, I've despised the changes. And, most of what I'll say is well mirrored in the original longer thread. It really feels like you're doing as much as possible to alienate casual and starting players as you possibly can. You have to be aware that DDQ was one of the last bastions for simply having fun in this game for some people. I've saw multiple times statements to the effect of "DDQ is the only thing I play anymore." So, I truly can't comprehend how you thought making it more difficult would be well received, especially with absolutely no additional rewards.

    It is more of a shift to catering the game to the top tier hardcopy players. And if that is the direction you feel the game should be going, so be it. But to destroy the few remaining places casual players had fun in the process rather than simply adding it as new content seems purposefully antagonistic.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Honestly, if they just changed the Big Enchilada back to being Wave 1 & 3 with non-board movers and Waves 2 & 4 being board movers, it would drop back to being more in line with the previous difficulty (the ninja/muscle wave from the old DDQ is no less deadly than three ultron goons). Having the Ultron goons & Venom PVE ones can still add interest, but there'd be an element of predictability (at least in format, if not specific opponents) to ease things up on transitioners.

    In general I have liked that they have mixed up the format, so I'm hoping any change isn't an overcorrection or simply reverting to the old way.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    Just give me back the 1 CP per day on DDQ (or a few extra K ISO) and you can make it as random as you want icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • One solution would be to add an infinite wave of random bad guys, (goons, symbiotes, S.H.I.E.L.D troops, H.A.M.M.E.R. guys, ultron fighters, flyers, gunners.). The 1st wave starts at base level, and each wave scales up. The waves just keep coming non stop until all of your characters are dead. Or make it 20 waves long where the last wave suddenly has 5 or 6 level 300+ characters, (Heroes or Villians, or both mixed together). This way everyone could play, regardless of roster strength. Weaker rosters wouldn't be able to finish probably, but they could still get some good rewards.

    And set the rewards something like;
    Beat wave 3 - - - 1k iso
    Beat wave 6 - - - 2500 iso
    Beat wave 9 - - - 2500 iso, + standard token
    Beat wave 12 - - - 4k iso
    Beat wave 15 - - - 4500 iso + heroic token
    Beat wave 18 - - - 6k iso + 50 HP
    Beat wave 20 - - - 6k iso + 50 HP + 5 CP

    note. Finishing all 20 waves does not get you all reward teirs. Finishing the 20th wave gets you 6k iso, 50 HP, 5 CP only.

    That, IMO, would be a great addition to the DDQ. Especially if it was not locked after completion. We wouldn't get rewards for playinh it over, but it would still be fun. Endless waves of enemies. Wave after wave after wave after wave until death. That would be awesome.


    I like this. Made a similar suggestion recently, too. viewtopic.php?f=8&t=39936
  • "David wrote:
    Moore"]*Update (02/19/16)*


    Here's an update from Demiurge regarding Deadpool's Daily Quest:

    "After looking into how people were doing with the new Deadpool's Daily Quest missions we saw a few areas that were more difficult than what we were aiming for. Starting with the next Deadpool's Daily Quest (Tuesday, Feb. 23) we have made the following changes:
      - Ultron Sentries and Symbiote minions will appear less. - Enemies in missions that have at least 1 Ultron Sentry or Symbiote minion are easier (each enemy has up to 10 less levels). - Ultron can never turn up in the first 3 waves of The Big Enchilada mission."

    Thank you.

    In case you didn't see the updated OP.

    (I can dig such a compromise)