MPQ At Comic Book Resources: Spider-Gwen Revealed



  • rastafari7 wrote:
    Stop it with those spideys!
    Really getting sick of this, make a other game called spideys puzzle quest!
    I am 100% certain nobody said they wanted this character in last survey.
    At least give us his enemies Rhino, Lizard or one of the Goblins to name a few and stop it with these spidey clones.

    *Sheepishly raises hand*

    I voted for her last survey.

    ...and her #1 last year was the best selling Hero-headlined Marvel Comic last year. (Only short of Star Wars and Secret Wars. So, a better seller then Spider-man himself)

    I don't you think you understand exactly how popular Gwen Stacy is out there.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    mpqr7 wrote:
    We have released superheroes who are male, female, black, Asian and Muslim. Can we release ones who are gay, Jewish, Hispanic or other types of minorities? I would love more diversity within the game.

    We have Miles already, He's Hispanic isn't he? We have Iceman, the version we have in the game is gay correct? I dunno if any of the characters are Jewish though to be honest.

    Hmm, I read up on Iceman as gay. Interesting. Too bad he seems so creepy in the game! But at least he's actually a good character, tough to fight against.

    Glad to see that some of the characters are actually Hispanic or Jewish. It would be great to have more Asian characters. Chulk isn't that great of a hero...
    I am also fairly sure colosus is gay. In the comics one reason he leaves the X-men and goes back to Russia is he falls for Logan and realizes that it will never happen. I am all for more diversity in characters going forward. I would also like to see more villians in the game so they can be plugged into PVE so we can get rid of all the Juggs nodes and Daken Nodes
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ultimate Colossus is (was, now that the Ultimate Universe is gone) gay. Mainstream continuity Piotr is straight.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    mpqr7 wrote:
    Hmm, I read up on Iceman as gay. Interesting. Too bad he seems so creepy in the game! But at least he's actually a good character, tough to fight against.

    Glad to see that some of the characters are actually Hispanic or Jewish. It would be great to have more Asian characters. Chulk isn't that great of a hero...

    Do you think they went with Iceman as being gay because he's ice instead of flaming? Like, everyone would suspect Human Torch, because he's litterally flaming. : )

    Also, having the Asian guy's special move being "doing math" is pretty racist.
  • mpqr7 wrote:
    mpqr7 wrote:
    We have released superheroes who are male, female, black, Asian and Muslim. Can we release ones who are gay, Jewish, Hispanic or other types of minorities? I would love more diversity within the game.

    We have Miles already, He's Hispanic isn't he? We have Iceman, the version we have in the game is gay correct? I dunno if any of the characters are Jewish though to be honest.

    Hmm, I read up on Iceman as gay. Interesting. Too bad he seems so creepy in the game! But at least he's actually a good character, tough to fight against.

    Glad to see that some of the characters are actually Hispanic or Jewish. It would be great to have more Asian characters. Chulk isn't that great of a hero...

    icon_thing.png & icon_magneto.png are Jewish. ( icon_quicksilver.png and icon_scarletwitch.png are too in their comic-incarnations, but the Movie Inhuman business may throw things off since they're prob. not Magneto's kids anymore)

    icon_daken.png, while never explicitly confirmed, is proooooobably bisexual (Or at least, he smooched Bullseye once for likely distraction/phermones means)
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jewish Marvel heroes include Ben Grimm, Magneto (he was a prisoner at Auschwitz), his daughter Polaris (and Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch depending on whether their relation to him has been retconned away that month) Moon Knight, Kitty Pryde, Wiccan, Doc Samson, and, surprisingly to me, Iceman (he's non-practicing, but his mom's Jewish).

    You just wrote an Adam Sandler revival.
  • DanBenZvi
    DanBenZvi Posts: 82 Match Maker
    Fitting that her special moves are named after songs by The Jam, The Runaways and The MC5.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    colwag wrote:

    icon_daken.png, while never explicitly confirmed, is proooooobably bisexual (Or at least, he smooched Bullseye once for likely distraction/phermones means)

    Daken likely just doesn't care. He uses people to get what he wants. Sexuality is just another tool for him.
  • Knyghtmare
    colwag wrote:
    mpqr7 wrote:
    mpqr7 wrote:
    We have released superheroes who are male, female, black, Asian and Muslim. Can we release ones who are gay, Jewish, Hispanic or other types of minorities? I would love more diversity within the game.

    We have Miles already, He's Hispanic isn't he? We have Iceman, the version we have in the game is gay correct? I dunno if any of the characters are Jewish though to be honest.

    Hmm, I read up on Iceman as gay. Interesting. Too bad he seems so creepy in the game! But at least he's actually a good character, tough to fight against.

    Glad to see that some of the characters are actually Hispanic or Jewish. It would be great to have more Asian characters. Chulk isn't that great of a hero...

    icon_thing.png & icon_magneto.png are Jewish. ( icon_quicksilver.png and icon_scarletwitch.png are too in their comic-incarnations, but the Movie Inhuman business may throw things off since they're prob. not Magneto's kids anymore)

    icon_daken.png, while never explicitly confirmed, is proooooobably bisexual (Or at least, he smooched Bullseye once for likely distraction/phermones means)

    Daken is bisexual in the comic. He sleeps with both men and women in the comic, and in fact, gets the Heat drug from a male lover if I remember right.
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    mpqr7 wrote:
    mpqr7 wrote:
    We have released superheroes who are male, female, black, Asian and Muslim. Can we release ones who are gay, Jewish, Hispanic or other types of minorities? I would love more diversity within the game.

    We have Miles already, He's Hispanic isn't he? We have Iceman, the version we have in the game is gay correct? I dunno if any of the characters are Jewish though to be honest.

    Hmm, I read up on Iceman as gay. Interesting. Too bad he seems so creepy in the game! But at least he's actually a good character, tough to fight against.

    Glad to see that some of the characters are actually Hispanic or Jewish. It would be great to have more Asian characters. Chulk isn't that great of a hero...

    Psylocke is kind of Asian, or a white woman in an Asian woman's body. I don't know exactly how all that worked.
  • notamutant wrote:
    Psylocke is kind of Asian, or a white woman in an Asian woman's body. I don't know exactly how all that worked.

    While we're talking about that, there's also "Why the heck isn't Iron Fist Asian gdi white savior bullcrud"
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    I also voted Spider-Gwen. One of the few newly created to the comics characters that is worth it.

    Asians - Silk checks that Asian-woman that is also a Spider character box. If Dr. Strange ever gets released, we need Wong. They could also release Mandarin (comic and movie versions because Kingsley is awesome). And Fin Fang Foom because who doesn't want a alien dragon in purple shorts!
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    purpletile.png 15 FIN FANG FOOM PUT YOU IN HIS PANTS
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,311 Chairperson of the Boards
    DanBenZvi wrote:
    Fitting that her special moves are named after songs by The Jam, The Runaways and The MC5.

    Pumped-Up Kicks would have been a much better power name than Teenage Kicks, if choosing song names.
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Next Spider character should be Spider Modok. That character was hiliarious.

    Do it D3. Make it happen
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am pumped for Spider Gwen, I think she is one of the coolest new characters.

    Seeing how Marvel-related games pump out their characters, they have a mix of classic favorite and new favorites. I suspect they may have a quota of such and they will release a somewhat equal proportion of them.

    I really like her design! Good job d3!
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    You say too many Spider-characters, but I still can't play as Scarlet Spider...
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    It's a shame this boring, flavor of the month, costume-of-a-character made it in the game before Spider-Woman (Drew or Carpenter), Black Cat, or any number of more deserving female characters.

    The art is nice though.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Jewish Marvel heroes include Ben Grimm, Magneto (he was a prisoner at Auschwitz), his daughter Polaris (and Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch depending on whether their relation to him has been retconned away that month) Moon Knight, Kitty Pryde, Wiccan, Doc Samson, and, surprisingly to me, Iceman (he's non-practicing, but his mom's Jewish).

    I think Marc Spector (Moon Knight) converted to praying to Konshu icon_e_wink.gif
  • Monged4life
    Buret0 wrote:

    Also, having the Asian guy's special move being "doing math" is pretty racist.

    I lolled at this.