Quicksilver Updates Coming Soon



  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    I love that character balancing is back and am really excited to see more. I especially like the 4* Falcon changes because they were simple number tweaks. Something that could be applied to tons of characters who are then watched for a month and then adjusted again until the desired result is achieved.

    QS is a tricky character to judge so I look forward to some hands on time with the changes.

    His black was his bread and butter so I have no issue with reducing the AP and damage. This will still be his best skill by far and the main reason to run him. He can now potentially generate 6+ AP for 5 AP. That's pretty amazing!

    The blue change was a relatively minor number tweak and is hard to get excited about. I don't feel like it's enough of a buff to make me consider a 5 blue build on offense. I might swap it to 5 blue on defense for his featured pvp though.

    Green's change is interesting. On one hand I immediately want his old green back but on the other hand this better fits his theme and makes getting him 'online' more reliable. This could be more important than the old version since he's always been a bit of a pain to get off the ground.

    This is a big buff to Quicksilver/Iron Fist/Xavier winfinite at the very least. QS feels like a character that could potentially be part of some good teams but it's just a matter of time to see if something comes from it. Just like Star-Lord.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards
    BUT - it would be REALLY nice to have a list of other characters on the docket for updates, even if we don't see the actual updates for a little bit.

    Doubtful they will do this. They did this once before to say patch, spidey, Mn mags were getting patched soon and it became a 9 month saga. I doubt they or the forums would want to repeat that scenario.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    BUT - it would be REALLY nice to have a list of other characters on the docket for updates, even if we don't see the actual updates for a little bit.

    Doubtful they will do this. They did this once before to say patch, spidey, Mn mags were getting patched soon and it became a 9 month saga. I doubt they or the forums would want to repeat that scenario.

    Agreed. The simple fact that a few older characters are being reviewed is good enough, to reveal which ones before they are ready would lead to a meltdown of formers demanding to know when they would be finished.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    babinro wrote:
    I love that character balancing is back and am really excited to see more.
    Green's change is interesting. On one hand I immediately want his old green back but on the other hand this better fits his theme and makes getting him 'online' more reliable. This could be more important than the old version since he's always been a bit of a pain to get off the ground.

    This is a big buff to Quicksilver/Iron Fist/Xavier winfinite at the very least. QS feels like a character that could potentially be part of some good teams but it's just a matter of time to see if something comes from it. Just like Star-Lord.

    Agree on most of your post, though I've always used his blue on offense in his pvp, rather than defense. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy to get it to fire 2-3 times a match, even get the AI to fire it for you, and a buffed QS blue hurts especially since it's a free hit while you are still collecting ap for other powers.

    I enjoyed the crit generation on his green for board shake and ap gain, but i think the cheaper abilities and locked tile generation will make up for it. /crossing fingers

    Just too bad championing broke my QS/IF/PX for now... I just get a lot more IF covers than anything else.
  • fnedude
    fnedude Posts: 393 Mover and Shaker
    So what I noticed w/ the Invisible Woman vs. Quicksilver DPD 4* challenge...

    The "locks" on the TUs are IW's Force Bubbles.

    That stays the case, right, or is it different.

    BTW, does this "lock" belong to QS? i.e. if FemThor's Yellow power will nuke them?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    The green damage for as little as 5 ap, and can detonate his blue.. amazing, 3/5/5 all the way.
  • pabasa130
    pabasa130 Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Question: in making him faster, were his hilariously slow animations updated also?

    Agreed. The animation for his Blue is painfully slow which is ironic for a fast character. It should resolve as fast as Hawkeye's speedshot. Not a buzz, lock then another buzz.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is bizarre. Really just truly bizarre.

    Although there's been a distinct "buff" in the form of reduced AP cost (very nearly what he started out with pre-release, the less said about snap decisions the better) the overall result is much closer to a "lateral shift" as was suggested earlier in this thread.

    I certainly welcome the changes, since - if nothing else - it appears to indicate that the developers are actually considering design and balance philosophies. What a world we live in!

    However, when the total sum of changes end up being such minor adjustments I really have to wonder why. Why was quicksilver given this treatment? What made him stand out over Spider-Man, Ragnarok, Vision, or Beast? (I understand that there are more on the way, so perhaps Quicksilver was first because his adjustments were comparatively minor).

    So, yeah, the overall feel of this change is fairly ambivalent. It's such a minor change on a "niche" character that the net result for me is no change, and I imagine it's probably the same for 99% of the player base.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    I like that they're taking a pass at some of the underutilized 3*s, since that's still a big portion of the game for a lot of people, and some of these characters bring useful utility on the PvE side even with advanced rosters.

    However, I think they should go much bigger with these buffs. The existence of two tiers above the 3* tier could be liberating from a design perspective. You can go overboard with the buffs to shake up the 3* game, without worrying about affecting the 4* tier. Give people something new and shiny with an overpowered QS or IM40.

    Remember, ISO scarcity means that we have to have a really good reason to spend it on an underleveled character, and most of the characters in need of buffs aren't going to be already maxed by most people. My QS is at level 120. I'm not going to spend 100K ISO leveling and champing him for a small balance tweak, but I might if the buffs brought him up to Cage/IF/SW tier.

    There is significant inertia when it comes to character ratings that's going to be very difficult to overcome, given the usefulness of championing the best characters and the ISO cost to do so.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't say as though I am impressed by these changes (glad the title read "Updates", and not "Buffs"), but I AM impressed that balance passes are still being considered for older characters! That's exciting, as maybe, just maybe, we'll get some much-needed updates to IM40, Psylocke, Punisher, etc. I was afraid they had turned their backs on tuning anything under the star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png range for good.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    The green damage for as little as 5 ap, and can detonate his blue.. amazing, 3/5/5 all the way.
    Detonating locked team ups still happens on blue matches. Green just helps you get 4 on the board sooner.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't get me wrong I am happy to see QS get a buff but at the same time we are so use to all these steath nerfs and hidden agendas that personally I no longer trust your company, and I am sure other players feel the same. It's already been stated in this discussion that this change was likely to make IW vs QS 4* DDQ more difficult to win.

    I don't know, I actually think it's easier to win with the change. Currently in IW vs QS, you can't use IW blue recklessly, because it adds up to QS blue quota. So when you cast IW blue, you are making it easier for QS to use his blue.

    Now that QS ability only trigger on locked TU, I can use IW blue freely. That will make the battle easier I think.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards

    Just champ him! I loved my QS before the buff, and the changes sound like fun. icon_e_smile.gif

    Oh come on man. You know the ISO struggle if real and I still have a multitude of characters to take to 270 over him. 120 QS is going to be 120 for a bit.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Hi everyone,

    Demiurge have some cool updates planned for a few characters in the near future that we think you will enjoy.

    Definitely an improvement to Quicksilver, and I am very happy to see that the developers are going to do some balancing.

    What I would really like to know is if any 4* characters are in line for some tune-ups too. While the 3* realm has some bad characters, it takes a long time to build a 4*, only to find out it is a virtually useless character.
  • Cypr3ss
    Cypr3ss Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]There are at least two more characters with ability updates planned in the very near future (February if all goes to plan). More info soon, both here in the forums and planned for inclusion in the February Community Video. We'll definitely let you know who when details are set.
    If one of them isn't 3* Iron Man, go back and rethink this, please.

  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    babinro wrote:
    This is a big buff to Quicksilver/Iron Fist/Xavier winfinite at the very least.

    This. I feel like the reliability of going infinite with that team went up from like 50% to 70-80%
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    We've heard that some other characters are being buffed and due to the long-planning effects of championing it would be really great for us if you could at least tell us which other characters are being worked on, and even better if you could reveal approximately how often you'll be releasing them. Even announcing the next character to be updated at some point in the future would be of tremendous help.

    There are at least two more characters with ability updates planned in the very near future (February if all goes to plan). More info soon, both here in the forums and planned for inclusion in the February Community Video. We'll definitely let you know who when details are set.
    You know what would also be nice to hear in the community video. How the Dev's actually plan to address the ISO shortage in the game. I personally have six 4* at level 70. I might have the right to level them what I lack is the ISO to do so. I have to choose from dropping 300K+ into one of these 4* to use them in PVP or I can drop 100-150k in SS or OML and have a much better character for PVP and PVE. Doesn't that feel a little backwards to anyone else?
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    I think either iso or covers should control how quickly players are able to progress in game. Currently, both feel like they're too scarce. Covers are no good without iso and vice versa.

    I'm not certain which one being more readily available would be better for player quality of life but still not progressing too quickly.
  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    Der_Lex wrote:
    But think of how amazing the new QS will be if you pair him up with Star-Lord.

    I was thinking of the same thing, but that minimum stated in the ability is a big no-no for Star-Lord. If the limitation is there, than Star-Lord won't do anything about it...
    Just a logical guess. I don't have Star-Lord to see what happens. From a programmer point of view it would be stupid to have a limitation that can be thrown off by another character in the game. The two would contradict each other, and that would be a bad think internally.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    D4Ni13 wrote:
    Der_Lex wrote:
    But think of how amazing the new QS will be if you pair him up with Star-Lord.

    I was thinking of the same thing, but that minimum stated in the ability is a big no-no for Star-Lord. If the limitation is there, than Star-Lord won't do anything about it...
    Just a logical guess. I don't have Star-Lord to see what happens. From a programmer point of view it would be stupid to have a limitation that can be thrown off by another character in the game. The two would contradict each other, and that would be a bad think internally.

    I hate to say this, but I was actually just poking a little fun at how in every new character release interview, the suggestion is made to pair him up with Star-Lord. icon_mrgreen.gif

    I actually think the hard bottom limit won't be affected by SL yellow, so that wouldn't do anything.

    I also think the new QS' powers now probably have a bit more synergy, but the change isn't enough to warrant investing ISO into him.