Controversial: No character should be able to heal teammates



  • If you guys don't want to play more, you can always stop. Some of the logic here seems to be, "Because other people are willing to play for longer times than I am willing, there shouldn't be so much healing."

    If I may be blunt: that is stupid. If you don't want to play, just quit playing--the people who are willing to play longer will win more. How is being willing or able to put more time into something somehow not a fair arbiter of who deserves to do better?

    And, on the point of healing encouraging team diversity: I meant that if we had more healers, we would see more team compositions than just Spidey/OBW and whoever s/he runs with. And if the nature of those healing abilities varied from character to character (showing up on a third color, draining life through damage done, healing passively outside of combat), rosters could end up being greatly diversified.
  • Encourage players to make use of more than just the three strongest players in their roster? Taking away healing might do that. I doubt healing will be removed as it will likely spark an outrage greater than that of Ragnarok, Thor, and Wolverine nerfs combined.