Your DDQ4* success rate? (Poll Added)



  • sc0ville
    sc0ville Posts: 115 Tile Toppler

    With the exception of Electra, dd and Star Lord I've one shot them all.

    Electra was due to bad boards and took 3 tries.

    My dd was poorly covered and leveled and required full + damage boosts. Probably 6 tries.

    Star Lord was 553, 120. Required adding 45 levels to get him to 165, full color ap boosts and 12 tries.
  • Surprisingly still 100%. Starlord and Deadpool took me 16 tries each, Wolverine took over 10 tries, others haven't been too hard. Dino and 4hor are the only ones I won first turn, though.
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    I'm 6 for 10. Lost with HB, XFDP, Antman and SL, as I don't have enough covers for any of them to have a chance.

    I don't think I'll win any of the remaining ones, unless I get lucky with board/matchup/getting more covers. Out of those I probably would have the best shot with Kingpin.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I haven't won one yet. Got close with Elektra one time.
  • Arctic_One
    Arctic_One Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    big fat zero percent. the game sux
  • Alx85
    Alx85 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    All but hulkbuster. I missed out on age of ultron so only 2 covers by random luck. Gotta hand it to the devs, have pumped ISO and hero points into my 4stars in order to beat the game in these events, even a bit of ££££. Took me over 30 tries to beat gamora!
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    Every1,apart from iw and thats because i refuse to make a space 4 her.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've completed XF, Hulkpuncher, DP, 4hor, DD, and Antman. The others were not feasible because I didn't have more than 2 covers on any of them when their event rolled around.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Since it might be helpful for peoples memories (and please correct me if mine is wrong):

    DPDQ #42: XF vs Cyclops
    DPDQ #43: Nick Fury vs CMags
    DPDQ #44: IW vs Quicksilver
    DPDQ #45: IMHB vs Hulk
    DPDQ #46: DPXF vs XF
    DPDQ #47: SheThor vs Rags
    DPDQ #48: DD vs Squirrel Girl
    DPDQ #49: Elektra vs Blade
    DPDQ #50: Antman vs Jean Grey
    DPDQ #51: Starlord vs Gamora
    7 out of 9 for me. My Hulkbuster wasn't covered enough to have a chance. Starlord was a little too rough and I didn't want to spend Hero Points at extra All Damage to keep trying. And my phone was broken during the Ant-Man weekend (which was probably a 50/50 for me getting through with luck).
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    10/10 so far.

    Star-Lord (5/0/2) and 4* Thor (3/2/4) were the hardest two, each taking more than 10 tries. 4* deadpool (5/1/1 at the time) also took me a while due to terrible board luck.

    Sadly, we are approaching the more recent releases for whom I have only 2-4 covers. That will be much more frustrating.
  • elvy75
    elvy75 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    DPDQ #42: XF vs Cyclops - first try
    DPDQ #43: Nick Fury vs CMags - took about 4 tries, had to level up nf to win
    DPDQ #44: IW vs Quicksilver - took 2-3 tries, needed to level IW up
    DPDQ #45: IMHB vs Hulk - first try
    DPDQ #46: DPXF vs XF - first try
    DPDQ #47: SheThor vs Rags - first try
    DPDQ #48: DD vs Squirrel Girl - first try
    DPDQ #49: Elektra vs Blade - even though my Elektra is lvl 180 fully covered 553, this one took more than 5 tries, mainly due to really **** boards
    DPDQ #50: Antman vs Jean Grey - first try (surprisingly)
    DPDQ #51: Starlord vs Gamora - second try
  • Kheiron
    Kheiron Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    I've won 8 out of the 10 so far. I lost the Hulkbuster battle because I didn't have enough red covers to do any meaningful damage. And the second I saw Starlord was going to be coming up I decided I didn't want to waste any iso to level him. And after seeing who his opponent was and how much trouble it caused people, I'm confident I made the right decision
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    i got all but one. surprisingly my slowly rebuilding x-force wolverine just couldn't get a board that gave me mine before cyke had his, and any skill fired by cyke was a sure demise for me with me mildly scratching him every now and then.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    XFW, IMHB, 4Thor, and Antman were all wins.. it seems when i win, i win easily. The ones i lose, i lose over and over and over..

    Cmon PX and Kingpin, those will up my %!
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,706 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got them all but Star Lord. I don't have many maxxed out 4*s (at least, I didn't when many of these guys came up,) but I had enough covers in them to have a decent shot. In general, I use 1 dual-color AP boost x2, 1 dual cover damage boost x5, and the all-color damage boost x5 because I don't use them for anything else. If I run out of the all-color I probably won't spend HP on them, so I've been a bit conservative on them.

    DPDQ #42: XF vs Cyclops - Got a good board and did it first try
    DPDQ #43: Nick Fury vs CMags - Likewise, above
    DPDQ #44: IW vs Quicksilver - Slow and steady, got if first try
    DPDQ #45: IMHB vs Hulk - also first try
    DPDQ #46: DPXF vs XF - my DPXF was 5/2/2, managed to pull off red, I think this one took me two
    DPDQ #47: SheThor vs Rags - again, I think this took me two, my Thor was not optimal at the time, I think she was either 3/5/5 or 4/4/5.
    DPDQ #48: DD vs Squirrel Girl - took me three, my DD was not optimally covered
    DPDQ #49: Elektra vs Blade - got lucky and did the first try
    DPDQ #50: Antman vs Jean Grey - this one took me three or four - tough fight and my Ant Man was 3/2/4
    DPDQ #51: Starlord vs Gamora - My Star Lord was 2/0/3 so I knew I didn't have a real chance. Tried it a few times, but didn't want to spend health packs or HP boosts, so I just bopped in every few hours and got creamed.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    Only lost with Xpool and Starlord so far, but that's going to change going forward as Starlord was the last of my 4*'s with 5 or more covers (and it didn't help him any), if I have them at all. So it's going to get ugly from here on. Ask me again in a month and I'll probably have 40-50% or lower success ratio. (Success of course, being awarded another IW yellow cover),
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards

    Xforce and Fury were the only ones I was successful at. The rest were just too undercovered.

    I play them, even if I know they are going to lose, and I do it as many times as I have health packs, mainly because I want them to have me loss statistics to use in their evaluation of the difficulty levels. If they only have successes, they'll think they are leveled just fine.

    I'd like them to be toned down just a bit personally, since I could use some 4* to improve my roster. They are definitely a challenge when you aren't already max covered and max leveled.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    Wow, looking back I've done much better than I thought. But the next 6 or 7 runs that are soon to appear I will have no shot at as my roster for those 4 Stars are all under 3-4 covers...

    DPDQ #42: XF vs Cyclops VICTORY! 3 3 5 Level 175 Xforce. Got lucky, as the turn I downed him he would have killed me next turn with his Red. Also was able to match my Yellow AND got another one off that healed me. When this one comes around again I'll have to level him up a bit to make it easier.
    DPDQ #43: Nick Fury vs CMags VICTORY! 3 3 2 Level 165 Fury. Got lucky, he matched my Demolition and it cascaded into a Match-5, taking out most of his shields. Again, he would have killed me next turn with his Red. When this one comes around again I'll have to level him up a bit to make it easier.
    DPDQ #44: IW vs Quicksilver VICTORY! 5 3 5 Level 175 Invisible Woman. This one was the easiest so far, it only took me 2 tries, and this felt the best designed of all the fights so far. The strategy is there, and it can be done with a mid-tier Invisible Woman, which I don't think is even possible with any of these other fights Assuming you have at least 1 cover in Yellow... We'll see if the Prof X matchup follows a similar strategy.
    DPDQ #45: IMHB vs Hulks FAIL 1 2 1 Level 90 Hulkbuster. My 2 4 1 Level 150 could probably take this now. 1 in Red just doesn't do enough damage, even if you save up like 20+Red.
    DPDQ #46: DPXF vs XF FAIL 1 0 0 Level 70 Xdool. No shot.
    DPDQ #47: SheThor vs Rags VICTORY! 2 3 5 Level 175 Lady Thor. My first attempts she was only 2 3 3, and got wasted. But then I opened all of my stashed Legendary tokens and pulled two Blue covers. The multi-turn stun was strong, and I chained two of them back to back thanks to some charged blue tile matches. The low Red covers didn't help though, similar to the Hulkbuster fight. When this one comes around again I'll have to level her up a bit to make it easier.
    DPDQ #48: DD vs Squirrel Girl VICTORY! 2 3 2 Level 165. My initial Dino was super low, 1 1 2, but that day I went for as many Anniversary tokens as I could get, and pulled some Dino covers. It was still pretty hard even after that and took me like 10+ attempts. I kept trying cause it seemed doable.
    DPDQ #49: Elektra vs Blade VICTORY! 3 3 2 Level 147. Lots of luck with this one. This one took a few tries, and I'm actually shocked I beat it. I got an early Red trap tile off that just sat there and never got matched, the board was dry of red, saved my black for when he had enough to cast his, matched his green Countdown tile the turn after he cast it, and by the time there was enough red I was able to cast my purple THREE TIMES. I think the 3 in Purple was the winner cause you steal two tiles instead of just one.
    DPDQ #50: Antman vs Jean Grey FAIL 3 1 1 Level 115 Ant Man. I thought this one was maybe possible, but no way. Her having the Human Torch Inferno Team up was the biggest FU of the entire fight. I might have been able to beat her if it wasn't for that, both of my attempts I was doing decent until she got that off. And yes, I even had Ant Man Blue ready in response, but there were just too many tiles and it only steals 1 per turn. Really irritating and highlights how broken design wise these fights can be. "We penalize you by not allowing Team Ups, but not only do we let the enemy have one, but give them the exact one they need!" Straight up garbage.
    DPDQ #51: Starlord vs Gamora FAIL 1 3 0 Level 110 Starlord. No shot, didn't even bother with practically none of his damage abilities. I would have had no way to deal with her cheap red, which would have killed me in like 2 uses.
  • bobby_2613
    bobby_2613 Posts: 83 Match Maker
    Got 7 out of 10... Some have been very frustrating, to say the least... Next 10 won't be the same tho. Got an average of 5 covers for those. Most are PX/Thing with 9/8 covers. The rest are ranged from 1 to 6. So if I'm lucky, I'll be 9 / 20! Always have to remember this is not to help 3* transitionners. Still feel tinnykittied... *sigh* icon_e_sad.gificon_rolleyes.gif
  • 5/10 either took dozen tries or not-even-trying-state, kinda surprised by poll result though