Black Vortex & Women Of Marvel Wrap-Up Info



  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    as said already, a fitting ending to a terrible anniversary event.

    Everyone is in an iso8.png drought. Let's face it, even if they awarded 10,000 iso8.png it still doesn't help a whole lot in the grand scheme of things but says a lot more than "we messed up, too bad, deal with it"
  • aesthetocyst
    aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    So, due to a bug in the system, some people were able to make out like bandits while others got the shaft.

    Since this dev can't sort them, they are happy to wash their hand and call it good???

    Hopefully the analysis was a little more sophisticated than "Total iso earned / number of matches played = looks about right".

    I trust when this complex analysis was undertaken, it was kept in mind that this was a double-iso event?
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since this dev can't sort them, they are happy to wash their hand and call it good???

    Uh, yeah, pretty much. People are actually congratulating Demiurge on a successful Anniversary. For what? 1 or 2 free tokens and lowered difficulty on Galactus 2? The forums represent such a minute section of the playerbase and now the discontents are the vocal minority, so no need to continue appeasing anyone. It's back to business as usual and people will forget about it and move on with the game or move on from the game.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    as many have said, I am not sure if I was affected or whatever as I am semi casual in pvp and normally only go for tokens (you know because out of my 80 roster slots I cannot seem to get enough 2* characters) but this is just another kick in the teeth by d3. seriously loosen up the wallet (like many of us do to support this game) and stop being so stingy....the anniversary was riddled with errors on your end and the compensation has been very lack luster. basically what I take away from your statement is "hey we messed up, our bad. while we admit that it was on our end we will not be giving any compensation, but if you don't like it too bad". real nice way of giving your player base the middle finger.
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Playing this game is really starting to feel like being stuck in an abusive relationship cycle.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]When we looked at the numbers overall - post Event, a couple of things became clear. One is that points earned for these Events were *much* higher than other Events without this bug, nearly player-base wide. What this means is that for the majority of players, people were able to hit higher point targets, and thus higher progression rewards than they otherwise would have been able to do. Additionally, all players involved also played more matches than were played during other Anniversary events (even when the no-Iso battles are filtered out).

    Points were a lot higher because people could chain targets after they initially shielded, which meant later players would have to play catch up in order to maintain typical rankings in the events. If I wanted t5, I would have to play more than usual due to the queue bug allowing for artificial points being added to the pool. This is why more matches overall were played. They were played because we needed to play them to get the ranking we typically get in PvP events. So essentially we had to do extra work with no real payoff because a good portion of our matches didn't reward anything.
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Essentially, most players ended up gaining more Iso overall through these Events than they gained through similar plays in Class of 2015 and the Devil Dinosaur Event - while also gaining more progression rewards. As a result of this, we are not planning on awarding any additional compensation for these issues.

    See above. This just feels like you not only poured salt into the wound, but that you laughed at us afterwards and told us to like it.
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]While we know that some of you will not be happy with this decision, we apologize for the bugs you experienced, and we thank you for taking the time to read and consider the details behind our reasoning.


    I'm not sure why I expected more, but I did. It is pretty disheartening that you guys took this stance. We basically took extra time playing than we normally do, playing a game that we love (despite the bugs), and you guys decide to poop all over our efforts instead of reward us for our commitment and loyalty to the game.
  • Tenaciousdecaf
    Tenaciousdecaf Posts: 71 Match Maker
    I brought a few friends into the game just prior to the anniversary because I told them it would be a good time to join, having thoroughly enjoyed the first anniversary. They quit shortly after Galactus 1 specifically because of the many bugs and lack of fun. I showed them this post and they laughed. And I laughed with them, deciding to step away from this abomination. I wonder how many other places this scenario has played out. Good grief.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Regardless of the overall gain or loss to the community due to the bug, would it really break the game economy to give everyone a small compensation like 500 ISO or a token? Seems like a small price to pay for customer goodwill, but you guys don't seem to think it's worth it?
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    AXP_isme wrote:
    This feels like a very cheap response.

    Considering that D3 gave out 5k iso to compensate for lack of double iso during LR, an anniversary token/hp/iso for the outage, I think D3's bean counters pushed against offering more goodies to the player base for what they view as a minor hiccup.

    But yes, it certainly feels like a cheap response. And this too shall pass. .. icon_rolleyes.gificon_neutral.gif
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    udonomefoo wrote:
    Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember getting any random cover drops during these events.

    Was it intentional to remove the random cover rewards from these events, or was that a bug too?

    Just gonna follow up a bit since you won't answer this, not that I expected you to - I didn't join yesterday. I just want you to recognize that a lot of us here are intelligent and apparently better at math than you.

    We know that 3+2 is not more than double three.

    We know that doubling ISO and taking away cover drops that we sell for ISO means that it's not really double.

    We know that you can pull this **** and get away with it because we are loyal to our alliances and this game.


    Try it sometime.
  • timbopp
    timbopp Posts: 88
    Hardly surprising really. The whole anniversary week has been filled with lacklustre rewards/compensations and dubious explanations.

    Remember when IceIX justified the initial terrible odds of pulling a Devil Dino because many players already had all the covers they needed of him, even though Dino had only ever been available for last year's 10 day anniversary week and the 365/6/7 daily log in reward. That's 13 days out of 2 years/730 days.

    Or remember when they forgot to turn on double iso lightning rounds and then talked up how great their 5K iso compensation was because 95% of players usually only get that or less. Forget that not only is 5K easily achievable under normal circumstances (5 rounds from the start only playing against seeds) but that double iso lightning rounds are NOT normal circumstances and as such would be played much more than normal.

    So let's recap the week.

    ISSUE: Terrible anniversary token odds. I had opened over a dozen, maybe close to 20 including the daily deals I paid 50hp each for by the time they improved them.
    REPLY: 2 extra tokens.

    ISSUE: No double iso lightning rounds. I earned 15K iso playing little more than I usually do, I would have played even more if it was double iso as promised.
    REPLY: 5K iso.

    ISSUE: Single Black Panther mission force closing during Galactus.
    REPLY: 1 anniversary token. This one I was actually satisfied with, I just hope that no players missed out on any reward by around 20K points, or any alliance missed out by 400K.

    ISSUE: Black Vortex & Women Of Marvel PVPs missing iso (during double iso week) and sticky nodes repeating the same match ups against players.
    REPLY: Everybody gets nothing.
  • poomermon
    poomermon Posts: 300 Mover and Shaker
    I feel pretty dissapointed. I try to avoid sounding entitled but I literally earned those isos by playing and winning matches. I did not play any more than normal because why would I with reduced prices or hit any extra progression rewards. In the end I'm out of thousands of isos that I would have gotten without those bugs. The 5k iso I got from lightning rounds compensation was less than I would have gotten if the double iso was in effect but at least it was something and I understand you can't reward everyone individually so no hard feelings there. But just not compensating anyone at all seems like a spit in the face. I feel you should have given at least token 2k iso to everyone instead of ending the anniversary on a sour note.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I would post a long message about how this is just wrong on multiple levels but I know no one is listening because you are all off doing another bouncy house party with ice cream cake to celebrate another stellar anniversary.

    Just remember to bounce first and then eat the cake.
  • jackstar0 wrote:
    nwman wrote:
    So because some people were able to achieve high scores through a bug in your game, everyone that missed out on ISO due to a bug in your game shouldn't be compensated for the bug.

    Okay thanks.

    And particularly rewarded were those who coordinated via alliance and line and such to keep hitting viable targets repeatedly while shielded to maximize their gains vs efforts.

    Good to know where casual alliances and the average players stand.

    Basically, it is an award to those that chose to abuse the bug when they realized what was happening.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Throwing us some ISO to make up for the no-ISO bug would've cost you nothing. And frankly, the benefit to us would've been insignificant. But it would've avoided what's going to be a 10+ page thread of people telling you you're a bunch of tone-deaf incompetents.
  • Coppertouret
    Coppertouret Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
    This is some tinykitty!!

    I didn't play more matches than normal.
    I didn't get anywhere close to my average point threshold.
    I didn't receive any iso for my efforts.
    The game severely lacks iso as is!

    Thanks for the tinykitty anniversary and the slap in the face!
  • Here's the problem as I see it: Metrics regarding "point totals reached" and "total iso earned" are NOT the way to respond to a problem like this. The real issue is the impression you leave your customers with. You're saying "our metrics say everything went fine so players' individual subjective impressions don't matter". You're trying to address feelings with math.

    The ones who abused the bug to reach higher-than-usual scores can't take any pride in their accomplishments because they had to abuse a bug just to compete. The ones who didn't abuse the bug got the absolute shaft. Neither group is happy, regardless of what your metrics show.

    People aren't requesting some sort of compensation because they thought the metrics didn't measure up, they're requesting compensation because these events had bugs that left many players with bad tastes in their mouths.

    That bad taste in the mouth, coupled with exactly this kind of response from the devs, on the heels of a "showcase" anniversary event lineup riddled with problems, is the kind of thing that makes players move on to other games, recommend other games to friends, stop spending money on a game, etc.

    You don't address a bad taste like that with math. You do it by saying "yep, we screwed up, here's a treat". It costs you nothing to compensate your playerbase with some iso. It could cost you players not to.
  • As with any data analysis, did you consider looking at the distribution? It seems that there were a number of players taking full advantage of this "feature". They were head and shoulders above what the normal player was....I.e. 4k per PvP. They have skewed your bottom line analysis showing iso/player and score/player. I missed anniversary progression by 20 points. I wwent to unshield for four minutes to get that 20 and watched 250 drain off of me because of that "feature".

    You have some whales and others that need a sandbox seperate from the gen pop because their willingness to abuse a feature is far hindering my measly financial contribution to this endeavor.
  • woopie
    woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    At this point the D3/Demiurge motto should be: go tinykitty yourselves
  • The ones who abused the bug to reach higher-than-usual scores can't take any pride in their accomplishments because they had to abuse a bug just to compete. The ones who didn't abuse the bug got the absolute shaft. Neither group is happy, regardless of what your metrics show.

    Those people aren't looking in the rear view mirror. They have hung their banner and are sitting in chat plotting the next exploit. Pride is in finding the feature to abuse, the end justifies the means.
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