Black Vortex & Women Of Marvel Wrap-Up Info



  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    D3 + Most Recent Disaster = Nothing Learned

    Fixed that for ya
  • Fair enough. On average people got more iso than normal but why don't we shift the conversation about iso income as a whole.

    It's no secret that there's a massive iso shortage and that opportunities to make iso aren't that common. PVE iso is largely limited to the node rewards and once those are exhausted, you get the joy of hitting 20 iso after 20 iso after 20 iso. Can we talk about creating an incentive to play PVE more than just placement once the node rewards are taken?

    Can we talk about removing the most useless boost, the crit booster?

    The second run of the Galactus event was great and it was nice that you boosted the drop rates on anniversary tokens (not so nice that many people opened 20+ sub heroic tokens and only were given 2 boosted ones in return but no real solution to that) but now we're back to the norm and the norm has issues that should be addressed.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Not happy with it at all, because only the people who took active advantage of the bug fought enough extra battles to balance out the loss of ISO. Those of us who declined to double-tap or more against people who were merely unlucky enough to be targeted when the bug struck, and hit our usual targets and shielded up as normal, lost out on a bunch of ISO while gaining nada.

    I'm one of those too honest players who didn't double tap as much as I could have. Hit my usual 1k, and called it an event. I could have double tapped on high value targets to break 1.3, but I didn't feel like spending extra hp on shields to hop.

    Also, I had a guy hit me 3x in a row for 200+ points. Glad I was shielded by then.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Player approval rating was getting too high toward the end of the anniversary...
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wasn't affected by the bug (that I know of), so I'm not directly affected by this, but this seems like a terrible way to handle it.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    This feels like a very cheap response.

    I also find it difficult to imagine what you benchmarked your expectations against. We don't see changes to the normal event structures when one scores more highly than another, I'm not sure that high scores in one event is indicative. I'd be interested to know how it was normalised for amongst other things: a 4 event season, double ISO, boosted characters, different reward structures, equivalent season positioning to normal, other events occuring simultaneously...

    Maybe you meant to say:
    we think you've had enough free stuff lately or
    we couldn't be bothered to figure out what we owed so we rounded it doe to zero or even
    We're consigning anniversary 2 to the dustbin of history and will not be discussing it, or even thinking about it, ever again.
    Any of those would seem more realistic than: we think it's fair that you get no compensation for an issue with our product.

    This too shall pass...
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    Way to end the anniversary event on a high note...
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    I'm almost at a loss for words regarding this.

    I think its time for me to step away from this game.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Good job finishing off the anniversary by showing that you're generous and care about the players. We'll all remember what nice gestures you made to make us feel like you appreciate us icon_rolleyes.gif
  • danae
    danae Posts: 101
    Wow. Really? What do you guys lose from simply giving away maybe 1000 iso? Do you guys have a limited supply of iso or something? I don't understand the thinking behind this. I might have been affected by this bug and I really wasn't expecting anything for it. However, this is just another missed opportunity for building up player goodwill (for an anniversary celebration!) and further reinforces the impression of how stingy and money grabbing Demiurge is. So many missed opportunities for so little cost.
  • John Wayne74
    John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    Wow. That's my first response to this. As someone who sent in two tickets on this issue. One ticket was on the fact that I didn't even get the progression points for the fights I fought. Which would have put me higher. And the response I received from you guys was a generic too bad but thanks for your input! That being said, of course we got the equivalent in the end since it was a double ISO event. The progression rewards were double. Seriously, how is that not understood? I did place t5 in every event. I spent a butt load of hp to do so. For the 10k ISO. And I would have done so without the glitch. I know how to pvp. So you basically shaft everyone on what would have been an ISO gift to compensate.

    I only really want to know one thing. If you were to have given everyone, let's say another measly 5k ISO as compensation. Exactly how would that have detrimented your bottom line? Is that a make or break year end profit issue? Would it have kept any of you from putting food on your table tonight? I'm thinking not! Not that it would have made up for all that I personally lost during those events but you can't break I down to a personal level this I understand. I just don't get how you guys basically screwed up every single part of the anniversary and are so brash to keep telling your client base that they are garbage and you really don't care about their satisfaction.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anyone who was in the BC for Women of Marvel saw my frustration with this bug.. i lost 400 or so points in less than 1/2 hour (yes i have screenshots) because 2 people had me non-stop in their queue.. lost out on lots of extra HP and time because any decent progress meant shield or lose everything, unless you had big 5* or scarecrow rosters..

    it also meant doing a hundred+ fights to get anywhere , with no iso between the 2 events..

    i got to 1k in each event, but it took a looooong time in each event, more than twice as long as during the season, and was insane trying to hop..1 fight and shield immediately, or pay the price.. then when you hit it, you either spent 300hp to shield out the rest of the event, or risk losing everything..

    don't care about the iso, but i lost probably 1500hp in shields because of this bug ( i rationalize this in my mind because the covers cost 2500hp each..but still) .. that is the irksome part of it all.

    towards the end of Women of Marvel, the bug became exploitable.. scores over 4k in a pvp event (wish that was me)...

    Please never let this happen again.
  • Get a random lock screen pop-up from another superhero game I'm playing informing me that I've just received a pile of level 5 (highest available) leveling chips, a bunch of crystals, and 30000 in gold for absolutely no reason…

    Come to the MPQ forum and find out that yet again, compensation will not be forthcoming for an actual problem. No point in even discussing the particulars of my individual experience, because D3's numbers apparently show that I don't exist.

    'Nuf said.

  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Get a random lock screen pop-up from another superhero game I'm playing informing me that I've just received a pile of level 5 (highest available) leveling chips, a bunch of crystals, and 30000 in gold for absolutely no reason…

    Sounds like Future Fight. I swear, I can't fart without that game throwing crystals at me.
  • xKOBALTx
    xKOBALTx Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    While I basically understand where you're coming from here, your response is pretty chicken-kitty and you still could've used the goodwill by responding more generously.
  • John Wayne74
    John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    After everything that happened last week and the response that has been provided to the customers here, I have one last thing to say.

    If Marvel Puzzle Quest came with a money back guarantee, D3 would have most assuredly went bankrupt on 10/19/2015. Without a doubt. It may be a f2p game but the amount of money that has been spent by the p2p playerbase that would have said "screw it give me my money back" if they had the option would have put you guys belly up! Something to think about there.
  • Like many players, I did pla more PVP than usual. Not because a glitch could help my score, but because the Galactus event drove me away from PVE. Since I was not getting my usual PVE rewards, I probably didn't even break even. Heck, I can almost always get the progression legendary, but my casual alliance could not get far enough in either Galactus run for the points to get high enough.
    I don't feel like I actually did better than usual.
  • Travis611
    Travis611 Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    I was affected by the glitchand as a rresult did not get the points I should have and did not reach the rewards level I normally do because of the glitch. No compensation . For there glitch is wrong just because it would be more then they are comfortable with
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    I didn't really expect any compensation from this, and it didn't (to the best of my knowledge) really impact me, as I'm not highly competitive for the 1000/1300 level progression awards. But I have to respectfully say that I think you guys (Demiurge) are missing the point here.

    It's not the ISO. The metrics are the metrics, and if it shows that the net gain of ISO was in the zone, so be it. But that's not the issue. The issue is a disconnect in the matchmaking system that significantly harmed some and significantly benefited others, in a way that is unfair and not part of the design of the game. Compounding that, there was functionally no way to avoid the problem, even if you chose to spend money and shield. Because at some point you HAVE to be unshielded to acquire points to hit those progression targets. If I'm being repeatedly hit by the same person while I'm getting my 35 points, I'm probably netting nothing. And there was NO WAY to avoid that.

    So the issue is that some people, through no fault of roster or skill, were disproportionately harmed by this bug. Which was detrimental in both the event and the overall Anniversary season progression/placement targets. That's a fairly substantial issue, and arguably deserves a little more attention/regard than just an analysis of whether the ISO balanced out.

    Peace out.
  • Tilesmasher
    Tilesmasher Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    It's like you can't let any opportunity slip by without trying to further alienate your customers.
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