Do you play with etiquette?



  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    MojoWild wrote:
    Also the wording of your survey options is biased with your feelings towards etiquette.

    I didn't choose any option as I didn't feel any of them fit me.
    Okay. It's my list, you're free to option out icon_e_geek.gif
  • 1. A - I hit people once during the climb and then move on. I may sometimes accidentally double tap someone, if that happens it's not on purpose since I try and keep an eye out for names.

    2. I usually don't float over 800, but since I'm usually in S4, it's fairly easy to quickly # check whoever I have q'd for 75. No point trying to do B, I can get other high valued Qs, so it's not a problem being nice. So, A I guess?

    3. A - Not playing for placement, so why knock someone else down? Just Q and save for later.

    Some people just hit whoever they see - fair enough to them, I'm sure they don't expect the same courtesy.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Jarvind wrote:
    Square wrote:
    Jarvind wrote:
    Your "B" choices assume that I want to hit people for the express purpose of "teaching them a lesson." I just hit people because they are worth points. I don't do it specifically to "beat" other people, but on the other hand I don't care if it sets you back either. You're strangers on the internet and I want my stuff.
    Nope. Under 800, the points you take are a fraction of what they lose. Over 800, you are taking point to point ratio. And everybody tends to shield at 900 or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but usually around 800. So when you are at 800, and a 75 point queue comes in, you know you are taking 75 points from them if you don't wait. Or you are surprisingly unaware of the game to be scoring so high.

    Hitting a high queue the moment you get it is sniping. It is frowned upon. If you don't care how it sets others back, it will start setting you back as you get a rep for sniping. Good luck getting your stuff.

    Man, it's fine to disagree, but there is no need to be so hostile about it. I just want to log on, get my points, and enjoy myself without having to think about a bunch of arbitrary unwritten rules about who it is "okay" to hit. If you don't want to get hit by other people you shouldn't be playing an event that is specifically called Player Versus Player. What you call "sniping," I call "playing the game."

    Just as I don't care who I set back, I don't get all bent out of shape when I get knocked back a hundred points. It's part of the game - it sucks sometimes, but there is nothing stopping me or you from playing PVE and eliminating the possibility altogether.
    Dude, play how you like. If it's working for you, do it. I'm sorry you think me saying, "It's frowned upon," is "so hostile." I'm trying to be gentle in my wording. (sniping vs playing for me, playing for me vs up yours)

    I agree the rules are arbitrary, but most high scoring people are in alliances, where they will learn 'arbitrary rules.' Sniping is definitely a term in this game if you've played for a matter of time. If you think you are simply playing player vs player, and not sniping, maybe that's what you're doing. I don't know you. But if you consistently don't consider the fact that you're playing in a group play environment, where lower players are rewarded much more than high scorers, you will develop a poor reputation. It's not a threat, or me being bent out of shape, it's me informing you how things are at a certain point. Again, I don't know you, maybe you're below radar.

    Maybe that's a problem of the game, that this culture exists, but I'm not a dev.

    Personally, I don't get knocked out of shape when I'm knocked down 100 points. When it happens three times in three PVPs, yeah, I have a grudge, since the person doing it is probably being deliberate. This thread is about deliberate snipers, not about clueless, selfish players. Don't be insulted.
  • Iridious
    Iridious Posts: 53 Match Maker
    Jam_Adams wrote:
    Crowl wrote:
    Surely for question one there should be an option C, you haven't paid any attention to the name of the player and have simply selected a winnable matchup?
    yeah, I don't pay one bit of attention to who I attack. I see point values. I could be attacking my entire alliance for all I know. but then, I only hover around the 400-500 mark in any given event, so it's not like i'm gaining a thousand points at the expense of anyone, especially a single person multiple times.

    I'm completely in this same ball park, only look at the points the match is worth and figure if I think I can beat the team. I'm the same when it comes to retaliations too, I don't look at the name of who hit me, I just consider can I beat their team and is it worth the points. I imagine I'm double tapping people as often as they're double tapping me, I simply don't notice it.

    For reference I average 800-900 in most events, occasionally able to make the push up over 1k.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I play with people in mind, but voted "precious points". In my ideal MPQ, all PVE rewards would be progressions and no defensive points would be lost in PVP - really hoping that some day, eventually, we'll get more cooperative content (like Ultron) and either fixed or removed vs. content.
  • SodaPopinski
    SodaPopinski Posts: 59 Match Maker
    Square wrote:
    I think the threashold is 1K now (not to be a tinykitty) for points being 1-for-1.
    I thought it was still 800. If not, I'll amend that first post. Can you share a link? (not being a tinykitty either icon_e_wink.gif )



    From Will

    "First, we’re reducing how many points a loss costs. Previously, if you had 800 or fewer points in an event, a loss would cost you less points than your opponent gained, using this formula: [points your opponent gained] * [your points] / 800. We’re changing this so that if you have 1000 or fewer points in an event, a loss costs you [points your opponent gained] * [your points] / 1000. (Above 1000 points, you’ll lose as many points as your opponent gains.)"
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Square wrote:
    This thread is about deliberate snipers, not about clueless, selfish players. Don't be insulted.

    Clueless in no way means selfish. A good 95% or higher of players are not on the forums or on Line and play however they play, without ever knowing about any subcultures that exist here. This was actually me at one point.

    Etiquette really has nothing to do with it, what is called etiquette is really nothing more than playing smart. If i am able to queue up a high point value target, i do, knowing that they will shield and be worth even more when i do hit them.. nothing at all to do with etiquette, and 100% to do with minimizing retaliations.

    Yes, i take part in the Line groups, but that didn't come until i started asking other players and forumites how to score higher in PVP.

    Which means, etiquette is really just smart playing = precious points.. that covers multiple choices.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think all bets are off for pushes. if I'm hovering in the 600s and try and push into the 900s as fast as possible, there is some inevitable hitting of unshielded players and if I'm not paying attention, possible double taps. there's really no way around that - for your big push you have no choice but to attack fresh queues. now once I'm shield hopping everything changes. I've held off on a planned hop because I could see my target was unshielded. I've also seen one unshielded, waited 20 minutes and they were still unshielded, so I hit them last in my hop (sometimes I get 2 in, sometimes 1 depending on the situation). if they haven't shielded in 20-30 minutes, and their score isn't moving, to me that's not a snipe. oh, and on 1, depending on when you're pushing and what slice you're in, you could easily see one node for 50 and cycle through the others and get nothing but 25-30. if that happens enough times, yes, i'll hit them again, but don't really want to. have to operate within what they give you. sometimes I try closing the app and restarting and sometimes it helps and sometimes not. in the middle of a push, being fast is critical and you really don't have time to fart around too much or you come out of your last match to -150.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    I play with people in mind, but voted "precious points". In my ideal MPQ, all PVE rewards would be progressions and no defensive points would be lost in PVP - really hoping that some day, eventually, we'll get more cooperative content (like Ultron) and either fixed or removed vs. content.

    For PVP it seems like it would make more sense for them to have two scores, one that was like the current one and was used for placement, but a second one that was only incrementing and was for the progression rewards, just re-balance the thresholds needed for those rewards to account for more people hitting higher scores.
  • Wooodd
    Wooodd Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    Square wrote:
    queue them up and appreciate that other players pay more on shields and even characters, but wait till they shield to hit them.
    How do you "queue someone up", from looking at the leaderboards? Am I missing something or do you just skip.. skip.. skip.. until they pop up naturally?

    I've seen the term queuing a few times now and just curious.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wooodd wrote:
    Square wrote:
    queue them up and appreciate that other players pay more on shields and even characters, but wait till they shield to hit them.
    How do you "queue someone up", from looking at the leaderboards? Am I missing something or do you just skip.. skip.. skip.. until they pop up naturally?

    I've seen the term queuing a few times now and just curious.

    Basically yes, but you do not have to do it all at once. If you see a high value target, keep it on that node, say the top one.. and go to the next one.. if you see nothing after a a few skips.. come back to it 10-15 minutes + later.. and check again.. the new targets are people climbing at that time, find one and move on.. by the time you have 3 queued,. wait a little bit, 10-15 minutes is a good amount, then strike.. they should be shielded by that time and worth more than when you initially lined them up.
  • Pinko_McFly
    Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
    If it's convenient to my push.
    Just recently did my first message to a forum user to see if they were shielded so I could hit them (and to see what their points were at), I was not in a rush at that point.

    But if I go after a 40+ point match that I had lined up in the last hour and get 5 points back, I will always just go after the quickest/easiest points I can find to make up the difference.
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    last time, i tried to explain how pvp is working at high end, ive been tagged with mafia bullying and online thugging.. so i know its a lost cause icon_e_biggrin.gif..ppl play the way they want but they have to know they re gonna be accountable for the way they behave sooner or later.. icon_e_geek.gif
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    My question is why does all of this even matter? People will play how they want to play regardless.

    What suites your playstyle may not suite others' playstyles.

    As long as people are having fun playing the game, that is all that matters, imo.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Square wrote:
    MojoWild wrote:
    Also the wording of your survey options is biased with your feelings towards etiquette.

    I didn't choose any option as I didn't feel any of them fit me.
    Okay. It's my list, you're free to option out icon_e_geek.gif

    It is your list, but if you're not impartial, then you're not as concerned about getting real numbers as you are in pushing your opinions.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Wooodd wrote:
    Square wrote:
    queue them up and appreciate that other players pay more on shields and even characters, but wait till they shield to hit them.
    How do you "queue someone up", from looking at the leaderboards? Am I missing something or do you just skip.. skip.. skip.. until they pop up naturally?

    I've seen the term queuing a few times now and just curious.
    Basically, as Malcrof stated:

    If you're shielded, or at low points, you can go through your three nodes, and skip through until you find something worth hitting. Then you wait. They are queued.

    When you're at high points, and really high points show up as you're skipping through... if you hit them immediately, you're basically taking an equal amount of points from them. If you wait ten minutes, there's a fair chance you're going to hit them after they shield, and cause them no stress. Over a certain amount of points, 98% of people shield after a few short battles.

    Some players look at their top ten instead of just paying the skip tax hoping to land on something, then attack those without that shield jewel as soon as they can, and they are the most loathed among the high scorers. They are true tiny kitties. Not ****. Tiny kitties.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Do people actually have reputations as snipers? Is this a thing? Are groups on line calling out and coordinating that player X double-tapped them in 2 straight PVP's so everyone on the alliance will check scores every 5 minutes and text the group just so they can coordinate and try to ruin someones hop when they drop shield?

    On a forum where half the threads are people complaining about how this game takes way too much time grinding to advance, does anyone actually want to spend even more time in the game staring at scoreboards just for a PVP point vendetta?
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    DuckyV wrote:
    My question is why does all of this even matter? People will play how they want to play regardless.

    What suites your playstyle may not suite others' playstyles.

    As long as people are having fun playing the game, that is all that matters, imo.
    Oh, Ducky? No, it doesn't matter, whatever 'suites' your play. I have little intent that you will change your play. But it might be of interest to other players. This is the Internet, right? If every post on the Internet had to have an effect, well, there would be a lot fewer posts on it.

    What's that saying I see on Line all the time? "Ducky out," Hmmm....
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    MojoWild wrote:
    Square wrote:
    MojoWild wrote:
    Also the wording of your survey options is biased with your feelings towards etiquette.

    I didn't choose any option as I didn't feel any of them fit me.
    Okay. It's my list, you're free to option out icon_e_geek.gif

    It is your list, but if you're not impartial, then you're not as concerned about getting real numbers as you are in pushing your opinions.
    I'm not a government official, not a university researcher, so, no, this was not meant as a scientific poll. You caught me.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hit those that are worth good points to me. My roster isn't max 4s yet, so I don't have the luxury to dillydally and pick my targets based on obscure criteria like alliances, etc..

    I do however wait a couple of minutes for a player I can see on the boards (top10, those immediatly next to my score) to shield. That's common courtesy and just good strategy. However, if he hasn't shielded after a few minutes, he's still getting hit. Can't reward him for greed icon_e_biggrin.gif
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