Am I the Only One Tired of the Complaining?



  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Legendary Tokens aren't only for the 5* transition. They help in the 4* transition. I have several 4*'s maxed, yet I still consider myself in the 4* transitions, because...*gasp*...I have a realistic view of what I should be attaining in this game.

    Here's the way to go from no 4*'s to maxed 4*'s.
    1a. Play PVE to get legendary tokens. This is doable with 3*'s.
    1b. Play PVP to get the 1000 pt progression 4*. This is doable with 3*'s.
    2. Once you have partially covered 4*'s (4-6 covers), play the DDQ every 5 days to get a legendary token.
    3. Play PVP to get the 1300 pt progression legendary token. This is most practical with 4* with at least 8-10 covers.

    See? It's a progression. You reach one stage, then the next, then the next. If people want to **** themselves and not utilize some of the these steps, fine, but don't complain that you can't progress reasonably well when you're intentionally avoiding 2/3 of the game.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you're not hitting 1000 in PvP, you're not in or ready for the 4* transition, so DDQ was never going to be a solution.

    So people who have no interest in PVP aren't ready to start collecting 4*s?


    You can collect covers sure. Your transition will take an eternity, and one DDQ node doesn't change that either.

    It changes it if I don't care how long the transition takes.

    Maybe I just want to get some covers for the Marvel characters I like. Maybe that's why I play the game.

    Why can't more people have a chance to start collecting 4*s without needing to grind a PVE every 8 hours, or shield-hop to 1K in PVP, or spend a ridiculous amount of money on a 40 pack? They're the new meta, and they're still being handled like they're a precious commodity.

    The amount of time this game is starting to require of people to appreciate its new content (ie characters, because we're getting nothing else) is becoming ridiculous.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP wrote:
    Too many quotes, but didn't really know which one to trim.. all valid and good points..

    Actually trying to be understanding here.. but there was a problem with the initial comment we're quoting above i think, because it could be left open to interpretation.. even the person who made that statement had to clarify it. I wanted to ask whether they were seriously accepting the fact or being sarcastic with a one sentence answer.. especially with the usage of the word "Cool" to end the post..

    I'm not trying to defend or criticise anyone, but one sentence answers could be misinterpreted easily.. heck, it's probably not better than a longwinded wall of text. Especially with usage of single worded finish or slightly inapproriate emoticons..

    My original post was sarcastic for a reason. Blanket stating that only people who can hit 1K in PVP are "ready for the transition" is narrow-minded and elitist.

    People should have a chance to start earning 4*s without it being part of "the transition".

    When I was starting, I got a darn sight more 3*s from tokens and placements than I am getting 4*s now as someone with 16 max-level 3*s and almost every other 3* nearing a max-covered state. I'm not saying give them to me a platter, I'm just asking - as many people are - for a fun way to earn them that doesn't eat my life.

    A well-designed DDQ node would fit the bill perfectly.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tarheelmax wrote:

    Why does everyone want things handed to them? Why not enjoy that the game is actually hard and worth some time put into it? I would be bored pretty quickly if everyone and their mother had maxed 4*s after spending a days playing.

    TL;DR: Enjoy the fact that this game isn't one that burns out quickly, you can enjoy it for a long time. And once you get those 4*s, take enjoyment in the fact that you know you EARNED them.

    It's a freaking mobile match 3 game, that by its very nature should be played in short bursts as when not for 20+ hours per week and on a schedule dictated to me!

    If I wanted to sit down for 20+ hours a week it will be with a full retail RPG with an actual story, character development and most of all real sense of progression that I can play around my schedule.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Deadpooool wrote:

    And then people start using it to express the complaints that the original poster was complaining about.

    It's Complaintception.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I love the reductive nature of the discussion it's a shame that it degenerates into name calling from time to time but hey... internet, what do you expect.

    On a related note I think there's a lot to be said for complaining. I, for one, love to complain (check my post history). If you don't speak up about the things that bother you, how can you hope for them to be changed? More seriously, if you don't want to read people complaining then it's worth parsing the thread titles and OPs before going away from the forum altogether and reading a book.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think venting is ok. I think getting frustrated is part of the game. I won't criticize people for doing either.

    I think people are forgetting about the entire rarity aspect of the star.png rating.

    Each tier is supposed to be more difficult to get than the next... but we seem to slide into the mindset that because we have all of our 2*, the 3* should fill up next just as easily and never get a 2* again. Oh, I have all my 3*'s, so now 4* should rain down on me. But they shouldn't. It's the next logical progression, the next goal, the next tier, but it doesn't change the rarity of getting them. Having many 3*'s and leveling them does make achieving the 4* covers easier because you've reached the point where you can get them easier... if you want to try. If you don't want to play PVP to 1K or 1.3K, if you don't want to grind PVE to double progression, if you don't want to hit 2K during the season in SIM, then expect that you will only get 4* from blind luck of the draw as you have been during your entire 2-3* transition.

    I don't expect a person to be able to achieve every means of getting 4*'s, but that's why there are so many different options. Sick of PVE? Go play PVP to 1K and try for 1.3K. Roster isn't strong enough for PVP or it isn't you cup of tea? Grind PVE to double progression, I'm sure you've done it anyway trying to stay top 100 or top 50 so no real change in your routine. Don't like either of those... not sure why you play the game, but there's DDQ 4* node every 5 days, but you will have had to luck into drawing and leveling a decent 4* and play on his/her featured day.

    It still comes down to the simple fact that all digital card games share... the more star.png on the card, the harder they are to get. Plain and simple. SS should be very difficult to get.

    The final thing that bugs me about this entire argument is the people saying that Legendary Tokens are Primarily for the 4-5* transition. Yes they are the only way to get a 5* right now. But with 1 Epic character... soon to be 3... that is the rarity not the reality. a token giving out 95% 4* characters is for giving out 4* characters with a shot at a 5* that they don't expect people to attain any time soon. There is no active 5* transition, because there is only 1 5* character. That's not a transition, that's a single reward for now. You cannot discount the 95% of the covers given out are solely 4*'s... no 1,2 or 3*'s... just 95% 4* with a 5% shot at a 5*. That my friends is a token that is for the 4* transition.
  • Tarheelmax
    Tarheelmax Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    slidecage wrote:
    Tarheelmax wrote:
    So, I understand that the 4* DDQ is hard, I get that the Devs could have been more clear about how difficult it would be upfront. But come on people, this is EXTRA content that the game did not have before. Two week ago, do you remember how you could move forward in the 4* transition?

    It was:
    -Top 2 in PVE
    -1000 prize in pvp
    -1300 prize in pvp
    -First overall in pvp
    -2000 in Sim
    -Top 100 alliance season reward
    -Getting a very lucky token pull.

    Now they have ADDED:
    -PVE legendary progression (and I halfheartedly grinded to get it and got it more than a day early)
    - 4* DDQ every five days (Yes, it's actually a challenge. God forbid that there be an actual challenge in the game and not another freebie.)
    -10,000 season progression reward for a legendary token.

    Why does everyone want things handed to them? Why not enjoy that the game is actually hard and worth some time put into it? I would be bored pretty quickly if everyone and their mother had maxed 4*s after spending a days playing.

    TL;DR: Enjoy the fact that this game isn't one that burns out quickly, you can enjoy it for a long time. And once you get those 4*s, take enjoyment in the fact that you know you EARNED them.

    dont know what you mean by game isnt one that burns out quickly your dead wrong with that..

    those who have all of the 3 stars max covered (may not be 166 level) and can not get up to the 1300 pts in PVP. The only way you can get the cover is double the progression rewards in PVE, Now how long is it going to be before these people say 7 day grind to get 1 4 star cover is not worth it.

    i need very little 3 star covers and only way im getting the 4 stars is double progression what is not worth it.. i did it for hulk took 5 days got Black kingpin BIG WOOP.

    would i grind 5 days if i knew it was for black kingpin hell no.

    the ranking is now going to get so wide that unless more ways to play are added this game will never see year 3 annivery party..

    how they can make it better

    1... no more 7 day events just 4 and 3 days What would give people 2 4 star a week min

    2.. make PVE progression season wise say top 100 teams in season PVE get token

    3.. maybe in the off season DO a Ultron type event where it hands out a token in the 5th round (would be a 3 day thing)

    1 round Normal token
    round 2 normal token
    round 3 normal
    round 4 normal
    round 5 leg token
    round 6 3 star
    round 7 3 star cover
    round 8 3 star cover

    what all teams should get given out 1 4 star to everyone once a season would not kill the game.

    And how long have you been playing this game Slidecage? I would venture a guess more than a week? More than a month? Dare I say even more than a year possibly?

    How long does the average phone game keep your interest? For me, it's less than a week. I've been at this one for 300 days and still enjoy it.

    That's what i tinykitty mean by it doesn't burn out quickly. This game is set up for long term play, regardless of your doom and gloom attitude about the future of the game.
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    GurlBYE wrote:
    You have the literal worse logic I've seen in a long time on the internet.

    but to your credit you aren't alone in this thread,II'm just sick of this strawman at this point.

    On what planet does " I DONT ENJOY THIS GAMES PLAYER VS PLAYER" translate to "GIVE ME"

    Like what sort of languages do you speak?
    What sort of logic problems do you deal with on a day to day basis?
    What sort of problem solving skills do you have if any?
    Do you jump in front of the train if the bus is late?


    as a cover all, you guys can't argue these two things together

    DDQ 4 star is for 5 star transitioners

    if you can't beat that, get 10,000 in pvp in a season, or get double progression in pve.

    Do you not see the flaw in logic of 'hey its not for you' to 'hey earn it another way'

    And don't pretend people opening a pack with a 95% chance at 4 stars are looking solely for silver surfer.

    If everything is fine with the game to you guys, let people complain and enjoy the game.

    The issue is less I can't beat it, and more hey people have been asking for an ease on the 4 star transition for months, and you ignore them to implement a 5 star transition for 1 character?

    It would have been just as easy to make legendaries, 95% 1-4 star, and 5% SS.
    It's very clear why people have issue with it, if you don't fine. but why ruin your day and ruin your enjoyment over other people who all agree with eachother

    Your logic is so much worse. In what way does a node that rewards a token with 95% to pull a 4* signify to you that it's meant for 5* transitioners? Sorry dude, but standard tokens aren't meant for 3* transitioners either. I don't even know what your complaining about at this point. You said yourself that you are a 2-3* transitioner so go grind some pve, cross your fingers and join pvp late like everyone else did. Win some 4* through pve while you're at it and by the time you are ready for 3-4* transition, it will be that much easier. You're so worried about whats going to happen to your progression when you are nowhere near getting to that point. Yeah, it may look like a never ending journey from a distance, but there are plenty of people who've made it to the end and are now throwing away 4* covers left and right. Slow down. Progression isn't linear.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    The amount of time this game is starting to require of people to appreciate its new content (ie characters, because we're getting nothing else) is becoming ridiculous.

    This strikes me as a bigger issue for you than what I said.

    The amount of time required now is really no different than it was a year ago. All that changed was the goals. Used to be every 2 weeks was a 3* release in PvE, with people insanely grinding. Now it's a 4* every two weeks.

    Used to be that placement in PvP superceded progression, now its the other way around, but the effort/shielding required for either is mostly unchanged (lower progression is certainly easier, however).

    Nothing about either is really going to change. So if your problem is hoping that the DDQ node was supposed to be the casual outlet, well it still can be. You just have to work to build your roster to the point where you can beat it. The relative strength of that roster is one that can hit 1000 in PvP, whether or not they choose to.

    And maybe the new gameplay mode that they teased will be the real outlet you're looking for.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    And maybe the new gameplay mode that they teased will be the real outlet you're looking for.
    regardless of the rest of the mess out there, I'm curious to see what this will be and how it will be structured. many promote separate pvps for high end and low end. first, if they do that, progressions for the low end will be very hard to get to without points in the system and me being a tweener - wonder just how much I could do in the 'high end'. of course this is all conjecture, but hey, that's what the forums are for right?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    And maybe the new gameplay mode that they teased will be the real outlet you're looking for.
    regardless of the rest of the mess out there, I'm curious to see what this will be and how it will be structured. many promote separate pvps for high end and low end. first, if they do that, progressions for the low end will be very hard to get to without points in the system and me being a tweener - wonder just how much I could do in the 'high end'. of course this is all conjecture, but hey, that's what the forums are for right?

    Doesn't strike me as simply a 4* PvP. New gameplay implies something entirely different. Hopefully it's more engaging than hitting Dark Avengers ad nauseum.
  • marx_2299 wrote:
    Couple of 4*'s from STANDARD tokens in a month? **** are you talking about. I know ONE person who got a 4* from standard. I've been playing for a year and have NEVER done it.

    I pull them daily.

    What? Yelena isn't 4*? Wth!!!!!!!
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    They also took away the 4*s from the standard tokens. The odds were slim, but seeing as how one easily gets 100 standard tokens a week (or thereabouts), it added up statistically to a couple of 4* covers a month.
    I'm on day 569 and never got a 4* from a standard.

    Then you have had poor luck. I'm in the four-hundreds and I got about six 4* covers out of my regular tokens. (I think I got one; one out of my heroics in that time, btw.)
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    _RiO_ wrote:
    (I think I got one; one out of my heroics in that time, btw.)
    I've probably gotten at least a couple dozen from heroics and event tokens, so I guess my luck isn't completely poor...
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Tarheelmax wrote:
    So, I understand that the 4* DDQ is hard, I get that the Devs could have been more clear about how difficult it would be upfront. But come on people, this is EXTRA content that the game did not have before. Two week ago, do you remember how you could move forward in the 4* transition?

    Now they have ADDED:
    -PVE legendary progression (and I halfheartedly grinded to get it and got it more than a day early)
    - 4* DDQ every five days (Yes, it's actually a challenge. God forbid that there be an actual challenge in the game and not another freebie.)
    -10,000 season progression reward for a legendary token.

    This straw man argument that people complaining about the insanely difficult want to get the token for free is ridiculous. Its not a zero sum game, If cyke was set at 240 and not 270 with a TU it would not be considered easy by any stretch. The fact that the DDQ token is basically geared to the people who are at least mid way through covering all 4* does not help the individuals with 1 or 2 covers of each.

    PVE legendary is doable and I got it about the same time you did, but I know 4hor was a major reason why since she was essential and heavily boosted. Mine is quite strong and I would bet yours is quite strong too. Person who either doesn't have 4hor or a very week one probably needs to put far more effort in than what you or I did.

    10K, is maybe doable but def not a slam dunk for ppl with no strong 4* since I think you would need to average 1K plus 2K from sim. Not an easy feat without any heavy 4 star hitters.

    1300 without 4*s damn near forget about it, cross the 1K bridge and JG, PX, HB, Carnage, DPXF and other deadly 4* are waiting to drop you down substantially.

    So that leaves the people at the beginning of 4* down to a tough, but doable, PVE (2X the top progression isn't exactly a walk in the park) and the 10K prog. That's literally what maybe 5 at most legendarys in a month, meanwhile everyone else is getting more than 2X that and are widening the gap. Right now I crush people and my only really strong 4* are HB, Fury and 4hor but I sure will be getting those other big hitters faster.

    This whole notion that if I can do it no one should complain is pretty disrespectful. It would be akin to when Xforce and 4hor getting nerfed and causing a riot, if every 2* and 3* land person came online and said if I can win in PVP without them you should be able to. Its not the point, ppl got mad about the overnerfing and significant hurt they put on characters either paid for or worked very hard for.
  • _RiO_ wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    DaveR4470 wrote:
    They also took away the 4*s from the standard tokens. The odds were slim, but seeing as how one easily gets 100 standard tokens a week (or thereabouts), it added up statistically to a couple of 4* covers a month.
    I'm on day 569 and never got a 4* from a standard.

    Then you have had poor luck. I'm in the four-hundreds and I got about six 4* covers out of my regular tokens. (I think I got one; one out of my heroics in that time, btw.)

    Pretty sure that matches my experience.

    I've got +-15 (20-ish total covers), won 2 (Thing), and I got one from MF's PvP event token.

    Factoring out 600+ days of dailies, what is that? Like 4-6-ish?

  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP wrote:

    There, it sounded a bit better, didn't it? We might not have enough time to type much, but worded better your argument made more sense.

    Just commenting on your first sentence above, sarcasm might be a sign of intelligent, but the lowest form of wit.. it might not be the best approach in the forum when the atmosphere is as volatile as it is now.

    I'm English; sarcasm is my first approach to any situation.

  • Tarheelmax
    Tarheelmax Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    Tarheelmax wrote:
    So, I understand that the 4* DDQ is hard, I get that the Devs could have been more clear about how difficult it would be upfront. But come on people, this is EXTRA content that the game did not have before. Two week ago, do you remember how you could move forward in the 4* transition?

    Now they have ADDED:
    -PVE legendary progression (and I halfheartedly grinded to get it and got it more than a day early)
    - 4* DDQ every five days (Yes, it's actually a challenge. God forbid that there be an actual challenge in the game and not another freebie.)
    -10,000 season progression reward for a legendary token.

    This straw man argument that people complaining about the insanely difficult want to get the token for free is ridiculous. Its not a zero sum game, If cyke was set at 240 and not 270 with a TU it would not be considered easy by any stretch. The fact that the DDQ token is basically geared to the people who are at least mid way through covering all 4* does not help the individuals with 1 or 2 covers of each.

    PVE legendary is doable and I got it about the same time you did, but I know 4hor was a major reason why since she was essential and heavily boosted. Mine is quite strong and I would bet yours is quite strong too. Person who either doesn't have 4hor or a very week one probably needs to put far more effort in than what you or I did.

    10K, is maybe doable but def not a slam dunk for ppl with no strong 4* since I think you would need to average 1K plus 2K from sim. Not an easy feat without any heavy 4 star hitters.

    1300 without 4*s damn near forget about it, cross the 1K bridge and JG, PX, HB, Carnage, DPXF and other deadly 4* are waiting to drop you down substantially.

    So that leaves the people at the beginning of 4* down to a tough, but doable, PVE (2X the top progression isn't exactly a walk in the park) and the 10K prog. That's literally what maybe 5 at most legendarys in a month, meanwhile everyone else is getting more than 2X that and are widening the gap. Right now I crush people and my only really strong 4* are HB, Fury and 4hor but I sure will be getting those other big hitters faster.

    This whole notion that if I can do it no one should complain is pretty disrespectful. It would be akin to when Xforce and 4hor getting nerfed and causing a riot, if every 2* and 3* land person came online and said if I can win in PVP without them you should be able to. Its not the point, ppl got mad about the overnerfing and significant hurt they put on characters either paid for or worked very hard for.

    A few things to respond...

    I consider myself early (maybe mid-early) in the 4* transition and haven't finished the 3* transition (I only have 5 3*s maxed). I beat cyc on my third try with a 5/4/3 level 166 xforce wolvie. I have multiple alliance mates that beat him with less. Again, it's hard. in the words of the Devs it's "ouch" level (not sure why people couldn't comprehend that).

    But it is still doable for early to mid 4* transitioners. It might take 20 tries (and again, it did for some alliance mates) but they did it.

    PVE legendary token is easily doable. I do not have a strong 4thor. She is level 102. So she didn't completely hamper me, but I never sought out a single match to feed her. My 3*s carried me in pve, like usual.

    10k is easily doable for 3* players. Until last season, I didn't have a single 3* maxed. The two seasons before last season, I scored 12k and 13k. And I have never spent a cent on this game. If you understand how to play PVP, averaging 1,000 per pvp with level 140 characters is not difficult at all.

    Same with 1300. I've gone for it 4 times. I've gotten it 3 times. I have spent 800, 300, and 225 in HP the 3 times I made it. The time I didn't I spent 300 and finished around 1,100 due to sniping. If you can't get 1,300 without 4*s you are doing something wrong.

    Lastly, I have absolutely nothing against valid complaints. I complained when the servers went down. I was fine with complaints about xf wolvie and 4thor being nerfed. I will never be ok with internet outrage based on a new feature not being as easy as people erroneously inferred from comments by a dev that needed significant stretching to come up with their conclusions.

    P.S. In return, I find you putting words in my mouth disrespectful. As stated, I don't think a complaint is invalid just because it doesn't directly affect me. First off, in this case, the difficulty of the 4* ddq will affect me. I will be surprised if I can beat half of them. And secondly I think a complaint is invalid when someone twists the words of someone, then calls that terribly twisted idea a fact, then complains that the reality doesn't meet their made-up expectations.