5-Star Rarity & Silver Surfer Announcement! (In-Depth)



  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    IceIX wrote:
    So the players who are transitioning 3*->4* don't have much shot at the rotation for legendary tokens?
    Depends on the 4*. I've beaten many of the nodes with their current balancing with a copy of my current roster from Live. And as anyone who has seen my roster knows, I'm not living la vida 4* yet.

    If you aint living la vida 4* you need to go go go allez allez allez.
  • IceIX wrote:
    So the players who are transitioning 3*->4* don't have much shot at the rotation for legendary tokens?
    Depends on the 4*. I've beaten many of the nodes with their current balancing with a copy of my current roster from Live. And as anyone who has seen my roster knows, I'm not living la vida 4* yet.

    Are we talking half way covered or just 4* with 1-3 covers because that's a massive difference.

    Indeed. And what about the 4*'s that can't really play on their own...how do you beat someone using a lone PX? Hope to stay invisible the whole match and win off tile-match damage alone? Guess you'd have to rely on team-ups to at least get a few special tiles out. And what if the opponent has an aoe attack, you're hosed!
  • Magisse wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    So the players who are transitioning 3*->4* don't have much shot at the rotation for legendary tokens?
    Depends on the 4*. I've beaten many of the nodes with their current balancing with a copy of my current roster from Live. And as anyone who has seen my roster knows, I'm not living la vida 4* yet.

    Are we talking half way covered or just 4* with 1-3 covers because that's a massive difference.

    Indeed. And what about the 4*'s that can't really play on their own...how do you beat someone using a lone PX? Hope to stay invisible the whole match and win off tile-match damage alone? Guess you'd have to rely on team-ups to at least get a few special tiles out. And what if the opponent has an aoe attack, you're hosed!

    I guess. I have 8 4*s in **** condition (3 or less covers) that probably have zero shot at winning anything so I guess I'll have to pretend to hobble in with team-ups carrying me, if that's even doable.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    lukewin wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    3 stars are now mostly the same rank as 2 stars was 6 months back so now no reason to jack up the 10 packs now that 4 stars are going to become as coming as 3 stars now in 2 or 3 months.

    You said the statement a lot of times, and more recent than 6 months ago. 3*s can get you the 1k, which is the 2nd to last progression reward in PVP. However, your level 89 3*s might not be able to. My 140s are, so you don't even need them to be maxed at 166.

    I don't think 2*s ever allowed for you to get the 2nd to last progression reward in PVP.

    i think im just sad cause this now no longer makes 4 stars what they used to be icon_e_sad.gif

    Dude i grinded 50 hours in pve to get 3 covers of a 4 star
    Dude i just played 3 PVP for 10 hours or less and i got the same icon_e_smile.gif

    4 stars used to show that you worked your way to the top. now its going to be 5 stars and then next year Hello 6 stars.

    like i said maybe after i play it a bit i fall in love with it but just saying first step in killing pve at least for me

    right now go into a PVE event and know maybe 70 people have all 3 ess needed people meaning i only need to keep up with those 70 to take top 100... Now toss in 4 stars like candy and in a month you have 200 or 250 per bracket having all 3 needed. That now means you need to keep up with 250 people instead of 70

    Im just glad i got almost all of my 3 stars fully covered cover wise (need to make a few changes on the line up- but i feel really sorry for newbies comign out of of 2 stars and trying to make 3 stars--- tons more grinding coming their way)

    what is sort of funny then cause if you cant hang with the grinders say you take 154 in the pve

    your reward a 2 star and a 4 star ummmmmm your skipping right past 3 stars
  • slidecage wrote:
    your reward a 2 star and a 4 star ummmmmm your skipping right past 3 stars

    Hardly. A 2 star player with a handful of random 4 stars won't be able to do anything. They still need to slog through the 3* transition because there's literally no chance that they will be able to skip it without an insane amount of whaling. I don't think you understand how **** 2* star players have it now and are going to have it with the 5* release.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Magisse wrote:

    Indeed. And what about the 4*'s that can't really play on their own...how do you beat someone using a lone PX? Hope to stay invisible the whole match and win off tile-match damage alone? Guess you'd have to rely on team-ups to at least get a few special tiles out. And what if the opponent has an aoe attack, you're hosed!

    Px you hope for match 5* unless against jg.

    Scaling is the biggest issue we don't understand yet imo.

    Will the enemies scale higher than the current limit now that we can go to 450?
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2015
    slidecage wrote:
    your reward a 2 star and a 4 star ummmmmm your skipping right past 3 stars

    Hardly. A 2 star player with a handful of random 4 stars won't be able to do anything. They still need to slog through the 3* transition because there's literally no chance that they will be able to skip it without an insane amount of whaling. I don't think you understand how **** 2* star players have it now and are going to have it with the 5* release.

    no im saying say the 2 stars cant keep up the pace with the rest of the people playing and they do get 2x progession but take 151 or lower. since people say more people will be playing PVE meaning their ranks will fall ..

    Their rewards will be a 2 star and a 4 star.. i guess they could earn the 3 stars in PVP but saying it would suck not getting the 3 stars any longer in PVE...

    They could fix this by making rank PVP and PVE where 3 stars and only events and 4+ What i could see them doing for the next year events.
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    Let's not start acting like the sky is falling now that a 5* (soon to be three) has entered the game. 4* is still where it's at, and building a solid 3* roster to get them will still be important.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    will 5 stars still only take 1 slot on the team or more then 1 slot
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Are we talking half way covered or just 4* with 1-3 covers because that's a massive difference.
    Here's my current roster, for reference:
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    slidecage wrote:
    will 5 stars still only take 1 slot on the team or more then 1 slot
    Just one slot.
  • This may be veering slightly off topic, but will there be additional progression rewards added to PVE to bridge between the current 3 star cover progression max and the Legendary token?

    Oh, let me quit dancing around the bush. If we put in the PVE time, will we be able to earn the "Current Event" 4 star essential much like we can do the 3 star now at Max Progression? Or is it just playing the odds with Legendary Tokens?
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    Mawtful wrote:
    Probably first week.
    Even though it's a 5% chance, any 5* cover they pull will be for Surfer, so this is the one time that there's less RNG to fight against.
    True, but when you hit 5 in any given color, any newly pulled cover is "wasted" for purposes of full covering. And you need the correct ones for your build. So that's an additional unknown number you'd have to pull.

    Let's look at the best-worst case scenario;
    best: you get the covers for your ideal build and none wasted
    worst: you get them at exactly 5% draw rate (1 per 20 tokens)

    20 tokens opened for each of 13 covers = 260 tokens
    260 tokens at 16,000 HP per token = 4160000 HP
    4160000 HP in 20,000 HP bundles = 208 Stark Salaries = ~$20,800

    (FWIW, best-best case of getting the right 13 covers from 13 tokens means you only need to buy 11 Stark Salaries. Get your prayers into RNGsus now!)

    Yeah, I still think there'll be one covered in the first week. By comparison, it's only ~$1,400 to cover max a 4* during their release event. I think most of the Super Whales won't go in for it - however it does provide a nice bonus when they do buy token packs to cover a character before release. But there's bound to be someone out there for whom $20k is a small price to pay to be the first person with Silver Surfer.
  • Are there any plans on making the game actually passable for people in the 2*->3* transition because the moment this goes live? Making top 100 for those players is already a crapshoot with PVP scores raising without a strong incentive for everyone who can to hit 1300 for the token.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Haetron wrote:
    This may be veering slightly off topic, but will there be additional progression rewards added to PVE to bridge between the current 3 star cover progression max and the Legendary token?

    Oh, let me quit dancing around the bush. If we put in the PVE time, will we be able to earn the "Current Event" 4 star essential much like we can do the 3 star now at Max Progression? Or is it just playing the odds with Legendary Tokens?
    At this very moment, no. That could well change as we continue to smooth progressions though.
  • Mawtful wrote:
    But there's bound to be someone out there for whom $20k is a small price to pay to be the first person with Silver Surfer.

    I'd love to meet this person that prefers to spend their time playing MPQ rather than on a beach in Monaco. icon_e_smile.gif (Though if they have good cell reception in Monaco I guess you could be playing on the beach...)
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    will you be able to earn the 4 star tokens in gaunlet or just pure PVP/PVEs

    Also do you know

    HULK PVE will the 4 star ess be Reed or will it be a random 4 star needed since gaunlet takes place after hunt
  • IceIX wrote:
    Haetron wrote:
    This may be veering slightly off topic, but will there be additional progression rewards added to PVE to bridge between the current 3 star cover progression max and the Legendary token?

    Oh, let me quit dancing around the bush. If we put in the PVE time, will we be able to earn the "Current Event" 4 star essential much like we can do the 3 star now at Max Progression? Or is it just playing the odds with Legendary Tokens?
    At this very moment, no. That could well change as we continue to smooth progressions though.

    Thank you for the response! At least there's a chance now at working on my 4 stars through PVE with the Legendary tokens, which is an improvement!
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm glad we're finally getting the info that was given to those LINE users that were invited to the LINE Q&A. Is there any chance I can get invited to the next one? I promise I won't make a thread on the forums like that other guy did about the last Q&A.

    For those that are icon_e_confused.gif , I say icon_rolleyes.gificon_lol.gif .
  • Magisse wrote:
    Mawtful wrote:
    But there's bound to be someone out there for whom $20k is a small price to pay to be the first person with Silver Surfer.

    I'd love to meet this person that prefers to spend their time playing MPQ rather than on a beach in Monaco. icon_e_smile.gif (Though if they have good cell reception in Monaco I guess you could be playing on the beach...)

    My driver lets me off there just before the 11 am pve grind time