5-Star Rarity & Silver Surfer Announcement! (In-Depth)



  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    nwman wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    Philly79 wrote:
    So the same as the current 3* ddq node, correct? That would be a nice choice on the chance we don't need that cover, thanks!
    Yes, but it's a 1v1 faceoff for the most part. So no bringing in Kamala Khan and Hood to do the dirty work while Professor X hangs around and invises.

    Are we going to be facing 5/5/5 4* in this face-off?

    I hope to not see any 555 chars lol! ATM only 13 covers are allowed per char
  • Just to be clear, you can't buy Legendary tokens with HP. Whales can't whale em.

    You can. Celebrities that play this game can whale them easy.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    So... What's a 5* that starts @255 going to do to a 2/3* player's starting levels?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    sagapo wrote:
    I really like the 1v1 idea.

    2 questions:

    Any chance that we can get a 1v1, 2v2, and keep the 3v3 for PvP? Have them be different so people can pick which one they participate in.

    What do you get from selling a 5*?
    We could. It'd be a really weird change for the meta. Interesting concept for an offseason setup.

    5*s are currently set to 2K base sale price, 100K max level sale price.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    want to make this evil.... to have a chance to get the 4/5 star token in pve.. you must join within the first 24 hours of the event .... man that would piss off a lot icon_e_smile.gif
  • elwhiteninja
    elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    you cant purchase them YET. But I like all the changes they are making to getting four stars going to have to attempt to get them out more
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2015
    slidecage wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    anyone else see this a the start of the death of PVE

    Generally we allow you to go through the Chicken Little scenarios.

    Also, no, no it won't be. People are hitting well past progressions now with no incentive to do so. No reason they're going to stop.

    think about it though..

    snipped for length and trying to limit amount of **** in my post

    50,000 you get a token for one of these 4/5 stars with 2 days left in the event. how many people are going to keep grinding ... ALSO are you really telling me your going to grind away in a 7 day event for a 3 star when you hit the 2x progression you get a 4 star. Many will get that 4 star and go BLAH im not longer playing for a 3 star...

    they will see the massive drop off and think maybe we no longer need PVE... I say this is the start of ending reward based pve what im sort of cool with...

    I agree with GrumpySmurf1002. According to your scenario, no one would be playing PVE now, because they could get 3* and 4* easier in PVP. How many people are grinding past 50k now, with no incentive? A lot of them, because you're playing for rank, which determines rewards.

    But like most of your what if's, it's a wild exaggeration that is very unlikely to happen. Didn't you say we were going to see the PVP season 10 pk jump to 7500? It's still at 4k, and they're adding a legendary token at 10k.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Look at the shiny shiny, they literally pulled out marvels shiniest character to try and distract from the way they announced 5* before easing the 4* transition.

    And no, I don't include these new tokens at making 4* more obtainable for the majority.

    Also busting your butt to pull an elektra or starlord from these tokens will result in much butthurt icon_e_smile.gif
  • All I can say is I'm a man of my word.
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    Are we going to get a character post for Silver Surfer today? So exciting! Hit points, color damage, cooldown time?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Are we going to get a character post for Silver Surfer today? So exciting! Hit points, color damage, cooldown time?
    Yep, working on some other stuff at the moment, planning on getting around to it.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    lukewin wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    anyone else see this a the start of the death of PVE

    Generally we allow you to go through the Chicken Little scenarios.

    Also, no, no it won't be. People are hitting well past progressions now with no incentive to do so. No reason they're going to stop.

    think about it though..

    I agree with GrumpySmurf1002. According to your scenario, no one would be playing PVE now, because they could get 3* and 4* easier in PVP. But like most of your what if's, it's a wild exaggeration that is very unlikely to happen. Didn't you say we were going to see the PVP season 10 pk jump to 7500? It's still at 4k, and they're adding a legendary token at 10k.

    3 stars are now mostly the same rank as 2 stars was 6 months back so now no reason to jack up the 10 packs now that 4 stars are going to become as coming as 3 stars now in 2 or 3 months.

    one thing i love for them to do is a switch feature. i mean what good is a 4 star when you already have it max... I mean i used to love opening up tokens and see that gold and go WOOO A NEW COVER... now i have most of the 3 stars fully covered wise just think of the heartbreak when you keep pulling your 15th blue hulkbuster icon_e_smile.gif

    just saying how many are going to keep grinding for a 3 star when you just won a 4 star.

    also they really need to just do away with placement in Pve and go pure reward progession and i still say this is the first step
  • Will we be able to use boosts (stockpile/damage) and/or teamups for the 4* 1:1 battle? Will the opponent have a teamup?

    Thanks for all your quick replies to the multiple above questions. It's great to have an accessible dev!
  • IceIX wrote:
    Philly79 wrote:
    So the same as the current 3* ddq node, correct? That would be a nice choice on the chance we don't need that cover, thanks!
    Yes, but it's a 1v1 faceoff for the most part. So no bringing in Kamala Khan and Hood to do the dirty work while Professor X hangs around and invises.

    So the players who are transitioning 3*->4* don't have much shot at the rotation for legendary tokens?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Magisse wrote:
    Will we be able to use boosts (stockpile/damage) and/or teamups for the 4* 1:1 battle? Will the opponent have a teamup?

    Thanks for all your quick replies to the multiple above questions. It's great to have an accessible dev!
    At the moment, yes, yes and yes. That being said, we're still heavily testing each of these battles, so I can't state with 100% certainty that all three of those will remain the case.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    3 stars are now mostly the same rank as 2 stars was 6 months back so now no reason to jack up the 10 packs now that 4 stars are going to become as coming as 3 stars now in 2 or 3 months.

    You said the statement a lot of times, and more recent than 6 months ago. 3*s can get you the 1k, which is the 2nd to last progression reward in PVP. However, your level 89 3*s might not be able to. My 140s are, so you don't even need them to be maxed at 166.

    I don't think 2*s ever allowed for you to get the 2nd to last progression reward in PVP.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    So the players who are transitioning 3*->4* don't have much shot at the rotation for legendary tokens?
    Depends on the 4*. I've beaten many of the nodes with their current balancing with a copy of my current roster from Live. And as anyone who has seen my roster knows, I'm not living la vida 4* yet.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Any plans to segregate PvP for people still working on 3*s to not get obliterated out of placement by teams two to three tiers above their weight class?
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    IceIX wrote:
    Magisse wrote:
    Will we be able to use boosts (stockpile/damage) and/or teamups for the 4* 1:1 battle? Will the opponent have a teamup?

    Thanks for all your quick replies to the multiple above questions. It's great to have an accessible dev!
    At the moment, yes, yes and yes. That being said, we're still heavily testing each of these battles, so I can't state with 100% certainty that all three of those will remain the case.

    Since 4* vary wildly in power, especially when solo can we expect much 4* balancing in the future?
  • LegendReborn
    LegendReborn Posts: 301
    edited September 2015
    IceIX wrote:
    So the players who are transitioning 3*->4* don't have much shot at the rotation for legendary tokens?
    Depends on the 4*. I've beaten many of the nodes with their current balancing with a copy of my current roster from Live. And as anyone who has seen my roster knows, I'm not living la vida 4* yet.

    Are we talking half way covered or just 4* with 1-3 covers because that's a massive difference.

    Additionally, are there any plans on making the game actually passable for people in the 2*->3* transition because the moment this goes live? Making top 100 for those players is already a crapshoot with PVP scores raising without a strong incentive for everyone who can to hit 1300 for the token.