**** Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) **** Updated (1/10/19)



  • Id pair this guy with antman and the thing. But guys... Could this be wolverine's "daughter"? Eh eh? ehhhhh cause of the true heal doubt it though.
  • Yellow would seem to make him last priority, but the black passive is decently strong against non-shielders.

    He seems to go ok with Captain Sam: Falcon's yellow helps power Reed's yellow. Reed's blue creates shields for Dive Bomb, while driving Aerial Avenger. Aerial Avenger drives the black countdown down, but you should be focusing on RGY matches, not blue, when the tile is out. Black drives damage until you get enough AP to Dive Bomb someone out.

    Black interestingly seems just weak enough not to trigger Thing's Rock Solid on regular match damage.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like a 5/5/3 build. Can run with Carnage-Antman to take advantage of the yellow passive, or run with Thing/XDP and use XDP's purple for both parts of the yellow passive.

    The CD tile length is somewhat irrelevant given the passive, so it's really a question of whether the extra 300 on the match damage is worth 2000 in true heal. I don't think anything other than 5 blue is good because of the stun, though I suppose you could hedge with 4/4/5 if you really want 5 black.
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2015
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Also, does bagman count as a family member?

    I really hope this is the case, for lore's sake alone! Peter's so frequently been a 5th member of the team (or replacement 4th at times). IceIX, can you confirm? icon_e_smile.gif

    Plus, it would give an FF-based team their only purple power -- and, the cheap Snarky Remark would be good for prolonging the abovementioned black countdown.

  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't figure out what D3 is trying to do with this guy. Blue tops out at the bare minimum for a usable stun power with no damage. Yellow is only going to go off reliably if you run him with someone who covers the board in friendly special tiles, but it also encourages you to pair him with three characters who don't really do that. And of course two of them are board-shakers, while Reed needs to protect his special tiles so the enemies can match them. He won't heal if they get blown up or matched in his own cascades. Meanwhile, the black might as well be called "We Didn't Learn Anything From Vision."
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    biryon wrote:
    That's a team, not a family. The only hero family is the Fantastic Four.
    I'm totally certain this is Reed Richards, but just for the sake of discussion I don't think family necessarily has to refer to a "they're all related" family. It also could be used to refer to a set of characters related in some other way. Examples include symbiote hosts (Venom and Carnage), mutants, magic-users, or inhumans.
  • Why is his yellow not purple!?!

    This ruins the possibility of fielding a Fantastic four Rainbow team. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mr Fantastic stunning and healing? You are all wrong, this is 4* Bagman!!!

    After all, he heals and stuns exactly like 3* Spidey icon_razz.gif

    PS: Something is wrong in the dev team when it seems one of its best partners could be Carnage...
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is She-Hulk considered part of the Family or do we have to wait for the 4* She-Hulk (Fantastic Four) variant?

  • Is She-Hulk considered part of the Family or do we have to wait for the 4* She-Hulk (Fantastic Four) variant?
    And FF Spiderman, my favorite version of him:


    As a side note, while people seem to like the yellow passive, it means its way harder to proc heal on prologue as you must use a character node (goons dont match tiles).

    And also valuable to point that the black extra damage is 800, under the radar for XDP and Thing while way above Cage protect tile.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh, another literal family: Power Pack!
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like a totally worthless character. No damage, a black skill that might do nothing and a passive which might do nothing as well. That leaves us with a stun that's not even that good compared to say icon_thor.png or icon_daredevil.png

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    Looks like a totally worthless character. No damage, a black skill that might do nothing and a passive which might do nothing as well. That leaves us with a stun that's not even that good compared to say icon_thor.png or icon_daredevil.png


    You're saying that now until you face Ms. Fantastic, Thing & Human Torch in Gauntlet.
  • Kind of underwhelmed except for true healing. Hope Reed isn't an essential for a PvE.
  • Billigoat
    Meanwhile, the black might as well be called "We Didn't Learn Anything From Vision."
    You guys are really underestimating that blackflag.png

    Like OBW, his/her black will do "extra" damage, so the extra will proc all strike tiles on the board (unlike Vision's bluetile.png). If it's paired with a strike tile generator like Blade or Daken, he'll be true healing and doing double the strike tile damage damage with every match.

    I know everyone's pretty convinced this is going to be Reed, but... this character will pair really, really well with a strike tile generator. And unless they release a 4* Torch that spams strike tiles (and uses purpletile.png), I think it could very well be anyone.

    Come to think of it... this is basically a 4* version of OBW/MBW.... stuns, generates AP, strikes twice, and heals. No stealing... but is it possible that "Hero Family" means the Avengers? Probably too passive to thematically be Black Widow, but I'm just glad there's going to be another character who procs strike tiles twice icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Vhailorx wrote:
    Also, does bagman count as a family member?

    I really hope this is the case, for lore's sake alone! Peter's so frequently been a 5th member of the team (or replacement 4th at times). IceIX, can you confirm? icon_e_smile.gif

    Plus, it would give an FF-based team their only purple power -- and, the cheap Snarky Remark would be good for prolonging the abovementioned black countdown.

    icex can't confirm until unknown is known silly
    I can't figure out what D3 is trying to do with this guy. Blue tops out at the bare minimum for a usable stun power with no damage. Yellow is only going to go off reliably if you run him with someone who covers the board in friendly special tiles, but it also encourages you to pair him with three characters who don't really do that. And of course two of them are board-shakers, while Reed needs to protect his special tiles so the enemies can match them. He won't heal if they get blown up or matched in his own cascades. Meanwhile, the black might as well be called "We Didn't Learn Anything From Vision."

    it's supposed to representative of the recent fantastic fail movie
    Breezy wrote:
    Kind of underwhelmed except for true healing. Hope Reed isn't an essential for a PvE.

    ofc unknown will be, we're lucky they don't make u use bagman/1*spidey/devil as essential
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Billigoat wrote:
    Like OBW, his/her black will do "extra" damage, so the extra will proc all strike tiles on the board (unlike Vision's bluetile.png). If it's paired with a strike tile generator like Blade or Daken, he'll be true healing and doing double the strike tile damage damage with every match.

    Huh, I didn't realize they use the same phrasing. Okay, I take it back -- he has one ability that's worth a damn.

    (Think again on how much he'll heal when you run him with Daken, though. He won't be healing with every match because the enemy team has to match the tiles to trigger the yellow. Better hope the RNG likes you!)
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Places a 2-turn Countdown tile. (PASSIVE) While one of these tiles is on the board, friendly Red, Green and Yellow matches do an extra 146 and increase the duration of these tiles by 1.

    If i am reading that right, as long as you match green, yellow, and red, this tile could last almost forever on 1 cast, a quick cascade could add 2 or more turns to the timer.. no need for a snarky.

    4/4/5 seems like a reasonable build for him.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    Looks like a totally worthless character. No damage, a black skill that might do nothing and a passive which might do nothing as well. That leaves us with a stun that's not even that good compared to say icon_thor.png or icon_daredevil.png

    I'm inclined to agree at least on paper.

    That black seems like fun but CD's are FAR too unstable to rely on.
    This one would have to remain on the board for a good 6+ matches or more to retain it's value as a black skill.
    I could see this being at 3 or 5 covers depending on pairing.

    His blue skill is incredible while not being overpowered.
    Easily the best stun skill in the game in my opinion since it shuts down match damage to boot (always a plus).
    5 covers for sure.

    The yellow is hard to judge. I'm inclined to say it's bad due to the restrictive nature of limiting who can play with but for all I know he'll match perfectly with someone like 4* deadpool does with XF. Setting aside the perfect duo team this skill could still be powerful with certain characters (blade, daken, Kingpin, Carnage, etc). There's potential here but it's hard to say if it's truly viable since offense trumps defense more often then not.

    I see him as trash tier along side 4* Falcon but there is potential for use.
  • babinro wrote:
    trash tier along side 4* Falcon
