Forum Contest - Pool Party Heroes Winners!



  • 4 tokens... 3 2* characters and a black classic Bullseye. At least that brings him to lvl 166 (5/4/4)
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    4 tokens for 1k iso (all 2*) , i need the iso, and the 500hp helps loads! Thanks!!
  • W4LAndre
    W4LAndre Posts: 73 Match Maker
    My rewards came last night. Before I opened my 4 tokens I made some predictions on my alliance chat as to what they would yield. They ended up being more valuable than I predicted, Beast, Ms. Marvel, 3* Spiderman, and OBW, compared to the all 2* results I predicted. I couldn't use any of them, but the iso from selling them was great. The 500 HP was also fantastic since I recently spent 850 to roster 1* Spiderman. Good thing I'm better at predicting what teams people will use than I am at predicting token results. This little contest was great, since you either got one or both characters for each tier right or wrong, and since everyone who placed got the rewards, it wasn't competitive. This was a great idea, it was a simple and fun way to bring some joy to the community.
  • Very fun contest! Not just cuz I got 4 tokens and 500 hp though! icon_razz.gif Can't believe I pulled an Uncanny Deadpool out of my tokens!!! Thanks D3!!!
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    Fun contest and I hope to see more of these in the future! Granted I might be a bit biased since one of the 4 tokens I got for 3rd got me the last black Xforce DeadPool cover I needed to get him to 5/3/5. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    I got a Doc Ock and an Iron Fist out of my four tokens, those two being among my least covered characters, I'm rather glad of the result.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got... 1000 ISO. But hey, it's 1000 ISO and 500 HP for a moment of thought and guessing, so I'm not actually complaining.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the awesome contest and rewards! Looking forward to more awesomeness in the near (tm) future! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    I got... 1000 ISO. But hey, it's 1000 ISO and 500 HP for a moment of thought and guessing, so I'm not actually complaining.

    Yup, me too. I was really hoping for an XFDP from one of the tokens but I can't really expect 25% odds on a 4* pull. I'll just use that HP for shields next time XFDP is the 1k reward and call it even.
  • Suck it losers! I got 1250 ISO (one useless 3* and 3 2*s)! Lucky me? Yeah, the 500 HPs were good but I need more than 3kk ISO so I guess it was worth for the fun.