Forum Contest - Pool Party Heroes Winners!

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited August 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents

It appears that numerous Agents became quite involved with a betting pool run by an associate of Wade Wilson named "Bob". We're trying to track down this Agent Bob for questioning, but have yet to ascertain his current whereabouts.

However, since the last communique regarding this "Pool Party" was done using official channels and equipment, S.H.I.E.L.D. would take it amiss not to reward Agents for their willingness to teambuild.
    - The janitorial department hopes that any Agents that are off duty this evening will teambuild with them in order to make sure that Helicarrier Iliad remains a neat and tidy space.
    - If any Agents have information on how to remove Iso-8 enhanced aerosol cheese spread from bulkheads, please see the janitorial staff.
    - If any Agents know how Iso-8 enhanced aerosol cheese spread was even synthesized, please see Agent Fitz, who would be most interested in the specs.

The goal of this betting pool was to figure out which of many of our current S.H.I.E.L.D. "hero" and "villain" assets would be used most often in an impromptu contest put on by Deadpool. Agents that guessed correctly will be given currency, and possibly even clearance to utilize these assets when needed for missions.

After the contest was said and done, here were the rankings for the assets that found the most action, by rarity, from most to least used:
    4* - Wolverine (X-Force), Iron Man (Hulkbuster), Jean Grey, Professor X, Nick Fury 3* - Thor (Modern), Blade, The Hood, The Hulk, Psylocke 2* - Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel), Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Thor (Marvel NOW!), Storm (Classic), Wolverine (Astonishing) 1* - Iron Man (Model 35), Storm (Modern), Juggernaut, Hawkeye (Classic), Black Widow (Modern)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Logistics notes that while it is common for Tony Stark to change Iron Man suits, it is still unsure why Logan, Ororo Munroe, and Thor Odinson found the need to change outfits multiple times while sparring. Surveillance footage is still being examined.

Given the combat rankings, the winning Agents of this contest are as follows:
    1st prize, all 8 correct (8 Winners)
      Davielee, ItzWarioTime, J2L, Madeofglasz, Poomermon, Roswulf, The Gunslinger, Zifna
    2nd Prize, 7 correct (37 Winners)
      Actarus76, Balke999, Biryon, Blackhatguy, Carnage_78, corvus987, Cymmina, Daer_PL, Ebolamonkey84, Eidehua, ejmus, fight4thedream, Ghostwolf7, Gvinto, InstaNomadic, JinKazama, Lee T, Life_in_Death, Ludaa, moogles85, Muggedzealot, OXHK590, Phantomblade, razput1n, Rossfoss, ScrubbyP, Slowej25, Snagglepuss, Spectator, Sturnn, Teef1, timbopp, turul, Unco_dan, wgasadude, WingX, woopie, ZeroKarma
    3rd Prize, 6 correct (85 Winners)
      aesthetocyst, Asmodius37, atomzed, awarnica, Azoic, Boxer6, Cambear2, Chrono_Tata, Clouded Mirror, CrookedKnight, Danja24, DayvBang, Deegamah, Demolira, Devlinvega, dr tinykittylove, Dragon_Nexus, emaker27, Eugenechoo, Firebat86, GrumpySmurf1002, Halordon, Heartburn, hex706f726368, iamxzo, Imoko, J0nnythejig, Jam_Adams, JamesV, Jbruno, JD Geek, JordonLee, Jzinaz, Kingdon, LewsTherin0, LobsterFive, lukewin, Madox69, maku, Malcrof, Malorick, Mark 11995, modmousests, Morph3us, mpqstooge, Nellyson, Nooneelsesname, OJSP, pinky, Platzy, PLBIV, Pongie, PrinceCzech, qiwi-mpq, Quarg321, Raffoon, Ralph-Wiggum, RandomOracle, rdevil32, Rhycar, RWTDBurn, seth_is_OK, shatland, ShionSinX, shobi6669, Smiley22, Soulsilver96, SpiMan, stochasticism, TheHood, Tredo, tungsten, ty840, Uberhamster, udonomefoo, Vhailorx, Villmatic, Vudu3, W4L Andre, XandorXerxes, xellessanova, Xenoberyll, xidragonxi, zeeke, zerosignal316
    Honorable Mentions (1 Pool Party Token each)
      Moon Roach - For putting in a joke entry and sticking to their guns bpcontra - For believing in fictional characters. While Johnny Cage may be a powerful kombatant, he has not been recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. AXP_isme - For letting Deadpool know that he could jury rig D cells from AA cells, resulting in an extra 3 hours of music after midnight. Maria Hill is not amused.

    Since all prize winners also had more than 6 correct, they will also be receiving one bonus token each. For prize winners that provided their in-game names, prizes will be going out within the next day or two. For prize winners that did not provide their names, or who won a cover of their choice, please contact David [Hi-Fi] Moore and IceIX with your nickname so that prizes may be awarded.

    If, upon double checking your own entry in this contest, you believe there to have been an error and that you should have been awarded a prize, please contact IceIX. Several entries were corrupted upon entry into the S.H.I.E.L.D. contest checking database. S.H.I.E.L.D. suspects H.Y.D.R.A. involvement.

    One interesting fact about this contest: Young Jean Grey and Hulkbuster were switching up usage rates all weekend long. If Jean had ended up on top, there would have been zero fully correct entries. This was a very close contest right up to the wire.

    Agents that have ideas for future contests, or ideas to make future contests run more smoothly, please feel free to post after this communique.


    • Carnage_78
      Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
      Wicked! icon_mrgreen.gif

      I got 7 out of 8 & my miss was actually third in the rankings ( icon_hood.png instead of icon_blade.png ). So close! icon_cool.gif

      Thank you for organizing this awesomely cool contest! icon_e_biggrin.gif
    • eidehua
      eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
      Nice, got 7 correct. For the 2* and 1* I just stuck with the boosted characters as the ones people would use (that may not be looking deeply into the strategy), but it seems like iron man was a better choice I guess since more people are familiar with him.

      My choices were :
      4* Iron man (Hulkbuster) Wolverine (X-force)
      3* Thor (modern), blade (daywalker)
      2* Human Torch (Johnny Storm), Captain Marvel (Ms. marvel)
      1* Hawkeye (classic), Storm (Modern)
    • SnagglePuss
      SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
      Carnage_78 wrote:
      Wicked! icon_mrgreen.gif

      I got 7 out of 8 & my miss was actually third in the rankings ( icon_hood.png instead of icon_blade.png ). So close! icon_cool.gif


      Same as you, it looks like people went for attack vs defence with Blade instead of Hood.
      At least my next roster slot is taken care of icon_e_confused.gif
    • lukewin
      lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
      edited August 2015
      Thank you for this contest, specifically where our input on the forums can result in rewards in the game. Surprised that Jean Grey and IMHB were duking it out for #2. Glad to be getting a token. I think I changed my vote, after playing in slice 1. I had someone else instead of Blade, but after playing with them, and seeing who I was matched up with, I figured Thor and Blade would be the top 2 3*. I should've also changed my 2* options based on who I saw, b/c I did see HT and CM as the predominant 2*s. I wish I would've just went with the boosted for 2*, then I would've got 8/8, instead of 6/8. Oh well, can't win them all.

      My choices
      4* - Iron Man, Wolverine
      3* - Blade, Thor
      2* - Black Widow, Storm
      1* - Iron Man, Storm

      EDIT - realized 3rd place gets 500 Hero Points, 3 Pool Party Tokens and the bonus token for 6 correct, so that is even better. Thanks again!
    • buddy2034
      buddy2034 Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
      I no longer feel bad for the 2* to 3* transitioners after seeing this. If you're not living and dying with OBW, I just don't get it. Fun add in to the game despite not winning this time. Thanks Ice.
    • Got cute and put Ant Man instead of Wolverine (X-Force). Guess 7/8 not too bad though!

      Will the Pool Party Vault be the same as our old one or reset? Because mine has been gone for a couple days.
    • CrookedKnight
      CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
      6 of 8 because I totally whiffed on 2* characters. Figured boosted C.Storm would be a climber's best friend and that nothing could stop Thor (the most commonly used character in the whole game!) when I should have just taken the two boosted sluggers.

      Anyhow, that was fun! Thanks for running it.
    • GrumpySmurf1002
      GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
      I switched from Thor-Hood to Thor-Blade....and back to Thor-Hood. Whoops.
    • slowej25
      slowej25 Posts: 52
      I'm pretty sure I got 7/8 correct but I'm not on the winner list. IceIX you have a pm icon_e_smile.gif
    • MarcusGraves
      MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
      edited August 2015
      got 6/8 correct, name not on list, sent PM.
    • TheOncomingStorm
      TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
      Congratulations to all the winners. Community stuff like this is a lot fun.
      Thanks everyone for the great turnout.

      Kudos to I9 and MPQ for doing something fun (and doing it on the forum no less).

      P.S. Also, thanks S.H.I.E.L.D. for keeping us agents informed.
    • TazFTW
      TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
      IceIX wrote:
      3* - Thor (Modern) boosted, Blade boosted, The Hood boosted, The Hulk, Psylocke boosted

      Buff Psylocke and Rags! (mostly Psylocke as I don't need to see a buffed Rags in PVE)
    • biryon
      biryon Posts: 148 Tile Toppler
      Oooh I almost had all 8! Couldn't decide between IM35 & Juggs and went with Juggs in the end. Dunno what I would've picked for the free cover anyway though.

      Thanks for running this! It was fun & got me to stop lurking.
    • poomermon
      poomermon Posts: 300 Mover and Shaker
      IceIX wrote:
      Honorable Mentions (1 Pool Party Token each)
        Moon Roach - For putting in a joke entry and sticking to their guns bpcontra - For believing in fictional characters. While Johnny Cage may be a powerful kombatant, he has not been recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. AXP_isme - For letting Deadpool know that he could jury rig D cells from AA cells, resulting in an extra 3 hours of music after midnight. Maria Hill is not amused.

      I was interested what did they write in so I searched for them:
      MoonRoach wrote:
      Do I get a special prize if I pick the least used?

      4*: Devil Dinosaur, Invisible Woman
      3*: Vision, Ragnarok
      2*: Moonstone, Bagman
      1*: Yelena, Venom

      (I reserve the right to change my selection prior to the close of the competition)
      bpcontra wrote:
      4* - iron man hulk buster, prof x
      3* - Thor, Johnny cage
      2* - storm, Ares
      1* - juggernaut, iron man
      AXP_isme wrote:
      Top tip:
      You know you can make D's with cotton wool, tin foil and some AAs right?

      Also first place finish for myself. Woot woot!
    • Daiches
      Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
      Know I have at least 5 correct entries, unsure about who I put next to Storm at 1. Go to check what my entries were. Can't find post. icon_e_surprised.gif

      Well, that sucks.
    • Ooooohh.. I spy a Agents of Shield reference in OP's first post.

      Thumbs up for that =)
    • TazFTW
      TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
      IceIX wrote:
      Agents that have ideas for future contests, or ideas to make future contests run more smoothly, please feel free to post after this communique.

      Contest Ideas
      - MPQ Memes
      - Create a PVE
      - Name a featured character PVP (could be difficult if you folks want to keep being hush-hush and on the QT about new characters)
      - Create a non-featured character PVP (i.e Balance of Power, No Man's Land)
      - Name a power
      - Create a Gauntlet node
      - Guess the most used powers during the Gauntlet (players and/or AI)
      - Funniest nickname for a team (Squirrel Girl/Scarlet Witch/Rags = Nuts and Bolts... icon_rolleyes.gif )
    • 6/8... Only IM wrong, both as 1* and 4* icon_e_sad.gif
    • All of a sudden got 6/8. Good day!

      Thanks for an awesome contest!
    • atomzed
      atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
      IceIX wrote:
      Agents that have ideas for future contests, or ideas to make future contests run more smoothly, please feel free to post after this communique.

      Sounds great! This will make it more fun for forum the same time, it also tells us some thing about the mpq.

      Some of my ideas:-

      1) Guess a number . The top 50 closest to the correct number wins! E.g. Total dmg dealt to Dark Avengers in a PVE, total amount of heal Grocket received (obviously in a groot pvp), total amount of shield throws done by Capt (Capt pvp). The total number of games played during anniversary season. The total number of tokens redeemed within a week. the possibilities are endless!

      2) Guess the name of the pvp this has been done multiple times by our own forummite.

      3) Best picture using the in game graphics, create the nicest/ most funny picture.

      4) Most funny meme create the most funny meme dialogue between specific characters.