**** Sam Wilson (Captain America) ****



  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Falcon is actually perfect as he is as a niche but very effective character (I wasn't a true believer - I bashed Cap quite a lot - until recent times).

    His blue, in particular, should stay as it is: with scarlet witch and phoenix you have one of the best (and fastest) pve team ever at your disposal.

    His other two abilities could use a tweak (if any, I'm ok with his current status tbh), but please DON'T ruin his blue (leave the fortify ability to GG).

    If possible, introduce more characters that use cd skills a là Scarlet Witch: that would be the best "boost" Cap Falcon could use!
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    one interesting change for his blue could be to make it a dual passive skill.

    I mean that while it should still decrease the countdown for certain abilities (that benefit from the decrease: sw purple, x-force yellow, phoenix green, etc.), it could also increase the countdown for all the others that benefit from a +1 (xdp purple skill, imaginaut, etc.). This (not so small) change alone would make him an even more amazing support character with a broader variety of uses.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    After trying him out a bit in Unstable ISO I have to agree 3/5/5 is probably the best build as one use of yellow was enough to completely negate match damage even from overscaled PvE enemies. Also, there are better red/yellow/blue users in fourstar land (I don't Think I'd reach for Sam when Thor and/or Cyclops are available), so it's probably better to max blue as that does something no other character can do.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also found out he sure doesn't work well with im40, which is a shame. the cd reduction completely screws up im40s cds. of course even when I tried to avoid blue, it dropped from above.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    I also found out he sure doesn't work well with im40, which is a shame. the cd reduction completely screws up im40s cds. of course even when I tried to avoid blue, it dropped from above.
    I suppose either version of Cyclops could work as a red generator, but then the question is why you just don't use his red power instead...
    It was quite fun running Sam with Jean Grey and Scarlet Witch though since he could speed up Wanda's countdown.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sadly, countdown reduction just isn't that important an ability.

    Relatively few characters are heavily dependent on few, relatively powerful countdown tiles. Fury's purple gets a big boost (though he is relatively weak overall). Kingpin could benefit, though most of time, his countdowns are just fuel, so having them on the board is fine. Star-lord is CD dependent, but 2/3 of them usually want to stay on the board as long as possible. GG might benefit, though what's the interaction with fortification? Phoenix could benefit no more than once per match, but the value is pretty high, and their colors are pretty complementary. 3* cap would benefit massively, but I don't think they can be used together, can they? Switch will benefit, that seems like decent synergy of you can bring a 3rd to use the purple. Loki might work ok, but the meta has almost completely passed his squishy **** by (too bad too, as mischief is tons of fun).

    Did I miss any other significant characters that rely on CDs? (don't say TA Hulk!). Mnmags? Is it worth considering 2*/4* synergy?
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Sadly, countdown reduction just isn't that important an ability.

    Relatively few characters are heavily dependent on few, relatively powerful countdown tiles. Fury's purple gets a big boost (though he is relatively weak overall). Kingpin could benefit, though most of time, his countdowns are just fuel, so having them on the board is fine. Star-lord is CD dependent, but 2/3 of them usually want to stay on the board as long as possible. GG might benefit, though what's the interaction with fortification? Phoenix could benefit no more than once per match, but the value is pretty high, and their colors are pretty complementary. 3* cap would benefit massively, but I don't think they can be used together, can they? Switch will benefit, that seems like decent synergy of you can bring a 3rd to use the purple. Loki might work ok, but the meta has almost completely passed his squishy **** by (too bad too, as mischief is tons of fun).

    Did I miss any other significant characters that rely on CDs? (don't say TA Hulk!). Mnmags? Is it worth considering 2*/4* synergy?

    Only in balance of power. And lets not forget that GG already has an ability that reduces CD timers.

    Would be fine with XFW if you really want the heal and not the damage.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Did I miss any other significant characters that rely on CDs?
    Ghost Rider
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Did I miss any other significant characters that rely on CDs?
    Ghost Rider

    Huh, probably forgot home because mine is only 1/2/3 and i have only ever used him in 2 or 3 matches ever. Does he rely on CDs? I think of penance state as his main power. So he's kinda like xfw, where a secondary power uses CDs, but the main ability doesn't.
    Still, both are oversights in my part.

    I think it's pretty telling however, that very very few of the characters I have listed are top 10 in their respective tiers (maybe lazy cap and switch). CDs are immensely important for the ai, but not really for players. So CD reduction is. Really irritating to play against, but not so helpful when we have it.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Did I miss any other significant characters that rely on CDs?
    Ghost Rider
    Is Scarlet Witch significant enough?
    I was using her and OML on both Hawkeye and Falcap essentials. It seemed like a decent synergy.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    3* cap would benefit massively, but I don't think they can be used together, can they?
    They can, I just verified that in First Avenger. It's not a great combo though as they move at a glacial pace. Grocket is pretty fun with Sam though.
    After playing with him a bit I am not impressed, unfortunately. You are usually better off with Thor.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got Falcap at 1/2/3 and I can't wait for that 3rd blue. As it is, I'm already loving running.....

    Falcap/3*Punisher (5/5/3)/daken

    Blade and Daken get strike tiles up and Sam has yellow for himself and can maybe double-dip blade's black color steal?

    With punisher, I want to see him drop the cd tiles of attack tiles.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Flaptain isn't great, but he does have some fun uses.

    He is surprisingly good against over-leveled bosses (l
    I.e. civil war). His red isn't capped, so he can do massive single target damage 9 yellow + 14 red.

    Also, his blue is absolutely awesome with human torch's green especially when torch is boosted).
  • Mitchjewitz
    Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
    I know he isn't top tier but he was my first champed 4* and I have found uses for him everywhere. Especially in the current EotS pve. Starting with his shields: even at 3 covers he greatly reduced the damage of controls and the attack tiles. At 5 covers the damage is reduced to 1.
    His blue both greatly speeds up switch and strengthens IF (they are both currently boosted).
    His red can down almost anyone with one use.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now I have Sam at 1/2/5 level 159.

    Fire yellow and then red in the same turn, and you're killing a full health character. Almost doesn't matter how high their health is. 6011 base damage, 911 for every shield on the field.

    Yeah. Something is getting rekt.

    Just champed 3* Captain Marvel and I'm feeling these two captains. Just got to keep CM at a higher level. She tanks and feeds Sam that red to nuke.

    Need one more character and I'm ready to rock. Looking at IF right now, but his level is too high and he keeps taking the hits on black. He's probably the best fit though. Also trying......

    - 3* bullseye (low cost purple, special killing purple, a green that helps cascades, and a fun black passive)
    - SW (but not until I get 3 blue covers for Sam)
    - R&G (not until I get 3 blue covers)
    - KK (she goes well with almost any team)
    - Beast (I'm at 3-1-3 right now. But looking into the future, I like the potential. And of course..... 3 blue covers)
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sam absolutely packs a punch. Problem is, it's an expensive power and he lacks self-acceleration. Most of the time, you are better off going with Cyclops or Thor, who have the same color but are much faster thanks to self-acceleration.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Red is definitely the star on flaptain. But for most circumstances, it costs too much to be useful, and actually packs more punch than is necessary, you would be better off with a power than did 60% of the damage for 9ap.

    But the stronger and fewer in number the adversary, the more flaptain excels. He's actually pretty strong against bosses or 5*s with 40+k health, especially when boosted. His damage is uncapped, so you bc an design a team around delivering a single, massive blow.
  • Mitchjewitz
    Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
    Falcap with IMHB is a beast! You might think I'm crazy but stick with me. Respec HB to 3/5/5 and use him to power up Falcap.
    Before you but the repulsor punch.... here is the math:
    At 9 AP HB does 5706 damage.
    At 14 AP HB does 8876 and falcap does 7993 damage without shields.
    Adding just 1 shield, say adding Luke Cage to the team and the damage increases to 9193 damage.
    By using HB's blue at 5, it adds 3 protect tiles to the board giving falcap a total of 11608 damage.
    Using falcap's yellow can give an average of 9 protect tiles for a total of 18838 damage.
    Combining these powers (12 protect tiles) gives a grand total of 22453 damage.
    At the most (30 AP) HB can only do 19020 damage and after one use it depletes all the AP.
    Falcap can fire his power twice (for 28 AP) and do 40000+ damage.
    Falcap has a great potential to do more damage and with the right board, can be exponentially more powerful.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP wrote:
    Falcap with IMHB is a beast! You might think I'm crazy but stick with me. Respec HB to 3/5/5 and use him to power up Falcap.
    Before you but the repulsor punch.... here is the math:
    At 9 AP HB does 5706 damage.
    At 14 AP HB does 8876 and falcap does 7993 damage without shields.
    Adding just 1 shield, say adding Luke Cage to the team and the damage increases to 9193 damage.
    By using HB's blue at 5, it adds 3 protect tiles to the board giving falcap a total of 11608 damage.
    Using falcap's yellow can give an average of 9 protect tiles for a total of 18838 damage.
    Combining these powers (12 protect tiles) gives a grand total of 22453 damage.
    At the most (30 AP) HB can only do 19020 damage and after one use it depletes all the AP.
    Falcap can fire his power twice (for 28 AP) and do 40000+ damage.
    Falcap has a great potential to do more damage and with the right board, can be exponentially more powerful.
    Good math. I think, 2* Bullseye, Hulkbuster and Falcap would make a really interesting team. Or, 3* Spider-man for a yellowflag.png . Both combinations are lacking an active purpleflag.png , though.

    Falcap adds the yellow ability, so you have redtile.pngbluetile.pngblacktile.pngyellowtile.png powers and are only missing purpletile.pnggreentile.png . Thankfully that's one of the richest, more powerful combinations in the game.
  • Mitchjewitz
    Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
    Honestly with the combo of HB and falcap, I think there is enough shields. And to add spidey or bullseye would leave the team with only really one attack. Instead I'd suggest Rulk (whom I champed) or Teen Jean. This gives your team both powerful AoEs and a power nuke. Plus Teen Jean has the opportunity to give more special tiles.