Seeking input on proposal to update daily rewards



  • I like the vault suggestion and/or a rework of rewards to make them more helpful.
    Personally, I would like to see a token that is 3* with a chance of 4*, which could go out as a random reward after a particular day and replace all the set 3* covers. A legendary would be a welcome replacement for the set 4* covers. Higher iso rewards would be helpful, too.
    Of course, the vault idea works really well and seems easy enough to implement.

    As for those who would be irked by having missed out, you have to admit that the dynamic has changed. Giving newer people a little better than you got at their level will not break the game. It will help the game, by helping retain players.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cannot believe it's 2nd anniversary and this hasn't been fixed yet.

    REALLY looking forward to my day 565 R&G tomorrow....I haven't needed that since....well, whenever R&G was released + six months, which was probably still 8 months ago. Just like the other 3* rewards:

    415 - Thor (Modern)
    445 - Captain America (Steve Rogers)
    475 - Human Torch (Classic)
    536 - Mystique (Raven Darkholme)
    565 - Rocket and Groot (Most Wanted)
    595 - Mystique (Raven Darkholme)

    Worthless. Totally worthless.

    DDQ you can start running successfully maybe day 150. There are 40 3*'s.
    Day 270: you have one of each cover
    Day 390: you have two of each cover
    Day 510: you have three of each cover

    That's -only- DDQ. No PVP rewards. No PVE rewards. No heroic token drops. Given all of these, you'll likely have every 3* fully covered well before day 400. But by day've played a YEAR AND A HALF, but longevity/loyalty means nothing - have a 3* you already covered six months ago! But hey, it has ISO worth equal to about one-eighth of a level!

    The entire structure needs an update. It was fine 730 days ago - when there were no 5*'s. It was all right 365 days ago - when there were four (?) 4*'s. The big ISO/HP fixes were a bit of a help, but the covers need to be fixed. All of those above dates/rewards should become legendaries, and a legendary should be given every 15 days. You know - about the same speed as 4*'s are introduced in the game.
  • Malcrof wrote:
    AXP_isme wrote:
    It sounds like a good opportunity to use a vault, every day you get to pull one thing from the vault and it rotates at a certain number of days. You can't buy tokens for it, you just get one pull each day you log in. Something like:
    Day 1-20 noob vault has 1*s and some ISO
    Day 21-65 has 2*s plus maybe ISO and some HP
    Day 66-365 has one of each 3* plus larger ISO, more HP, roster slots and maybe some tokens or 10-packs
    Day 366-730 all the 4*s, more ISO, larger HP, roster slot bundles, 10 or 42 packs perhaps
    Day 731+ probably the same as the last vault (unless 5*s are upon us by then).

    Something like that recycles the existing mechanics and gets people the rewards they're more likely to need. You can tinker around the margins with removing ISO/HP etc... if you need to add more covers when character releases happen since the vault doesn't get generated until the player hits that day. It also alleviates the problems of new 3*s not being able to go into the daily resupply until the current end point which is useless for almost everyone.

    The only problem I foresee here is that if I'm in the 4* vault and a new 4* is released I need a mechanism to regenerate a new set of content in the vault which includes the new character. In fact, you could just be allowed to reset your vault as many times as you want (though I imagine they would charge money for it) to bring in new characters or give yourself a shot at another existing character cover or another free roster slot.


    This is actually a very nice little suggestion. As for new chars being added, just have the vaults on a 30 day 50 item rotation.

    This really needs to get done. They should have the rewards on a rotation, and you get put into your rotation based on how many days you've been playing. Good groupings would be 1-50 days, 51-100 days, 101-200 days, 200-365 days, 366+. Or you could allow older players to earn two rewards a day on certain days so that they can slowly catch up to the present day rewards.

    Let's face it, the game has changed and people fly through the 2* and 3* (and 4*) transitions much faster than before. I just hit day 105 and got a green cover for GSBW. Great? No. I already have 5 green covers for her (no HP spent on covers) so it was just another ISO day for me.

    Things like R&G at day 565? It was relevant when he was a brand new character and nobody had any covers for them, but I certainly expect to have them fully covered within the next year and a half - heck I might just be looking for 6* characters at that point and dumped all my 3* characters. Which brings me to the day 730 reward of a SS. It's great and all that people have been playing the game for over 700 days but they aren't really in a different situation than those at day 400 who are also looking for the 5* characters. The past is the past but you're rewarding some players and not others simply because they had the game installed earlier? A lot of other RPG/reward games have seasons (Diablo) or expansions (WoW) or refreshes (FIFA) so that everybody can start on the same footing again to earn the latest in-game items. It just seems like there will be a distinct advantage to those who played longer and there's nothing a newer player can do about it except be continually disadvantaged every single day moving forward.