Seeking input on proposal to update daily rewards

yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2015 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
Greetings to all,

It is I, oh keeper of the Daily Milestone Rewards list.

I sent a note to (admin) David and asked and he said that if I wanted to make a thread about reworking the daily rewards, he’ll pass it on.

It’s come about for a few reasons - DDQ making 3* far more available than they used to be, the less useful inclusions of 3* latter in the structure, the slight overcrowding of characters at times / roster slots, etc.

This idea is to make a milestone rewards structure more in-line with the current game meta, particularly with the explosion of 4*’s now. It looks at the issue of which covers are issued when and an idea for refreshing the random rewards. It also must fit broadly into the context of the current list, so the devs are likely to give it a serious look. I am also seeing if I can give one of every 2* and 3* character out and one of each 4* cover though I am acutely aware of the issue of roster slots, so as a first measure have tried to push more covers to later days.

This idea does not set other non-random rewards (50HP, 100HP, 500ISO, 1000ISO, Heroic Tokens) which would go on as they do now and does not address the issue of granting retrospective awards for any changes.

First up, a suggestion for the random rewards.

Current: Standard Pack Token (25%), 50 Hero Points (12.5%), 500 Iso-8 (12.5%), 250 Iso-8 (12.5%), 3x Health Packs (12.5%), 3x All color Damage Boosts (12.5%) or 3x All color AP Boosts (12.5%)

Proposed: Heroic Token (12.5%), 50 Hero Points (12.5%), 1000 Iso-8 (12.5%), 500 Iso-8 (25%), 5x Health Packs (12.5%), 4x All color Damage Boosts (12.5%) or 4x All color AP Boosts (12.5%).

I dumped the useless Standard Tokens and not so useful 250ISO and gave a small increase in % or quantity to everything else. I thought about increasing the Hero Points to 25% but I doubt the devs would agree to such a large increase into the game economy. If Heroic Tokens can’t happen, just bump one of the ISO’s or the HP up by 12.5%.

The main event.

Current 1*
2 - Black Widow (Modern)
5 - Iron Man (Model 35)
7 - Storm (Modern)
9 - Hawkeye (Classic)
15 - Venom (Dark Avengers)

Proposed 1*
None. The first X days of the game should be (set) standard tokens, HP and ISO. All 1*’s are able to be gained from the Dark Reign story quests and standard tokens, so all 1* Characters could be replaced with Standard Tokens. There should be NO Heroic Tokens - brand new players just don't need them and any much higher level character is just going to sit in their roster doing nothing, when these player should be working on 1* Storm, Juggs, IM35, BW, etc. and get a couple of 2* covers.

Current 2*

12 - Thor (Marvel NOW!)
30 - Daken (Dark Avengers)

Proposed 2*
I’d like to start this slightly later but push it out a little more. Heroic tokens should be limited. I can’t decide on the exact approach here. I don’t want people to be overwhelmed with characters, which by now will be slowly starting to happen as many will start picking up event rewards. 2* Thor, Cap Marvel, Storm, Daken and Wolverine appear in PvE story. 2* Ares, BW, Bullseye, Cap America, Hawkeye, Torch, Magneto and Moonstone, do not. Should rewards give covers to build on characters they will receive (5) or should they get the others (8)? Is there a middle ground, if so, where is it? I want people to have a well-developed 2* roster but am conscious there are now 40 3* character and roster slots are always an issue. No Bag-Man.

I left this for a bit and returned to it after I did the sample 3’s, so let’s overlap a bit and try every 10 days up until day 100 (by release date - already in PvE story)…

12 - Magneto
22 - Bullseye
32 - Hawkeye
42 - Cap America
52 - Moonstone
62 - BW
72 - Ares
82 - Torch

Current 3*
44 - Doctor Doom (Classic)
60 - Ragnarok (Dark Avengers)
75 - Loki (Dark Reign)
90 - The Hulk (Indestructible)
105 - Black Widow (Grey Suit)
120 - The Hood (Classic)
135 - Magneto (Classic)
195 - Black Panther (Man Without Fear)
210 - Daredevil (Classic)
235 - Iron Man (Model 40)
250 - Psylocke (Classic)
265 - The Punisher (Dark Reign)
280 - Spider-Man (Classic)
295 - Wolverine (Patch)
415 - Thor (Modern)
445 - Captain America (Steve Rogers)
475 - Human Torch (Classic)
536 - Mystique (Raven Darkholme)
565 - Rocket and Groot (Most Wanted)
595 - Mystique (Raven Darkholme)
655 - 3* Character

Proposed 3*
Timing? This gets tricky now. Players will now have all sorts of covers coming from all sorts of places and roster slots are an issue but 3* covers coming so late is an issue for a lot of long time players. I’d like to start it a little later but have it far more selective in the latter parts. How many covers to give???? There are 40 3* characters currently. There are about half the current characters in the current listing, so let’s use something around that. Which ones? Do you give the first ones that were in the game? The best according to the forum’s rankings? The worst? Best for new players? Uch!

Part 1:
I don’t know which approach to take - so, to be totally independent, let’s try release date (rough list only) from the 1 year Devil Dino backwards - every 15 days.

93 - Loki
108 - Black Widow
123 - Doom
138 - Spider Man
153 - Ragnarok
168 - Hood
183 - Magneto
198 - IM40
213 - Punisher
215 - Hulk
228 - Patch
243 - Psylocke
258 - Cap. America
273 - Torch
288 - Daken
303 - Falcon
318 - Sentry
333 - Storm
348 - She-Hulk (let’s arbitrarily cut it off here, as Nick Fury came in, as the first of the new wave of 4*).

3* Characters come in one of each color over 3 days (aka. 4* Devil Dinosaur) every… X days. Would be interested to hear thoughts on this.

I tried a version of a cover every 10 days, but it just felt too quick.

Part 2:
I don’t think the others should be left behind, I think. Why not, one cover of each onwards 3* character every 10 / 12 / 15 days, but now mixed with and at the same time as the 4*’s.

I know you probably don’t need the cover but I wanted to make sure every character had a chance. I don’t know exact numbers here and unsure if this puts more pressure on roster slots but just exploring this as a concept. If the devs want less or selected 3* characters only, then this is easily worked around, as trying to get all 40 characters might just be too much.

Open to some sort of consensus of ideas on any of the above.

Current 4*

149 - Wolverine (X-Force)
165 - Wolverine (X-Force)
180 - Wolverine (X-Force)
310 - Invisible Woman (Classic)
340 - Invisible Woman (Classic)
365 - Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile)
366 - Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile)
367 - Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile)
370 - Invisible Woman (Classic)
400 - Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D)
429 - Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D)
460 - Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D)
490 - Thor (Goddess of Thunder)
520 - Thor (Goddess of Thunder)
550 - Thor (Goddess of Thunder)
580 - Elektra (Unkillable)
610 - Elektra (Unkillable)
639 - Elektra (Unkillable)

Proposed 4*
Current situation is messy and all over the place. The recent influx of 4*s to the game is adding the next more clearly define stage to the game. Currently they are 1 cover every 15 days mixed with 1 3* cover in between and it takes 60 days in total to get a 1/1/1. We’ll just ignore the mess of Wolv and IW (those roster slots can be far better used for almost anyone else early on). Keeping roughly in line with now with 1 cover every 15 days, we get…

X-Force - 275, 290, 305
IW - 320, 335, 350
Devil Dinosaur - 365, 366, 367
NFury - 380, 395, 410
4or - 425, 440, 445
Elektra - 470, 485, 500,
Starlord - 515, 530, 545
ProfX - 560, 575, 590
Kingpin - 605, 620, 635
Whoever comes next - 650, 665, 680
And then the next one - 695, 710, 725
And continues…

I had tried a model of a block of 3 (aka Devil Dino) but with whole characters currently at 60 days, it just didn’t work - this makes it 45.


  • Agree this is a difficult thing to gauge
    With everyone at different stages of play.
    But Superb! Great work Yogi
    I agree with almost everything, just more and definately more ISO & HP.

    The daily rewards are just so irrelevant for me and I've only been playing 290 days.
    Especially the four stars as rewards: I didn't need the wolverine ones when they came through. 4 stars should not, now take 2 years to come in.
    I get this is a kind way to give covers and improve accessibility to the game but with 4 stars now being the game focus and the struggle for new players to get them- I'd have them given out earlier than 1-2 years.
    One cover at very least!
    Give people a chance to buy them icon_e_wink.gif

    And there'll be lots of this:
    Don't touch my *Devil Dino* I need those covers @ 360! Just 3.3 months left for me after 1 year of waiting.
    (That's me)
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm around day 57? on my new account and I like the early section of the rewards as is. You get lots of standard tokens and 1* covers in the prologue - the early heroic tokens (which are mostly 2*s anyway) and 2*s are a nice treat and help me start on my 2*s while building my 1*s. Don't push back the 2*s - it's tough enough building them from just standard tokens and the 1/1/1 cover rewards in certain nodes.

    Beyond that, with the different pace of progress, rng and roster slot pressure the way it is, there's just no way to give out covers that most people will find useful - the only one I'd want to change is rags, because he really isn't that useful to a new player.

    Devil Dinosaur coming in all at once at the one-year anniversary was my favourite milestone, don't take it away! And I'm not sure why you're assigning the 4*s so late?

    Do like the idea of improved random drops, I don't think anyone out of the 1* phase cares about standard tokens. icon_e_smile.gif

    Thanks for working on the list, I've enjoyed dropping in periodically to see what's coming up.
  • First of all, I want to say thank you to you, Yogi, for all the work that you do on the list. I appreciate it.

    I'm somewhere in the 500's, between red and yellow 4or. Because of that, all I can say is that your proposed schedule would push back me getting more 4or's, and that would make me a sad panda. icon_e_sad.gif To be honest, I have nearly full covers for all but the newest 3 stars (I think... I'm missing a couple for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?) So all I really care about at this point are 4 star covers.

    I like that you made them come faster, every 15 days instead of 30, but they should all just be pushed forward. I really can't imagine that at day 755 (around 8-9 months from now) I will need any Kingpin covers. Thanks to the new PVP, I currently have full covers for XF and IW, with about 10 covers in Fury, and 7 in HB, 4or, and PX. If I still do need KP covers 9 months from now, I think I have failed in my progression.

    Just my two cents as a 3 to 4* transitioner!
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thank you for your feedback, thus far.

    I've made a few amendents.

    Primarily that the 4*'s were still starting a little too late. So I've moved XF and IW to before Day 365 and Devil Dino now comes in 3 consecutive days as currently.

    The 3*s got a tiny nudge earlier but nothing too exciting.

    I've moved all the 2*'s earlier a bit as well. I think there could be opportunity for more of these covers.

    My only slight hesitation is with the 1*'s. I still think that if you give enough Standard Tokens early on, this should suffice and just as I think WXF and IW come too early, I'm very hesitant to give almost any chance of brand new players getting a 3* (sure, in events they may but by delaying the Heroic Tokens and starting them later, it reduces the chances that little bit more).
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    They really need to up the rate of 50hp and 100hp awards.. my wife is F2P (she prefers to spend her extra cash on shoes, go figure) but has an almost neverending need for roster slots, and has lost way too many covers due to no HP awards for casual players (not able to win any in any events).
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I want to say AWESOME job on this post! It is hard to strike the perfect balance, but I think you did a great overall assessment of the daily reward structure. A lot of your proposal makes good sense and I hope it will be considered in the future. I really hope the dumping of standard tokens and small ISO awards will get a glance or two!
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    How about every 60 days, a roster slot. This could make things much easier.
  • as long as we get more iso whatever u suggest is cool.

    IMO you should get an alliance reward a day...heroic token + 25 HP + 500 iso or something
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    yogi_ wrote:
    3* Characters come in one of each color over 3 days (aka. 4* Devil Dinosaur) every… X days. Would be interested to hear thoughts on this.

    I think this alternative proposal is the way to go for new players. I'd trim down the list of 3*s to some of the older 3* characters, and give out a free cover of each of their colors over the course of 10 or 15 days.

    I'd propose, as sort of a starter pack of 3*s:


    That's a good overview of most of the different ability/tile types, along with a couple really solid 3*s. You could replace Patch with a different strike tile user if you wanted it to be less green-heavy. People should still be using 2*s instead of 3*s at this point in the transition, but at least this avoids them getting 1 cover of a whole mess of different 3*s, and makes them feel like they're getting value for roster slots.

    It'll hurt them on the 3* essentials for PvEs, as well as on the DDQ side, but I'm not sure if new players are buying roster slots for all of the single covers they get, or if they're triaging them and only keeping some.

    EDIT: Also:
    yogi_ wrote:
    I've moved all the 2*'s earlier a bit as well. I think there could be opportunity for more of these covers.

    The difference between a new player who PvPs and a new player who doesn't is going to be huge here. If they're even dipping their toes into PvP or shield sim, they'll be swimming in 2* covers well before 100 days. The change to 10 healthpacks is also going to accelerate the prologue period, so I think either some overlap between the 2* period and the 3* period, or a shorter 2* period, might be warranted.
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    I want to sleep on this, especially because I've got a busy day tomorrow. Feedback promised before the end of next week.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was playing a "Heroes" clone game for a while recently (Magic Rush). Its daily log in uses a kind of advent calendar which changes monthly. Here's what it looks like:

    MPQ could probably make use of a system like this. Days 1-5 of each week could have some selection of ISO & tokens. Day 6 of each week could have a heroic/legendary token or HP. Days 7, 14, & 21 could have a cover for the "featured" 3* of the month, and the 28th day would have a 4* cover.

    Magic Rush doesn't use RNG in the daily log in rewards either. However each week, the quality or quantity increases. So the ISO in days 1-5 might only be 100, but in days 22-26 would be 500.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Good job improving that list! Here's my feedback:

    I'm at day ~480 and the only 3 star cover i need is 1 black Bullseye, so i think it's great to remove 3star rewards from the daily schedule at the later stages, when all you need is fours.

    I'd like to see some free slots handed out - especially in the earlier stages where you really struggle to make room for all the toons you get... i'd like to see some of those in all ranks actually.

    I like the increased ISO rewards but i'd love to see some bigger than 1k really. Unless they're planning to decrease the cost to level 4 stars a lot, ISO is very welcome at all stages i think.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think this alternative proposal is the way to go for new players. I'd trim down the list of 3*s to some of the older 3* characters, and give out a free cover of each of their colors over the course of 10 or 15 days.

    I'd propose, as sort of a starter pack of 3*s:


    That's a good overview of most of the different ability/tile types, along with a couple really solid 3*s. You could replace Patch with a different strike tile user if you wanted it to be less green-heavy. People should still be using 2*s instead of 3*s at this point in the transition, but at least this avoids them getting 1 cover of a whole mess of different 3*s, and makes them feel like they're getting value for roster slots.

    It'll hurt them on the 3* essentials for PvEs, as well as on the DDQ side, but I'm not sure if new players are buying roster slots for all of the single covers they get, or if they're triaging them and only keeping some.

    If we space them out, and add in a roster slot, or a decent amount of HP in between so they could roster them, this could really work.. It would allow them a chance at more DDQ tokens to build even further.
  • Couple ideas that I'm not sure if its possible to do, since I don't know anything about coding.

    Random drops - Is there a way that they could be configured so that the percentages change as you progress (Percentage for lower level rewards goes down while the higher level ones go up# or have "milestones" where you shift from one set of random drops to another?

    1-6 months -- standard tokens/250 ISO/25 HP
    6-12 Months -- Mix of standard and heroic tokens/500 ISO/ 50 HP
    12 months - ??? -- Only Heroic tokens/ 1000 ISO/ 100 HP

    Set cover ideas:

    Change the set cover releases to 7 days so players get one a week, beginning with 1*.

    Introduce 2*s #maybe around the 30 day mark or so# and bump 1*s to a mid week prize.

    When the 1*s are done, move the 2*s to the mid week prize and add 3*s as the end of the week prize.

    Repeat when done with 2*s to add in 4*s.

    If this is way to quick of a prize structure, then we can look at giving one of each color (Same character for 3 weeks) to slow the progression if need be.

    EDIT:: Alternatively, we can scrap the mid week cover idea and just have 1 cover a week that goes from one level to the next. Perhaps with some alternating weeks around the transition points to slow progression...
  • Thank you for doing this, yogi! Here's my own small input.

    Me and my friend are playing MPQ and we are right now in the middle stages of developing our 3* rosters. So, concerning those 3 stars as daily rewards... We thought that it would helped if instead of particular covers chosen for whatever reason we could simply get a random 3* as a daily reward every now and then. Because character distribution is already random so there is no way to learn what this or that player actually needs, so why not randomize things even further? This, of course, will only work with a new set of recruit tokens that ONLY wield 3*.
  • The X-Force rewards are too far out like this. They're actually decent where they are now because then a whale player can invest in him and have a taste of how powerful a 4* can be. I think it's similar for the 3*. It's conceivable for a player who plays a lot to have maxed out a decent 2* team within the first month, and need 3* covers by the second month.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nice write up Yogi! I've posted something like this a couple times but not nearly as well put.

    My method has been to mention DDQ. You'll get to be running it successfully by day 150 or so. By the 415 daily reward you have every 3* covered - there is no reason to be giving players 3*'s at that point.

    The 4* rewards come every 15 days -three in 45 - and a new 4* is released MUCH faster than every 30 days....really, 4*'s should be given out once every 10 days after day 365 or so. That would get you....36.5 of the 45 covers that -currently- exist in the game, in your second year of play. Yikes, that is -still- way to slow.

    4* rewards should be the -only- major cover reward after day 400. Players should be rewarded for sticking around that long. Here would be my initial answer that is easier to implement on their current structure:

    415 - Thor (Modern) -> Replace with Elektra
    445 - Captain America (Steve Rogers) -> Replace with Elektra
    475 - Human Torch (Classic) -> Replace with Elektra
    536 - Mystique (Raven Darkholme) -> Replace with Starlord
    565 - Rocket and Groot (Most Wanted) -> Replace with Starlord
    595 - Mystique (Raven Darkholme) -> Replace with Starlord

    Start only giving 4*'s in the future. Give all players past these daily rewards the 4*. Start rewarding 4*'s every 10 instead of 15 days, make sure they are never farther than the 15 days apart.
  • Not much of an input, but ...

    How bout introduce a guarantee 3stars and 4 stars cover token exclusively only to daily bonus. Token will be open automatically upon receive, thus no hoarding. New token will replace all the cover day, according to stars, so no more headache, easily replacing old bonus and adding to new.

    And please remove standard token and give the extra odd to the rest icon_mrgreen.gif
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards


    (Daily rewards are SOOOOOOO 2015 - I mean, like… whatever!!!)


    Welcome ladies and germs to the all new and possibly improved Deadpool’s Every Day That You Play Rewards! Yayyyyyyyyyy me!

    I’ve been listening boys and girls, listening with my toes and now it’s time to get what you really want - COVERS!!! ONE OF EVERY FREAKING COVER OF ALMOST EVERYONE IN MPQ!! [Marvel has bazillions of dollars, they won’t miss these].

    And HP!!!!

    And ISO…. gees, you people are greedy.

    Ok, so here’s the deal. Each day you play, you get something from me - some days I know, some days I don’t.

    Once every while, I am going to give you a cool chunk of stuff - 5 awesome things over 5 days. I call this my 5 Awesome Things Over 5 Days of Giving Stuff Aways Nights.

    The first day will be a fat chunk of HP, the second will be the first colored cover of whichever character I feel like, followed by the second and then the third on the following days. On the fifth day, you get a wad of ISO, so you can maybe or maybe not use it on your new character.

    In between these chunks of 5 days, each day you play a game, you get a token. Each day of play not listed gives you a “Special Magic Random Token” [hey, it’s just a temporary name]. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH, token - so pretty. This token gets you one draw from my magic satchel [they are the best - mind the spiky bits]. It’s a vault of sorts, you know and every 100 days, it rotates. It has all the goodies… HP, ISO, Boosts, Tokens and whatever else I threw into the satchel from last week's leftover lunch. Every time the vault resets to the next hundred, the contents get that little bit better.

    Did I mention that I have a mini game you can play every day too? I call it, Deadpool Daily. I give away heaps of prizes, so go play it!

    p.s. Did I mention I am giving away one of every cover of almost everyone in the game, sometime between now and when I die [could be annnnyyyy second now…].

    Here’s the plan, Jan. Or Bob. Or whatever your name is. Don’t hold me to a schedule though; I’ll get to it when I can be bothered.

    It’s the final countdown….. (to the next character and their days, duh player, duh).

    (2* - Every 10 days, starting at 30 (listed in order of release - ones in Dark Reign story. 50HP and 500ISO either side).
    30 - 50HP
    31 - 2* Magneto
    32 - 2* Magneto
    33 - 2* Magneto
    34 - 500ISO
    40 - Bullseye
    50 - Hawkeye
    60 - Cap America
    70 - Moonstone
    80 - Black Widow
    90 - Ares
    100 - Torch

    3* start around now and move to every 15 days, starting at 110 (listed in order of release. 100HP and 1000ISO either side).
    110 - 100HP
    111 - Deadpool
    112 - Deadpool
    113 - Deadpool
    114 - 1000ISO
    125 - Loki
    140 - Black Widow
    155 - Doom

    4* start now and are 1 for every 4 3*’s and get 200HP and 2000ISO.
    170 - 200HP
    171 - 4* X-Force
    172 - 4* X-Force
    173 - 4* X-Force
    174 - 2000ISO
    185 - Doom
    200 - Spider Man
    215 - Ragnarok
    230 - Hood
    245 - 4* IW
    255 - Magneto
    270 - IM40
    285 - Punisher
    300 - Hulk
    315 - 4* Nick Fury
    330 - Patch
    345 - Psylocke
    360 - Cap. America
    365 - 4* Devil Dino
    380 - Torch
    395 - Daken
    410 - Falcon
    425 - Storm
    440 - 4* Thor
    455 - Sentry
    470 - Next 3*
    So on…

    Notes - Random Tokens offer sets of usual daily rewards but all lumped together and players can dip into the vault each day of play. Stockpiling tokens doesn’t make any difference, as it’s the same stuff and they don’t carry over. Each new satchel of 100 days slightly improves the total goods on offer.

    I am aware there may need to be a counter to this compulsory initial cover giving for everyone. I would suggest simplifying DDQ to not give out as many covers, maybe move to 3 or 4 quests a day with a smaller overall reward base and possibly doing away with Taco Tokens in their current format. I would also expand event and progression cover rewards to counter their DDQ loss or lessening. (Yes, I know…. I really love the 3* covers every day too, but I think something has to give to get all new characters at 1-1-1; I’ll add something if I think of something more). Having said all that, if this works for the devs, just give the 1-1-1 and carry on as usual.

    On this model, the current collection of 3* and 4* should be done somewhere around day 800ish. If the devs want to push this out a little, make the break between characters the 4*s or the 3*s and 4*s, 20 days, instead of 15.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Ugh. So many of those 3* covers that we get are SO behind the times, right? Rags, IM40, Daredevil, Psylocke, Spider Man, Punisher, and TWO Mystique's?

    Who in the heck is THAT helping. lol

    And Mystique, of all characters, who gets rewarded A LOT through PvEs is the only 3* to get TWO Daily Rewards?