Infinite AP 2* team never ends its turn



  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Getting 30 AP in Storm to gather more AP is kind of a waste. I mean, against pretty much any team, you will either be dead or you could have won in some other way before that happens. If you are talking about for DDQ survival node, you don't need Thor.

    Bullseye/OBW/Thor is my team on DDQ that I use for nodes 2 and 3. It is a solid team for either goons or dark avengers. OBW does AP steal, healing, and CD tile jamming.

    Storm/Mags + ? was my 4th node before I got well into my **** transition. Bullseye works well, because as you chase the purple tiles you create protect tiles. Hood is great (at 3*) once you get DA to five covers, especially because even a single cover in Intimidation can detonate Magnetic flux instantly to rebuild your AP. Thor works too. Hawkeye gets speed shots in with Mags' purple.

    Wolvie/Daken is a classic 2* combo and has the benefit of true healing.
  • Unknown
    I've done a lot of reading and although the characters below are often mentioned as powerful, I haven't seen them recommended as strongly as I believe they should be. In fact, I still see some comments about how Cap is good for long goon grinds and such, which might be true but can't possibly be as good as never giving the other team a move. This post is relevant for early transitioners or those who have accidentally messed up their PvE scaling by over-leveling a character before the rest of their roster is ready.

    The trio is of course Thor (355), Mags (355), CStorm (553). Mags/Cstorm is mentioned very often for blue/red stun/dmg and board churn, but what I have not seen stressed is the Mags/Thor/Cstorm combo to feed Cstorm's green. If you just wait to get ~30 green, then from that point on I've never had the computer take another move, even with 7 waves of 4+ enemies each:

    Mags 9 purple => 7 blue (on average, given matches with existing blues) + 5 red + cascades
    Thor 8 red => 3 Yellow (whenever you don't have a better move and don't have 30 yellow)
    Thor 12 yellow => 9 Green + cascades
    Storm 12 Green => 30 rainbow + cascades (feeds purple for Mags)

    Each cycle of skills costs 41 AP and earns 54 AP + cascades. Of course you won't do them in exact sequence, but rather use whichever skill is maxed and will provide AP of colors that aren't maxed.

    As you go you can use accumulated blue to stun and damage the entire enemy team. In the worst case you just stun all 3 of them for 4 turns (if the AoE damage hasn't killed them yet), and then do some matching as needed to get your skills going again. If you're going to do that (or just want to let them take a turn in case they're pure goons) then you can also use Mag's red instead of Thor's to do a big chunk of damage and earn more rainbow AP while doing more board churn, but feeding Thor's yellow should take priority over Mag's rainbow churn in most cases.

    I know this isn't any kind of revelation to experienced players, but in my research while going through my first few months of playing I didn't see this pointed out (and it would have helped me especially with the DDQ waves for 3* covers), and I'm curious to hear from vets why they think any other 2* PvE team should be used by a transitioner. In short matches that won't build to infinite AP, there is so much firepower that the team basically can't loose without insanely bad board luck. In longer matches, things like strike/attack tiles, regen, AP steal, healing, and stun are irrelevant because this team just keeps spamming skills without ever ending its turn (and does some stun along the way, which helps to get started in the common case of 1 real enemy + 2 goons).

    this team is great but with the fall of Magstorm(RIP) I don't take any team to heart anymore.

    I like using Hulk > Storm, but obviously, if you're doing that, you can probably just Hulkbomb.

    PS: D3 doesn't like inifinites( unless they involve Professor X's blue I guess....?) so you might wanna say something ridiculous like 'Quicksilver can be used for this combo too, oh and spiderman is fine' so they don't take it serious icon_e_wink.gif
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    This team got me through every waves node on the recent Enemy of the State event. It helped me do pretty much every other node too.

    For DPD I use OBW instead of Mags and I've never once failed it, but that's because of her steal. Mind you, I could just as easily use Mags, but I'm so used to OBW I'm scared to swap LOL.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    The other thing to keep in mind is that this combo is pretty much only "OP" in Survival Nodes, which are a fairly small percent of the game, so it has a pretty small impact overall.

    That combined with the mentioned amount of time/resources to get it started to begin with, well, I doubt they'll bother to mess with it. Winfinite got touched because it pretty much trivialized everything, to a point that was the go-to team for annoying over-scaled nodes for a lot of forumites.
  • Unknown
    Unfortunately, this dev's forum is not the place to be offering up useful advice.
    I guess I just learned this the hard way. I had no idea that trying to add an as-yet-undocumented tip to the collection of guides and tips would spread such discontent. Of course I have to ask: what is the place(s) for offering up (and receiving) useful advice?

    As for theory crafting: I believe Thor is important for this team because without him you don't get infinite AP/skills. Mags doesn't just feed blue Cstorm here, but also Red Thor-> Yellow Thor -> Green Cstorm, which is really the key. Ninjas and others are no threat whatsoever because the turn never ends so attack tiles never hit thanks to that string. Even though Thor Red is weak in general vs. Mags red in terms of total AP, it creates consistent yellow to be farmed by Cstorm Green, which again is why the turn never ends. For those saying "this isn't infinite, it's just good luck", I guess you just haven't actually tried it because although it is statistically possible to not keep going, it's never happened to me in the last month of playing. The startup delay is the only real issue, and is definitely a big deal against stronger teams that don't give you time.

    There are lots of teams that can do a lot of damage, good ones suggested in the guides and in this thread. But as far as I know this is the only 2* team that can do infinite damage.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unfortunately, this dev's forum is not the place to be offering up useful advice.
    I guess I just learned this the hard way. I had no idea that trying to add an as-yet-undocumented tip to the collection of guides and tips would spread such discontent. Of course I have to ask: what is the place(s) for offering up (and receiving) useful advice?

    As for theory crafting: I believe Thor is important for this team because without him you don't get infinite AP/skills. Mags doesn't just feed blue Cstorm here, but also Red Thor-> Yellow Thor -> Green Cstorm, which is really the key. Ninjas and others are no threat whatsoever because the turn never ends so attack tiles never hit thanks to that string. Even though Thor Red is weak in general vs. Mags red in terms of total AP, it creates consistent yellow to be farmed by Cstorm Green, which again is why the turn never ends. For those saying "this isn't infinite, it's just good luck", I guess you just haven't actually tried it because although it is statistically possible to not keep going, it's never happened to me in the last month of playing. The startup delay is the only real issue, and is definitely a big deal against stronger teams that don't give you time.

    There are lots of teams that can do a lot of damage, good ones suggested in the guides and in this thread. But as far as I know this is the only 2* team that can do infinite damage.
    actually the red should be used by mnmags in this team. that only adds to the ap generation (the red is very useful because it will gather all colors including red, where storm green will not gather the green tiles it hits). I think the right location would be the tips subforum, but here is ok too. this team takes a considerable amount of time to get going and unless you have a wave node like big enchilada you are likely taking abilities too soon to survive. especially storm's low health. I've also had boards heavy on black/team up that is really **** for this team. however, I agree that for me it was THE most reliably enchilada team I could find with **s. however, this team would not stand a chance against a daken/ares/obw team head-to-head. great for waves/goons. they do sometimes take long enough that you have to eat some damage early, but as long as you can survive that first wave, it is usually finishable.
  • Unknown
    TxMoose wrote:
    I think the right location would be the tips subforum, but here is ok too.
    Yeah, I should have put it there, but I get the feeling the responses would have been largely similar and that aesthetocyst was referring to all the d3 forums as not the greatest place for sharing?
    TxMoose wrote:
    this team takes a considerable amount of time to get going and unless you have a wave node like big enchilada you are likely taking abilities too soon to survive. especially storm's low health...
    True about its best use, but Mags and Thor tank blue&yellow for Storm, so only green collection exposes her, and it's totally worth it to take a shot or two to get going. I generally collect yellow instead of green, then let Thunderstrike collect the green for me. Mags isn't an ultra tank, but he's strong enough.
    TxMoose wrote:
    however, this team would not stand a chance against a daken/ares/obw team head-to-head.
    I disagree here. In the limited PvP I've played, I love targeting that team with this one, using the classic Mags/Storm purple/blue to just overpower them. I whittle OBW to < 1838 helath while collecting purple/blue (which also neuters OBW), then stun Ares while killing OBW with windstorm. Daken is no threat at all by himself, and usually dies to someone's red just after the windstorm, but if not I just ignore him and continue sucking up all the purple/blue so he can't do any real damage while I stunlock & kill Ares. Thor isn't critical in short fights like he is in the never-ending-turn situations, but he's awfully good anyway (also why I have Thor at 5 green instead of 5 red). I'm not saying this is the best 2* offensive team for normal fights (while it is a useless defensive team), but it's got more than enough quick offense/stun to defeat any 2* team out there, especially OBW teams. The only 2* teams I think twice about are ones with Ares & Thor, because I can't stun one and ignore the other.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess I just learned this the hard way. I had no idea that trying to add an as-yet-undocumented tip to the collection of guides and tips would spread such discontent.

    You're facing the unfortunate backlash of a recent event with another user talking about Scarlett Witch giving more AP than it's supposed to when she uses Hex Bolt, which lead her to be quickly adjusted to do what she was supposed to do to begin with, and large bit of discontent within the community, because they were now facing playing with the character the way she was supposed to be.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess I just learned this the hard way. I had no idea that trying to add an as-yet-undocumented tip to the collection of guides and tips would spread such discontent.

    You're facing the unfortunate backlash of a recent event with another user talking about Scarlett Witch giving more AP than it's supposed to when she uses Hex Bolt, which lead her to be quickly adjusted to do what she was supposed to do to begin with, and large bit of discontent within the community, because they were now facing playing with the character the way she was supposed to be.

    which made sense to nobody since what they fixed worsened her worst ability. took an ability that had minimal use and gave it less use. all she is used for is a purple battery and the team Sundance is talking about is one of the best *** combos in the game. saving grace is that all those characters (storm/mnmags/thor) are all working as intended and I don't think anybody is claiming that their OP, so rest easy.

    sun - you were just trying to post a helpful tip and while that tip has been hashed out many times over many threads, none have been recent, so I feel ya.

    /color][color=#ff0a00]E[/color][color=#ff1400]D[/color][color=#ff1d00]I[/color][color=#ff2700]T[/color][color=#ff3100" Fixed that for ya!
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    which made sense to nobody since what they fixed worsened her worst ability. took an ability that had minimal use and gave it less use.

    Does it really need to make sure from that perspective? It was supposed to work a specific way and it wasn't. That being said, this isn't the thread for that discussion, so I'll agree to let it be. icon_e_smile.gif
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess I just learned this the hard way. I had no idea that trying to add an as-yet-undocumented tip to the collection of guides and tips would spread such discontent.

    You're facing the unfortunate backlash of a recent event with another user talking about Scarlett Witch giving more AP than it's supposed to when she uses Hex Bolt, which lead her to be quickly adjusted to do what she was supposed to do to begin with, and large bit of discontent within the community, because they were now facing playing with the character the way she was supposed to be.

    Now, Gothic, don't pretend this is a problem that new or that narrow. icon_lol.gif

    I mean, the backlash against this post definitely has to do specifically with Phaserhawk's post having such a quick resolution. Track back to other posts that pointed out similar issues and they were met with comments like "it'll take three months for this to get fixed, use it now while you can!".
  • Unknown
    TxMoose wrote:
    which made sense to nobody since what they fixed worsened her worst ability. took an ability that had minimal use and gave it less use.

    Does it really need to make sure from that perspective? It was supposed to work a specific way and it wasn't. That being said, this isn't the thread for that discussion, so I'll agree to let it be. icon_e_smile.gif
    combos weren't intended to work that way

    wavedashing was a bug

    shen long, MK Ninjas.....all nothings that became something

    pizza was a mistake
  • Unknown
    Well, there's general gameplay advice, and then there's "hey, I think this may have been overlooked in testing (they do test, don't they?)" advice.
    Your advice is more of the latter variety. The MPQ player base tends to feel worked over, and unfortunately often has an adversarial relationship with the dev, leading to a feeling of "why do their job for them?" in place of a spirit of collaboration.
    Interesting, I didn't intend it that way. I don't view this as an exploit that should be patched because of the weaknesses discussed throughout this thread (so no real impact on intermediate play - much less advanced play), but rather as the most powerful 2* PvE team available (especially for long fights) that I didn't see discussed in the guides and tips. Regardless, I'm happy that maybe 25% of the thread was very useful for me, and hopefully will be for others.

    I suspect there's some paid-for-multiplayer-constant-balancing mojo happening that I'm not used to when discussing games. I'll do more meta-thinking if there's a next time.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    metallion wrote:
    3 unguaranteed yellow vs 25 guaranteed random tiles, I'll pick the random tiles any day, thank you very much, on a good strike I can get more than 3 yellows.
    Your Red Mags seems to work differently from mine if it guarantees 25 random tiles icon_e_wink.gif

    Well i actually don't, 80% of the time my tile lands on the side so im getting anything more than 15 tiles only 20% of the time. But that's beside the point. My point is that Thor's red depends on matching after changing the colour, which does not guarantee an immediate AP return, whereas Mag's red gives an immediate AP return by tile destruction much in the same way as Storm, so I'd rather pick that, since you fuel other powers, not just one
  • Unknown
    In my experience, the best 2-star team for the Big Enchilada is Thor (3/5/5), Human Torch (5/3/5), and Black Widow (3/5/5). If you boost +2 blue/purple AP, you can nearly always finish the whole survival node without taking a single point of damage unless there are Teisatsu. This combo is also easily scalable into 3-star territory by replacing Thor and Torch with their 3-star versions.

    Stall goon waves and collect AP with Black Widow's blue, end goon waves with Torch red, unload on hero waves with Thor's green and yellow (4x Call the Storm is almost 18k damage), then mop up with Torch red if necessary. Sprinkle in Black Widow's purple as necessary to prevent enemy heroes from firing their powers. Even if you get a really bad board and don't have enough AP to clear a hero wave in one turn with Thor, you can just fire up Torch green and clear the wave over several turns with his absurdly high AP efficiency (1.2k damage per AP).
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    Well, there's general gameplay advice, and then there's "hey, I think this may have been overlooked in testing (they do test, don't they?)" advice.
    Your advice is more of the latter variety. The MPQ player base tends to feel worked over, and unfortunately often has an adversarial relationship with the dev, leading to a feeling of "why do their job for them?" in place of a spirit of collaboration.
    Interesting, I didn't intend it that way. I don't view this as an exploit that should be patched because of the weaknesses discussed throughout this thread (so no real impact on intermediate play - much less advanced play), but rather as the most powerful 2* PvE team available (especially for long fights) that I didn't see discussed in the guides and tips. Regardless, I'm happy that maybe 25% of the thread was very useful for me, and hopefully will be for others.

    I suspect there's some paid-for-multiplayer-constant-balancing mojo happening that I'm not used to when discussing games. I'll do more meta-thinking if there's a next time.

    You don't think that getting an infinite turn would be an exploit? It seems fairly obvious that that kind of thing isn't the intention of the dev team. Either way this isn't a big deal because this team isn't a (Good) infinite team. You need to get 30ish green before you can even start the combo, then you have to hope it continues (Which I agree with you is likely). The thing with the true infinite teams of the past was that they could start very quickly... especially with boosts. For this to work you are probably looking at 15+ turns. Most games are probably complete before that anyways.

    On the other note about SW - I think it was clearly a bug, and as a community we should all report bugs. I think people need to remember that they are playing this game to enjoy it not just to win. If something is happening in the game that is giving you an advantage that isn't supposed to happen then do you truly get enjoyment out of that? I mean if there was some external advantage to winning then I would get it (AKA money) But in this case we are playing to win essentially nothing but bragging rights lol. Of course this bug actually made the skill moderately good, and probably should have been what the skill is actually supposed to do, but that's for the developers to decide.
  • Unknown
    You know now this will be the next nerf. Now that D3 will know that there is a way to win games without us getting excessive damage and spending hp on health packs they will nerf just like they did when people announced the combo of mystique, 2* mag and px they nerfed buth mag and mystique
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    What the tinykitty are you talking about? This is nowhere near true infinite. Have no worries, cStorm and MMN and especially 2* Thor are safe from nerfs.
    If you can run this team very effectively against survival nodes in PvE, this means zilch. Survival nodes start with goon waves more often than not, so a team however slow can generate plenty of AP to start rolling.
    True infinite teams have Professor X, a 4*, and/or Iron Fist, a 3,5*.
  • Unknown
    Sigh. I suspect a lot of nerfs are coming our way because of this thread. Well done, people.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Gaaaah. True infinite is able to lock down lvl 395 Ares/Ragnarok/Hood from the first 3-4 turns, or doesn't require boosts to do so. This particular team is safe from nerfs!
    You people disgust me with your nerf paranoia (not saying nerfs aren't coming, but to expect those 2*s to get nerfed based on this thread is something else). The synergy has been mentioned countless times in various DPDQ and other threads. Not to mention that cStorm was already indirectly nerfed when everyone got a health buff but select characters including her, oBW, Loki, Hood, Fist, etc.

    Edit: oh and if you, Deadpoooooooooooooooool, meant IF/PX, one of them - surprise - deserves one.