Folks be grindin'



  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Heartburn wrote:
    did they have the difficulty increased at the end of xmansion. In the runs i scraped off the top pretty easily but now clearing down i'm losing 1/2 the time with fully healed boosted characters. unlucky? or something else? What are you guys seeing in your grinds. Was scaling turned back on?

    It got a lot harder for me, so much I misjudged how long it would take and didn't get my optimal clears in, and lost 2k points compared to the person ahead of me.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ok it's gotten a ton worse without waves.

    It's been 12 hours but people have enough for about 5 clears. I give up. Antman isn't worth this at all.
    Really need to get on getting rid of 7 day events AND competitive pvE.

    All this burnout for 3-4 of the 13 covers and none of the iso for that character? Hard pass.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    GurlBYE wrote:
    All this burnout for 3-4 of the 13 covers and none of the iso for that character? Hard pass.

    Your roster will be fine. I promise. And your relationship with this game will improve drastically the very second you realize, commit to, and accept that fact that PvE is NOT worth the effort required.

    Coast to t100 playing if/when you feel like it and then get Ant Man in PvP. He cost's 4,000,000,000,000 ISO to max anyway, not like he's going in your PvP roster tomorrow or anything! icon_lol.gif
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    tanis3303 wrote:
    GurlBYE wrote:
    All this burnout for 3-4 of the 13 covers and none of the iso for that character? Hard pass.

    Your roster will be fine. I promise. And your relationship with this game will improve drastically the very second you realize, commit to, and accept that fact that PvE is NOT worth the effort required.

    Coast to t100 playing if/when you feel like it and then get Ant Man in PvP. He cost's 4,000,000,000,000 ISO to max anyway, not like he's going in your PvP roster tomorrow or anything! icon_lol.gif

    It can be worth the effort if you realise that playing optimally for 7 days is not possible for those who work, have a family, like other games or have a life. Joining about 2-3 hours before the end of a time slice can usually earn a top 150 or 100 placement depending on luck. Sadly if you want to top the leaderboards then you will have to put everything on hold for a week. It's not right and the sooner leaderboards are removed from PvE the better.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    Linkster79, how would you propose they re-structure the PVE to do away with the leaderboards? I'm just looking to see if you had anything that hasn't been said before because I have a few ideas. They aren't the most eloquent ideas, but they are there.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Various38 wrote:
    Linkster79, how would you propose they re-structure the PVE to do away with the leaderboards? I'm just looking to see if you had anything that hasn't been said before because I have a few ideas. They aren't the most eloquent ideas, but they are there.

    Easy, check the progression numbers over the last 2 cycles of PVE's. Add in the rewards to progression accordingly, so only those who would normally get T10 etc, get all the rewards.

    Similar to Ultron

    If you would normally get T100, you should make the first cover reward easily, and so on and so forth. On a 7 day grind like EoTS, i am over 120k with 2 days to go, and just nudged myself in at #9 (will be out of T10 in minutes, i am sure of it)

    So By this point in EotS, 120k would be a good place to put the first T100 cover, with the iso and HP rewards between first cover and 2nd cover, repeat ad naseum.

    Same would go for alliance rewards, PVE's have an alliance progression. If your alliance would have gotten T100, then should be easy to reach for that extra cover.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    Malcrof wrote:
    Various38 wrote:
    Linkster79, how would you propose they re-structure the PVE to do away with the leaderboards? I'm just looking to see if you had anything that hasn't been said before because I have a few ideas. They aren't the most eloquent ideas, but they are there.

    Easy, check the progression numbers over the last 2 cycles of PVE's. Add in the rewards to progression accordingly, so only those who would normally get T10 etc, get all the rewards.

    Similar to Ultron

    If you would normally get T100, you should make the first cover reward easily, and so on and so forth. On a 7 day grind like EoTS, i am over 120k with 2 days to go, and just nudged myself in at #9 (will be out of T10 in minutes, i am sure of it)

    So By this point in EotS, 120k would be a good place to put the first T100 cover, with the iso and HP rewards between first cover and 2nd cover, repeat ad naseum.

    Same would go for alliance rewards, PVE's have an alliance progression. If your alliance would have gotten T100, then should be easy to reach for that extra cover.

    Very interesting way of looking at it. I'm guessing that would work the same for alliance rewards also, only a cumulative score from all members. I would even venture to say keep the alliance leaderboard and the top contributors get extra ISO or something.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Various38 wrote:
    Linkster79, how would you propose they re-structure the PVE to do away with the leaderboards? I'm just looking to see if you had anything that hasn't been said before because I have a few ideas. They aren't the most eloquent ideas, but they are there.

    I have one: Set it up as a user-chosen progression ladder. Here's what I mean:

    Say the PvE is The Hunt. Missions don't award points, but instead award Green ISO (since you know, the Hulk). Players use this Green ISO to "buy" prizes from a pool of items. Something like this:

    1,000,000 Green ISO: 1 Ant Man Cover (your choice of color) {3 Available}
    500,000 Green ISO: 1 Roster Slot {1 Available}
    100,000 Green ISO: 1 Iron Fist Cover (your choice of color) {3 Available}
    50,000 Green ISO: 100 Hero Points {6 Available}
    30,000 Green ISO: 1 Event Token {6 Available}
    10,000 Green ISO: 5,000 ISO8 {5 Available}
    5,000 Green ISO: 5 Health Packs {3 Available}
    2,000 Green ISO: 1 2* Magneto Cover (your choice of color) {3 Available}
    1,000 Green ISO: 3 +2 All Boosts {1 Available}

    That about covers what is handed out via progression ladders and/or placement awards in any given PvE event, right? Then you simply do a little math, and set the possible amount of Green ISO players can earn if they grind each and every node to death to be just enough so that the crazy grinders can get EVERYTHING, and viola! You just fixed PvE.

    People that want to grind for hours on end to earn ALL possible prizes, can. People that want to put in a reasonable amount of effort for prizes they actually want while ignoring things they have no interest in, can. No leaderboards. No PvP masked as PvE. And no "refresh timers" are necessary, just set it so that enough Green ISO can be awarded if you play it enough, regardless of WHEN you play it.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pretty much as above, or Review scoring history for the last x amounts of PvE, average the top scores for each ranking bracket, throw in a few more reward targets at the mid to upper end and pretty much done. To really make it complete scrap refresh times, each node has a certain number of stacks and point values decrease for each time they are beaten until they reach zero points. Currently the usual is clear each node once twice per sub and grind the last refresh so take a random number of node stacks at 7 and job done. Now community scaling is off personal scaling also needs to be reset every PvE so players at varying stages stay level, ie new players, 1*-2* transition, 2*-3* transition and 3*-4* players.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    I do think that the refresh needs to go away. I had thought about the special points to buy rewards thing at one point, but I couldn't make it work in my head.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    tanis3303 wrote:
    You just fixed PvE.
    How does this "fix" PvE when you just cost me 3 Ant Man covers?
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    tanis3303 wrote:
    You just fixed PvE.
    How does this "fix" PvE when you just cost me 3 Ant Man covers?

    That's kind of a selfish view. It's a way for everyone to play for what they want.
    Just alter the awards so the same is possible then and include alliance rewards.
    Change the top number to 4 available and 1 for an alliance progression reward that would require maybe 15/20 members to reach the upper goal. ( so an alliance goal of roughly... 45 million? 60? of possible 80 if they all got all 4 'antman' covers.)

    The main issue is right now people aren't even doing the node for challenge, fun or progression.
    They're doing it because the reward unlike usual, can be applied to more people. Everyone as you said wants as many antman covers as they can now so that down the road there's less potential future grind.

    People skipping out on pves except the ones that feature new 4 stars and powerful 3 stars is a wee bit of an issue long term. Especially when fan favorite characters (phoenix, gambit, night crawler) start being made at whatever point.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    GurlBYE wrote:
    That's kind of a selfish view. It's a way for everyone to play for what they want.
    I want to play for what I want too. I want to be able to come away from a PvE with 5 covers. So either I'm not being selfish, or everyone else is too.

    And frankly, if you go ahead and put all 4 individual award covers as progressions, and they require exactly the same level of play as ranking top2, I don't see what difference it makes.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    tanis3303 wrote:
    You just fixed PvE.
    How does this "fix" PvE when you just cost me 3 Ant Man covers?

    How are you earning 6 covers? At most, the model I posted potentially cost you 2 covers. icon_e_wink.gif (alliance and the extra one for first place)

    Is it a perfect system? No, but they don't pay me to figure out the fine details. But it's a start. You can't honestly tell me you enjoy grinding for upwards of 5 hours a day for a week to earn some digital goods...with something like this, you would get to choose what you're playing for, and you wouldn't have to compete with 1,000 other players to do it.
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    tanis3303 wrote:
    Is it a perfect system? No, but they don't pay me to figure out the fine details. But it's a start. You can't honestly tell me you enjoy grinding for upwards of 5 hours a day for a week to earn some digital goods...with something like this, you would get to choose what you're playing for, and you wouldn't have to compete with 1,000 other players to do it.

    Speaking of details, you only compete with 999 other players... icon_razz.gif
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    tanis3303 wrote:
    GurlBYE wrote:
    All this burnout for 3-4 of the 13 covers and none of the iso for that character? Hard pass.

    Your roster will be fine. I promise. And your relationship with this game will improve drastically the very second you realize, commit to, and accept that fact that PvE is NOT worth the effort required.

    Coast to t100 playing if/when you feel like it and then get Ant Man in PvP. He cost's 4,000,000,000,000 ISO to max anyway, not like he's going in your PvP roster tomorrow or anything! icon_lol.gif

    Tanis, am in your bracket. I have to say it doesn't look like you're taking it easy. If you need intervention, we're here for you, bro!

    LOL...yea, yea. I was bored at work yesterday and today, I made up a heck of a lot of ground icon_lol.gif

    This event is my favorite PvE, I really like the wave nodes. They let me try out crazy combos that probably shouldn't work, but do because you have so much time to build them up. If it makes you feel any better, I don't even know that I'm going to play Thick as Thieves at all icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Unknown
    I was at #1 in Nick Fury Rescue, slept 7 hours, to find myself at #38.

    Jfc. Grinding is killing me.
  • AE_Fios
    AE_Fios Posts: 39
    I quit PVE for the past 6 months. I joined this one last night played for an hour, did a couple clears. Finished top 10 this morning. Best PVE ever.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    This PVE is one of my favorites (even though I still don't have Elektra)... but I knew I was out of town and unable to grind for the first 3 days... so I was going to late join... and the brackets after Monday didn't fill.

    Hopped in last night at 804 in slice 4, updated the thread, and will have to grind what I can in the next 6 hours. Bummer, but missing the first 3 days would have been just as bad if I joined immediately.

    We'll see how much ground I can cover... currently rank 495... ugh.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Folks be grinding as much as they want, personally I missed an entire sub, 1 refresh of the third sub and 2 refreshes of the last sub and finished exactly where I wanted to with a red Thor cover and Max progression. Casual play is awesome icon_e_smile.gif