Game crash.. lost everything



  • So I finally received a reply (posted below) - but it came across as though they see nothing wrong. In my reply i made it clear to them that this does not appear as thought he account is gone (still the same username on leaderboards, and alliance members still see the old roster) it is that the active roster i am playing with has been reset along with the base PVE data.

    I would reccomend making sure it is clear for you as well when sending in the ticket, or they will likely send the same response.

    Good luck to all.


    D3 Go! Customer Support (AG) (D3 Go!)
    May 25, 14:10

    Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    We are seeing recent activity on the barnes0087 account since you submitted your ticket, and the roster list is much more extensive than a new account would be. Are you still having an issue accessing the account.

    If so, please provide us with your username as it currently displays on your device in event leaderboards, and screenshots of at least one purchase from the lost account (.jpeg or .png only please).

    Once we have this information, we will be able to assist you.

    Many questions can be answered by visiting our helpful Marvel Puzzle Quest FAQ at:

    If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

    Best Regards,
    D3 Go! Customer Support Team (TMJ)
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Barnes, Did you send al the info they asked for ?
  • Well giving them almost a week I returned an email to them 9 hours ago and and I got a response just 19 min:

    "Just let us know if this list is missing anything, or is just completely off from what you expected to see. Once we have your confirmation, we'll start the process of getting you a stable account with the appropriate items and characters.

    Demiurge Studios CS Team"...

    Replied and hopefully progress is on the horizon.

    Btw, they listed my maxed characters and I just responded with snapshots of my 1*'s that I see.
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Hope your account is up and running soon.. let me know how it works out.. and what you did..

    Nice job
  • I got the same response to my ticket but I've been holding off on doing anything. My secondary device, my phone, still has my full roster from about a week before my save file was corrupted. It gets me the correct daily rewards, has me in my alliance and everything. My other two devices also show my alliance and get me alliance rewards, but have me at Day 1 and have the brand new roster. I think if the game would update to the newest 76.1 versions on my phone I would be able to save my full roster file and be all good, but it just won't update. It shows as being up to date, though the update with the multiple device fix never updated. It actually never did on my main device either, which is an android emulator on my PC.

    Does the newest supposedly big fixed version show up as 76.1 on the settings tab?
  • Hey Peoples,

    I included everything they initially asked for with the exception of putting receipts into an attached word file (as there were a lot) vs. sending screen shots - haven't heard anything today, and since it took 4 business days the last time, I maybe a few more without an update but i'll let you know when I hear.
  • Hi all i have a problem with my game my name is shamsali sorry because i no speak english 1week i lost my account i make a lot of ticket but nothink for the moment thanks
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    edited May 2015
    Good to see that they are trying to gix it for us.. looks like there is a week between mails when you replay to them..

    Cant wait to play again.. haha..
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    The Message down below is what i just recieved..
    I cant play any online game.. all i see is a story mode..

    in the playstore i downloaded my pay invoice but there is only my real name.. nothing with my game name on it..

    At this moment i really get the feeling they think i'm lying and that i am trying to steal somebody account..

    All i want is my account to be fixed.. i have sent a lot of attachements to proof i am the owner of the account..

    Please hellp ?

    Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    Unfortunately, we are unable to proceed with the assessment of your issue until the following information is provided:

    - A PNG or JPEG screenshot of any receipt associated with the lost account. Please keep in mind we cannot verify ownership using purchase summaries or bank statements.
    - Your current Username, if the Peoples14 is your lost account.

    Many questions can be answered by visiting our helpful Marvel Puzzle Quest FAQ at:

    If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

    Best Regards,
    D3 Go! Customer Support Team (AJG)
  • geoffubazi2
    geoffubazi2 Posts: 49
    I got the same response - once I provided it for them, they quickly "recovered" my account - which just put me back to the same state with 4 1* characters in my roster. I let them know it was still incorrect, and haven't heard back in 3 days. I hope your luck is better than mine!
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    I got the same response - once I provided it for them, they quickly "recovered" my account - which just put me back to the same state with 4 1* characters in my roster. I let them know it was still incorrect, and haven't heard back in 3 days. I hope your luck is better than mine!

    What did you provide to them ? In my "new" account i still have the same game ID: Peoples14

    On my Laptop i whent to the google play store.. Account and downloaded all the invoices that where there..

    And that still wasent good..

    I really dont know what else i can do..
  • Peoples: They ask for you new ID because they say that you need to basically create a new account and then give them that IGN, then they will send everything you lost to that account. So you need to play through the prelude up to the point where it allows you to play PVP (I think you have to complete one mission in the Juggernaut group of story missions). Then play a PVP match and it will ask you to pick an IGN. PIck a new one and send them that. They will take what you had in your Peoples14 account and put it in your new account.
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Wolf wrote:
    Peoples: They ask for you new ID because they say that you need to basically create a new account and then give them that IGN, then they will send everything you lost to that account. So you need to play through the prelude up to the point where it allows you to play PVP (I think you have to complete one mission in the Juggernaut group of story missions). Then play a PVP match and it will ask you to pick an IGN. PIck a new one and send them that. They will take what you had in your Peoples14 account and put it in your new account.

    So i Have to Delete it from my phone ? Then download it again.. and play the story a bit ?
  • Peoples14 wrote:
    Wolf wrote:
    Peoples: They ask for you new ID because they say that you need to basically create a new account and then give them that IGN, then they will send everything you lost to that account. So you need to play through the prelude up to the point where it allows you to play PVP (I think you have to complete one mission in the Juggernaut group of story missions). Then play a PVP match and it will ask you to pick an IGN. PIck a new one and send them that. They will take what you had in your Peoples14 account and put it in your new account.

    So i Have to Delete it from my phone ? Then download it again.. and play the story a bit ?

    That's what I get from this, yes:

    If you have not backed up your lost account data to Facebook, your Facebook account data overwrote your lost account, you play the game on Steam, or the Facebook back up functionality simply did not work for you, you will need to perform the following steps:

    1. Proceed through the game until you create a new Username (by participating in any PvP/PvE event).
    2. Reply to this message informing us of your current Username and your lost account Username that you wish restored.
    3. Please tell us the last time you played on your lost account Username.
  • geoffubazi2
    geoffubazi2 Posts: 49
    I did as he listed. I provided the receipts from Google Play. I played through the intro to the story up to the point where I could create a new user name. I provided my new, and my old user name - and they sent an email saying it was restored.

    When I loaded back in, i was on the old account again, but still had the same roster as the "new" account. I responded letting them know, and never heard back. That was monday.

  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Wolf wrote:
    Peoples14 wrote:
    Wolf wrote:
    Peoples: They ask for you new ID because they say that you need to basically create a new account and then give them that IGN, then they will send everything you lost to that account. So you need to play through the prelude up to the point where it allows you to play PVP (I think you have to complete one mission in the Juggernaut group of story missions). Then play a PVP match and it will ask you to pick an IGN. PIck a new one and send them that. They will take what you had in your Peoples14 account and put it in your new account.

    So i Have to Delete it from my phone ? Then download it again.. and play the story a bit ?

    That's what I get from this, yes:

    If you have not backed up your lost account data to Facebook, your Facebook account data overwrote your lost account, you play the game on Steam, or the Facebook back up functionality simply did not work for you, you will need to perform the following steps:

    1. Proceed through the game until you create a new Username (by participating in any PvP/PvE event).
    2. Reply to this message informing us of your current Username and your lost account Username that you wish restored.
    3. Please tell us the last time you played on your lost account Username.

    Just Deleted it from my phone.. created a new account.. and mailed it to them..
    wondering what will happen now
  • geoffubazi2
    geoffubazi2 Posts: 49
    i just got a response - Remember I was in the exact same state as you were. This was the response I got:

    "It appears as though you may have encountered an incredibly rare issue known as an account reversion. In order to confirm this, we will need you to provide a screenshot of your Username as it currently appears. (PNG or JPEG, only)"
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Just got off the Phone with Google and they where Litterly laughing about this Publisher..
    in the first mail you get they say you have get the billing reissued but they dont do that.. the service of Google is that you can see in your wallet what you have spend.. Even they could see that with the information in the billing it belongs to that account (D3 doesent)

    So again replied to them with everything i had.. in the billing is a transaction ID.. that ID is hooked up to your account.. So i dont know why they dont accept it

    Frustating as hell this..
  • klonewarrior
    klonewarrior Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    I got the email on Monday telling me to create a new account, provide receipts, etc....

    Haven't heard back from them since then. Wondering if I ever will.

    The directions in the email were confusing as hell, and seemed some what conflicting. Like am I supposed to create a new FB account to link it too? Im not about to overwrite the one I can't seem to access since that has my progress, and my roster, my covers, etc.

    But not having access to a game I basically paid $100 bucks for is a little freaking annoying. I don't want to start over from day 1 and have to respend the money to open roster slots and grind through to get all the covers I had, etc.

    A little annoyed with D3 is an understatement.
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    I got the email on Monday telling me to create a new account, provide receipts, etc....

    Haven't heard back from them since then. Wondering if I ever will.

    The directions in the email were confusing as hell, and seemed some what conflicting. Like am I supposed to create a new FB account to link it too? Im not about to overwrite the one I can't seem to access since that has my progress, and my roster, my covers, etc.

    But not having access to a game I basically paid $100 bucks for is a little freaking annoying. I don't want to start over from day 1 and have to respend the money to open roster slots and grind through to get all the covers I had, etc.

    A little annoyed with D3 is an understatement.

    If they cant fix the problem they just have te be honest.. now i (we) are being held on a leach..

    On this point i just want my money back..

    I dont get there point of few.. how longer it takes, the more it feels like one big joke..