Game crash.. lost everything

Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In

I was playing the game when it crashed..
When i restarded the game it said "save file curuption".. now when i start the game i have lost everything.. all my characters, coins and iso.. i even cant see events or alliance.. all i see is story mode..

Can you please help ?
I have spend a lot of time/money on this game..

This really feels like i have been scammed..

Thank you


  • Peoples14 wrote:

    I was playing the game when it crashed..
    When i restarded the game it said "save file curuption".. now when i start the game i have lost everything.. all my characters, coins and iso.. i even cant see events or alliance.. all i see is story mode..

    Can you please help ?
    I have spend a lot of time/money on this game..

    This really feels like i have been scammed..

    Thank you

    Hi Peoples14,

    Have you sent in a CS ticket yet? If not, do so as soon as possible. If you have already sent a ticket and have not gotten a response, you can contact our Community Manager, David [Hi-Fi} Moore and he can usually escalate the ticket quicker than CS alone.

    And you are not being scammed (Regardless of what the conspiracy nuts on the forums say, including me from time to time icon_lol.gif ). In the world of data we live in, things like this happen all the time. It has happened to many of us before.
  • klonewarrior
    klonewarrior Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Im in the same boat as you...and im certain ive lost about 2-3k in iso just from gifts and awards, all of the daily deadpool awards including the punisher cover, since the game recognizes me But wint give me my game back.
  • You're not alone, mines crashed 2 days ago. Contacted David Hi-Fi & Demiurge Kabir, both responded yesterday and working on my situation. No more status today so I'm assuming they're still trying to figure out what happened. Maybe...jus maybe....its time to hang the gloves (for me that is).
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Thank You all for responding..

    I have sent in a ticket yesterday, hoping the problem will be fixed soon..

    For me its just i am a man of principles.. i believe they are working hard to fix this issue but what if the aren't able to fix it..
    The money i have spent in game is just like i have thrown it away out of the window.. and that sucks (sorry for the language)

    hope everybody's account is gonna be fixed so we can all play the game again
  • I have the same problem. Save file corrupted, I lost everything. I opened a ticket on Tuesday morning but have received no response. I can't contact the Admin users mentioned above as I don't have the permissions to send PM's. Starting to get a little frustrated with the lack of any response.

    IGN is Wolf
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Hello Wolf

    I'm also still waiting.. past the 72 hours mentioned.. i understand there busy but i wish i could get a time table when i (we) can play again..

    Hoping to hear something this week.. but my feeling says its not gonna happen..

    Fingers crossed
  • I'm right there with you. It's been three days since i lost everything, two days since i submitted the ticket. Also messaged David Moore and am now waiting for any kind of sign. That's it. I hope we all get back to where we were in the game and continue playing soon.
  • I'll share with u wat they have asked of me (which has not worked):

    From Demiurge_Kabir:

    "Can you try playing the game for a bit and see if the issue fixes itself? We think your game needs to pull down its cloud save, and it does that intermittently. I would play until you get a token or two, as that should trigger a save. Let me know if that helps."

    From d3 ticket response:
    "We are sorry to hear that you lost your account, and would be happy to assist you in its recovery.

    Please keep in mind that we will be unable to proceed with the assessment of your issue unless all questions are answered. We require this information in order to expediently and efficiently investigate. Please make sure to answer all questions posed by Customer Support - failing to do so can delay resolution for your issue.

    Please be aware that any progress made on the new account will be overwritten when we restore the lost account.

    To help prevent any issues after your lost account data has been restored, if you have your data backed up to Facebook, please let us know your Facebook ID number.

    You can find your Facebook ID number by entering your Facebook URL here:

    Please provide the following information:

    - Were both accounts originally created by you?
    - Have either of the accounts ever been associated with another device?
    - On which device was each account created?

    If you have backed up your lost account data to Facebook, you can retrieve it by doing the following.

    1. Have the app downloaded onto the device.
    2. Click the Settings, or 'cogwheel', icon located in the top left hand corner of the Chapter Select screen.
    3. Click "Save Backup Using Facebook".
    4. You will be prompted to log in to your Facebook profile.
    5. After logging in, the app will refresh and your lost account data should be back.

    If you have not backed up your lost account data to Facebook, your Facebook account data overwrote your lost account, you play the game on Steam, or the Facebook back up functionality simply did not work for you, you will need to perform the following steps:

    1. Proceed through the game until you create a new Username (by participating in any PvP/PvE event).
    2. Reply to this message informing us of your current Username and your lost account Username that you wish restored.
    3. Please tell us the last time you played on your lost account Username.

    If there is any purchase history, please provide screenshots (PNG or JPEG, only) of any receipt(s) associated with the lost account so we may verify ownership.

    We are only able to verify purchases using screenshots of the receipt(s), and are unable to use any other information such as copied/pasted text, purchase summaries, etc. Please send only the receipt(s) in order to expedite your ticket.

    Regarding the receipt(s), please make sure you are looking for the receipt(s) sent to the email that is associated with your Google Play, iTunes, and/or Steam account. We require specific information that is only available in those tickets. The screenshots should include the Purchase Date, Order ID/Confirmation Number, and a description of the content purchased.

    If you no longer have access to the purchase receipt(s), you can contact the app store associated with your lost account to have them reissued to your email.

    Many questions can be answered by visiting our helpful Marvel Puzzle Quest FAQ at:

    Once we have the following information, we can proceed with an account restore.

    Best Regards,
    D3 Go! Customer Support Team (AJG)"

    It shows there's no clear solution to this matter but at least they're trying. Good luck to u all
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    I can do nothing at the moment.. all online features or gone.. when i start the game i get a intro on how to play the game.. then a strange story mode comes on.. its a different story mode then the normal i played before everything works..

    Hope we will all get the text from above so we can go play again..

    In my case, if its not possible to fix the problem i want my money back what i invest.. i play a lot online games and never heard about a save game that went gone (without tempering)

    Hope to get some help in the matter..

    P.s. i do get gifts from my alliance.. thats the strange part.. i cant see the iso & coins you can buy.. before a match i cant choose power ups.. If my Alliance wins packs i recieve them but cant open them.. etc.. The Image is all i see or can do.. when i start the app i see it ant cant do anything else

  • I got the corrupted save file on Friday of last week - and after replying to their e-mail (I got the same one as above) on Monday, I haven't heard back yet. It sounds like there are at least a few more people with this then when I was first looking for answers; I actually had another corrupted save message on the Tuesday after I had opened a ticket.

    The reason your screen is initially different is that the "training story" has to be completed to get the dailys, PVP, and current event to open. I got to that point strictly to take a screen shot of the contributions to my Alliance's score in hulk to show there was no way I would have gotten that score in the event with the level 5-15 characters I had on my current roster.

    Ever since my S4 automatically updated I also had a lot of mid game crashes so I think I also have the lollipop issue - not sure if that contributed to the corruption.

    Either way if I hear back I will let you know, I also spent money on this game, and would want some form of compensation if things cannot be corrected.
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Thank you for your reaction.. thinks are a little bit more clear..

    I still have to wait on the mail from above.. when whe put in a ticket they have all our information.. so why again fill everything in and wait again.. that makes it all longer again before we can play..

    Keep me in the loop please ? i'm eager to now how long you have to wait before its get fixed..

    frustating as hell this
  • IF YOU ARE BACKED UP WITH FACEBOOK, you can try a soft reset (I only know how to do Android, but maybe someone else can explain for Apple, if needed).

    Go to Setting > Application Manager > Downloaded (or "All") > Marvel Puzzle Quest > Clear Cache > Clear Data

    I would suggest rebooting your phone after doing this as well. This will wipe everything except the basic MPQ files. Then open MPQ, and use the menu button to re-sync to Facebook.

    This should fix your problem. But it depends on if the file corruption is on your phone, or on the server side.
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Hey John,

    Tried what you said but it dident work.. when i did everything it was just like it was (gone)

    But i am getting gifts from mij Alliance.. so my account is still active..

    96 hours and counting for a responce..

    Thanks for your reply.. much appreciated
  • Peoples14 wrote:
    Hey John,

    Tried what you said but it dident work.. when i did everything it was just like it was (gone)

    But i am getting gifts from mij Alliance.. so my account is still active..

    96 hours and counting for a responce..

    Thanks for your reply.. much appreciated

    Good Luck! I hope they sort out this mess soon. You are not the only one with this problem.
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Peoples14 wrote:
    Hey John,

    Tried what you said but it dident work.. when i did everything it was just like it was (gone)

    But i am getting gifts from mij Alliance.. so my account is still active..

    96 hours and counting for a responce..

    Thanks for your reply.. much appreciated

    Good Luck! I hope they sort out this mess soon. You are not the only one with this problem.

    Thank you.. good luck
  • Tried that Facebook log in many times to no avail. My team mates see my max characters but when I click my rosters, they're all the newbies that I had to play the tutorial all over just to get them. I was able to get a visual of my season scores and many othe pvp & pvp events but I could only play with my very scary lvl 1*. Still receiving gifts from friends if I click save to Facebook.

    No return messages from anyone yesterday so I'm going on now vacation, maybe longer. And yes, I have spent hundreds on this game so if u guys do get anything back please fill me in as I'm looking to do the same as well if this goes down from here.

  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Enjoy your vacation Apocolypse.. i will PM you if there is a solution to this issue..

    Thinking that if the problem cant be fixed they have to give us all the charecters back that we had before crash and put them in hour new game were stuck in.. (if thats possible)

    Or give us a refund for the money we spendid..

    But still hoping for the best so hour accounts will be fixed
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    If they cannot restore your actual save file to your device, they should be able to restore your account to where it was previously, but it will require them to send you everything in pieces (i.e cover by cover, chunk of ISO/HP) to a new account - they used to do this for players during the Steam backup beta days. So I wouldn't fret too much about losing out on anything you spent money on.

    That being said, it does sound like it's just your device not communicating with the game servers quite right for some reason. The couple of things I would suggest, and I only suggest these things if you have your account backed up to Facebook, are the following;

    1.) Clear your Data Cache for Marvel Puzzle Quest. This will differ per device, but if you mention it to me in this thread, or PM me, I can find details for you. From there, you can try to pull down your save from Facebook.

    2.) Uninstall and reinstall Marvel Puzzle Quest. This will also depend per device, but it should be pretty straight forward, but I can help here if need be also. From there, you can reinstall and relink your account and try and download your save that way.

    If neither of these things work, I would personally assume that the data backed up on Facebook was somehow mangled, and it was corrupted, leading you to where you are now, and that would mean they are going to need go through the process of starting a new account and letting them send you all your stuff to compensate.
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    Thank you for the Reply GothicKratos..

    Hope i will be contected soon so they can fix my save file..

    Tried clearing the cache but that dident work..
  • Peoples14
    Peoples14 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    I got the mail today just like you guys.. How do you know when its been fixed ? Do you have to do something special ?

    Hope they will retrieve it back for us soon.