Anyone ever been able to cover a Top Tier character, first?



  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    my first one was Punisher as well, since back then he was given out like candy. And I was glad, since he was a good all-around character, especially when transitioning...due to powercreep he lost much of his popularity, though....But still, back then he was a good char to cover first. Second came Patch for me, who was (of course) awesome - though I might be slightly biased icon_e_wink.gif
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    When I started getting enough covers to level up my 3*s, my alliance was like, noooo! Stop putting iso in daredevil and im40!

    Then I got Punpun and LThor, and well, poor Frank was 535 and LThor had 5 reds and 2 greens and they were like oh never mind your builds suck.

    I got Patch and Steve next, and rocked 550 versions of both for a while, and it was awesome... sort of.

    I have totally amazing luck, I know. icon_e_smile.gif
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    My first fully covered max level characters were, in order:
    Steve Rogers
    Black Panther

    I just happened to win/collect their covers and in optimal build, too (I never understood why everyone complained about not getting enough BP black covers because I got them really quick).

    Steve, Hulk and BP was my go-to team until I got X-Force up to a high enough level (5/1/3) and I was using X-Force in place of Hulk (until the nerf) and usually using GSBW to power X-Force. Since the nerf, I've been playing around with the rest of my roster. I just got my last cover for Blade, but his build is sub-opt (with only 3 green) and just got last Patch cover (also sup-opt with 3 yellow). Both Blade and Patch were up to lvl 153 so I have 31K to pay to max both of them.

    The rest of my roster that is full covered but not maxed:
    IM40 - 140, optimal build
    Doom - 120 - 5/5/3
    She-Hulk - 120 - 3/5/5
    Mohawk - 120 - 4/4/5
    Daredevil - 105 - 3/5/5
    Sentry - 105 - 4/5/4
    Human Torch - 105 - 5/3/5

    Mags and Hood are 12 covers, both at 120.

    My 4*, other than X-Force (sigh) are sorely lacking.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    maxed patch(553) and BP (535) with the alliance slot refund had to respec patch to (535) but placed well in an event to help with the respec.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    First 3* fully covered was Rocket & Groot, swiftly followed by GSBW the Thor. It was just in time for the event where they were both boosted, so got them up to 166 and had a blast. Daredevil & Loki came next, and got a load in the 8-12 cover region thanks to ddq.
    Of the first 5 only GSBW and daredevil are the way I want them though (553 Thor, 454 Loki)
  • ragnarady
    ragnarady Posts: 70 Match Maker
    My max-covered characters in right order are listed in my sign. Also, I have Patch, Daken, Thor, Cap, Doom, Mistique, Magneto, Spidey, GSBW at sub-optimal builds or without 1-2 covers. However, it took really long time for me, 519 days for now.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    My first 3 were Hood, Patch and DP, all pretty top tier to me. None of them were optimal from the get-go though, took some time to respec Hood and Patch (DP respec still in process).
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    My first fully covered, fully leveled 2* was Moonstone.

    My first fully covered 3*'s (when I learned not to level them) were Iron Man and post-nerf Spidey.

    I had Psylock, Falcon, GSBW, Panther, Blade, Doom, HT, Hulk, Cap all with 13 covers well before I ever found the 12th of LT, Daken, Patch, Hood. Of those first covered ones, still haven't found 5th blade green (DDQ in a few weeks), took forever to find 4/5th green for hulk to get him off of red, only DDQ finished my 5th red cap - often the "best" cover was the one missing. Of the other great ones, of course it was missing three yellow Patch for a long time, three yellow LT for a long time, two blue hood for a long time....the best covers here also seemed to come last.

    Oh - and within a month of getting that 5th yellow Patch and LT, I saw at least two more of each. BP was my funny one, where he was probably the 4th or 5th that I had covered, and it was optimal right away. I didn't have any other good ones though, so I evenly leveled everyone in large part due to not having multiple "great" 3*'s early on. Doom and Loki I ended up covered quickly somehow after they added the 3rd cover: not so with Rags - but then no one cares about that one.

    How my 3*'s fell you would have a hard time convincing me that (as the Devs swear) either covers given is random, or that rewards are given by RNG.
  • Wintersmith
    Wintersmith Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Today, at day 151, I got 13th cover for my Luke Cage, he is 5/5/3. And I have one more red cover "waiting". All covers from tokens or from event rewards. Mohawk, Loki and Human Torch are at 11 covers. Few others are at 10 covers. All in all, I have been lucky with Cage... And had I found this forum earlier in my MPQ career, I think would have Hood with 11 or 12 covers (now at 4/4/1) and could have avoided a couple of other mistakes too. icon_e_wink.gif
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Classic Magneto was my first maxed 3*. I set out a plan to target his lightning rounds only so I was assured his covers. After he was maxed he carried me through many many events. Still one of my favourites as he gives possibility of a good board shake, protection and one big hit capable of downing a fair few characters.

    I think lightning rounds should go back to awarded the featured character as cover to really help the process of building useful 3* characters.
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    As of tomorrow, I'll have Patch as my first fully covered character. Blade, Cage, and LThor are all close.
  • SuperSkrull
    SuperSkrull Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    3/5/5 LThor was my first fully covered character quickly followed by 5/5/3 Hood. I was lucky in getting a good bunch of LThor covers before he had a long stint in the vault. When I started playing MPQ the second ever standard token I got gave out cMags old purple. It was only after a few weeks of play it slowly dawned on me that I was not going to be seeing gold from standard tokens anytime soon.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    My first 13 cover 3* happened to have the covers fall in to optimal position. I had a 1/3/3 LCap, and back then, I was a PVE Top 2 player, so not too many covers coming. Landing Top 2 for a PVE giving LCap covers, so I had a 2/4/4 and Nick Fury as the top prize. Then, there was some glitch where the rewards were distributed a 2nd time a few weeks later. I think it was a few weeks, so I got another Nick Fury, and another 3 LCap covers, so 3/5/5.
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    Pulling a yellow Sentry out of today's tacos gave me two fully covered 3*. I'm aware sentry is no longer top tier, but....
  • My first fully covered and levelled was Punisher...

    ah... you always remember the first time.....

    there were fist pumps and happy dances and you couldn't wipe the grin off my face - that was sumthin'...

    Then Hulk - and Patch, and Steve ....

    I think Luke Cage was the last one to make me shout, "Sweet Christmas!"
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668

    It's first ever fully cover 3* is Poopstique. How depressing.
  • ThePLAV
    ThePLAV Posts: 28
    My closest 3* is Iron Fist 2/1/4
    And Storm 5/0/2

    Considering I'm on day 102, I think I've been hella lucky with just unpacks
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    It was not first, but a lot of 2* and transition players were trying to skip the transition by just getting X-Force and/or 4or. And we all know what happened to them. There were then better 3*'s like KK, IF, Cage, Cyclops, etc. Suddenly, the 3* tier looked more appealing than the 4*. Coincidence?
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    1* - Iron Man
    2* - Thor (back in the Thorverine days of yore)
    3* - Patch (when they were handing his covers out like candy in PVE subs)

    Anyone else remember the early days of Patch bug when BR only created friendly Strike tiles?

    Good times...good times...
  • My first fully covered 3*s were Patch and LazyCap then Dr Doom I think... all top tier