4/28 Server Issues (Outages Resolved)



  • Wait, your servers died at the beginning of the first event, and now with servers already not working properly (I have not been able to play for 12 hours) you are starting up the next event and not delaying it? I'm a developer too so I know how difficult these things can be, but come on, people are spending a lot of time and money on your game. It's one thing to have an unforseen outage. It's another to knowingly screw people out of your big events.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Wait, your servers died at the beginning of the first event, and now with servers already not working properly (I have not been able to play for 12 hours) you are starting up the next event and not delaying it? I'm a developer too so I know how difficult these things can be, but come on, people are spending a lot of time and money on your game. It's one thing to have an unforseen outage. It's another to knowingly screw people out of your big events.

    I'm guessing that their Marvel overlords had creative control over the timing of the event to coincide with the AoU theatrical release.

    I have hired Ryan Reynolds to throw whales at the developers until such time as this problem has been appropriately dealt with.
  • Big big F'n shock, the servers are down. Just beat Ultron for th third time score comes up zeros across the board and bam connection issues..... So done, you are morons you had days to get this problem solved and nothing has changed, nothing and on top of that you come out and offer nothing to your players. Kiss those Hulkbuster covers goodbye everyone!!
  • Maybe extend the run of this event with these server issues. I just want to play this event. Thank you.
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    Again server issues, not getting rewards etc... As a person who has paid for this game, when will you compensate us? If you slap your customers, dont expect them to be happy and stay...
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    Buret0 wrote:
    I'm guessing that their Marvel overlords had creative control over the timing of the event to coincide with the AoU theatrical release.

    This. I'm pretty sure the way Marvel is handling Ultron in all their games that d3 doesn't have a choice on the timing. I get the feeling they don't have the same support some of the other games have.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    April 29, 2015 - 9:55 AM PST

    Regarding AoU Run 2 server issues affecting some players this morning:

    The engineers are working on a fix and hope to have it in place within the next 15 minutes or so. We're working hard to get this fixed for all players ASAP.

    Thank you for hanging in there!
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    JVReal wrote:
    I think you need to break the groups down:

    1) Those that didn't get progression because Ultron was gone after clearing Level 8
    2) Those that didn't get to play AvU the last 5 hours due to Server issues, who would have likely hit progression/beat Ultron lvl and the Prime it unlocked.
    3) Those who couldn't participate in Heroic grind for the Red Steve Rogers due to server issues
    4) Those who couldn't finish the PVP that ended during the time the servers were down due to server issues
    5) Some Iso for those who couldn't even fight in the lightning round because of the server issues
    6) Those who could not compete in the Deadpool Daily event for the coveted Black Panther Rage of the Panther cover.

    You're missing several groups. Server issues have plagued d3 since the start of the AvU event. There was a lot of downtime right at the beginning and intermittently throughout which impacted not only the event itself but all concurrently running events. D3 owes its player base for all the above and a lot more.
  • laughingMAN
    laughingMAN Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Unfortunately all times are not created equal either. Down times that coincide with lunch or evening can basically nullify some players completely.
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    Here, ill make the announcement ready for you guys cause im nice.

    "Good players, you have encountered the evil attack of Ultron towards our servers. We were amazed how many of the shield agents rose against the Ultron and didint anticipate the amount of communication that was in shield network. As behalf of us, the shield coordinators we would like to give you contact to our newest agents, the twins. Here, use them well and help us defeat Ultron, once and for all. Helicarrier, out."
  • sicdude
    sicdude Posts: 5
    Well that's really annoying. I just got done with today's Big Enchilada and the servers go down as the new cover screen is loading. i was finally able to log back in and my players are right where they should be (after the win) power wise, but the node is open again and I don't have the cover. grrrrrr............
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    April 29, 2015 - 10:45 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    A quick update: We're currently deploying some fixes for the AoU Event issues and many players should be seeing improvements soon. We are hopeful that things should begin to stabilize for all players not long after that (the fixes may take some time to propagate to all).

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  • it sure would be nice to give people some covers that they missed. Especially the Scarlet Witch covers since that basically makes or breaks if you can beat ultron for the hulkbuster that just started. I was at a huge disadvantage since i wasn't able to grab quickie and those that had the chance to play a node to get SW but weren't able to play it is a huge deal. Personally i would have had a 2 cover SW which is a whole hell of a lot better than the 1 cover that i currently had. Also missed out on a couple of tokens while here. not to mention i was waiting to play the other event until i got that second sw cover and wasn't able to take a shot at getting the red cap.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    This may not be a popular suggestion, but I think it will help server load a little at the end of the event (since Demiurge/D3 are committed to the 2nd run of Ultron between it already being started and probably Marvel contract requirements).

    If there is another PVE scheduled to run after the Heroic Oscorp, how about holding off a few days until after Ultron wraps up?
  • It seems like my server issues have cleared up. Hope it continues for the rest of the event. Thanks guys.
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    ZeiramMR wrote:
    This may not be a popular suggestion, but I think it will help server load a little at the end of the event (since Demiurge/D3 are committed to the 2nd run of Ultron between it already being started and probably Marvel contract requirements).

    If there is another PVE scheduled to run after the Heroic Oscorp, how about holding off a few days until after Ultron wraps up?

    This. God yes, this. Please stop running events that will crash and burn in the servers along with AvU2. If the mentality is to maintain some form of game inertia, it's failing. We are all being tripped up, falling on our faces, and ranting at you (d3) about it. Running all these events isn't just creating friction and system slowdown, you have customers quitting over this.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I figure that at the worst, alliances that finish Ultron early only have PVP content for a short while. And with how many people post about being thankful for PVEs that they "can take off" when it is not a newish reward, it isn't much of a down side.
  • HawkGuy616
    HawkGuy616 Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    While I sympathize with the Dev's problems, I agree that some sort of apology with compensation is fair. The next progression award and the next Ultron award would be fair.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    monday they said more news would be coming tuesday about what will be done about the outage. tuesday came and they only go This is what we are changing and nothing else, like they just hope we just all forget about the massive outage and how it effected our events. I cant even play the next PVE (since i cant get she hulk cause i could not get Rogers cause i could not grind in the final 6 hours of the PVE that ended on last friday)

    depending on the place i finish this ultron place on i think it might be the final game for awhile. System went nuts last night cause some allainces to lose all its members so not even in the same team as round 1 thanks to the servers