4/28 Server Issues (Outages Resolved)



  • otrigorin
    otrigorin Posts: 31
    I work in games, and I've had nights like this. Good luck over there.

    This. Tempted to pass the hat and send you chaps some pizza and Red Bull.
  • Well, seems like everything is back, minus AvU.

    Didn't get a chance to make one last round to earn some tokens. Also wanted to buy a token for hours. icon_e_sad.gif
  • well just managed to get into game, but yep ultron event ended...
  • i can imagine Demiurge's QA team being something like monkey-research.jpg
  • Adrock1020
    Adrock1020 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    It's back up and running for me but it says AvU has ended. Thankfully I managed to run through DDQ for that much desired Black Panther cover. I really really really hope they give some hefty compensation to us. At the VERY LEAST I missed out on 1 SW cover and 1 QS cover. I'm not complaining about the devs. Who knows exactly what happened. I trust that they're doing the best to fix it. I just ask that they compensate us with something more than just a handful of Heroic Tokens. Ideally they'd just run the event an extra day OR give everyone the progression and Prime reward in the tier above where they actually finished. For example, I finished with about 830k points and my alliance got through node 5. If I got the 1M QS progression reward and the Prime node 6 SW reward, I'd consider that fair.
  • furygunner
    furygunner Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    The chat still does not work, is that right?
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    I think the picture sums it up nicely:

  • wuweird
    wuweird Posts: 75 Match Maker
    I don't understand why, if the server is down for x hours, D3P can't just add x hours to each event's end time.
  • otrigorin wrote:
    I work in games, and I've had nights like this. Good luck over there.

    This. Tempted to pass the hat and send you chaps some pizza and Red Bull.

    Thanks to both of you for reminding us to keep the devs/the crashing servers in perspective.
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Azoic wrote:
    I lost my chance to grind Oscorp at the end of the slice to make up grounds for earlier.

    You guys seriously need to delay Hulkbuster until you can handle events with no time slices. This will just happen again in 12 hours.

    Oh, and run LRs an extra day, please.

    Absolutely agree! Don't push out AvU 2 until these issues are fixed. All these crashs affect every aspect of the game.

    Oh, and I love the fact that I've lost ranking and progress across the board, not just from this final crash and burn for this particular event but all events since AvU launched.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2015
    My alliance was ~250000 ponts away finishing round 8, before the last refresh.

    We worked our **** of doing all the refreshes of the last round, to compensate for our weaker members.
    Myself needed to wake up 2AM-6AM for the last refresh, finding that i can't connect to the game. Not to mention toilet-playing MPQ while at work, and playing right after work (on my way home) since that refresh cycle was in a bad time.

    Expected >exclusive< compensations:
    icon_scarletwitch.png Scarlet Witch cover - the one which would unlock from the current round
    icon_quicksilver.png Quicksilver cover - at least the next one in the progression rewards

    Expected whole playerbase compensations:
    (At least) 2 Avengers vs Ultron /Hulkbuster tokens. (for the missed chance from 2 quicksilver nodes (or missed 25 HP) or main Ultron node / uncompleted Ultron Prime nodes, unbuyable daily deal)
    or simply a Hulkbuster cover

    Advice on dealing with compensations
    I dont know if this needs mentioning, but don't forget that you need to compüensate the AvU locked alliance, not the current alliance members.

    Also, for future issues, as suggested above, try to implement a way giving an extra day time to play for a specific event. For this event, an extra day would be very very very nice even without the server crashes.
  • turul wrote:
    My alliance was ~250000 ponts away finishing round 8.
    We were at ~200 000 points... icon_cry.gif
    The worst thing is going to bed late and waking up early (Europeans here) on purpose for nothing at all. I sure as hell hope that very nice compensations are in order, because so far this event was really really good. Not perfect, but what was needed to give some renewed interest in the game to many players.
  • Thanks so much for acknowledging the problem and all your hard work on repairing it! Compensation or an extra day of game play would be so very much appreciated as several of us were really close to some great rewards. (Or just let us have all the rewards. icon_e_wink.gif )
  • Not sure if this is related - I just noticed that all my progress was removed on the event finale, so I'm unable to screencap it to share where we were at. Thanks again for all the work you put into this game (and not just today! It's a fun game and I appreciate you keeping it running smoothly 99% of the time)
  • energythief
    energythief Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    After midnight PST and still no events or ability to connect. Absolutely brutal.
  • While I understad there are server issues, and bad stuff goes down occasionally, putting an event out where the final end time is in the middle of the night UK time is a but hurtful to us Brits.

    So I set alarm for 3am for final push to the last node, hoping to help alliance take the 8th level Ultron down and race for the third SW, when I see all closed down. Nothing. I go back to sleep, wake at 6am, and find the whole thing gone, like everyone else. Sucks to be a gameplayer, sometimes.

    And no, I don't want tokens as compensation, as I got nothing from al the tokens I did win. Seeing more Moonstones or Ares will just get me angry. Offer people the award they COULD have got, were the servers up and running.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    this one was down to the wire just shy of taking down ultron to get the first SW cover. ultron refreshed and all side nodes waiting to be hit.... couldn't connect bummed out.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I finished 2700 points shy of the 750k. >.<

    thanks hamsters
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    At the start of the Ultron event server shortage did not let me push for PvP event cover (mystique blue).
    Yesterday servers broke when i was 70k short of the last Quicksilver progression cover.

    Annoying indeed; and a pity, as i enjoyed the Ultron event quite a lot.
  • Our Alliance was so close to beating Round 8, but a lot of us couldn't connect to finish. I'm in Europe and staying up for nothing is doubly frustrating. Are we going to get Scarlet Witch Blue as compensation for all the problems? Fat chance I guess.

    The developers need to be more flexible with event times and prizes. Or are connectivity issues part of the game now?