Let's all rate MPQ for Avengers vs Ultron



  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    TLCstormz wrote:
    can you really and truly say this was easy? That ALL Progression Rewards are attainable? I really don't get ya'll, sometimes.


    No, we can't. And we haven't - or at least I haven't.

    I've said, very plainly, you can get a number of progression rewards that will prove useful to your level of play. If you haven't got a developed roster, there is no good reason you should walk out of this event with 3 each of Pietro and Wanda.
  • danae
    danae Posts: 101
    TLCstormz wrote:
    A lot of you ( maybe all,, thus far) who are saying it was easy / doable / not a big deal are all pretty far along in the game / have a well rounded roster. Please think of the 2* player, let alone the 1*. Without those KEY characters (LCap, LThor, Falcon, Daredevil, etc) above at least level 100, if not WAY above.........can you really and truly say this was easy? That ALL Progression Rewards are attainable? That people should stop "whining" and "boohooing" about the difficulty? That the developers should be praised for pulling off an almost perfect event? I really don't get ya'll, sometimes.


    I'm pretty far into the game with a well rounded roster after my 450+ days of playing MPQ. What would be the point of progressing my roster if someone who's a few weeks in the game can achieve the same thing I can?
  • TLCstormz wrote:
    A lot of you ( maybe all,, thus far) who are saying it was easy / doable / not a big deal are all pretty far along in the game / have a well rounded roster. Please think of the 2* player, let alone the 1*. Without those KEY characters (LCap, LThor, Falcon, Daredevil, etc) above at least level 100, if not WAY above.........can you really and truly say this was easy? That ALL Progression Rewards are attainable? That people should stop "whining" and "boohooing" about the difficulty? That the developers should be praised for pulling off an almost perfect event? I really don't get ya'll, sometimes.


    The 1* player is still in the Prologue. No event is ever designed for them. Well, except maybe Balance of Power. And Lone Star, but they haven't run that in forever.

    2* players can use 2* Thor, 2* Hawkeye, 1* Iron Man, 2* Black Widow, 2* Cap on their essentials. You miss out on QS nodes and Hulk nodes. Round to 3/5ths playable. That's way better than the standard PvE where no essential 3* = no 3* rewards most times. And if you happen to have a QS cover, then you are in luck.

    I'm not saying it was easy, it wasn't. I'm saying it was attainable. Maybe not 1 million with a 2* roster, but 500k certainly. Or at least a few tokens, and a shot at a SW cover if they are in a strong alliance.

    And, the entire point, is that it's new and better than what has come before. Room for improvement, of course, but A+ for effort.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    having got quicksilver reward the jump from 3 clears to 5 clears is steep. first time with 5 clears had to actually wait for health packs to complete last 2 clears. it is getting exhausting.
    some feed back. they need to 1/2 health of bots or get rid of the second wave the ultron prime are now getting easier then the refresher nodes( fighting for lvl 7 ultron prime) also need to be weaker in the front side if felt there is no ramp up it is hard fight all the way.

    I set up node teams luke cage (mvp)thor and essential, Daredevil for kicks on thor essential. and an ultron team patch(4* wolverine to ss instead of BR on other account) hulk punisher to get below ~7000 and finish off with punisher for 8 redtile.png with no damage to match damage on good to decent boards to angry hulk death on bad boards. when i run out of health pack for hulk i use ironman 3* get 10 yellow have him go to sleep for ap to set upo team and remove him from tiles for best there is if i have alot of red.
  • Lerysh wrote:
    Taken totally out of context from the Thor et al Nerf discussion thread:
    Other folks later in the thread pointed out that that would have an impact on the business end of things. That's totally true, but we've also seen that improving underpowered characters doesn't have a noticeable impact on any of the ways we try to understand how much people are enjoying the game: ratings of how fun the game is and how likely you are to recommend the game from one-on-one interviews, how much people play in a sitting, how much they play in a day, how long they stick around, how much they think the experience is worth and are willing to spend, ratings on the app store, the mood of these forums and other places on the internet where MPQ players hang out, the feedback that shows up in the mail. If we saw that improving underpowered characters had big effects in those areas, I bet my bosses would choose a short-term loss of revenue in order to get to a game that people enjoy more and stick around in longer - we've made that trade-off many times.

    To be totally clear: I think balance is really important. I think it's important in vital and subtle ways that only show up in the game's success in the very long term. I think improving underpowered characters plays a part in the long-term success of Marvel Puzzle Quest. We're going to continue to make balance changes, and just today I reviewed early drafts of changes to several underpowered characters. It's a piece of the puzzle, but we'll probably continue to put the majority of our effort into other things that seem to bring more joy to more people.

    So it's clear what needs to happen. If Avengers vs Ultron is in fact as cool as we all think it's going to be, we need a way to show a "noticeable impact" on something they register. The easiest thing to affect is probably "Ratings on the app store". Let's all go give MPQ a 5 star rating on R74 for the new content.

    Maybe if the rating increases dramatically, or they see enough 5* ratings in this short time period, the message will get across that "This is how we want to PvE forever now" icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Just put my 5* rating and review on the Google Play store. Come join me!

    A week later and look at all the threads dedicated to the problems with this event. MPQ still deserve that 5* rating?
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Let's all rate R74 based on how they deal with the compensation and how fast they deal with the compensation.

    Since SW is going to be required in less than fifteen minutes, I suggest that they address the issue promptly.

    I realize that the decision to give out SW covers is going to put a dent in their bottom line. How much bigger will the dent be if we all rate the game as one star?
  • I'm afraid it is too late for that... It will be getting 1 star from now on... and if I don't like how compensation goes, I will continue to rate it at 1 star after I quit playing. Any time the app store tells me it updated, I will log in just to give it 1 star. icon_twisted.gif
  • I enjoy the event. I am hoping the bugs get worked out soon!