Let's all rate MPQ for Avengers vs Ultron



  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agent Alex wrote:
    - Progression rewards at really? Its Quicksilver now so i dont care but still, that could have been the cherry on top of it but they failed at it
    Make the rewards reachable
    How can you say it wasn't reachable, when there were people hitting a million halfway through the event, who had to stop to let other people in the alliance catch up?
  • if your idea of fun is fighting Ultron 10 more times in an event which you already have to face him 10 times, surely is reachable, it isnt mine and i wasn't going to burn out for a 3* knowing there's a second run too
    At least not having DDQ around, the score could have been lower
    Not everyone has the health packs and time to do that
    Particulary not with a pve around, pvp and season end, i dont think that ppl is the average of players in the event
    I also guess is logical that the more ppl grinds and downs Ultron the less ppl in that same alliance can reach that same score, not everyone can do that without closing the event to the others
    So considering all that, yeah, i can say that the score could have been lower pretty easily
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agent Alex wrote:
    if your idea of fun is fighting Ultron 10 more times in an event which you already have to face him 10 times, surely is reachable
    Then don't say it wasn't. This event was grindy as all hell, but don't imply the devs screwed up the math on the progression targets. You're sounding like, "I want all the 3*s, just don't make me work hard for them"
  • Thats how you read it, no one talked about making anything easier
    I go like "i'm grinding the same lazy screen for 3 days in a row and its extremely boring and on top of that you demand it more grind", that wasn't positive for me
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    My feelings after basically wrapping the event up:

    I liked the concept. I didn't like the grinding involved. It got real old real fast. First off, most of the essential nodes were indistinguishable from each other besides the required characters. The enemies were somehow annoying but easy, I think I only lost once or twice the entire time. Fighting against Ultron was a bit of a crapshoot. If you got a good board, you could easily get enough AP to throw out Caps shields or make match 4s to clear out bombs. If you got a bad board, nothing could stop you from winning. I would've liked to have had the option of fighting a higher health Ultron, but I guess they were afraid that once people got enough AP rolling, they could keep Cap's shields out indefinitely.

    I like that the node rewards were pretty easily reachable. I disliked that the progression rewards were so hard to get.
    I disliked the complete lack of a story.

    Overall, I don't think they should be running this event again, not like this. It was way too grindy and grew old quick. If they made a less grindy version, it would be more fun.
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    I get that folks had issues with the event (and most are legitimate), but let's be honest, would you prefer this or a 7 day long heroic bloodbath? Pretty sure this would win out for almost everybody given the choice, the main folks negatively impacted by how this event is structured are those in real casual alliances. Though, they did mention before (granted, not a lot before) that a 20 person alliance all working towards the PVE would be ideal. They even gave folks an out to join an Alliance, join the event and lock yourself in and then leave to go back to your original alliance if need be.

    It was great to not feel like I had to wake up at odd hours to stay in the top 5/10, I got to wake up and see another round was cleared by the alliance and then help reach the next round. Get oodles of tokens and if the alliance was all working towards it, 3 guaranteed 3* new character covers. Is this enough of an event to offset the past month of changes, probably not, but taking a step back and asking yourself, would I want to run a 7 day Prodigal Sun/Thick as Thieves for a new 3* or run through this event again? For me the choice is obvious and hope they release any new characters in this type of event and use the old events for existing characters (though, probably unlikely, but one can hope).
  • To answer Lerysh:
    I have not enjoyed. Too hard.
    Goons wipe my team.
    Ultron wipes my team.
    It's not a challenge - it's a drawn out death.
    Don't like: Goons generate cascades that, on average, hurt for +1000 THEN have their turn!? It's so ridiculous I've laughed.
    Don't like: Ultron's bombs cannot be nullified by overwriting them - why not?

    Frustrating, grindy, uninspiring event.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2015
    I am going to rate it this way:
    #1 Ultron. This is a fun boss battle. I like the bomb idea and only wiped out once. I had a couple of people die but I only lost to Ultron once. I do wish more characters could overwrite bomb tiles like She-Hulk to create more diversity on my teams. I kept running GSBW, THOR, LCAP. Ultron boss gets an A-
    Essential character battles. First of all great concept for new goons, giving them passive abilities and making them match as well. I absolutely want to destroy my phone when they destroy the bottom 4 tiles. The issue with these is the survival mode portion with big time scaling. This was the Patch Loki show for me most fights. Once I got 1 BR and trickery I was fine. The issue with scaling is it again limited roster diversity as you could wipe out very easily. I would have rather flipped the survival modes to be Ultron prime and Ultron Prime to be the essentials. Having to do a survival mode for a bigger prize and only 8 total would take some of the grindy out of the grind fest and make the essentials not so brutal. Essential nodes C+. Good concept but should be the Ultron Prime.
    Ultron Prime: these have been fairly easy. These should hav been the essentials. Same goons but only 3. Flip these with essentials and you will have gotten it right. Ultron Prime B

    Overall I am giving the event a B- the average should be a B but the fact that the event closes after Ultron is defeated at round 8 sucks big time. I hit a million yesterday in round 8 and have been cheering my alliance on. We have 9 players over a million and are holding off beating the event so we can get more people to cross the finish line. One idea to fix this is instead of having individual progression rewards, just make them team progression rewards so when your alliance hits a point total everyone gets the prize. This would be true team cooperative instead of team competition in a coop mode.
    I hate seeing some of my alliance mates fall short, and why because they didn't play MPQ as crazy as I did this weekend? Just because I am crazy doesn't not mean they should be punished.

      Ultron is fun, stopping the bomb tiles makes you think in new ways, new strategies. He's appropriately difficult but appropriately quick to beat. The ultron droids are different, the gameplay is something new to this game. Effort is there. The alliance cooperation aspect is cool. I'm new to my alliance but this really got us talking to each other and cooperating!

      It didn't work. it doesn't matter how good or how bad something is if it doesn't work. I couldn't really participate to the utmost because the game was down for 8 hours.

      This relies on Alliances but Alliance chat is extra buggy. It is hard to form relationships with your alliance and plan things out when Alliance chat randomly hides entries or clears out. Alliance chat doesn't work reliably.

      Overall, this event was fun! I give it a positive rating. If the game hadn't crashed for hours, I'd feel more positively about it, but even so I am enjoying it! =)
    • atomzed
      atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
      I have completed all 8 rounds with my alliance, and here is my feedback.

      1) The concept is good! Especially facing against the sentries, as they play so differently from the typical goon. A lot more action, as they can take so many turns... But it's a refreshing take on goon battles. I also like the fact that the sentries battle place great at priorities in protect tiles. Luke cage was my mvp for the Ultron battle.

      2) Ultron bomb battle was quite fun too! Against it was very different from the typical MPQ game. Trying to figure out the best moves to clear all the bombs was fun and puzzle-y.

      3) The grind.... Well, it was grindy... But hey isn't it the same for all the mpq events? I will let it pass.

      4) Rewards and alliance score. I like this structure very much as it really place an emphasis on alliance cooperation. Being able to get 3 + 3 covers for a 4 day event is great.

      I can only hope that they don't make it more difficult for IMHB.
    • When you say:
      atomzed wrote:
      3) The grind.... Well, it was grindy... But hey isn't it the same for all the mpq events? I will let it pass.

      I hear: "This game actually expects me to play it? What's up with that?"

      Getting miffed at a match 3 game for having match 3 nodes in it is kinda self defeating isn't it?
    • Various38
      Various38 Posts: 101
      I like the event even though we aren't going to finish with a 10 active person alliance. I do think that the idea of an alliance progression is needed though. One way to do this is have the nodes be the single progression while the main boss could be the alliance progression. The extra eight nodes for Ultron Prime was a pretty good idea, but I don't think it translated well. I remember thinking at one time during a single node clear, to promote more alliance play, there should be group nodes. For example, let's say I have the best team for the node, then I would take that node and it would lock out for everybody. When all nodes are clear again, then we all get a strike at the boss battle. It's just a thought.
    • lokiagentofhotness
      lokiagentofhotness Posts: 192 Tile Toppler
      in comparison to a regular pve where you have to grind down to 0 every 8 hours for up to 7 days and then still there's no guarantee of you winning or placing well if you miss one refresh or heaven forbid have to sleep through the final hours - i will take ultron anytime.

      i actually slept well through this event, unworried that the next morning i would have slipped 200 places. i didn't wake up in the middle of the night to grind down a refresh because i could only join an inconvenient time zone.

      i got an extra 3! bagsilver covers for my effort.

      the only downside is ultron disappearing after everyone grinds him down - that sucks for the rest of the alliance who don't hit 1million.

      but other than that a+

      and i would hardly call having to play maybe 10 games every few hours or so grindy. (and you don't even have to play all battles - i skipped some rounds because i was sleeping and my alliance killed it, or woke up just to kill it with one or two battles).
    • cyineedsn
      cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
      Look at typical popular match 3 games like say, candy crush as a random example. How do they keep it fresh? Each new level is...well, it's a new level. The layout is different, every now and then new gimmicks are added, different layouts and gimmicks are combined, etc. It's debatable how "new" each level it's still different.

      What I (and I assume some others) are miffed about is that the 3 battles here are reallllllllly not diverse enough to warrant a match 3 game saying play them and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again (and ultron prime so rarely I almost forgot the fight existed)

      Also, depending on what kind of roster people have covered, the fights ranged from either being really easy to really rage-inducing. The swarm fights seem to be trivial if you have a decently strong luke cage or tank/true healer. But what if you didn't? It's just a health suck rage fest for you! Believe it or not, not everyone has a full or near covered laken/patch/luke/grocket/spiderman on their roster ready to go. I was fortunate that my sub-optimal cmags is coming in handy, but if he wasn't available? I'd pretty much be toast and have to play 24/7 while health packs recharge between fighting essential nodes.

      So...yes. The amount of grind for playing the exact same match 3 levels with little to no variation is a bit miffing.

      Lerysh wrote:
      When you say:
      atomzed wrote:
      3) The grind.... Well, it was grindy... But hey isn't it the same for all the mpq events? I will let it pass.

      I hear: "This game actually expects me to play it? What's up with that?"

      Getting miffed at a match 3 game for having match 3 nodes in it is kinda self defeating isn't it?
    • danae
      danae Posts: 101
      My take on the event:

      Here are the characters I used for this PVP - Luke Cage, Lazy Daken, Patch, GSBW, Daredevil, QuickSilver, Lazy Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, XForce, Mystique, Captain Marvel, Loki

      That's 15 characters and of which OBW and Hood was not even used once. Aside from QS, Iron Man and Hawkeye, I used these characters because I felt that they were fit for the task. Reading through the experience of others I think there are a handful more characters that I could have used to achieve the same results.

      At the end of each round I still probably had on average 2 to 3 health packs (all because of Cage).

      I didn't get to play the first three rounds because I couldn't log in and because of life but I still hit the 1M progression reward even though my alliance is still halfway through Round 8 at the moment.

      Throughout the entire tournament, I never felt the pressure to keep on grinding and I have in fact played rather casually (maybe 1.5 clears in a day).

      I don't think I saw too many 20 iso rewards and I certainly can't complain about the tokens, progression rewards and final rewards.

      Overall, I enjoyed this event and hope there are more like this in the future.
    • atomzed
      atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
      Lerysh wrote:
      When you say:
      atomzed wrote:
      3) The grind.... Well, it was grindy... But hey isn't it the same for all the mpq events? I will let it pass.

      I hear: "This game actually expects me to play it? What's up with that?"

      Getting miffed at a match 3 game for having match 3 nodes in it is kinda self defeating isn't it?

      You misunderstood me. I'm perfectly fine with the grind, because that is how I expect MPQ to be.

      My statement was made in reference to people who complained about the grind... My reply is "well, that is how MPQ events are like." I think there is no 2 ways about it.

      In fact, this Ultron pve is the *least* grindy of all pve. We get loads of tokens every 8 hours (from QS nodes). We get 3+3 covers. Progression reward is tough but definitely doable (unlike the KK reward sometime back).

      The only complaint I have is that I wish they will keep the Ultron node open so that the rest of the alliance members can get their progression.... But I suspect that that is something they forgot to amend.

      To Sum up, I really like this event... It's a huge change from the usual mpq. I will argue that there is a change in game mechanics with the introduction of Ultron and sentries. It's fun and I gave them 2 thumbs up!
    • danae
      danae Posts: 101
      atomzed wrote:
      Lerysh wrote:
      When you say:
      atomzed wrote:
      3) The grind.... Well, it was grindy... But hey isn't it the same for all the mpq events? I will let it pass.

      I hear: "This game actually expects me to play it? What's up with that?"

      Getting miffed at a match 3 game for having match 3 nodes in it is kinda self defeating isn't it?


      In fact, this Ultron pve is the *least* grindy of all pve. We get loads of tokens every 8 hours (from QS nodes).

      Argh! I didn't pay enough attention to the rewards for each essential to see that it was only the QS nodes that provided the Ultron tokens. I usually left those last as it took longer finish than the other nodes. icon_e_sad.gif

      Well, depending on how active the bottom half of my alliance is, I might still get a chance to grind a couple more nodes to try and get those tokens.
    • atomzed wrote:
      The only complaint I have is that I wish they will keep the Ultron node open so that the rest of the alliance members can get their progression.... But I suspect that that is something they forgot to amend.

      This part does suck, especially with the overall points available only being 17 Million. There needs to be a round 9 where Ultron either has 6 million health again or has infinite health and you can just play against him.
      danae wrote:
      Argh! I didn't pay enough attention to the rewards for each essential to see that it was only the QS nodes that provided the Ultron tokens. I usually left those last as it took longer finish than the other nodes. icon_e_sad.gif

      Well, depending on how active the bottom half of my alliance is, I might still get a chance to grind a couple more nodes to try and get those tokens.

      Yea, I was not playing the QS nodes till last, until I noticed the reward differences and then there were quite a few refresh where I ONLY played the QS nodes.
    • Arondite
      Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
      Lerysh wrote:
      When you say:
      atomzed wrote:
      3) The grind.... Well, it was grindy... But hey isn't it the same for all the mpq events? I will let it pass.

      I hear: "This game actually expects me to play it? What's up with that?"

      Getting miffed at a match 3 game for having match 3 nodes in it is kinda self defeating isn't it?

      Man you are just reaching, huh.
    • TLCstormz
      TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
      A lot of you ( maybe all,, thus far) who are saying it was easy / doable / not a big deal are all pretty far along in the game / have a well rounded roster. Please think of the 2* player, let alone the 1*. Without those KEY characters (LCap, LThor, Falcon, Daredevil, etc) above at least level 100, if not WAY above.........can you really and truly say this was easy? That ALL Progression Rewards are attainable? That people should stop "whining" and "boohooing" about the difficulty? That the developers should be praised for pulling off an almost perfect event? I really don't get ya'll, sometimes.
